
Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce

Department of Information Technology

Mrs. Deborah Gromek

Technology Coordinator of Education

716 926-1736


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements 3 - 4

Introduction 5

Section I Component One: 6

Vision, Mission Statement & Core Values 7 - 8

Goals 8 - 10

Section II Component Two:

Professional Development Strategy 11 - 14

Section III Component Three

Current Status & Needs 15 - 22

Replacement, Maintenance & Technology Support Staff 23 - 24

Authorized User Policies 25 - 28

Section IV Component Four:

Action Plan 29 - 38

Budget 39

Section V Component Five

Evaluation 40 - 43

Appendix 44 - 53

Frontier Central School District

Decision Makers

Information Technology Department:

Big Tree Elementary Lynn Gill

Blasdell Elementary Rise Santillo

Cloverbank Elementary Marti McCorkhill

Pinehurst Elementary Shary Kempton

Middle School Darlene Govenettio

Andrew Tamol

Rachael Brew

High School James Mlinarczyk

Donald Tybor Jr.

David Marx

Esther Kowal

Frontier Education Center Deborah Gromek

Karen Young

Staff Development Liaison Katie Grogan

Mary Jo Dudek


Interim Superintendent Mr. David Kerzawa

Chief Information Officer Deborah Gromek

Asst. Superintendent /Instruction Dr. Mary Ann Costello

MS Principal M. Kerry Courtney

HS Principal Michael Baumann

PE Principal Larry Leaven

BE Principal Dolores Prezyna

BTE Principal Joanne Saniewski

CE Principal Linda Marszalek

Board of Education

Gerald Baldelli, President Stanley Fiegel, Vice President

Larry J. Albert Michael Comerford

Joseph Marsillo Paul Pellicano

Janet MacGregor Plarr Joseph Marsillo

Nancy Wood

Parents and Parent groups from the school community.

Building Level Technology Teams

Frontier High School

Frontier Middle School

Big Tree Elementary

Blasdell Elementary

Cloverbank Elementary

Pinehurst Elementary


The Frontier Central School District has produced four other documents pertaining to the use of technology in our schools. All these technology plans (1984, 1995, 2000, 2003), focused on the acquisition of hardware, software, and connectivity necessary to begin the use of technology in the classroom. Many of these goals have been accomplished; others remain unfinished.

We believe that technology enhances the learning process in many ways and should be integrated into the curriculum as recommended by the New York Standards. Used correctly, technology offers teachers and students the opportunities for:

➢ Addressing different learning styles

➢ Addressing multiple intelligences

➢ Alternative assessment

➢ Unparalleled visualizations and simulations

➢ Multiple representations - for example - side by side representations of an equation, its table of values, and its graph - with the ability to effect a change in one representation and observe changes in its other forms

➢ Promoting the development of higher order thinking skills

➢ Promoting critical thinking skills

➢ Fostering life long learning skills for research and analysis

➢ Differentiating instruction

Section 1:

Component One

Vision, Mission

& Goals


Our goal is to give our students the skills and perspective needed to use technology wisely - to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using these tools - and to make an informed decision about the right tool for the task at hand - whether it be a book, a calculator, a computer, or the Internet.

We envision a learning community where the best available technology is used as a tool and applied in the most efficient and effective way to improve learning and the learning environment. Technology should not be a goal, but a means to a goal. This includes all aspects of district procedures. We believe that technology is a powerful tool that will assist us in achieving our mission.

We want to provide them with the technological resources needed to pose questions and seek answers when they need to find information. We want all of our students to be able to successfully compete with their peers around the globe when they enter the twenty-first workforce.

A crucial part of our vision is to include our key technology decision makers with helping Frontier develop our goal. The information technology department will continue to bring in hardware and software that will give our students the tools they need. Our computer lab aides will continue to support technology into our curriculum.

Frontier administrative team continues to be supportive of moving technology forward in our district. Decisions are made as a team to teach our students to use technology wisely and enhance their learning.

Our Board of Education is developing technology goals that will take us into the future, all of the goals will support our vision. Working with our Frontier community the district has a better idea of what parents, students, teachers and administrators feel is a powerful technology vision for the future.

Mission Statement & Core Values

The District’s mission statement conceived during the recent strategic planning process states:

The mission of the Frontier Central School District is to inspire each student to exhibit integrity as a self-directed, life-long learner, achieving personal goals while responsibly contributing to an ever-changing world.

The core values reflect what we as a district believe about the people and the world:

➢ All people can make a contribution.

➢ High expectations result in higher achievement.

➢ Everyone has value.

➢ People are empowered by taking responsibility for their choices.

➢ A family, in all its forms, is the foundation for the development of an individual.

➢ Life-long learning improves the quality of life.

➢ There is no growth without change.

➢ Powerful learning results from direct experience.

➢ Understanding diversity is essential to understanding our world.

We believe that members of the school community can reach these expectations by using technology. Technology in the classroom is no longer considered a luxury among teachers and students. It is now an imperative, requiring innovative approaches to learning and teaching, new priorities in curriculum and instructional planning, and, in many cases, the retraining of our teachers.

In response to the technology imperative, we have begun to incorporate technology into classrooms in two significant ways. First, we have implemented the use of computers in ever increasing numbers as an instructional tool.

Second, we are incorporating technology education into the standard curriculum to enable students, from the earliest grades on, to understand, apply, and assess the important technologies that will one day dominate their lives.


1. Telecommunications & Information Technology:

1. To continue to implement and update the use of local, long distance, cell phone, and paging communication to further the person-to person contact within the district and external (incoming/outgoing) communication. Put in place a new telecommunications system that will allow us to enhance the system well into the future. Looking for a system capable of Voice Over IP ….By working with our facilities director Frontier will be able to integrate our computer network with our phone system.

2. Provide adequate Internet resource potential in all schools by upgrading from T1 to T3 or equivalent for the district. This would include necessary improvements to infrastructure. Through a capital project the Middle School and Elementary Schools will be rewired, preparing us to be ready for the future. Working with our technicians (J. Mlinarczyk/D. Tybor) as our experts we will be able go forward with improving our infrastructure.

3. To continue to enhance the current LAN/WAN equipment, replacement and upgrade by implementing a schedule of maintenance of hubs, routers, servers, switches, fiber connections and PBX system. Our BOCES audit has given us a clear picture of changes we need in our network. We will be working with our tech (J. Mlinarczyk) and BOCES to improve our network and create a server area at the high school for the district.

4. Encourage the use of electronic forms of communication; especially to engage in research via the Internet and to use e-mail to reduce paper use. Using our web-site to offer forms and surveys to all members of the Frontier community. Working with our current e-mail system our teachers and administrators will be able to communicate more effectively. Adopting a new SMS will allow us to have an improved calling system for teachers and students when vital information must be shared.

