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Multiple Choice

1. A theory that suggests that language spread by means of farming peoples of Antolia.

A. deep reconstruction

B. conquest theory

C. agriculture theory

D. na-dene

2. The term derives from “Frankish language,” and applied to a tongue spoken in ancient Mediterranean ports that consisted of a mixture of Italian, French, Greek, Spanish, and even some Arabic. Today it refers to a “common language,” a second language that can be spoken and understood by many peoples, although they speak other languages at home.

A. Esperanto

B. Pidgin

C. Lingua franca

D. Creole

3. A theory that suggests that language spread by means of westward expansion on horseback and over-powerment of earlier inhabitants.

A. deep reconstruction

B. conquest theory

C. agricultural theory

D. language convergence

4. Language differentiation over time and space.

A. language divergence

B. nostratic

C. language replacement

D. language convergence

5. The variant of a language that a country's political and intellectual elite seek to promote as the norm for use in schools, government, the media, and other aspects of public life.

A. preliterate society

B. standard language

C. isogloss

D. dialect

6. Which of the following is a Lingua Franca that has been simplified and modified through contact with other languages?

A. Creole

B. Lingua Franca

C. Esperanto

D. Pidgin

7. Ethnic term first applied in the Caribbean region to the native-born descendants of the Spanish conquerors and their local consorts.

A. pidgin

B. Lingua franca

C. Esperanto

D. Creole

8. A backward reconstruction of language in order to deduce a large part of the vocabulary of an extinct language and/or re-create language.

A. deep reconstruction

B. sound shifts

C. conquest theory

D. language divergence

9. The next oldest language family after Amerind, and spoken by Native Americans of northwest Canada and part of Alaska as well as by the apache and Navajo.

A. Na-Dene

B. Austronesian

C. Polynesian

D. Nostratic

10. A geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs.

A. dialect

B. isogloss

C. language

D. vocalization

11. The oldest, largest, and most widely distributed language family spreading from the shores of Hudson Bay to the coast of Tierra del Fuego.

A. Austronesian

B. Malayo-Polynesian

C. Amerind

D. Eskimo-Aleut

12. The core or ancestral language of the pre-Proto-Indo-European language spoken by hunter-gatherers.

A. Na-Dene

B. Nostratic

C. Polynesian

D. Amerind

13. A group of language that are thought to have a shared, but fairly distinct origin.

A. preliterate society

B. language family

C. isogloss

D. language group

14. A process of which isolated languages make contact through relocation diffusion.

A. vocalization

B. language convergence

C. language replacement

D. language divergence

15. Countries in which only one language is spoken are called:

A. official language

B. monolingual states

C. lingua franca

D. multilingual states

16. Which of the following is a derivative of the Malayo-Polynesian branch spoken by the Maori people of New Zealand?

A. Eskimo-Aleut

B. Polynesian

C. Fijian

D. Nostratic

17. The language family most widely spoken in North America and Europe. Language types include Germanic, Romance, Slavic, Baltic, Celtic, Albanian, Greek, Armenian, and Indo-Iranian.

A. . Linguistic diversification

B. indo-European languages

C. language family

D. preliterate society

18. An offshoot of Malayo-Polynesian spoken in Fiji.

A. Eskimo-Aleut

B. Fijian

C. Polynesian

D. Proto-Indo-European

19. A subdivision of language subfamilies which consist of sets of individual languages.

A. isogloss

B. language family

C. language group

D. dialect

20. Which of the following is the study of the origins and meaning of place names.

A. Esperanto

B. Toponymy

C. Official language

D. Pidgin

21. The predominant languages spoken on Madagascar are not of an African language family but belong to

A. Indo-European family

B. Sino-Tibetan family

C. Dravidian family

D. Austronesian family

E. Altaic family

22. Two Russian scholars have established the core of what they believe is a pre-Proto-Indo-European language named

A. Nostratic

B. Anatolian

C. Etruscan

D. Austronesian

E. Aryano-Aremenic

23. A geographic boundary within a particular linguistic feature occurs is called a/an

A. isotherm

B. sound shift

C. international border

D. cultural boundary

E. isolgliss

24. Hawaii and Louisiana are examples with

A. no linguistic variation

B. official “English only” policies

C. official bilingual policies

D. no official language

E. Creole populations

25. Which of the following European countries has a rather sharp division between Flemish speakers in the north and Walloon speakers in the south?

A. the Netherlands

B. Belgium

C. Denmark

D. Andorra

E. Switzerland

26. The Indo-European language family prevails on the map of Europe. Which country listed below has a language which is not in the Indo-European family?

A. France

B. Italy

C. Iceland

D. Luxembourg

E. Hungary

27. Bantu migrations marginalized this once widespread African language family which now is found only in dry regions of southwestern Africa.

A. Niger-Congo family

B. Khoisan family

C. Afro-Asiatic family

D. Sudanic subfamily

E. Gaelic subfamily

28. The linguistic map of Nigeria reflects extreme fragmentation with nearly _________ languages spoken.

A. 15

B. 25

C. 200

D. 400

E. 600

29. In an attempt to deal with linguistic as well as cultural diversity, many former African colonies have taken as their official language

A. the most widely spoken indigenous language

B. an Austronesian and therefore neutral language

C. the language of the former colonial power

D. an invented language with no historical connections

E. Swahili, the lingua franca

30. When African colonies became independent countries, one of the first acts of many of the new government was to

A. conduct a census

B. build a new capital city

C. change the names of places that had been named after colonial figures

D. build new road systems

E. seek international aid

31. The French government has ______________ to protect French language and culture.

A. banned foreign words in advertising and on radio and television.

B. established the Académie Française to standardize the language

C. passes a law levying fines on those using foreign terms

D. amended the constitution to make French the official language

E. all of the above

32. In technically advance societies there is likely to be

A. a standard language

B. many basic languages

C. limited expansion of languages

D. standard pronunciation

E. a lot of technical terms

33. Dialexts are most often marked by actual differences in

A. accents

B. pronunciation

C. vocabulary

D. syntax

E. diction

34. Convergence processes yielding a synthesis of several languages produce a pidgin language. When this language becomes the first language of a population it is referred to as a

A. dialect

B. Creole language

C. language subfamily

D. lingua franca

E. corrupted language

35. Official languages such as Spanish and Quechuan in Peru or English and Pilipino in the Philippines reflect

A. linguist divergence

B. the country’s history

C. creolization

D. linguas franca

E. confusion about language identity

Short Answer – yes you need to answer these and hand them in!

21. Why is there a debate over whether Chinese is one or several languages?

22. What are the major components that make up the definition of language as spoken by humans? What is a standard language? How does the text explain a dialect and isoglosses?

23. Discuss the theories of language diffusion. Discuss controversies surrounding the diffusion of languages in the Americas.

24. What does the study of toponymy reveal about past and current cultures of a place? What can we learn from two-part place names?

25. Why do some countries choose to declare official languages? What are the risks a country faces when it makes such a decision?


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