Unisa Study Notes

A BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH FOOTNOTESNote: This is intended as an example of how a bibliography should look like. In addition there are comments about aspects of the bibliography, just to make clear why it looks like it does. PLEASE DON'T insert footnotes into your bibliography....BooksAndreski ComteAndreski S (ed) The essential Comte: selected from Course de philosophie positive Translated from the French by M Clarke (Croom Helm London 1974)Aquinas Summa TheologicaAquinas T Summa Theologica (Vollst?ndige, ungekürtzte deutsch-lateinische Ausgabe) (Herausgegeben von der Philosophisch-Teologischen Hochschule Walbergen bei K?ln Graz-Wien-Koln 1977)Ariatotle Ethica NicomacheaAristotle Ethica Nicomachea Translated by Rackham H (Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass 1946)Aristotle MetaphysicsAristotle Metaphysics Translated by Tredennick H (Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass 1935) Aristotle RhetoricAristotle The art of rhetoric Translated with an introduction and notes by H.C. Lawson-Tancred (Penguin London 1991) Aristotle The OrganonAristotle The Organon Translated by Cooke HP (Harvard University Press Cambridge Mass 1938)Auston JurisprudenceAustin J The province of jurisprudence (Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1995)Bentham JurisprudenceBentham J The limits of jurisprudence defined (Athlone Press London 1970)Blackstone CommentariesBlackstone W Commentaries on the laws of England (London Cavendish 2001)Bonner Critical theoryBronner SE Critical theory: A very short introduction (Oxford University Press Oxford 2011)Buchanan DictionaryBuchanan I A dictionary of critical theory (Oxford University Press Oxford 2010)Burchell & Milton Criminal lawBurchell JM and Milton J Principles of criminal law 3rd ed (Juta & Co Ltd Lansdowne 2005)Cicero De re publicaCicero MT De re publica (Heinemann London 1961)De Groot War and peaceDe Groot H The law of war and peace (Edited by Neff SC) (Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2012)Devenish InterpretationDevenish G Interpretation of statutes (Juta Cape Town 1992)Dworkin EmpireDworkin R Law's Empire (Belknap Press Cambridge Mass 1986)Elias GovernmentElias TO Government and politics in Africa (Asia Publishing House London 1963)Facione Critical thinkingFacione PA Critical thinking: a statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction: Executive summary (The California Academic Press Millbrae 1990)Fraser Cricket and the lawFraser D The man in white is always right: Cricket and the law Sydney: Institute of Criminology Monograph Series No 4 (1993)Hart Concept of lawHart HLA The concept of law (Clarendon Press Oxford 1994)Hayek Law, liberty and legislationHayek FA Law, liberty and legislation: A new statement of the liberal principles of justice and political economy Kindle ed (Routledge Classics London 2013)Holleman African lawHolleman JF Issues in African law (Mouton and Co The Hague 1974)Hutchinson It's all in the gameHutchinson A It's all in the game: a nonfoundationalist account of law and adjudication (Duke University Press Durham NC 2000)Johnson, Pete & Du PlessisJohnson D, Pete S and Du Plessis M Jurisprudence: a South African perspective (Butterworths Durban 2001)Kelly Short historyKelly JM A short history of Western legal theory (Clarendon Press Oxford 1992)Liebenberg Socio-economic rightsLiebenberg S Socio-economic rights: adjudication under a transformative constitution (Juta Claremont 2010)Magee PhilosophyMagee B The story of philosophy (Dorling Kindersley London 2001) Mqeke Customary lawMqeke RB Customary law and the new millennium (Lovedale Press Alice 2003)Njoku DevelopmentNjoku FOC Development and African philosophy: a theoretical reconstruction of African socio-political economy (IUniverse Lincoln 2004)Ocieng'-Odhiambo TrendsOchieng'-Odhiambo F Trends and issues in African philosophy (Peter Lang New York 2010)Oruka Sage philosophyOruka HO (ed) Sage philosophy: indigenous thinkers and modern debate on African philosphy (EJ Brill New York 1990)Oruka PhilosophyOruka HO Philosophy, humanity and ecology (ACTS Press Nairobi 1991)Rautenbach & Bekker Legal pluralismRautenbach C and Bekker JC Introduction to legal pluralism in South Africa 4th ed (LexisNexis Durban 2014)Raz Authority of lawRaz J The authority of law: essays on law and morality (Oxford University Press Oxford 1979)Russell Western philosophyRussell B History of Western philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day (George Allen & Unwin London 1961)Suarez De legibusSuarez F De legibus (Antwerp Publisher unknown 1613)Theses and dissertationsKroeze AborsieKroeze IJ Die aard van die regverdigingsgronde by aborsie (The nature of grounds of justification for abortion) (LLM dissertation Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education 1989)Nkhata Governance and constitutionalismNkhata MJ Rethinking governance and