
“Douglass” and “We Wear the Mask”By Paul Laurence DunbarCritical Reading:How do you feel when you must appear or behave as others expect?(a) In “Douglass,” when was Douglass’s voice heard by the nation? (b) How does Douglass’s message relate to what the speaker of “Douglass” describes?(a) Who is the “we” in “We Wear the Mask”? (b) What struggles do they face? (c) Why do you think they wear the mask?If Dunbar were alive today, do you think he would still have the views he expresses in these poems? Why or why not?Based on you reading of these poems, how do you think the expression of personal emotion might lead to social change? In your response, use at least two of these Essential Question words: bigotry, disclose, endurance, justice.Literary Analysis and Reading Strategy:Which words in “We Wear the Mask” rhyme with “lies”? With “guile”?Notate the rhyme scheme of each poem. Use a lower case letter to identify each rhyming sound.(a) What elements of formal verse doe Dunbar use in “We Wear the Mask”? (b) How do these elements add to the poem’s mood and aesthetic qualities—emotion and sense of beauty it conveys? Explain.(a) What ideas does Dunbar introduce in the first stanza of the sonnet “Douglass”? (b) How does he build on these ideas in the second stanza? (c) What plea does he make in the final two lines?Analyze the effect of the historical period in “Douglass” by noting details that reveal the speaker’s understanding of his times.(a) What is the theme, or message of “We Wear the Mask”? (b) How does that theme reflect problems African-Americans faced during Dunbar’s lifetime? Explain.Vocabulary: AntonymsFor each word below, select the antonym, or word of opposite meaning, from the vocabulary list provided:Vocabulary list: salient, dissension, stark, guile, myriadInconspicuousAgreementFewHonestyFlexible ................

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