Unit One Summary: Unit One focused on the Mis-Education… “I Hate Being Me,” Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed and The Mis-Education of the Negro. Students learned about black stereotypes and the consequences of “deformed history,” when black history was omitted from, or erroneously reported in history books. Carter G. Woodson further explained the negative effects of being mis-educated on the black community.

Unit Two

|Unit/Chapter Title: Black Response to the Mis-Education… |Unit Length: 4 weeks |

|Course: African-American History |Date Created: October |

|IL/ACT Goals/Standards: 1 – Read with Fluency and Understanding; 16(History) - 16.A.4a; 16.A.5a – Apply the skills of historical analysis and |

|interpretation; 18 (Social Systems) - 18.B.4 – Analyze various forms of institutions; e.g., educational, etc. 18.B.5 – Use methods of social |

|science inquiry (pose questions, make and support conclusions, etc) |

Unit Overview

Unit Components

|Black History Month (2 days) |Brown vs. Board of Education |Black Power Movement |Black Arts/ | | |

| | | |Consciousness/Studies | | |

| | | |Movement | | |

|Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics|Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics|Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics|Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics | | |

| | | | | | |

|• Carter G. Woodson |• Plessy v. Ferguson |• Black Nationalism |• Black Artists | | |

|• Negro History Week |• NAACP |• White Backlash |• Music | | |

|• Black Inventors |• NAACP - LDEF |• Dr. King |• Second Phase | | |

|• Frederick Douglass |• Constance Baker |• Stokely Carmicheal |• Orangeburg Massacre | | |

|• Abraham Lincoln |Motley |• H. Rap Brown |• Black Studies | | |

|• Black Achievers |• Challenging |• Black Panther Party |• Eurocentric | | |

|• Historically Black |Separate but Equal |• Huey P. Newton |• San Francisco State | | |

|Colleges and Univ. |• Thurgood Marshall |• Bobby Seale |College | | |

|• Documentary: Black History: |• Sweatt v. Painter |• Eldridge Cleaver |• Nathan Hare | | |

|Lost, Stolen or strayed – 4 |• Briggs v. Elliott |• FBI’s COINTELPRO |• Degree Programs | | |

| |• Linda Brown |• HBO movie, Panthers |• Goals of the program | | |

| |• Brown II | |• Black is Beautiful | | |

| |• Integrated schools | |• Afrocentricity | | |

| | | | | | |

Learning Outcomes/Student Objectives: At the end of the unit, students should be able to:

1) Define vocabulary and identify important figures

2) Trace the development of Black History Month

3) Explain why Brown v. Board of Ed. is one of the most important U.S. decisions of the 20th Century

4) Discuss white backlash to the Brown decision

5) Determine if the Brown decision had a negative or positive effect on the Black community

6) Identify key figures and discuss their roles in the Black Power Movement

7) Compare/contrast the ideologies of Dr. King and Stokely Carmichael

Concerning the goals of the Black Power Movement

8) Outline the goals of the Black Panther Party

9) Explain the FBI’s role in the destruction of the Black Panther Party

10) Trace the development of the Black Arts and Studies Movements

11) Discuss opposition/criticism to the Black Arts/Studies Movements

12) Assess the effectiveness of the Black Conscious movements

13) Debate the issue of racial integration – did it help or hinder Black America

14) Discuss some of the challenges facing African-Americans today in education.

15) Recommend possible solutions to the many challenges facing Blacks today in the field of education

16) Decide if Carter G. Woodson would be proud or disappointed in the achievements of African-Americans today


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