
PIMS 7.3 Release 3

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.10 Release (11/17/15) 3

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.9 Release (11/4/15) 3

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.8 Release (6/15/15) 3

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.7 Release (6/5/15) 3

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.6 Release (5/19/15) 4

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.5 Release (4/29/15) 4

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.4 Release (2/17/15) 5

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.3 Release (2/12/15) 6

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.2 Release (2/3/15) 6

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.1 Release (1/30/15) 6

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.0 Release (1/24/15) 7

PIMS 7.3 Beta 8

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.6 Beta (1/2/15) 8

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.5 Beta (12/23/14) 8

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.4 Beta (12/17/14) 8

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.3 Beta (11/19/14) 9

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.2 Beta (11/10/14) 9

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.1 Beta (10/15/14) 10

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.0 Beta (10/9/14) 10

PIMS 7.2 Release 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.7 Release (9/23/14) 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.6 Release (9/12/14) 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.5b Release (9/10/14) 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.5 Release (9/9/14) 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.4 Release (9/8/14) 12

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.3 Release (9/2/14) 13

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.2 Release (8/20/14) 13

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.1 Release (8/11/14) 13

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.0 Release (8/8/14) 14

PIMS 7.2 Beta 15

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.11 Beta (8/4/14) 15

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.10 Beta (7/27/14) 15

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.9 Beta (7/17/14) 16

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.8 Beta (7/14/14) 16

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.7 Beta (6/27/14) 16

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.6 Beta (6/12/14) 16

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.4 Beta (5/29/14) 17

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.2 Beta (5/28/14) 17

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.1 Beta (5/12/14) 17

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.0 Beta (5/4/14) 18

PIMS 7.1 Release 20

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.6 Release (4/27/14) 20

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.5 Release (4/7/14) 21

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.4 Release (3/10/14) 22

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.3 Release (3/7/14) 22

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.2 Release (12/12/13) 25

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.1 Release (11/26/13) 25

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.0 Release (11/1/13) 26

PIMS 7.1 Beta 27

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.30 Beta (10/28/13) 27

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.20 Beta (10/25/13) 27

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.10 Beta (10/23/13) 28

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.8 Beta (10/21/13) 28

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.6 Beta (10/20/13) 29

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.5 Beta (9/30/13) 29

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.4 Beta (9/29/13) 30

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.3 Beta (9/25/13) 31

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.2 Beta (9/19/13) 31

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.1 Beta (9/18/13) 32

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.0 Beta (9/12/13) 33

Technical Notes on Upgrading Between Versions 35

Upgrading to PIMS 7.4.0 Release 35

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.7 Release 35

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.5 Release 36

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.4 Release 36

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.2 Release 36

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.0 Beta 36

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.3 Release 37

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.2 Release 37

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.0 Release 37

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.6 Release 37

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.3 Release 37

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.5 Beta 38

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.4 Beta 38

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.3 Beta 38

|PIMS 7.3 Release |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.10 Release (11/17/15)

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries

o second attempt to improve reliability of saving and loading criteria for saved queries

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.9 Release (11/4/15)

Aggregated Data Sets

• PIMS56A: Child Outcome Checkpoints to Date Summary now correctly summarizes checkpoint completion if site definitions include only one schedule per outcome tool

Database Administration

• Added Previous Backup field to track version of PIMS prior to latest upgrade

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries

o improved reliability of saving and loading criteria for saved queries

• Home Visit Form

o correctly imports home visit location if location is in home

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.8 Release (6/15/15)

Standand Reports

• QA10: Missing Home Visit Notes now displays current fsw and timestamp for home visit, and lists successfully updated visits

Bug Fixes

• Home Visit Form

o warns user if notes section is missing, adds repair button to fix missing record

o correctly saves notes field if form is closed from main page

o clears memo fields on delete

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.7 Release (6/5/15)

Custom Queries

• Add Criteria Wizard- added presumed active vs. verified active option

Participant Forms

• Assessment Form

o updated names of all items on Parent Survey

o added checkboxes for Troubled History

▪ substance abuse

▪ criminal history

▪ mental health

Standard Reports

• Added QA10: Missing Home Visit Notes to troubleshoot a bug in PIMS 7.3.x. Only lists missing records

• All reports- updated Best Practice Standard label to correspond with current standards

• PIMS19G: Immunizations Required at Age One and Age Two and PIMS19H: Immunizations Required at Age One and Age Two- Summary no longer allow a cohort date range (“children born between”), for compliance with the Best Practice Standard

• PIMS40: Retention Analysis now includes termination reason

• PIMS45: Staff Training on Instruments- Screen/Assess Tools First Training Date now reflects first training for either Stop Gap for Family Assessment or Core for Family Assessment

Bug Fixes

• Home Visit Form may have fixed problem with notes record sometimes not being saved

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.6 Release (5/19/15)

Program Data Entry

• Non-admin staff can now enter their own training events

Standard Reports

• Added IL00: Participant Service Dates

• PIMS31A: Well Baby Visits Summary now summarizes 0% separately from 0.1% to 69.9%

Bug Fixes

• Forms

o Home Visit Log printout now displays memo fields

o Outcomes- Edinburgh, Outcomes- CES-D, Outcomes – ASQ and Outcomes – ASQ-SE - field enable/disable options now work correctly immediately after entering a referral

• Reports

o PIMS64: Family Goal Plan now opens without Date Submitted parameter box

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.5 Release (4/29/15)

Custom Queries

• Added fields

o Births (all)

▪ is Target Child

o Child Outcomes Record – cleaner formatting and now displays screens in order of timepoint

o Followup (baseline) category

▪ Followup Date (latest)

o Immunizations category:

▪ isReported

▪ Child's age (months) when immunization completed

▪ Child's age (months) at immunization max due date

o Outcomes- Edinburgh and Outcomes- CESD

▪ added all related referral fields for suicide and depression

o Outcomes- HFPI, Outcomes- ASQ, Outcomes- ASQ-SE, Outcomes- RAT, Outcomes- Generic Participant, and Outcomes- Generic Child

▪ added all related referral fields

o Participant Key Stats

▪ Child Age now available in months

Participant Data Entry

• Family Goal Plan

o relabeled Date Completed to Date Goal Completed

• Home Visit Form

o All notes boxes now allow unlimited text, without “record too large” error

Standard Reports

• Added PIMS19G: Immunizations Required by Age One and Age Two

• Added PIMS19H: Immunizations Required by Age One and Age Two - Summary

• Added PIMS64: Family Goal Plan

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries

o Export Spreadsheet no longer available with Participant Activities (5 fields); use Participant Data (10 fields) instead

o Immunization and Well Baby custom queries can now be run without “too few parameters” error

• Participant Data Entry

o Home Visit Form – removed second notes box

o Immunization Schedule- printout now lists isReported field

• Standard Reports

o PIMS39: Service Level History now reflects Name vs. ID filter

o PIMS43: Life Course Outcomes – no longer brings up a “please define a followup window” ghost parameter error when that field is nulled out

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.4 Release (2/17/15)

Custom Queries

• All Reports – header now lists categories as well as fields

Site Definitions

• Ethnic Subcategories – added 18 more subcategories (now 26 subcategories total)

Bug Fixes

• Standard Reports

o Dev Screening Tool- first screen now reflects ASQ and ASQ-SE (not Generic Child Outcomes)

• Site Definitions – Race/Ethnic Subcategories

o updated categories are reflected in reports immediately, rather than just after re-linking pimstab data table

• Custom Queries

o Save Query now successfully saves if Report Header is identical to an existing saved query

o Target Father- Intake fields no longer result in multiple records per participant

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.3 Release (2/12/15)


• PIMS35A Home Visit Completion by Individual only requires one visit (not four) in order to be counted in total

Updates to Saved Custom Queries

• QAMP- Mother Date of Birth Invalid now lists blank birth dates

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries

o Export/Import Query function now works again

o Preview Query results

▪ No longer get “Join expression not supported” error when neither radio button is selected under Step 3Select Group Filters

o Select Criteria

▪ Boolean criteria (and/or) can now be edited without errors

▪ Prohibits selecting fields which can’t be criteria (e.g. Related Referral Date)

▪ Child Outcomes Other and Participant Outcomes Other now allow selecting specific instruments

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.2 Release (2/3/15)

Updated Forms

• Family Goal Plan now allows multiple goals to be set on the same date

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.1 Release (1/30/15)

Updated Forms

• Family Goal Plan can now print form

• Home Visit can now print form

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.0 Release (1/24/15)

Updated Reports

• MIECHV Form I (all reports) no longer excludes 3 and 6 month followups (change in report requirement)

• PIMS08C: First Home Visit Summary by Individual - added Service Start Date

Bug Fixes

• Baseline/Followup Form

o tabbing through end of form no longer jumps to the next record

• PIMSND01: Prenatal Care

o no longer includes participants with zero expected home visits in denominator

o correctly calculates the last active date for participants whose latest home visit occurs after the report end period

o individual report now more clearly shows calculation of calculated # prenatal care visits expected, based on Latest Active Date

• Start Menu

o removed Check for Updates button

|PIMS 7.3 Beta |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.6 Beta (1/2/15)

Updated Forms

• Participant Home Form – cleaned up interface for improved readability

Updated Reports

• QA03: Monthly Contact and Home Visit Reconciliation - added participant-level totals

Bug Fixes

• TO TEST logged in as 005- Intake Form- when deleted, Service Level History records and all Participant History records (not just first) are deleted

• Site/Enrollment Definitions – home visit counts are now recalculated automatically after switching Home Visit Tracking between in HV Log and in MC Log. Previously this count could be refreshed in DB Administration by clicking Refresh Svc Level Stats

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.5 Beta (12/23/14)

New Reports

• PIMS63A: Depression Followup added to address BPS 7-5C

Updated Reports

• PIMS08A: First Home Visit Summary and PIMS08C: First Home Visit by Individual are now filtered by date accepted services (in Intake form), and participant counts should reconcile exactly (including participants who have accepted services but not yet received a home visit)

• PIMS19: Immunization Reports (All)

o no longer counts immunizations for participants with no home visits

o sequentially lists each site for aggregated data sets

• PIMS19: Immunizations Summary - Added list of which immunizations are reported, based on settings in site definitions

Bug Fixes

• PIMS Start Menu – “You must open this database exclusively” warning only occurs only when opening PIMS, not each time returning to the menu

• PIMS19: Immunization Reports (All) – no longer counts immunizations for participants with no home visits

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.4 Beta (12/17/14)

New Reports

• PIMS35D: Home Visit Completion by Site – Individual Detail

o This companion report to PIMS35B: Home Visit Completion by Site shows individual-level home visit completion data used to compile the summary

Updated Reports

• PIMS11: Length of Services

o 3+ year category no longer includes participants with no home visits.

o Separate categories added for participants with no home visits, and for children born after the latest home visit

• PIMS18C: Linkage to Medical Providers for Participating Fathers

o % with Physician is determined based on number of cases with known target father

o When Show ID option is selected and target father is unknown, father’s ID will be blank

• PIMS35A: Home Visit Completion by Individual

o summary calculated only for those participants with four or more visits expected

o Microsoft Access calculation error is explained in FSW summary notes

Bug Fixes

• Re-enrollment Wizard now prevents issues caused by trying to re-enroll on the same day as an existing Service Level History record