5. Use technology to improve data sharing, data reporting and communication internally and externally: The District website and intranet will provide internal and external communication. COGNOS for data warehousing, Academic Intervention Services database (AISM Direct), Student management system (MacSchool), district census database (Census online through our web-site), and having our Elementary and Secondary Coordinators analyze and work with the teachers on their assessment data. Our principals work closely with coordinators to ensure that all data reporting is accurate. A new SMS will help our coordinators, teachers and administrators have access to all student data.

2. Technology Integration for Student Achievement

1. Identify areas of academic need and technology resources that coordinate and support these needs: Successmaker (this program will not be used past September 2007), Accelerated Reader, School Island, Master Guru, StudyWiz; online educational learning environment, etc. The implementation of computer programs to support student learning will be employed at all levels. The computer lab aides in our district work closely with our building level technology teams, teachers and principals to establish what programs will help our students succeed.

2. Implement computer augmented courses at all levels, which will enhance learning. Students will know how to solve problems, access data by using current technologies to conduct research, analyze solutions and present results: Everyday Math/Successmaker, CAD (Computer Assisted Drafting), Project Lead the Way- (Gateway to Technology in Grades 9-12 Introduction to Engineering Design, Digital Electronics, Principals of Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing), curriculum based on students use of the PDA, use of probes for temperature, motion and electronic current, Advanced Placement Computer Science, Advanced Placement Statistics, Introduction to Multi Media.

3. Students will learn and practice the ethical use of technologies that will prepare them for the workplace.

4. Students will learn to use wireless technology for web-based instruction and research in the Library Media Center and in classrooms by implementation of portable carts and airports that will access the Internet

5. Students will learn how to stay safe on the Internet using iSafe Curriculum K – 12.

3. Technology for Community & Faculty

1. To provide access and instruction for community, the Community Education Division will provide courses dealing with technology and technology issues, the high school Media Center will continue to provide evening access for students as well as the community. Frontier technicians have replaced computer labs used by Community Education and updated software. By upgrading the labs Community Education will be able to offer more new technology courses.

2. To provide training for faculty as requested by each building through the Professional Development Plan and Process. In this manner, faculty will continue to implement technology to enhance the curricula K-12. By working with Apple Computers technology integration will be a natural part of technology here at Frontier. Programs such as Study Wiz will help teachers see how technology can be used in their curriculum. Our technology teams are helping each building develop what is needed in the classroom.

Section 2:

Component Two

Professional Development Strategy

Professional Development

Rationale: Advances in technology have changed virtually every aspect of our lives and influences the way educators learn. Faculty & Administration, appropriate staff at the Frontier Central School District have various and varied opportunities to participate in quality professional learning experiences.

Goal: To develop and implement a staff development program for administration, teaching, learning, management, and productivity that encourages and supports the integration of technology into the curriculum. Our goal is to empower teachers to provide technology rich learning environments through effective teaching strategies that align to both the district technology standards and to school goals. Staff development will be offered through CSLO days, South Town Teacher’s Center and technology members.

Professional development goals, benchmarks and implementation plans…

This technology plan recognizes that teachers are the experts in their given subject areas. Rather than list specific lessons and techniques that teachers should utilize, our plan promotes a vision of how technology can be used, along with general guidelines for developing technology-based lessons.

The initial focus of all training models will be to familiarized teachers and administration with the functions and use of the existing computers, software, peripherals, and internet/print resources. Teachers will be involved in both collaborative and individualized learning opportunities that take into consideration both individual learning styles and levels of technical proficiency.

Training will provide both generalized and ongoing training as determined by the staff. This training will be …

➢ Provide opportunities for staff to research and be involved in direct experiences of technology use in their own classrooms/programs.

➢ Provide teaching staff with specific instruction or tutoring at their request.

➢ Provided released time for teachers to visit other classrooms to observe peers using technology.

➢ Utilize parent/community volunteers to aid in helping teachers acquire additional technology skills and implement technology-rich projects.

➢ Provide training on current software being used in the district, including MacSchool, First Class Client, MicroGrade, MicroSoft Office, Successmaker, eClass Grades, Inspiration, TI 83 + calculators w/ computers, School Wires for Teacher Pages on the Frontier Website, AISM Direct, mClass Reading program, Pod-casts.

Content focus for the training might include (but not necessarily be limited to) …

➢ Planning the integration of technology into the classroom.

➢ Basic Operations and Concepts including the Macintosh and Windows operating systems, security, file management and network access.

➢ Internet operations, including email and research using web searches.

➢ Spreadsheet and database operations.

➢ Hardware orientation and Basic Troubleshooting.

➢ Productivity Tools including keyboarding, word processing, grading programs.

➢ Problem Solving and Decision Making Tools including multimedia such as Hyper Studio, Inspiration, Web design and familiarity with digital cameras and scanners.

➢ Communication Tools including research, Internet and email skills.

➢ Exploration of Curriculum related software

➢ Using Websites as an online resource to access pertinent information, extend lesson planning, provide review and remediation of technical skills learned and to share their ideas and projects.

➢ Coaching from mentors via web conferencing

➢ Access to online virtual libraries, courses.

In the area of staff development for faculty, recent offerings included the use of: Data Warehouse, Microsoft Excel & General PC Integration w/ TI 83+ Calculator, Powerpoint, Palm Pilot Training, Computerized Report Card Training,Digital movies with I-movie, Electronic portfolios, Micrograde, use of computerized microscopes, Training for Teacher Pages using School Wires, Training for AISM Direct and several other software packages that span the K-12 grade level.

Teachers use and have been trained in using many technological devices to enhance their instruction including microjacks, smartboards, and PDA’s.

Working with Apple Computers and BOCES we have a better picture of how to train our teachers. Giving the teachers the proper tools is just part of this process, we need to show our teachers and administrators ways to integrate the technology. Results of our professional growth survey conducted by BOCES for the 2006 – 2007 school year.

Attachments ….

Frontier Survey Results

Frontier Survey Data Breakdown

Areas For Training …

➢ Desktop and Network Management: Training for new Mac OSX system, network changes such as home directories.

➢ Use desktop and network servers to save and retrieve files.

➢ Use available network resources to increase teaching time. Network sharing for teachers and administrators.

➢ Integrated Software Package: Study Wiz; Online Educational Environment

➢ Use report card programs, databases and spreadsheets to manage student data. Training on MacSchool and new SMS when introduced.

➢ Prepare quality teaching materials using various software packages.

➢ Instructional Use with Students:

o Use a variety of multimedia materials to incorporate technology into the learning experiences of the students.

o Infuse the Technology Scope and Sequence into the curriculum.

o Introduction of Podcasts and Blogs using our Frontier Website.

o Increase communication with parents.

o Collaborate with distant learning partners.

➢ Internet:

o To access information to supplement teaching resources.

o Guide students in the appropriate and safe use of the Internet.

o Continue with the iSafe curriculum for K – 8, introduce the iSafe curriculum at the HS level.

o Introduce ways of using the internet in classrooms and computer labs.