constitutionalism in Africa: The relevance and viability of social trust-based governance and constitutionalism in Malawi (LLD thesis University of Pretoria 2010)Contributions in booksAppiah EthnophilosophyAppiah K "Ethnophilosophy and its critics" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings (Thomson Publishing Johannesburg 1998) 109 – 129Bentham Anarchical fallaciesBentham J "Anarchical fallacies" in Waldron J (ed) Nonsense upon stilts: Bentham, Burke and Marx on the rights of man (Methuen London 1987) 46 – 69Biko Black consciousnessBiko S "The definition of Black Consciousness" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings (Thomson Publishing Johannesburg 1998) 360 – 363.Bohler-Muller Ubuntu jurisprudenceBohler-Muller N "Some thoughts on the ubuntu jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court" in Cornell D and Muvongua N (eds) uBuntu and the law: African ideals and postapartheid jurisprudence (Fordham University Press New York 2012) 377 – 387Ebo Indigenous lawEbo C "Indigenous Law and Justice: Some Major Concepts and Practices" in Woodman G (ed) African law and legal theory (NYU Press New York 1987) 33-42Gyeke Person and communityGyeke K "Person and community in African thought" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings (Thomson Publishing Johannesburg 1998) 317 – 336Kaphagawani African philosophyKaphagawani DN "What is African philosophy?" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ The African philosophy reader (London 1988) 86 – 98Kroeze Legal positivismKroeze IJ "Legal positivism" in Roederer C and Moellendorf D (eds) Jurisprudence (Juta Lansdowne 2004) 62 – 83Kuwali AfrocentrismKuwali D "Decoding Afrocentrism: Decolonizing legal theory" in Onazi O (ed) African legal theory and contemporary problems: critical essays (Springer Dordrecht 2014) 71 – 92Langa ConstitutionLanga P "The role of the constitution in the struggle against poverty" in Liebenberg S and Quinot G (eds) Law and poverty: perspectives from South Africa and beyond (Juta Claremont 2011) 4 – 9Le Roux Natural lawLe Roux WB "Natural law theories" in Roederer C and Moellendorf D (eds) Jurisprudence (Juta Lansdowne 2004) 25 – 61M'Baye African conceptionM'Baye K "The African conception of law" in David R (ed) The legal systems of the world: Their comparison and unification Vol II (JOB Mohr Tübingen 1975) 211 – 215Menkiti Person and communityMenkiti IA "Person and community in African traditional thought" in Wright RA (ed) African philosophy: An introduction (University Press of America Lanham 1984) 171 – 182 Moosa South African constitutionMoosa E "Tension in legal and religious values in the 1996 South African Constitution" in Mamdani M (ed) Beyond rights talk and culture talk: Comparative essays on the politics of rights and culture (St Martin's Press New York 2000) 121 – 135Munyaka & Mothlabi UbuntuMunyaka M and Mothlabi M "Ubuntu and its socio-moral significance" in Murove MF (ed) African ethics: An anthology of comparative and applied ethics (KwaZulu-Natal Press South Africa 2009) 63Nduka Traditional concept of justiceNduka O "Traditional concept of justice among the Ibo of South-Eastern Nigeria" in Woodman G (ed) African law and legal theory (NYU Press New York 1987) 19-32.Oruka Sage philosophyOruka HO "Sage philosophy" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings (Thomson Publishing Johannesburg 1998) 99 – 108Pieterse African jurisprudencePieterse M "'Traditional' African jurisprudence" in Roederer C and Moellendorf D Jurisprudence (Juta Lansdowne 2004) 438 – 462Senghor NegritudeSenghor LS "Negritude and African socialism" in Coetzee PH and Roux APJ Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings (Thomson Publishing Johannesburg 1998) 438 – 448Silungwe African legal theorySilungwe CM "On 'African' legal theory: a possibility, an impossibility or mere conundrum" in Onazi O (ed) African legal theory and contemporary problems: critical essays (Springer Dordrecht 2014) 17 – 30Journal articlesAgnakoba & Nwauche 2006 Cambrian law reviewAgbakoba JCA and Nwauche ES "African conceptions of justice, responsibility and punishment" 2006 Cambrian law review 73 – 83Bewaji 2002 Journal on African philosophyBewaji JAI "Language, culture, science, technology, and philosophy" 2002 Journal on African philosophy 1 – 29Bodunrin 1981 PhilosophyBodunrin PO "The question of African philosophy" 1981 Philosophy 161 – 179Cornell & Van Marle 2005 African human rights law journalCornell D and Van Marle K "Exploring ubuntu: Tentative reflections" 2005 African human rights law journal 195 – 220Dent & Kroeze 2015 Stellenbosch law reviewDent K and Kroeze IJ "Minority rights in the South African context: an exploration of the counter-majoritarian dilemma" 2015 Stellenbosch law review 518 – 531Dlamini 1997 Journal for juridical scienceDlamini CM "African legal philosophy: A Southern African view" 1997 Journal for juridical science 69 – 