• Site Definitions – Immunizations- Update All button now correctly updates the currently selected immunization even if cursor is still in the current record

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.3 Beta (11/19/14)

New Reports

• PIMS 63: Depression Screening Tracking (7-5B)

Updated Reports

• PIMS 46: Staff Training on Annual Topics – now has a date range filter to display only trainings occurring within a specified time period

Database Aggregation

• now includes tservice_hours_data

• Standard Reports Menu now correctly lists currently selected site or “multiple sites”

Bug Fixes

• Outcome- Edinburgh and Outcome-CES-D reason referrals not made pulls from correct drop-down

• MIECHV Child Details 2 – correctly lists child’s ethnicity (not parent’s ethnicity)

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.2 Beta (11/10/14)


• All Linkage to Medical Provider reports now display summary at the top

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries- saved queries now function again

• Home Visit Form- secondary tabs are now opened for the correct date

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.1 Beta (10/15/14)


• Participant Home now displays count of prenatal care visits completed after enrollment (separate from total prenatal care visits)


• ND1.1 now reflects only prenatal care visits completed after enrollment


• Standard Reports Menu should open more quickly

o no longer refreshes monthly home visit stats for all participants; this is instead done individually after updating Monthly Contact Log, Home Visit Log, Service Level History, Termination, and Intake

o If there are any problems with this:

▪ Go to PIMS Start Menu

▪ click DB Administration

▪ click Refresh Svc Level Stats

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries- can now display:

o Target Child (first only) Full Name

o ND Supplemental Assessment cigarette smoking status

• Family Goal Plan- step descriptions can now be entered

Changes to PIMS in version 7.3.0 Beta (10/9/14)


• added Family Goal Plan for compliance with Best Practice Standards

• removed Individual Family Support Plan

• Assessment Form – Assessment Method lookup added “other (specify)” option with text box for description

• Home Visit Form revised for compliance with Best Practice Standards

o Home Visit Location transformed to simpler drop-down options

• Participant Home Form added checkbox Participant Declined to Provide Partner Data


• MIECHV Individual Details 3 and MIECHV Section E now reflects poverty cutoff for each participant’s specific enrollment year, and accommodates household sizes up to 20

• PIMS08C: First Home Visit Date by Individual now displays Target Due Date

Custom Queries

• can now save Report Header field- could be version problems w this

|PIMS 7.2 Release |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.7 Release (9/23/14)

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries now allows editing criteria from saved queries

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.6 Release (9/12/14)


• PIMS35B: Home Visit Completion Summary by Site now includes Best Practice Summary listing percent of participants overall completing 75% of visits

• PIMS45: Staff Training on Instruments now includes Depression Screening

• PIMS46: Staff Training on Annual Topics now includes Annual CA/N training

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.5b Release (9/10/14)

Adjustments/Corrections Key Service Date Calculations

• Child Age no longer calculates from Participant Home Form for participants with no home visits

• First HV date – will be set to Last HV Date in Termination Form if preferences are set to count home visits from the Monthly Contact Log, the Last HV Date is recorded in the Termination Form, and no home visits have been entered in the Monthly Contact Log

• Latest HV date – will be set to First HV Date in Participant Home Form if preferences are set to count home visits from the Monthly Contact Log, the First HV Date is recorded in the Participant Home Form, and no home visits have been entered in the Monthly Contact Log

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.5 Release (9/9/14)


• Participant Home Form

o child age at enrollment now displayed in Case Status

Bug Fixes

• PIMS11: Length of Services now correctly calculates child age if participant home is edited

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.4 Release (9/8/14)


• Participant Home Form

o child age at last home visit now displayed in Case Status

o due date can now be entered independently of birth date for prenatal enrollments or untracked births


• added PIMS18C: Linkage to Medical Providers for Participating Fathers

• PIMSP4: Staff Training – updated to reflect new Best Practice Standards

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries – now provides “ethnicity” option for all people

• PIMS11: Length of Services now updates child age if birth form is edited

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.3 Release (9/2/14)


• Staff Training Form updated to match current Best Practice Standards


• PIMSP6: Staff Training Completion Grid updated to match current Best Practice Standards

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.2 Release (8/20/14)

Custom Queries

• Added query Missing Current Demographics (zip, city, birth date)

Report Menu

• Accreditation Guide button replaced with Best Practice Guide button


• Added PIMS08C: First Home Visit by Individual

• PIMS11: Length of Services now reflects time children are provided services

• PIMS35: Home Visit Completion by Individual now displays a summary (by FSW) of the percent of participants who complete 75% of their expected visits

Bug Fixes

• Custom Queries – saved QAMP queries of type “participant activities” now load correctly

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.1 Release (8/11/14)

Bug Fixes

• Outcomes- HOME – now correctly imports data from PIMS 7.2.x

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.0 Release (8/8/14)


• PIMS56A: Child Outcome Checkpoints to Date Summary – now lists Overall Summary at top of report

Bug Fixes

• ND1.1: Prenatal Care – correctly reflects calculated or manual override prenatal care completion

|PIMS 7.2 Beta |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.11 Beta (8/4/14)


• ND MIECHV- all individual reports now display outcome (+/-) for each participant

• PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis

o added Days between Screening and Assessment section

o FSC scores now grouped into low, moderate, and high risk categories

• PIMS21: Referrals added Case Status parameter

• PIMS40: Retention Analysis - FSC scores now grouped into low, moderate, and high risk categories

Custom Queries

• Participant Key Stats- added Time Enrolled at Birth (months)

Bug Fixes

• Database upgrade now works without tgeneral_race_sub error for all users

• Participant Home Form- gestation age at enrollment is left blank if gestation age is not entered in Birth Form

• ND2.3 Child Injury Prevention (Individual) – grouping now shows all participants in denominator first, then early positives