➢ Staff Development Opportunities

o New Teacher Inservice - Technology training is provided during the new teacher orientation as well as throughout the school year.

o After school and Saturday Workshops - The workshops follow the needs of the teachers, administrators and staff.

o Educational support staff training on school operation software and hardware.

o Curriculum – All technology staff development will focus on how technology can enhance our current curriculum. All technology used should be a natural part of our classrooms.

o Other Resources - Staff members have numerous opportunities to sign up for courses offered through South-towns Teacher Center. Frontier Computer Lab Aides also offer basic technology courses.

Section 3:

Component Three

Current Status



BOCES Audit – Current Needs

|Current Status |Needs |

| | | | |

| |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 |

| |2007 - 2008 |2008-2009 |2009-2010 |

| | | | |

|Telecom Services |First Class Client is currently running 8.0 | | |

| |All staff member have access to a computer |Continue to |Continue to |

| |And e-mail account. |Upgrade. |Upgrade |

| | | | |

| |Project for phone system to be digital and interface |Begin to use |Use the system to |

| |With current e-mail system. |Advanced |It’s full capacity. |

| | |Features. | |

| |All staff members will have training on the | | |

| |New phone system. |Training staff |Continue training current and|

| | |On new features. |new staff. |

| | | | |

| |PuP Purchase software to take our phone system |Continue to upgrade. |Continue to upgrade. |

| |Into the future, looking ahead for staff needs. | | |

| | | | |

| |Computers: | | |

|Hardware-number of machines in |High School- 200 |Projection units will |Monitor computers, replace |

|buildings, locations |Middle School- 200 |be installed depending |any computer that is running |

| |Big Tree Elementary – 100 |on teacher need … |the oldest operating systems.|

| |Blasdell Elementary – 100 |teachers will be able | |

| |Cloverbank Elementary – 100 |to choose from: |Create one more high speed |

| |Pinehurst Elementary – 100 |LCD Screens |internet lab at the HS. |

| | |Projectors | |

| |All teacher computers replaces with iMac OSX 10.4. |Smartboards |Create one more high speed |

| |All MAC computer labs replaces with iMac OSX 104. | |internet lab at the MS. |

| |One PC lab at the MS and HS replaced with upgraded Dell computers. | | |

| | |Two Mobile carts with |Mobile carts for classrooms |

| |All will be in place the the beginning of the 2007 – 2008 school year.|15 laptops each for |across the district. |

| | |each grade level at the| |

| | |Elementary buildings. |All classrooms will have |

| |Smartboards: | |three to five student |

| |HS – 4 | |workstations connected to the|

| |MS – 2 | |internet. |

| | |Increase number of | |

| | |mobile carts by five at|Continue to introduce |

| | |the Middle School. |smartboards and order as |

| | | |needed. |

| |PDA’s and Probes | | |

| |High School - 30 | | |

| | | | |

| |Fly Pens | | |

| |Middle School - 3 |Frontier Educational | |

| | |Center | |

| |Projectors: |Upgrade to Windows XP | |

| |HS - 10 |or Vista (Most | |

| |MS - 10 |computers must be able | |

| |BTE - 7 |to run Finance Manager)| |

| |BE - 7 | | |

| |CE - 7 |Projectors: | |

| |PE - 7 |HS – 20 | |

| | |MS – 30 | |

| |Printers: |Elementary: | |

| |HS - 15 |3 Per Grade Level | |

| |MS - 15 | | |

| |BTE - 10 |iPods | |

| |BE - 10 |Pilot program at MS | |

| |CE - 10 |with 25 iPods for Pod | |

| |PE - 10 |Casting. | |

| | | | |

| |PC Labs |Full PC labs that need | |

| |HS – 4 computers, 1 new color printer |to be replaced: | |

| |MS – 4 computers, replace printer | | |

| | |HS – 1 | |

| |New high speed internet lab created at the HS. |MS – 1 | |

| | | | |

| |Mobile Labs: |Mobile Labs: | |

| | |HS – 3 | |

| |HS – Replace outdated laptops with new computers in each cart. Only | | |

| |replace laptops that cannot be repaired. | | |

| | | | |

| |Add airport cards to one lab to make internet capable, this mobile | | |

| |lab was not able to access internet. | | |

| | | | |

| |MS – Two new mobile labs connected to the internet with five new | | |

| |airports mounted in the ceilings. | | |

| | | | |

| |

|Software-titles in lab buildings, administrative: All common software will be added to the network. Once all buildings are wireless search for web-based |

|versions of current software. |

| |

|Current Needs Yr 2 Needs Yr 3 |

| | | | |

|Blasdell Elementary: |Success Maker, Accelerated Reader |Fast Forward, |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Turbo Math, Wild West Math |Upgrades on software | |

| |3-D Space, Base 10 Blocks, |packages | |

| |Clock Shop, Clock Faces, Coin Critters, Fraction | | |

| |Interaction, |New software developed |New software developed to |

| |Hop to It, How the West, |to address NYS Standards|address NYS Standards |

| |was 1 + 3 x 4, In the Kitchen, Logic Blocks, Math| | |

| |–arena, Mathosaurus Dinoset I, II and III, | | |

| |Number Munchers, Pondering Problems, Sticky |Mac School Technical |Mac School Technical Support |

| |Bears, Sunbuddy Math Playhouse, Chuck Wagon |Support | |

| |Builds Language Skills, Dinosaur Kids, Kid Pix, | | |

| |Kid Works, Learn About Plants, Picture Phonics, | | |

| |Monkers Spelling Sub, Student Writing Center, |Create Home Directories | |

| |Tenth Planet 1 – 6, Jumpstart Music, Spelling, |for Teachers. |Create Home Directories for |

| |Safari, Firefox, Reading A-Z, Master Guru, Study |Elementary buildings |Students. Elementary buildings|

| |Wiz |will have a server |will have a server designated |

| | |designated for only |for only students. |

| | |teachers. | |

| |Kindergarten. BluesClues Numbers and Letters, | | |

| |Mission | | |

| |T.h.i.n.k. Spellbound, Treasure | | |

| |Mountain, Treasure Mathstorm, Treasure Cove, Pink| | |

| |Pete, Micrograde, MacSchool, OnGuard, MarcoPolo, | | |

| |Inspiration, MacSchool Technical Support | | |

| | | | |

|Big Tree Elementary: |Success Maker, Accelerated Reader |Fast Forward, |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Turbo Math, Wild West Math | | |

| |3-D Space, Base 10 Blocks, |Upgrades on software |New software developed to |

| |Clock Shop, Clock Faces, Coin Critters, Fraction |packages |address NYS Standards |

| |Interaction, | | |

| |Hop to It, How the West, |New software developed | |

| |was 1 + 3 x 4, In the Kitchen, Logic Blocks, Math|to address NYS Standards|Succesmaker in all classrooms |

| |–arena, Mathosaurus Dinoset I, II and III, | | |

| |Number Munchers, Pondering Problems, Sticky | |MacSchool Technical Support |

| |Bears, Sunbuddy Math Playhouse, Chuck Wagon |Succesmaker in all | |

| |Builds Language Skills, Dinosaur Kids, Kid Pix, |classrooms |Create Home Directories for |

