Chapter 7

Chapter 7.4 Section Assessment

Terms & Names

Treaty of Paris 1783: The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War, confirming the independence of the United States and setting the boundaries of the new nation.

Republicanism: The belief that government should be based on the consent of the people; people exercise their power by voting for political representatives.

Elizabeth Freeman: A woman from Massachusetts who sued for her freedom and won.

Richard Allen: The preacher who founded the Free African Society and the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the first African-American church in the United States.

Taking Notes

|Terms of the Treaty of Paris |

|Favorable to America |Favorable to Britain |

|The United States was Independent |The states were to return Loyalist Property |

|It’s boundaries were the Mississippi River, Canada, and Spanish| |

|Forida | |

Main Ideas

What advantages helped the Americans win the Revolutionary War?

Advantages the helped the Americans win the Revolutionary War include: better leadership, foreign aid, knowledge of the land, and motivation.

How did the end of the war affect Loyalists?

The end of the war affected Loyalists in the following ways; many of them lost property and approximately 80,000 to 100,000 left the United States.

What were the economic costs of the war to individuals and to the government?

Many individuals were not paid for their services during the war and as a result were now in debt. Also, the new government was $27 million in debt.

Critical Thinking

How did republicanism shape the United States after the war?

It led Americans to want a government in which authority came from the people, and that fostered personal and economic freedoms.


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