• PIMS08: First Home Visit- parameter in header now correctly described as “participants starting services” (not “participants accepting services”) within date range

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.10 Beta (7/27/14)


• PIMS56: Child Outcome Checkpoints to Date now lists generic child outcomes

• PIMS62: Parent Outcome Checkpoints to Date now lists generic participant outcomes

• MIECHV HV Form 1 Individual Demographics 1 – now lists child age as null (rather than 0) when not yet born

Site Definitions

• Added Ethnic Subcategories form which allows customizing the “other” options

Bug Fixes

• Database Upgrade – Custom race subcategories retained on upgrade

• Participant Home Form- Ethnicity can now be selected by staff without admin rights

• PIMS61: Parent Outcome Scores within Normal Limits headers now correctly reflect parents, not children

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.9 Beta (7/17/14)


• Custom- Illinois reports- now considers Hispanic ethnicity when determining Race category

Bug Fixes

• Participant Home- Partner buttons now work correctly

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.8 Beta (7/14/14)

Custom Queries

• Report title can be customized in Custom Queries menu

Bug Fixes

• Database Upgrade- now imports CES-D data and saved ad-hoc queries

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.7 Beta (6/27/14)


• Participant Home Form now displays calculated data related to prenatal care:

o Estimated Date of Conception

o Gestational Age at Enrollment

o Current Gestational Age

o # Visits Expected (based on North Dakota formula)

o # Visits Completed (based on prenatal care visits entered in Medical Visits form)


• MIECHV HV Form 1- Individual Demographics – now flags participants as “passive” if they did not receive any home visits during the reporting period, but were still enrolled

• MIECHV Reports – now filter by participants enrolled and unterminated at any time between instead of active between

• ND Reports – now filter by participants enrolled and unterminated at any time between instead of active between

• ND1.1: Prenatal Visits is now based on calculated number of visits

• QA08 and QA09: Now display total n, and allow Group Filter parameter

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.6 Beta (6/12/14)


• Participant Home Form now displays count of home visits


• PIMS01: Screening Information now calculates whether screens occur before or after 2 weeks postpartum

• PIMS02: Screening Information Summary now calculates whether screens occur before or after 2 weeks postpartum

Bug Fixes

• Forms

o Outcome Instrument Definitions- checkpoint options no longer include prenatal timepoints

o Participant Search Menu- opening some participants no longer triggersan infinite series of errors: “Object variable or with block variable not set in UpdateHVCountForIndiv.”

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.4 Beta (5/29/14)

Bug Fixes

• Forms

o Home Form –Children records should open more reliably with large data tables/slow network connections

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.2 Beta (5/28/14)

Form Updates

• Home Visit Log Form – ND button renamed North Dakota only for clarity

• Participant History – added Print button to print chronological list of address and name changes

Bug Fixes

• Reports

o PIMS15B: HV Activities by FSW – now separately lists PIMS 6 and PIMS 7 entries

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.1 Beta (5/12/14)

Form Updates

• DB Administration- added button Prepopulate First and Final Home Visits. Clicking this will automatically assign the following:

o First Home Visit Date in Participant Home Form = date of earliest Home Visit Log recorded

o Final Home Visit Date in Termination Form = date of last contact in Termination Form

Bug Fixes

• Reports

o ND06: Breastfeeding – now correctly pulls breastfeeding stats from child followup

Changes to PIMS in version 7.2.0 Beta (5/4/14)

Prior to PIMS 7.2, Service End Date set as 'date of last home visit' referred to the date of *latest* home visit. In PIMS 7.2, Service End Date as 'date of final home visit' refers to the date of *final* home visit (i.e. the latest home visit only for terminated cases). Please update your saved queries accordingly.

Please review How PIMS Filters Report Cohorts before using this version

Form Updates

• Participant Home Form

o Now displays key dates First, Latest, and Last Home Visits and Current FSW

o Case Status- Active now displayed as Presumed Active

• Participant Search Menu

o Case Status Filter options renamed

▪ Engaged is now Enrolled

▪ Engaged and Active is now Enrolled and Presumed Active

▪ Current is now Currently Assigned Services

• Standard Reports Menu

o Case Status parameter options renamed

▪ Active is now Currently Presumed Active

▪ Active Between is now Presumed Active Between

Custom Queries

• Custom Query Criteria Wizard

o Active Between criteria now reflects “last home visit date” instead of “service end date.” This will not affect saved reports from previous versions of PIMS unless service end date had been configured to something besides date of last home visit

o Currently Active renamed to Enrolled, to more accurately reflect the filtered cohort

New Reports

• QA09: First, Latest, and Final Home Visit Dates

Report Updates

• MIECHV Form 1 Child 1- Key Dates – Service End Date now relabled as Latest Home Visit Date, but dates should be thes same

• Several reports updated to filter activities due before Latest Home Visit Date (rather than Service End Date)

o PIMS19: Immunizations

o PIMS31: Well Baby Visits

o PIMS56: Child Outcome Checkpoints to Date

o PIMS57: Child Outcome Scores within Normal Limits

o PIMS61: Parent Outcome Scores within Normal Limits

o PIMS62: Parent Outcome Checkpoints to Date

|PIMS 7.1 Release |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.6 Release (4/27/14)

Note that an Ethnicity field was added to the Participant Home, Birth, Partner Initial Demographics, and Staff Info forms. The upgrade automatically prepopulates this field to the following:

• Hispanic if Race/Ethnic Category was set to “(Hispanic)”

• Hispanic if Race/Ethnic Subcategory was set to Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Other Hispanic

• Non-Hispanic if Race/Ethnic Subcategory was set to any other category except Not Applicable or Other

Form Updates

• Outcome- HOME and Outcome- HOME-EC now keep “reason not completed” enabled regardless of whether scores are entered