83Dlamini 1992 SALJDlamini CRM "The law teacher, the law student and legal education in South Africa" 1992 SALJ 595English 1996 SAJHREnglish R "Ubuntu: The quest for an indigenous jurisprudence" 1996 SAJHR 641 – 648Idowu 2006 Cambrian law reviewIdowu W "African jurisprudence and the reconciliation theory of law" 2006 Cambrian law review 1 – 16Idowu 2006 The journal of philosophy, science and lawIdowu W "Against the skeptical argument and the absence thesis: African jurisprudence and the challenge of positivist historiography" 2006 The journal of philosophy, science and law 1 – 9Idowu 2012 Journal for juridical scienceIdowu W "'To each a crumb of right, to neither the whole loaf': The metaphor of the bread and the jurinomics of justice in African thought" 2012 Journal for juridical science 56 – 83Keevy 2009 Journal for juridical scienceKeevy I "Ubuntu versus the core values of the South African Constitution" 2009 Journal for Juridical Science 19 – 58Kroeze 2002 Stellenbosch law reviewKroeze IJ "Doing things with values II: the case of ubuntu" 2002 Stellenbosch law review 252 – 264Matolino & Kwindingwe SA journal of philosophyMatolino B and Kwindingwe W "The end of ubuntu" 2013 SA Journal of Philosophy 197 – 205Mokgoror 1998 Potchefstroom electronic law journalMokgoro JY "Ubuntu and the law in South Africa" 1998 Potchefstroom electronic law journal 1 – 7Nafhukho 2006 Advances in developing human resourcesNafukho F "Ubuntu worldview: A traditional view of adult learning in the workplace" 2006 Advances in developing human resources 408 – 415Nwakeze 1987 International philosophical quarterlyNwakeze PC "A critique of Olufemi Taiwo's criticism of legal positivism and African legal tradition" 1987 International philosophical quarterly (xxvii:1) 101 – 105Okafor 2006 Cambrian law reviewOkafor F "From praxis to theory: a discourse on the philosophy of African law" 2006 Cambrian Law Review 37 – 48 Okafor 1984 International philosophical quarterlyOkafor FU "Legal positivism and the African legal tradition" 1984 International philosophical quarterly (xxiv:2) 157 – 164Okolo 1984 International philosophical quarterlyOkolo CB "Negritude: A philosophy of social action" 1984 International Philosophical Quarterly 427 – 438Oladosu 2001 West African reviewOladosu AO "Choosing a legal theory on moral grounds: An African case for legal positivism" 2001 West African review 1 – 8Radebe & Phooko 2017 SA journal of philosophyRadebe SB and Phooko MR "Ubuntu and the law in South Africa: Exploring and understanding the substantive content of ubuntu" 2017 SA journal of philosophy 1 – 13Rakate 1997 CILSARakate PK "The status of traditional courts under the final constitution" 1997 CILSA 175 – 189Taiwo 1985 International philosophical quarterlyTaiwo O "Legal positivism and the African legal tradition: A reply" 1985 International philosophical quarterly (xxv:2) 197 – 200Tshoose 2009 African journal of legal studiesTshoose C "The emerging role of the constitutional value of ubuntu for informal social security in South Africa" 2009 African journal of legal studies 12 – 20Case lawBongopi v Chairman of the Council of State, Ciskei 1992 3 SA 250 (CkG)Christian Education South Africa v Minister of Education 2000 4 SA 757 (CC)Commissioner, SARS v Executor, Frith's Estate 2001 2 SA 261 (SCA)De Klerk and another v Du Plessis and others 1995 2 SA 40 (T)East London Municipality v Abrahamse 1997 4 SA 613 (SCA)Faria v Road Accident Fund 2009 4 All SA 169 (GSHC)Finbro Furnishers Pty (Ltd) v Registrar of Deeds, Bloemfontein 1985 4 SA 773 (A)Fourie v Minister of Home Affairs 2005 3 SA 429 (SCA)Matinkinca v Council of State, Republic of Transkei 1994 4 SA 472 (Ck)Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC)Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2005 1 SA 217 (CC)Preston v Biden's Trustee (1883) 1 Buch 322R v B 1955 3 SA 494 (D)R v B 1955 3 SA 494 (D).R v Marais 1889 6 SC 367R v Marais 1889 6 SC 367R v Sachs 1952 4 SA 392 (A)S v Adams 1979 4 SA 793 (T)S v Adams; S v Werner 1981 1 SA 187 (A)S v Lawrence; S v Negal; S v Solberg 1997 4 SA 1176 (CC) S v Makwanyane and another 1995 3 SA 391 (CC)S v Mhlungu and others 1995 3 SA 867 (CC)S v Zuma and others 1995 2 SA 642 (CC)Standard Bank Corp v Competition Commission 2000 2 SA 797 (SCA)The Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd and others v McBride and others 2011 4 SA 191 (CC)LegislationBlack Administration Act 38 of 1927Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 200 of 1993Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996The Natives' Land Act 27 of 1913Internet sourcesHaley G "Man who identifies as woman dominates female weightlifting competition" (Date of use: 20 May 2017) (Date of use: 14 March 2017) (Date of use: 14 March 2017) (Date of use: 23 March 2017) (Date of use: 14 March 2017) (Date of use: 23 March 2017) (Date of use: 18 April 2017) ................

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