| |Kid Works, Learn About Plants, Picture Phonics, | |Students. Elementary buildings|

| |Monkers Spelling Sub, Student Writing Center, |MacSchool Technical |will have a server designated |

| |Tenth Planet 1 – 6Baily’s Bookhouse , Millie’s |Support |for only students. |

| |Mathouse, Sammy’s Science, Tommy’s Time, | | |

| |Spellbound, Micrograde, MacSchool, OnGuard, |Create Home Directories | |

| |MarcoPolo, Inspiration, Safari, Firefox, Reading |for Teachers. | |

| |A-Z, Master Guru, Study Wiz |Elementary buildings | |

| | |will have a server | |

| | |designated for only | |

| | |teachers. | |

| | | | |

|Cloverbank Elementary |Success Maker, Accelerated Reader |Fast Forward, |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Turbo Math, Wild West Math | | |

| |3-D Space, Base 10 Blocks, |Upgrades on software |New software developed to |

| |Clock Shop, Clock Faces, Coin Critters, Fraction |packages |address NYS Standards |

| |Interaction, | | |

| |Hop to It, How the West, |New software developed | |

| |was 1 + 3 x 4, In the Kitchen, Logic Blocks, Math|to address NYS Standards|Science and Social Studies |

| |–arena, Mathosaurus Dinoset I, II and III, | |Programs |

| |Number Munchers, Pondering Problems, Sticky | | |

| |Bears, Sunbuddy Math Playhouse, Chuck Wagon |Science and Social |MacSchool Technical Support |

| |Builds Language Skills, Dinosaur Kids, Kid Pix, |Studies Programs | |

| |Kid Works, Learn About Plants, Picture Phonics, | |Create Home Directories for |

| |Monkers Spelling Sub, Student Writing Center, |MacSchool Technical |Students. Elementary buildings|

| |Tenth Planet 1 – 6Baily’s Bookhouse , Millie’s |Support |will have a server designated |

| |Mathouse, Sammy’s Science, Tommy’s Time, | |for only students. |

| |Spellbound, Micrograde, MacSchool, OnGuard, |Create Home Directories | |

| |MarcoPolo, Inspiration, Safari, Firefox, Reading |for Teachers. | |

| |A-Z, Master Guru, Study Wiz |Elementary buildings | |

| | |will have a server | |

| | |designated for only | |

| | |teachers. | |

| | | | |

|Pinehurst Elementary |Success Maker, Accelerated Reader |Fast Forward, |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Turbo Math, Wild West Math | | |

| |3-D Space, Base 10 Blocks, | |New software developed to |

| |Clock Shop, Clock Faces, Coin Critters, Fraction |Upgrades on software |address NYS Standards |

| |Interaction, |packages | |

| |Hop to It, How the West, | | |

| |was 1 + 3 x 4, In the Kitchen, Logic Blocks, Math| | |

| |–arena, Mathosaurus Dinoset I, II and III, | |Update Encyclopedia Software |

| |Number Munchers, Pondering Problems, Sticky |Update Encyclopedia | |

| |Bears, Sunbuddy Math Playhouse, Chuck Wagon |Software |The Readers Club, Maps and |

| |Builds Language Skills, Dinosaur Kids, Kid Pix, | |Graphs |

| |Kid Works, Learn About Plants, Picture Phonics, |The Readers Club, Maps | |

| |Monkers Spelling Sub, Student Writing Center, |and Graphs |Fractions with Professor Von |

| |Tenth Planet 1 – 6Baily’s Bookhouse , Millie’s | |Studel |

| |Mathouse, Sammy’s Science, Tommy’s Time, |Fractions with Professor| |

| |Spellbound, Micrograde, MacSchool, OnGuard, |Von Studel |That Spelling is Right. |

| |MarcoPolo, Inspiration, Safari, Firefox, Reading | | |

| |A-Z, Master Guru, Study Wiz |That Spelling is Right. |Microsoft Office |

| | | | |

| | |MicroSoft Office |MacSchool Technical Support |

| | | | |

| | |MacSchool Technical |Create Home Directories for |

| | |Support |Students. Elementary buildings|

| | | |will have a server designated |

| | |Create Home Directories |for only students. |

| | |for Teachers. | |

| | |Elementary buildings | |

| | |will have a server | |

| | |designated for only | |

| | |teachers. | |

| | | | |

|Frontier Middle School |TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator Software, School |Fast Forward, |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Island, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Works, | | |

| |Appleworks, Accelerated Reader, | |New software developed to |

| |Amazing Writing Machine, |Upgrades on software |address NYS Standards |

| |Apple Learning Series,Bridge Builder, Hyper |packages | |

| |Studio, KidPix, Mario Teaches Typing, Microsoft | | |

| |Office 2001, Middle School Connections: Science,| |MacSchool Technical Support |

| |Language Arts, Math , Social Studies, Midnight | | |

| |Rescue, Rosetta Stone, Successmaker: Math & ELA,|MacSchool Technical |Create Home Directories for |

| |Learn to Type, Micrograde, MacSchool, OnGuard, |Support |Students. The Middle School |

| |MarcoPolo, Inspiration, AIS Tracking System, | |building will have a server |

| |Safari, Firefox, Reading A-Z (6th Grade), Master |Create Home Directories |designated for only students. |

| |Guru, Study Wiz |for Teachers. The |After evaluation more than one |

| | |Middle School building |server might be necessary. |

| | |will have a server | |

| | |designated for only | |

| | |teachers. | |

| | | | |

|Frontier High School |Microsoft Office, C++, Visual Basic, Statistics, |Upgrades on software |Upgrades on software packages |

| |Hypercard, iMovie, TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator|packages | |

| |Software, Adobe Photoshop, School Island, | |New software |

| |Netscape Navigator, Microsoft, Safari, Firefox |New software developed |developed to address NYS |

| | |to |Standards |

| |Works, Appleworks, CAD, Project Lead the Way | | |

| |(Digital Electronics) |address NYS Standards | |

| |Adobe Pagemaker 7.0, Photoshop, Micrograde, | |Office for |

| |MacSchool, OnGuard, Front Page, ExamenGen, | |MAC OSX |

| |Geometer’s Sketch Pad, Barron’s Review Software, |Office for | |

| |Via Voice, I Speak, Write Out Loud, MarcoPolo, |MAC OSX |Desktop Publishing |

| |Inspiration, AIS Tracking System, Study Wiz | | |

| | |Desktop Publishing |Web Page |

| | | |Design |

| | |Web Page | |

| | |Design |MacSchool Technical Support |

| | | |Create Home Directories for |

| | |MacSchool Technical |Students. The High School |

| | |Support |building will have three |

| | | |servers designated for only |

| | |Create Home Directories |students. After evaluation |

| | |for Teachers. The High |more servers might be |

| | |School building will |necessary. |

| | |have a server designated| |

| | |for only teachers. | |

| | |After evaluation more | |

| | |than one server might be| |

| | |necessary. | |

| | | | |

|Frontier Education Center |Microsoft Office XP, Micrograde, MacSchool, |Upgrades on software |Upgrades on software packages |