• Birth Form

o Added Ethnicity.

o Race/Ethnicity Category renamed to Race Category

• Participant Home Form

o Added First Home Visit Date field. This field can be manually edited for sites which choose the Track Home Visits in Monthly Contact Log option in the Site/Enrollment Definitions. Note that this field is not yet implemented but will be used in PIMS 7.2.

o Added Ethnicity.

o Race/Ethnicity Category renamed to Race Category

o Religion- added option for traditional spiritual practices

• Partner Initial Demographics Form

o Added Ethnicity

o Race/Ethnicity Category renamed to Race Category

• Site/Enrollment Definition

o Count Home Visits from Monthly Contact Log checkbox replaced with a radio button with options Track Home Visits in Home Visit Log and Track Home Visits in Monthly Contact Log

• Staff Information Form

o Added Ethnicity

o Race/Ethnicity Category renamed to Race Category

• Termination Form

o Added Last Home Visit Date. This field can be manually edited for sites which choose the Track Home Visits in Monthly Contact Log option in the Site/Enrollment Definitions. Note that this field is not yet implemented but will be used in PIMS 7.2.

Navigation Updates

• Reports Menu – Added Known Bugs button to link to current bugs report on PIMS website

New Reports

• MIECHV Form 1 Child 2 (Demographics) – displays gender, insurance, and race/ethnicity info

Report Updates

• Removed “early measured” inclusion from several reports- ND04, ND06, ND08, ND16, ND17, ND23, ND30, ND31, ND34, ND37

• ND29 denominator now counts domestic violence positive screens without referrals

• IL01A Healthy Families Participant Data – Hanover now filters by Hanover township, not Hanover Park

• MIECHV- all reports now reflect Ethnicity field, rather than calculation from Race/Ethnic Category and Race/Ethnic Subcategory

• MIECHV Form 1 Child 1 (Key Dates) – removed Gender and Race info, which are included in the new MIECHV Form 1 Child 2 (Demographics) report

• MIECHV Individual Details 3- Priority Populations- Added asterisk to flag all participants who are newly enrolled

• PIMS03B: Assessment Info by Disposition- now displays name each time in case of duplicate assessments for a single person

• PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis

o shows data as missing if no Baseline/Followup entered

• PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis, PIMS12: Baseline Characteristics, PIMS32: Current Characteristics, PIMS40: Retention Characteristics, PIMS47: Staff Turnover

o added Ethnicity

Bug Fixes

• Reports

o PIMS04: Assessment Information Summary and PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis and PIMS07A: Passive Refusals – summary stats (positive assessments to which services were offered, verbally accept, accept and enroll) no longer multiplies counts of participants with 2 or more assessments.

o PIMS15A: Home Visit Activities – now correctly aggregates listing of participants from pre- and post- PIMS 7 data entry

o WV01- New Steps DHHR – now opens correctly

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.5 Release (4/7/14)

New Reports

• Added IL01A Healthy Families Participant Data and IL01B Healthy Families Participant Data versions for Hanover Park, Elk Grove, and Wheeling

Updated Reports

• ND1.8 now counts mother and child insurance status separately. Outcome summary is displayed on individual report

Bug Fixes

• Outcome HFPI form now allows deletions

• IL03A Healthy Families Service Hours Summary by City- no longer get parameter prompt for City

• Windows 8 compatibility possibly improved (needs testing)

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.4 Release (3/10/14)

Bug Fixes

• Medical Visits Form now avoids inconsequential parameter prompt after closing a record with target of visit = target child

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.3 Release (3/7/14)

Best Practice Standards Updates

• Family Stress Checklist renamed to Parent Survey/Family Stress Checklist

• Reports

o PIMS03: Assessment Disposition – added Second Assessment, Relation to Child and FSC Score

Custom Queries

• Added Step 3) Select Group and Site Filters

• Followup-Current category now includes father information at latest followup

• Participant Data Report now limited to reporting on one type of activity, specified by Report Sub Type field. This prevents displaying a separate row per *combination* of activities when two or more activities were selected.

Data Aggregation

• Aggregated data sets now retain group information

• All groups labeled by Site ID

New Reports

• VA01: Subsequent Births

• PIMS61: Parent Outcome Scores Within Normal Limits

• PIMS61A: Parent Outcome Scores Within Normal Limits - Summary

• PIMS62: Parent Outcome Checkpoints To Date

• PIMS62A: Parent Outcome Checkpoints To Date Summary

• PIMS62B: Parent Outcome Checkpoints To Date (Missing Only)

• QA08: Service Start and End Dates By Participant

Report Updates

• All MIECHV Benchmark Reports- added infrastructure to report on “early negatives”

• IL01A: Healthy Families Participant Data – reformatted to display lengthy street addresses

• MIECHV Form 1 Child- now also displays age (in years) at latest followup, as reflected in Section B 10 & 11

• ND 1.7 expects completion of four (not five) well baby visits

• ND 4.1 reworded cohort as “by 4 months” (not within 3 months)

• ND 6.1 thru 6.3 – now counts anyone with referral without identified need

• PIMS14: Monthly Contact by Month

o lists participants who complete Monthly Contact Logs prior to service start or after termination

o shows count of participants included in report

• PIMS17: Child Outcomes

o renamed to Child Outcomes Completed, by FSW

o displays participant ID if “Show ID” option is selected

o removed HOME and HOME/EC

• PIMS19F: Immunizations – now separately summarizes 0% complete

• PIMS56: Child Outcome Checkpoints

o removed HOME and HOME/EC

o now sorts by child name and instrument name

Form Updates

• ACEs

o Changed ordering, swapping questions 1-4 with 5-8

o Added question #21

o Score now tallies all 21 questions

• Child History now displays medical clinic printout

• Outcome-ASQ-SE now flags if score is ABOVE cutoff, and disables referral button if it’s below cutoff

