
Mrs. Jordan

U.S. History

Chapter 12: Reconstruction and Its Effects

Chapter 12 Section 1 The Politics of Reconstruction: Use pages 719-729of your textbook to define/explain the significance or importance of the terms (within the context of the chapter), and answer the questions below.

1. Reconstruction

2. What was President Lincoln’s planned approach to Reconstruction?

3. Radical Republicans

4. Thaddeus Stevens

5. Wade-Davis Bill

6. How did the views of Presidents Lincoln and Johnson on Reconstruction differ from the

views of the Radicals?

7. Why were did Radicals and African Americans feel betrayed by the results of Johnson’s

reconstruction plans?

8. Freedmen’s Bureau

9. black codes

10. What were the main benefits the Fourteenth Amendment offered African American


11. What effect did the election of 1866 have on Republicans’ ability to carry out their plan for


12. Reconstruction Act of 1867.

13. impeach

14. Election of 1868

15. Fifteenth Amendment

Review 12.1: On page 657 of your book you will find the Section Assessment. Complete each of the five questions:

1. Tap the circle next to the letter of the answer you think is correct.

2. The circle next to the answer and the “check answer” box will turn blue.

3. Tap on the “check answer” box

a. the circle will turn green if you answer the question correctly and you can hit the “clear answer” box at the bottom and hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question.

b. the circle will turn red if you answer the question incorrectly and you can hit the “try again” box at the bottom to answer the question again until you get the correct answer. Then hit the arrow key at the bottom of the box to proceed to the next question

4. Record the correct answers to the review questions in the space provided here.

12.1 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 12 Section 2 The Politics of Reconstruction: Use pages 732-745of your textbook to define/explain the significance

1. Describe the devastation of the post-Civil War South in

a. physical terms

b. economic terms

2. scalawags

3. carpetbaggers

4. What major differences existed between the Republican and Democratic parties in the post-

Civil War South?

5. Where did the majority of post-Civil War former slaves in the South who chose to move end


6. What percentage of African Americans over the age of 20 were illiterate in 1870?

7. Use the SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Graphs “School Enrollment of 5-to19-Year Olds,

1850-1880” on page 740 to answer the question below.

a. How might you explain why white school enrollment decreased between 1860 and

1870 while enrollment of others increased?

8. How did freed African Americans try to improve their lives?

9. What caused post-Civil War land-reform proposals to fail?

10. sharecropping

11. tenant farming

12. Use the SKILLBUILDER Interpreting Charts “Sharecropping” on page 744 to answer the

question below.

a. How did the sharecropping system make it hard for small farmers to improve their

standard of living?

13. What factors contributed to the stagnation of the Southern economy?

12.2 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chapter 12 Section 3 The Collapse of Reconstruction: Use pages 748-760of your textbook to define/explain the significance

1. What was the Ku Klux Klan?

a. What were its goals?

2. Why was the government weak in its ability to confront the Klan?

3. Amnesty Act of 1872

4. Give three examples of corruption during the Grant administration.




5. panic of 1873

6. greenbacks

7. How did the following Supreme Court decisions affect African Americans’ pursuit of

civil rights?

a. Slaughterhouse case 1873

b. U.S. v. Cruikshank 1876

c. U.S. v. Reese 1876

8. Why did Northern attitudes toward Reconstruction change?

9. redemption

10. election of 1876

11. Compromise of 1877

12. home rule

13. Identify three mistakes Radical Republicans made in their attempt at Reconstruction.




14. Identify three areas in which Reconstruction was “not a complete failure”.




12.3 Review Question answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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