|(District Office) |OnGuard, FileMaker Pro, Netscape Navigator, |packages | |

| |Safari, FireFox, MarcoPolo, Inspiration. | | |

| | | |MacSchool Technical Support |

| |New software for purchasing … Finance Manager. |MacSchool Technical | |

| | |Support | |

| | | | |

|Frontier Community Learning Center (Community |Microsoft Office, OnGuard |Upgrades on software |Upgrades on software packages |

|Education Building) | |packages | |

| | | | |

| |

| |

| |

|Network –Capital project will be voted on May 2007 to determine rewiring of MS and Elementary buildings … |

| |Change from T1line to Broadband connection via |Computers connected |Additional |

| |BOCES (Erie 1) |directly to copy |hubs/routers/switches as needed|

| | |machines located in |w/ additional computers, |

| |Additional network connections, patch cables, |Faculty Rooms in all |locations |

| |network ends, power adapters and batteries |buildings. | |

| |replacements and battery chargers, | |Continue to monitor use of |

| |Replace airports, additional network servers, |Two Mobile carts with 15|mobile carts in all buildings. |

| |Upgrades to OS X, server upgrades to OS X for |laptops each for each |After talking with each |

| |First Class, MacSchool, & FileMaker Pro |grade level at the |Technology Committee determine |

| | |Elementary buildings. |if more carts should be added. |

| |Putting a project in place to have clean power at| | |

| |the Middle School, Big Tree Elementary, Blasdell |Increase number of |Continue to monitor if Home |

| |Elementary, Cloverbank Elementary and Pinehurst |mobile carts by five at |directory servers for teachers |

| |Elementary. |the Middle School. |and students need to increase |

| | | |in number or be replaced. |

| |Five drops for student access to the internet in |Continue to monitor if | |

| |each classroom. |Home directory servers | |

| | |for teachers and | |

| |Projectors mounted in each classroom – all |students need to | |

| |buildings. |increase in number. | |

| | | | |

| |Computers connected directly to copy machines | | |

| |located in Faculty Rooms. | | |

| | | | |

| |High School drops in classrooms for students need| | |

| |to be completed and/or activated. | | |

| | | | |

| |One central location at the HS for all servers. | | |

| | | | |

| |Airports installed at the Middle School, Big Tree| | |

| |Elementary, Blasdell Elementary, Cloverbank | | |

| |Elementary and Pinehurst Elementary. | | |

Technical Support

There are four technicians for the district: One technician who administers the LAN/Wan and technology needs for the district. One technician who oversees the technology for Project Lead the Way at the High School, all PC repairs and installations. One technician who works with the four elementary buildings and the Middle School. One technician who works with all six buildings for any technology needs, also works with network needs. In addition, there are lab aides in each elementary building and one at the middle school. The high school has the district technology assistant who spends one day per week assisting at the high school. We hope to increase the number of technicians dramatically as we increase the infrastructure. Now by using BOCES tech support we plan to use this support for our network as well as setting up and maintaining teacher computers and computers in labs. By creating a server room at the High School this will increase our technicians productivity and cut back on travel between buildings. The technology department will increase our lab aides by one, placing a full time lab aide at the high school.

Replacement & Maintenance Cycle

Every year, the technical support team reviews the status of all hardware. In most cases, components are replaced every three to five years to ensure, quality and efficiency.

Also each year we evaluate if hardware should be declared obsolete by the Board of Education …

➢ Pictures of networking environment are included in the appendix

➢ Equipment is evaluated and when necessary declared obsolete by the Frontier Board of Education.

➢ Working through Director of Facilities we have the equipment picked up from the designated buildings.

➢ Computers that were purchased directly from Apple Computers and declared obsolete will be picked up through the Apple recycle program.

➢ All new computers coming into the district are now purchased through BOCES and remains their property. This equipment will be picked up by BOCES.

➢ Older computers that are being replaced will be moved to the student side of the network in classrooms to replace any obsolete equipment already in place.

➢ Apple care is purchased for all computers for repair and maintenance.

➢ Dell computers purchased through BOCES are covered for repair and maintenance.

➢ BOCES coupons are purchased for hardware and printer repairs.

➢ Frontier technicians will continue to repair and maintain all hardware in the district.

➢ No equipment will be older than five years …Frontier will continue to purchase using an IPA working with BOCES.

Frontier Central School District

Acceptable Use of Computers and Technology

Please read this document carefully before signing the Agreement for Students. All terms and conditions, including precautions and warnings, apply to Internet usage as well as software usage.

Technological resources are now available to students and staff in the Frontier Central School District (FCSD). These resources include software available on classroom computers as well as the Internet. We are pleased to offer this access to FCSD and believe telecommunications and other technological resources offer vast and unique opportunities to our community. Our goal in providing this service to is promote educational excellence in our schools by enabling resource sharing, innovation, and telecommunication. We feel that these activities fit well into our stated mission to graduate students who will be life-long learners.

The Internet is an “electronic highway” connecting computers all over the world and millions of computer users. Students and staff will have access to:

Electronic mail (Students - Spring 1999)

Access to many university library catalogs and databases

Unlimited reference materials

International news

With access to computers and people all over the world comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. It is impossible to control all materials on a global network; we have investigated so-called “firewall” software and have found it to be very expensive and not always fool-proof.

We at FCSD believe that the valuable information and interactive available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may obtain material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district.

Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies and regional and state networks. The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of the responsibilities you are about to acquire. In general, this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of our school’s technological resources.

If a FCSD user violates any of these provisions, his or her computer use, Internet access, and/or email may be terminated. The signature(s) on the Agreement for Students is (are) legally binding and indicate the party(ies) who signed has (have) read the terms and conditions carefully and understand their significance.

Terms and Conditions for Use of Computers and Technology

1. Acceptable Use - The purpose of the Internet is to support research and education in and among academic institutions by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of a FCSD account must be in support of education and research and be consistent with the educational objectives of FCSD. Use of other organization’s networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that other site. Transmission of any material in violation of any national or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.

2. Privileges - The use of all hardware, software, and other technology resources is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. Every person who receives on account will be instructed by a FCSD staff member in proper use of the network.

The Superintendent of Schools, the Instructional Technology Committee and the District Technology Coordinator will deem what is inappropriate use. The administration, staff and students of FCSD may request the system administrator to deny, revoke. or suspend user privileges at anytime as required.

3. Network Responsibilities - You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of our network as posted. Failure to comply will result in loss of privileges. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

a. Sharing network ID and password is prohibited.

b. Students must not reveal their personal address, phone number, or personal data about themselves or other students, faculty or staff or submit any of this information on the Internet.

c. Students must not meet people in person with whom they have made electronic contact unless District and/or parental permission are granted.

d. Be polite. Do not be abusive in your messages to others.

e. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.

f. Electronic mail (email) is not guaranteed to be private. The system operators have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

g. Do not use the network in a way that disrupts the use of the network by other users.

h. Assume that all accessible electronic information is copyright protected.

i. Report any and all incidences of computer system abuse/misuse to the person in charge of the computer lab or classroom.