• Outcome-HOME Infant/Toddler moved from Child Outcomes to Participant Outcomes

• Outcome-HOME Early Childhood moved from Child Outcomes to Participant Outcomes

• Outcome Instrument List now displays target and baseline definitions

• Medical Visit Form

o Added optional Validate button as pilot for integrated data quality checking

o Target child field enabled only when target of visit field specifies child

o When target of visit field specifies child, first child is automatically selected if participant has only one child

• Participant History now displays medical clinic

• Participant Outcomes now available prior to Intake

• Participant Outcomes History and Child Outcomes History now display note explaining that outcomes due before termination are listed

• Service Hours – socializations/outings outside of home renamed to Contacts Outside of Home

Bug Fixes

• Reports

o All IL reports

▪ now getting date range from visible Start Date and End Date parameter, not invisible Month and Year parameters

▪ no longer get “invalid use of null” error when data table includes people missing both screening and intake records

o Custom Queries- Child Followup – smokes cigarettes field now no long causes “Too few parameters” error

o IL03 Healthy Families Service Hours Summary- no longer get error “This document was previously formatted for the printer…”

o ND 1.5 indicator description now correctly states “by 4 months postpartum”

o ND3.1 HFPI Child Learning and Development- revised description of Early Positive for accuracy: “participants who have NOT reached 4 months postpartum but have completed and discussed results for the 3 month HFPI”

o ND5.2a Adult Employment- now correctly calculates outcomes

o ND5.2b Adult Education- now correctly calculates outcomes

o PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis- now lists Referral Source for participants newly entered in PIMS 7

o PIMS07: Service Acceptance Analysis- now lists Referral Source as “missing” for participants with no screen

o PIMS16B: Monthly Case Status Summary- list of New Enrollments now includes participants with no children

o PIMS31A: Well Baby Visit Summary- report header now counts “target children with well baby visits due" and not count of “target children with immunizations due" and

• Forms

o Group Membership Form- no longer triggers parameter prompt (“frmSetup_GroupMemberships.group_code”) on closing

o Monthly Contact History- now displays home visit count even if number of scheduled or unscheduled home visits was left blank

o Monthly Service Hours History- now correctly opens when a participant has two or more service hour logs (from different FAWs/FSWs) in the same month

o ND Supplemental- no longer triggers “object doesn’t support this property” error when opening

o Participant Outcomes – now prints from one timepoint rather than all screenings for currently selected participant and tool

o Participant Outcomes History and Child Outcomes History – start and end dates now blank if no baseline date established

o Service Start date- when Site/Enrollment Definition set to count HV from Monthly Contact Log, this now correctly estimates the month of service start based on the first Monthly Contact Log with 1 or more entered in either scheduled home visits completed or unscheduled home visits completed

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.2 Release (12/12/13)

Form Updates

• Referral History- now sorts by date, not order entered

Report Updates

• All reports can now print in MS Access 2007, 2010, and 2013 using new menu option, Add-Ins -> Export -> 2010 Export to MS Excel

• All Custom ND and MIECHV reports now have Add-Ins -> Export option

• IL Service Hour Reports

o Renamed all

• ND Supplemental Assessment Form

o Renamed to ND Supplemental Form

o Removed tracking of Conditions

o Moved 1 Month cigarette smoking data to 2 weeks

o Relabeled various section headers

• MIECHV Form 1 Individual 3 and MIECHV Form 1 Section E - History of Substance Abuse now measured via Screening Form (“history of substance abuse”), not ND Supplemental Form

• MIECHV Form 1 Individual 3 now correctly displays low income status

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.1 Release (11/26/13)

IL Service Hours Reports - new

• IL01: Key Participant Data for United Way Reporting

• IL02: United Way Demographics

• IL03A: United Way Service Hours by City

• IL03B: United Way Service Hours by Township

• IL04: United Way Race

• IL04A: United Way Race by City

• IL04B: United Way Race by Township


• MIECHV Form 1 Sections A,B,D – participant correctly counted as NOT pregnant if child is born before start of reporting period, even if prenatally enrolled

• MIECHV Form 1 Individual 3- lists yes, no, or blank for all priority population indicators

• ND01- changed cutoff from 80% to 50%

• ND02- only reflects smoking status if 36 week tracking date is before end of current reporting period

• ND33, ND34, ND37 – changed need for referral to reflect 3 black flags, or referral to Early Childhood Services made at FSW’s discretion

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.0 Release (11/1/13)

Custom Queries

• Participant Summary Stats- added Prenatal Care Visits Expected and Prenatal Care Visits Completed


• Added MIECHV Child Details report

• All Constructs – including MIECHV benchmark # on header

• All child-based constructs (ND07, ND09, ND12) now show child’s name (as well as participant’s name) on individual reports

• MIECHV Individual Detail reports

o added headers with report parameters, reorganized fields between reports to facilitate report interpretation

o all reports redesigned to run about 10x faster

o renamed and reorganized reports

▪ MIECHV Individual- Demographics

▪ MIECHV Individual- Latest Followup Data

▪ MIECHV Individual- Priority Populations

▪ MIECHV Individual- Service Utilization

• MIECHV Individual- Latest Followup Data– now lists MIECHV educational attainment category

• MIECHV Summary Reports split up into smaller reports for more reliable performance/printing


o MIECHV B 4-7

o MIECHV B 8-11





• MIECHV B – Educational attainment summary now matches MIECHV categories

• ND02- limited denominator to target children born at least at 36 weeks’ gestation

• ND05, ND16, ND17, ND23- moved count of participants completing outcome before reaching target age, to “early positives”

• Removed all unused MIECHV queries and reports

Bugs Fixed in this version

• All Constructs – 0 of 0 now displays as “N/A” and not “0%”

