LeiAnne Handy Ward My quest for better health began a little over three years ago. In the early morning hours(4:30 am) of November 18, 2017, I had a mild heart attack and grand mal seizure in my sleep. After spending two days in the hospital, I was released to go home with several prescription medications and instructions to follow-up with a cardiologist, neurologist, and pulmonologist. When I got home, I found myself completely at a loss as to which doctor to follow-up with 1st and how to deal with my new reality of reduced physical capacity.Before the heart attack, I was a very involved wife, mother, grandmother, community volunteer, & I had never experienced a seizure of any kind. Following the heart attack, I struggled to do normal activities and experienced fatigue and chest pain with physical exertion. I then started on a journey of having numerous medical tests and seeing many doctors. I experienced another grand mal seizure in my sleep, and was not permitted to drive for a period of 6 months, until I was regulated on the right seizure medication. In the meantime, while waiting for tests results and my next doctor’s appointment, I decided to do my own research and find a way to improve my health. I started by calling my brother, Gary Handy, who had suffered with Congestive Heart Failure and was now healthy and strong. He referred me to books that had helped him and simply explained the dietary changes that made the difference in how he felt. Inspired by my brother’s renewed energy and vitality, my husband, Elgin,& I immediately ordered the books and video he recommended and began our own research. After reviewing (from numerous sources) the research on the health benefits of meals centered around vegetables, fruits, legumes, & grains. Our goal was to eat fruits, vegetables, grains &/or legumes with every meal, to stop dairy consumption, and to eat little or no meat products. I felt poorly enough that I was willing to try ANYTHING. The results were amazing and well worth it. I was not able to give up my beloved ice cream, cream, butter and cheese 100% at first, but I did (with effort) give up about 90% during the 1st two weeks, and at the end of those two weeks, I was no longer having chest pain just from taking one flight of stairs in my home. Instead of focusing on what I couldn’t have, I spent my time focusing on what new vegetables and fruits I was going to try and I began experimenting with new recipes involving grains, legumes, & potatoes. Previously, all of our meals were centered around large portions of meat and cheese with one vegetable or a salad on the side. As we cut back on meat and dairy and increased our fruit and vegetable consumption, our tastes began to change and we found ourselves also eating less processed foods and little or no foods with refined sugar. When I started the dietary change, my cholesterol was 243 and I was taking blood pressure medication every day. After two years, my cholesterol was 190 and I no longer needed medication to keep my blood pressure under control. My energy levels have greatly increased. An unexpected side benefit for me was how the dietary changes affected my hands. I have had severe arthritis in both hands for 30 years with swelling and extreme pain. After the dietary changes, I no longer needed cortisone shots. I now can use my hands without pain and only need an occasional Advil.I would highly recommend dietary research and change to anyone who wants to have more energy and a better quality of life. I am so happy I learned what I did and was able to implement it. ................

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