4. Warranties - FCSD makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. FCSD will not be responsible for any damages you suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or interruptions caused by negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. FCSD specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through Its services.

5. Security - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the system. you must notify the person in charge of the computer lab or classroom. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Attempts to log on to the system as a system administrator will result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or of having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access.

6. District-owned software must be used. Staff owned software may be utilized providing a receipt is filed with the District Technology Coordinator. Data disks are permitted for school assignments. Unauthorized disks will be confiscated.

7. Vandalism - Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism Is defined as any malicious attempt to alter or destroy data of another user, to damage computer hardware or software, and/or to misuse the Internet, or any other agencies or computer systems that are connected to FCSD. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Improper use and tampering will not be tolerated.

Board of Education Approved

Frontier Central Schools

Acceptable Use of Computers and Technology

Agreement for Students

I understand and will abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for Computers and Technology. I further understand that any violation of these regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my computing privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may result. and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

Student’s Name

Student’s Signature

A parent or guardian must also read and sign this agreement if the student is under 18 years.

18 years of age - Birthdate

Internet Permission

Parent permission is needed for the student to use the Internet. I understand that the Frontier Central School District (FCSD) is providing access to the Internet solely for educational purposes. Although FCSD has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material, I recognize that it is impossible for the district to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold FCSD responsible for materials acquired electronically.

Permission is GRANTED to access Internet services

through the FCSD Local Area Network.

Permission is NOT GRANTED to access Internet services

through the FCSD Local Area Network.

Parent/Guardian signature


Please PRINT or TYPE the following information:



Town Zip

Phone number HOME WORK

Section 4: Component Four

Action Plan



| |

|Action Plan |

| |

|Goal 1.1: |

|Provide adequate Internet resource potential in all schools by upgrading from T1 to T3 or equivalent for the district. Part of the |

|upgrade includes plans for a 1 Gigabit Broadband Wide Area Network for data and the Internet, with a T1 line between the buildings.|

|This would include necessary improvements to infrastructure. |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Frontier Middle School, |Training for technician |Key technology people at |Project is to begin as |Speed , breath and depth |

|Big Tree Elementary, |to create wireless |each building. All |soon as BOCES completes |of wireless environments |

|Blasdell Elementary, |networks. Training for |technicians and input |our Technology Audit, |to be created or enhanced |

|Cloverbank Elementary and|teachers to access the |from building technology |October 2006. |at the High School. |

|Pinehurst Elementary need|internet through the |committees. | | |

|to have “clean” power and|wireless network. | | | |

|plans are for each | | | | |

|building to have a | | | | |

|wireless environment. | | | | |

| |

|Goal 1.2: Encourage the use of electronic forms of communication, especially to engage in research and to use e-mail to reduce |

|paper use. All staff members and students in the organization will have their own e-mail account. |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Home Directories will be |Training and regulations|Technology Department and|September 2008 |More technology projects |

|created for teachers and |will be given to teachers|BOCES. | |will be shared with |

|students. |and students on the | | |departments, individual |

| |proper use of home | | |teachers and students. |

| |directories. | | | |

|All members of the school|Training will be given |Technology Department, |No later than |Research will be more |

|community will receive |on accessing the Internet|Southtowns Teacher Center|June 2007 |extensive and prevalent; |

|the instructional tools |and sites which can yield|and BOCES | |feedback to be given by |

|and practice on accessing|information | | |professional staff |

|information and | | | |regarding students, |

|completing research. | | | |Library media specialists |

| | | | |will report on community |

| | | | |use. |

| |

|Goal 1.2 |

|Use technology to improve data sharing, data reporting and communication internally and externally: The District website and |

|intranet will provide internal and external communication. COGNOS for data warehousing, Academic Intervention Services database, |

|Student management system (MacSchool), district census database, and Electronic Board of Education meetings will enable sharing of |

|data and empower the process of decision-making to improve instruction. |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be|Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Members of the school |Learning Communities will|In-house training, |No later than June 30, |After collaboration and |

|community will use and |be established within the|Southtowns Teachers |2007 |review of data, systems to |

|share data. |district to collaborate |Center | |enhance student learning will|

|Data input will continue |and communicate about |Erie 1 BOCES | |be put in place; including |

|to be reviewed for near |data and data analyses. | | |but not limited to |

|perfect input. | | | |improvements in curricular |

|Internal and external | | | |maps, use of best |

|publics will be | | | |teaching/learning practices |

|knowledgeable of school | | | |for classroom instruction and|

|district data via the | | | |student learning. |

|district’s web page and | | | |Student achievement scores |

|district’s intranet. | | | |will increase throughout the |

| | | | |district as measured on a |

| | | | |variety of assessments. |

| |

|Goal 2.1 |

|Identify areas of academic need and technology resources that coordinate and support these needs.. The implementation of computer |

|programs to support student learning will be employed at all levels such as Successmaker, Accelerated Reader, School Island, Study |

|Island, etc. |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Review the CDEP Plan |Conduct appropriate |Chief Information Officer|Every year by January 1st|Student achievement in |

|(Appendix) to identify |training |& appropriate staff | |needed areas will improve |

|areas of need | | | | |

|All members of the school|Training will be given |In-house training, |Every year by January 1st|Research will be more |

|community will receive |on accessing the Internet|Southtowns Teachers | |extensive and prevalent; |

|the instructional tools |and sites which can yield|Center | |feedback to be given by |

|and practice on accessing|information |Erie 1 BOCES | |professional staff |

|information and | | | |regarding students, |

|completing research. | | | |Library media specialists |

| | | | |will report on community |

| | | | |use. |

| |

|Goal 2.2 |

|Implement computer augmented courses at all levels, which will enhance learning. Students will know how to solve problems, access |

|data by using current technologies to conduct research, analyze solutions and present results: Everyday Math/Successmaker, CAD |

|(Computer Assisted Drafting), Project Lead the Way- (Gateway to Technology in Grades 9-12 Introduction to Engineering Design, |

|Digital Electronics, Principals of Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing), curriculum based on students use of the PDA,|

|use of probes for temperature, motion and electronic current, Advanced Placement Computer Science, Advanced Placement Statistics, |

|Introduction to Multi Media. |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Software will be | |Tech staff |As needed by June 30, |Software will be ready for|

|installed. | | |2007 |faculty & student use |

|Staff will deploy |Training will be given |Technology Department, |Every year before |Improved student |

|software with students to|on the software packages |Southtowns Teachers |September - Beginning of|achievement |

|use as an enhancement for|to appropriate staff |Center |new school years. | |

|instruction and |members |Erie 1 BOCES | | |

|improvement in student | | | | |

|success . | | | | |

| |

|Goal 2.3 |

|Students will learn and practice the ethical use of technologies that will prepare them for the workplace. |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Library and media |Laws, ethics, etc. will |Technology Department, |Each year by Oct 1st… |Students will act legally |