• Some child-based constructs (ND07, ND09, ND12)- now count twins separately

• MIECHV Section E- calculations were corrected

• MIECHV Section A & B- pregnant status is now correct

• MIECHV Individual Detail – pregnant status is now correct, CA/N status is now pulled from primary Assessment and not additional assessment

• ND31a and ND31b corrected calculations for all outcomes

|PIMS 7.1 Beta |

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.30 Beta (10/28/13)


• Added Show Name vs. Show ID parameter to all individual level reports

• Custom- North Dakota Individual Data reports now show friendly/comprehensible error message if there’s no data

• MIECHV HV Form 1- Individual Details 1 report now shows time enrolled and child age at end of reporting period

Bugs Fixed in this version

• Forms

o Participant Outcomes - scheduled date range calculation for prenatal timepoints of Edinburgh and RAT is now correct (had previously usually showed 1899, 1900)

• Reports

o MIECHV Individual Details Part I and MIECHV HV Form 1 Section B - marital status is now reported at 1-year followup and not at baseline

o MIECHV Individual Details Part II- Household size now counts target children entered in PIMS 7, or participants

o MIECHV Individual Details Part III and MIECHV HV Form 1 Table E – calculations corrected for CA/N, Tobacco Use, Low Achievement, Devt Delays, Armed Forces

o ND01: Prenatal Care summary report no longer crashes when # visits expected is not entered

o ND 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 37 – subreports are now visible for staff-level logins

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.20 Beta (10/25/13)


• revised based on feedback- see ND MIECHV PIMS Crosswalk for details

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.10 Beta (10/23/13)


• moved generic MIECHV reports to separate MIECHV category

• revised based on feedback- see ND MIECHV PIMS Crosswalk for details

• non-admin users can now run reports restricted to their own caseloads

Bugs Fixed in this version

• Reports- Child Outcome Checkpoints to Date and Child Outcomes within Normal Limits- now works properly when Display option set to Show ID

• when opening MIECHV summary reports, no longer get error “This document was previously formatted for the printer…”

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.8 Beta (10/21/13)

ND MIECHV Reports Added

• HV Form 1

• remaining 7 constructs

Bugs Fixed in this version

• Medical Visits History now sorts by date

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.6 Beta (10/20/13)

ND MIECHV Reports Added

• HV Form 1

• 17 of 24 constructs

Bugs Fixed in this version

• Outcomes- ASQ-SE - if you select an option in the box, "If referrals were not made, what is the reason" and then subsequently delete that option without selecting a new option, you can now still add or edit all ASQ-SEs for that child

• Outcomes- RAT – tab order corrected

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.5 Beta (9/30/13)

Updated Forms

• Monthly Service Hours calculates total hours within form

Custom Queries

• Added Service Hours category and fields

Bugs Fixed in this version

• ACES- tabbing to end of form no longer cycles to blank record

• Child Baseline/Followup- tabbing to end of form no longer cycles to blank record

• Child History- when opening form through button on Birth form (rather than navigation bar), no longer get a syntax error when subsequently opening a history record

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.4 Beta (9/29/13)

Updated Forms

• Baseline/Followup renamed to Participant Baseline/Followup

• Child Baseline/Followup

o Printable form updated to include new fields

o Does Participant Smoke Cigarettes field- “no” option replaced with:

▪ No- have never been a smoker

▪ No- have quit smoking

▪ When Did the Participant Quit Smoking field is only available when “No- have quit smoking” is selected

• ND Supplemental Assessment

o Moved Participant’s Insurance timepoint from 4 months post assessment to 4 months post birth

o Added “undecided” option for breastfeeding and birth control intent

o Does Participant Smoke Cigarettes field- “no” option replaced with:

▪ No- have never been a smoker

▪ No- have quit smoking

▪ When Did the Participant Quit Smoking field is only available when “No- have quit smoking” is selected

o Birth Control Intent field- added “undecided” option

o Breastfeeding Intent field- added “undecided” option

o PRAMS reasons for not doing anything to keep from getting pregnant are only enabled if previous question is answered “No”

• Outcomes- ASQ

o Added Cutoff Category for all five subscales to form and printable report

• Participant Home Form

o Race/Ethnic Category- added “Asian” and “Pacific Islander” options and deprecated “Asian/Pacific Islander”

o Race/Ethnic Subcategory- behind the scenes, this field now tracks whether each subcategory is Hispanic

Custom Queries updated to reflect all new and updated fields in this version

Bugs Fixed in this version

• Baseline/Followup – no longer get read error on ‘tpeople_data’ on opening by staff

• Custom Queries- Participant Data (10 Columns) no longer triggers error “can’t find the field ‘Forms’” on some platforms

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.3 Beta (9/25/13)

This version adds new data tracking (mostly related to North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking), improves performance, and fixes several non-critical bugs

Updated Forms


o calculates total score and # of questions

o revised questions on form

o revised questions on printable report

o revised custom queries fields

Bugs Fixed in this version


o corrected invalid “screening” field

o tab order corrected

• Child Development Screen- Add New button now creates a new blank record

• Home Form- re-enroll button no longer triggers Site_ID parameter prompt when opening Reports Menu

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.2 Beta (9/19/13)

This version adds new data tracking (mostly related to North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking), improves performance, and fixes several non-critical bugs

Updated Forms

• added Township and County to Assessment, Screening, Intake, and Participant History forms

• Outcome- RAT – removed a few fields

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.1 Beta (9/18/13)

This version adds new data tracking (mostly related to North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking), improves performance, and fixes several non-critical bugs

New Forms

• added Aces (separate from North Dakota Supplemental Assessment)

