
The entire Socratic Discussion will be worth 65 points. ?Completing this handout is worth 25 of the 65 points. During the Socratic Discussion, students can earn 25 points total for asking questions, giving an opinion, making a connection, or building on another’s ideas. However, the most number of points will be give for students who quote facts or evidence from the following sources when speaking.Use the following sources below to find evidence. These resources are also available online linked from lifelonglearninglab. in the post “Socratic Seminar about Racism for To Kill a Mockingbird.” LiteratureTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee“Non-Fiction Articles “Trayvon Martin Case: Questions, Answers and Facts,” by the Associated Press“Is Racism an Illness?,” by Noliwe Rooks “Why are People Sexist, Racist, and Judgmental?,” by Rachel Murphy“Racism May Speed Aging in African American Men,” by Melanie Haiken"Letter from Birmingham Jail," by Martin Luther King Junior "Ferguson Unrest," by BBC News "Prejudice Can Cause Depression" by the Association for Psychological ScienceMultimedia Sources"Ten Great Talks to Celebrate Black History Month" by various presenters of TEDTalks "Trayvon Martin and 2013 Revealed Harsh Reality of Racism in America" by Michael McAuliff"Glory" by John Legend and Common (video) and song lyricsDirections:Answer all of the questions. Find two pieces of evidence for at least seven of the questions. Give the source and page number for each piece of evidence.1. What is racism? Is it a belief, an illness, an action, etc?2. Is racism still a major problem in society today, and what causes racism?3. Has racism affected you or people you know?4. What are the effects of racism in society? Explain your answer.5. What are the effects of racism on individuals (on both the aggressor and the victim)? Explain your answer. 6. What lessons can people learn from Atticus Finch?7. Do you think Atticus Finch would have taken the case to prosecute George Zimmerman if he were asked? Why or why not?Come up with five questions related to?To Kill a Mockingbird, racism, or Trayvon Martin. Write them below. (5 points) ................

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