|specialists and faculty |be addressed for faculty |And other appropriate | |and ethically in using |

|will address with | |venues | |technology. |

|students the legal and | | | | |

|ethical considerations | | | | |

|when using technology | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Continue and begin the | | | | |

|iSafe Curriculum in the | | | | |

|Elementary and Middle | | | | |

|School Buildings. | | | | |

| |

|Goal 2.4 |

|Students will learn to use wireless technology for web-based instruction and research in the Library Media Center and in classrooms|

|by implementation of portable carts and airports that will access the Internet |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|All members of the school|Training will be given |Technology Department |Teachers and Students by |Sharing of technology |

|community receive home |accessing their network | |September 2007. |projects. |

|directory access |space. | | | |

|All members of the school|Training will be given |Technology Department, |By September 2008. |Research will be more |

|community will receive |on accessing the Internet|Southtowns Teachers | |extensive and prevalent; |

|the instructional tools |and sites which can yield|Center |(Wireless labs will be |feedback to be given by |

|and practice on accessing|information |Erie 1 BOCES |available once |professional staff |

|information and | | |infrastructure is |regarding students, |

|completing research. | | |updated) |Library media specialists |

| | | | |will report on community |

| | | | |use |

| |

|Goal 3.1 To provide access and instruction for community, the Community Education Division will provide courses dealing with |

|technology and technology issues, the high school Media Center will continue to provide evening access for students as well as the |

|community. |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to achieve|Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be |Indication of success |

|goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Courses will be offered |Training for staff as |In-house training |On going |Community members will be |

|to the community on |needed | | |using the software |

|current technology | | | | |

|software. | | | | |

|Library Media Centers |N/A |N/A |Ongoing |Library Media Centers will|

|will continue have | | | |be used by students and |

|evening hours for | | | |the community. |

|students and community | | | | |

|members . | | | | |

| |

|Goal 3.2 To provide training for faculty as requested by each building through the Professional Development Plan and Process. In |

|this manner, faculty will continue to implement technology to enhance the curricula K-12. |

| |

| | | | | |

|Actions needed to |Staff Development |Person(s) |Date each action will be|Indication of success |

|achieve goal | |Responsible |completed | |

|Train faculty as |As needed |Information Technology |As needed |Successful implementation in |

|requested on latest | |Dept. or other | |teaching/learning process |

|hardware and software to| |appropriate sources | |will be observed. |

|enhance instructional | | | | |

|delivery . | | | | |

| | | | |

|BUDGET |2007/2008 |2008/2009 |2009/2010 |

| | | | |

|Hardware |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |

| | | | |

|Software |$108,000 |$111,000 |$113,000 |

| | | | |

|Prof. Development |$40,000 |$45,000 |$50,000 |

| | | | |

|Tech Support |$200,000 |$250,000 |$300,000 |

| | | | |

|Total |$448,000 |$506,000 |$563,000 |


IPA for 2006 – 2007 school year: $1,00,000

IPA for 2007 -2008 school year: $1,000,000

IPA for 2008 – 2009 school year: $800,000

IPA for 2009 – 2010 school year: $1,00,000

Apple Care will be purchased for all computers for repair and maintenance …

Section 5:

Component Five


The district Building Technology Committees will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of technology use as it is implemented throughout the district based on the goals stated in this plan. The feedback obtained is used to modify and update this plan as an ongoing process. The following methods are used as evaluative tools:

▪ Technology department meetings

▪ Meetings with administrative staff

▪ Building level meetings

▪ Monitoring of student achievement and tests

▪ Surveys

▪ Interviews

▪ Technology Building level Committees will evaluate the needs of each building.

Evaluation of Objectives

|Strategies |Evaluation Method |

|Elementary students will have time in the computer labs and in |Amount of time per student per week in computer labs. A|

|classrooms to work on technology skills. |minimum will be established for the district. |

| |Classroom computers will be monitored for amount of time|

| |used, teachers not using the classroom computers will be|

| |offered professional growth on effective methods for |

| |integrating technology in the classroom. |

|Technology skills will be integrated in to the expectations of all|Survey of students pre and post school year. Middle |

|content areas. |School and Elementary schools … evaluation will be |

| |conducted by computer lab aides. Technology team will |

| |work on the evaluation tool. |

|Teachers will have resources at their fingertips to teach |Survey of staff pre and post school year. |

|technology concepts and “how-to” skills. | |

|Ensure the programs support keyboarding proficiency by the eighth |End of course test for all eighth graders. Integrated |

|grade. |program packages by Apple Computers will help put |

| |keyboarding program in place. |

|Assistive technology will be in the k-8 schools to aid special |Working with the special education department and |

|needs with use of technology. |administrators. Map out current technology in place and|

| |needs for each school year. |

|High School curriculum realigned so that internet research and |All plans, materials in place by the end of the 07-08 |

|internet safety are in place. |school year. |

|Microsoft Office in all schools. |All plans, materials in place by the end of school year |

| |07. Training evaluated for new needs for teachers, |

| |administrators and students. |

|Study Wiz |All plans, materials in place by the end of the school |

| |year 08. |

|New SMS System |All plans, materials in place by the beginning of the 09|

| |school year. |

| | |

Each year the plan as a living document is reviewed by the technology committee to focus on what was implemented and an emphasis on the progress from the previous year. In addition, the district looks at what new technologies have been developed and which may have an effective on the implementation in the following year, especially those that may show improvement upon the existing technologies or provide a decrease in cost. This process will define those technologies that are successful and concentrate on implementing and refining the implementation of those technologies.

In discussions and review of the plan we consider the Seven Dimensions for Gauging Progress used by the Milken Exchange Foundation:


Are students using technology in ways that deepen their understanding of academic content and advance their knowledge of the world around them?


Is the learning environment designed to achieve high academic performance by students?


Are educators fluent with technology and do they effectively use technology to the learning advantage of students?


Is the entire education system reengineering itself to meet the needs of students in this knowledge-based, global society?


Is the school-community relationship one of trust and respect, and is this translating into beneficial, sustainable partnerships in learning technology?


Are there adequate technologies, networks, electronic resources and support to reach the education system’s learning goals?


Is there agreement on what success with technology looks like? Are there measures in place to track progress and report results?

The assessment includes students, teachers, administrators, staff and other community members who can help identify the skills that our students need, to determine if the level of implementation has helped students gain those skills, and to identify those technologies, systems, and training that supports our curricula, the NYS Standards and our mission.

It is necessary to note that in year’s where State fiscal funding is minimized, technology budgets are often decreased. Therefore, the implications on implementation may be significantly decreased.

As the infrastructure is broadened and more curriculum integration occurs during the next three years, a more formal assessment system will be developed.

The district is focused on data driven decision-making as detailed in the CDEP model. The information included in that plan is referenced for use in this plan.


