
Chapter 27 The Postwar Boom Terms and NamesDefine the following terms, names, and concepts:GI Bill of RightsSuburbHarry S. TrumanDixiecratsFair DealConglomerateFranchiseBaby BoomDr. Jonas SalkConsumerismPlanned ObsolescenceMass mediaFederal Communications CommissionBeat MovementRock n RollJazzUrban RenewalBraceroTermination policyAmerican DreamDiscriminationSlush fundHomogenizePop CultureStereotypesPostwar AmericaThe Truman and Eisenhower administrations led the nation to make social, economic, and political adjustments following World War II.Objectives and Essential Questions:Identify the economic and social problems Americans faced after WWII.How did the G.I. Bill help returning veterans?What economic challenges did America face after the war?What caused the economy to recover so rapidly?Explain who the desire for stability led to political conservatism.How did Truman handle strikes by miners?What caused voters to elect a conservative Republican Congress in 1946?Describe the cause and effect of social unrest in the postwar era.How did Truman deal with civil rights?How did the civil rights issue affect the Democratic Party in the election of 1948?What was Truman’s Fair Deal and how was it received by Congress?Contrast domestic policy under presidents Truman and Eisenhower.Why did Truman not run for reelection in 1952?What kind of leadership did Eisenhower bring to the presidency?What did Eisenhower’s reelection in 1956 signify?Additional Activities-Create a timeline of key events relating to postwar America. Use the following dates as a guide. (1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, and 1952)The American Dream in the FiftiesDuring the 1950s, the economy boomed, and many Americans enjoyed material comfort.Objectives and Essential Questions:Explain how changes in business affected workers.What happened to blue-collar jobs in the 1950’s?How did American businesses expand in the 1950’s?How did expectations change from one generation to another?Describe the suburban lifestyle of the 1950’s.What were some of the aspects of the suburban lifestyle?How did postwar baby boom affect social and economic forces?What did American women think of their role as homemakers?Identify causes and effects of the boom in the automobile industry.What happened to car sales in the 1950’s?How did the interstate highway system change the way Americans traveled?What opportunities and problems were created by the successes of the auto industry?Explain the increased consumerism in the 1950’sWhat were American buying patterns for consumer goods in the 1950’s?How did manufacturing encourage people to buy more consumer goods?How did advertisers seek to increase sales?Additional Activity:List examples of specific goals that characterized the American Dream in the graphic organizer below.The American DreamThe American Dream4046899154494Work00Work2104931154494Home/Family00Home/Family-67901127333Values00Values Popular CultureMainstream Americans, as well as the nation’s subcultures, embraced new forms of entertainment during the 1950s.Objectives and Essential Questions:Explain how TV programs in the 1950’s reflected middle class values.What does television provide for the American people?What do Americans object to on TV/What happened to radio and movies in the 1950’s?Explain how the beat movement and rock n roll music clashed with middle class values.How did the beat movement challenge conformity?How did the attitude of beat writers toward structure reflect their views about society?Describe ways that African Americans entertainers integrated the media in the1950’s.How did rock n roll challenge middle class values?How did rock n roll get into mainstream culture?What was the relationship between African Americans and mainstream culture in the 1950’s?Additional Activity:Read Personal Voice (page 861 in textbook) by Jack Kerouac from On the Road then answer the following questions.1. Is Jack Kerouac a good source for information about the beat movement? Why or why not?2. What does Kerouac mean by the word mad?3. What is Kerouac’s message in this passage?The Other AmericaAmidst the prosperity of the 1950s, millions of Americans lived in poverty.Objectives and Essential Questions:Explain how the white migration to the suburbs created an urban crisis.Why did whites leave the cities?What was the result of white flight?How did urban renewal affect cities?Describe the efforts of minorities to gain equal rights and fight poverty.What role did Mexican American play in the development of the SOUTHWEST?What was the Longoria incident?What civil rights efforts were undertaken by Native Americans?What was the termination policy? ................

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