CDEP Plan Attachment


Computer Lab, Elementary Tech Page 45

PDP Plan Pages 46 - 48

IPA – 2006-2007 School Year; Phase Page 49

Website Permission for Student Information Pages 50-51

Administrative Permission

Internet Permission

470 Request Form Page 52

Additional Sources Page 53

Local Area Networks, Computers

Typical High School/Middle School Lab


Goal: To Improve the Quality of

Teaching & Learning In Order to

Meet the Needs of All Students

1 "Professional development is the continuous process by which professionals increase and refine their knowledge, skills and practices to remain current and effective within the field of education. Its purpose and goal is to improve instruction and help students achieve at high levels."


3 from: National Staff Development Council



Increase & Expand Professional

Development Opportunities for Teachers

Base Opportunities on Teacher Needs

Tie Professional Development to Student Achievement

Provide for Teacher Participation in Planning

Strengthen Evaluation of Professional Development



Teachers have primary responsibility for their professional development.

People learn in different ways.

Learning is an ongoing, individually driven process leading to continuous growth.

A wide variety of ways exist for teachers to participate in Professional Development.

The district has a responsibility for supporting teachers in their professional development.


Grade level/team/department meetings

Study teams/groups

Action Research

Classroom/Program Visitations

Shared professional reading

Strategy sharing sessions

Curriculum mapping/development

Peer collaboration

Common planning

Buddy Program/pairing of new & veteran teachers

Untenured teacher meetings

Conference attendance

Workshops/In-service courses

Graduate courses

Mentor Programs

Inservice training w/ technology software

Time for Professional Development

Staff Development Days

Substitute teachers for portion of the day

Clustering students to allow teachers to work together

Workshops held out of the district

Common planning time

Using time before students arrive or after students leave



















Presentations to Faculties, PTA’s, BLT’s

Establish Building Level Professional Development Teams

Teachers complete self-reflection tool & professional development planner

Data analyzed, shared & utilized

|917 |17' iMacs |$700,725.55 |92754.55 (Apple Care) |IPA FOR PHASE I – 2006-2007 |

|23 |17' iMacs SuperDrives |$21,485.45 |2326.45(Apple Care) | |

|75 |Printers |$81,975.00 |  | |

|52 |PCs |$44,660.72 |BOCES Work Hours = $28,500.00 | |

|3 |PC Laptops |$5,074.11 |  | |

|  |Total |$972,427.72 |  | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Building |Teacher Computers |Staff Computers | | |

| | | | | |

|High School |135 |9 | | |

|Middle School |100 |5 | | |

|Big Tree Elementary |58 |4 | | |

|Blasdell Elementary |55 |4 | | |

|Cloverbank Elementary |51 |4 |$764.15 PER UNIT | |

|Pinehurst Elementary |52 |4 | | |

|TOTAL |451 |30 |481 |Additional Units: 205 |

|Total Cost |$344,631.65 |$22,924.50 |$367,556.15 |$156,650.75 |

| |LABS to be Replaced |# of MAC Computers |# of PC Computers |# of PC Computers |

|High School |2 |30 |26 @ $719.65 = $18710.90 |3 Laptops @ $1691.37 |

|Middle School |4 |85 |26 @ $998.07 = $25949.82 |$5,074.11 |

|Big Tree Elementary |1 |29 | | |

|Blasdell Elementary |1 |29 | | |

|Cloverbank Elementary |1 |29 | | |

|Pinehurst Elementary |1 |29 | | |

| | |$764.15 PER UNIT | | |

|TOTAL |10 |231 |52 |3 |

|Total Cost |  |$176,518.65 |$44,660.72 |$5,074.11 |

| |$1093 PER UNIT | | | |

|Printers - District |75 | |Additional iMacs: Super-Drives | |

|Total Cost |$81,975.00 | | | |

| | | | | |

|1st Year Cost for IPA |$972,427.72 |(+ BOCES Fees) |23 units at $934.15 = $21485.45 | |

Frontier Website Permission for Student Information:

FCSD Website Request for Administrative Permission to Post Photos/Work

STAFF MEMBER REQUESTING APPROVAL: ______________________________ CLASS: ______________________ DATE:_____________________

FCSD WEBSITE PURPOSE: The Frontier Central School District website is a tool for parents, students, and staff used to communicate important information and provide important documents to the FCSD community.

This form is to be used to request permission to publish student photos, work, or identifying student information on the FCSD website.

As a part of a student’s educational program, he or she may have the opportunity to publish assignments and projects on the World Wide Web. These documents might include a class home page, a story, a poem, a drawing, a research project, or a computer multimedia project. A student may also be acknowledged for outstanding achievement. Individuals with Internet access around the world will be able to view student work and student recognition. We think this is an exciting and enriching opportunity for students. FCSD will publish “well done” documents only with written parental permission and administrative approval. It is ultimately the responsibility of the requesting staff member to ensure compliance with web standards and to obtain all necessary approvals.

FCSD Student Photo Policy: Student photos - OF ANY KIND - require written administrative approval and parent approval using the separate website permission slip. Student photos cannot contain identifying information such as a first or last name.

➢ No Names will be used in published student work.

➢ Pictures that are a part of student publishing should not include identifying information.

➢ A student’s home address, phone number, or e-mail address will not be published on a website.

➢ Individual photos of students may appear on the website when proper parental signatures have been obtained, no names should appear.

➢ Documents must be edited and approved by a teacher, principal, or designated school official before publication on a website.

I would like permission to publish the following (choose all that apply):

Approval Required … Parental and Administrative.

❏ Student Picture – Individual and Group

❏ Student Achievement

❏ Student Assignment or Project

❏ Staff Picture … Administrative Permission Only

DETAILS: Please provide details here. Use the back of the page if you need more space. Whenever possible, please include a copy of the photo or information you wish to publish. Copies of the information are not required but are helpful in making an approval.

PARENT/GUARDIAN Approval on separate permission slip.

STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________

GRADE _____________ Rm. # ________

ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL (Please Sign) _________________________________

DATE __________________________

Dear Parents,

Frontier Central School District is on the Internet at:

We have a home page on the World Wide Web. The purpose of this home page is to inform people about our school district and to share work created by students and staff.

Your photo, writing or art work is being considered for placement on our school website. Recognizing that this information can be accessed all over the world, there is a web-based permission form necessary. For security reasons, only a student’s photo will be used, no names will be included.. Please sign and return the slip below.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Principal, Teacher and/or you can reach me at the Technology Department, 926-1736.

Thank you,

Deborah Gromek

Technology Coordinator

I give my permission for my Child’s:

_____ Photo

_____ Writing

_____ Art Work

to be included on the FCSD website. I understand that this document is located on the World Wide Web (WWW) and can be seen throughout the world by people with access to the WWW through the Internet. For security reasons, my child’s name will not be used.

Student Name________________________________________

Teacher ____________________________________________

Parent Signature______________________________________

Date ___________________

470 Requests for Frontier Central School District

Item Validation for Use

Telephone Pages 8, 16 (see attachment)

WAN Pages 8, 16(see attachment), 20-23, 29

Internet Access Pages 8 – 10, 24 – 27

E-Mail Pages 9, 12, 16, 30

Internet Connections Pages 10, 14, 22, 35

Additional Sources:











In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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