• added Monthly Service Hours and Monthly Service Hours History

Updates to New PIMS 7.1.0 Beta forms

• changed all date fields to use same format as existing dates- mm/dd/yyyy

• added printable copies of all forms and fields in PIMS 7.1.0 Beta

Custom Queries

• added tracking for all new forms and fields in PIMS 7.1.0 Beta, including split of Child Baseline/Followup and Participant Baseline/Followup

Data Validation

• Monthly Contact Log prohibits dates entered in the future, before service level assigned date, or after termination date

• Outcomes – RAT limits total score to 60

PIMS 7.1.0 New Bugs fixed


o Dropdown boxes for questions #6-#11 were corrected

• ND Supplemental assessment

o All staff who measured fields display correctly

o Tab order made consistent

o Tabbing off end of form no longer cycles to another person’s record

• Outcome- RAT

o form limited score to 60, not 30

o related referral status updates immediately after editing referral

• Staff Permissions Problems

o Baseline/Followup – no longer get read error on ‘tpeople_data’ on opening

o Birth deletion no longer triggers an endless sequence of errors

o Intake deletion no longer triggers an endless sequence of errors

o Medical Visits – target child can now be selected

o ND Supplement Assessment - pregnancy attitude can now be selected

o Service Level History – FSW ID can now be selected

o Intake – FSW ID can now be selected

Old Bugs fixed

• Partner Form – Followup and History buttons no longer generate “OnClick” error when logged in as a staff account

Changes to PIMS in version 7.1.0 Beta (9/12/13)

This version adds new data tracking (mostly related to North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking), improves performance, and fixes several non-critical bugs

New Fields- the following forms were added for North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking

• Baseline/Followup Form

o added new options for Highest Level of Education Completed

▪ Some post high school training

▪ Vocational training certification

▪ Some college

• Birth Form

o added Did child come home from hospital with participant?, and Explanation

• Child Outcomes Form - Generic

o added Repeat Admin option to allow tracking up to two screens at one timepoint

• Home Visit Log Form

o added North Dakota Supplemental Home Visit Tracking section

• Participant History Form

o added Medicaid info

• Participant Home Form

o # of prenatal care visits expected

o # of prenatal care visits completed

• Participant Outcomes Form

o added Repeat Admin option to allow tracking up to two screens at one timepoint

• Service Level History

o now displays Site ID

New Forms- the following forms were added for North Dakota’s MIECHV benchmarking

• Baseline/Followup Form – Child

o split this off from Baseline/Followup Form – Participant

o added If Child Not Currently Breastfed, When Did They Quit?

o added three month time point

o added Tobacco Usage

• ND Supplemental Assessment

• Outcomes- RAT

• Outcomes- Self-Sufficiency

Improvements to Select PIMS File function

• If Select PIMS File fails, all tables will be detached from application to prevent confusing error messages

• No longer allowed to link to a PIMS data table with the suffix “bkp” or “temp”

• When upgrading data table, clears out “orphaned” outcome records (i.e. records left over from deleted participants)

Improvements to Performance

• entire database imported into a new database shell, which should improve performance

Other Improvements

• Outcome Instrument Checkpoints now requires a minimum of one screen

Report Improvements

• PIMS20A: Birth Weight Categories and PIMS20B: Gestational Age Categories

o displays service start and target birth dates

o explains prenatal home visit counts and age at enrollment

o flags non-target children

o prevents running # HVs or months enrolled filter for non-target children

• PIMS43: Life Course Outcomes

o removed section on child outcomes, which are now tracked in the separate report PIMS60: Child Life Course Outcomes

Minor Bugs Fixed in this version

• Birth Form- birth weight calculator calculates birth weight even if entry for pounds or ounces is left blank

• Child Outcomes- HOME and Child Outcomes- HOME EC “Reason not completed” field is enabled when no scores are entered or total score is zero

• Home Visit History- correctly flag dates with ‘?’ for Home Visits occurring before service level assigned date

• Intake- when deleted and recreated, user now allowed to enter a new Intake on the same date

• Participant Navigation bar updates available options after deleting a screen, assessment, or intake

• Staff List- refreshes immediately after adding a new staff person

• Staff Training

o When a new staff person is entered, switching to training form links to correct staff person

o Events List- refreshes immediately after adding a new event

• PIMS02: Screen Info Summary- for participants with 2 or more assessments, outcome section only counts Active Assessment (as defined in Participant Home form), not each assessment

|Technical Notes on Upgrading Between Versions |

Upgrading to PIMS 7.4.0 Release

o CollaboratingHospitals

o HospitalID is now a random autonumber (no longer sequential)

• StaffInfo

o added StaffNameLast

o added StaffNameFirst

• tassessment_lkup_instrument renamed to toutcome_instrument_lkup_defs

o added cutoff_score_total

o added standard_instrument_id

o instrument_id renamed to old_instrument_id

• tchilddevelop_data

o child_develop_id renamed to measurement_id

o screening_instrument_id renamed to standard_instrument_id

• tInstrumentsToCheckpoints

o instrument_id renamed to standard_instrument_id

o minScreensAtThisCheckpoint default value = 0 (not null), and is now required

• tInstrumentsToTimepoints

o instrument_id renamed to standard_instrument_id

• tOutcome_CESD

o added kid_id

• tOutcome_Edinburgh

o added kid_id

• toutcomeinstrumentadmin_data

o outcome_instrument_id renamed to measurement_id

o instrument_id renamed to standard_instrument_id

• tpeople_data

o removed time_enrolled

o added time_enrolled_verified (replaces time_enrolled)

o added time_enrolled_presumed

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.7 Release

• tassessment_data

o added isMother_fsc_2a, isMother_fsc_2c, isMother_fsc_2d

o added isAdditional_fsc_2a, isAdditional_fsc_2c, isAdditional_fsc_2d

• added toutcomes_PHQ

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.5 Release

• added thome_visit_notes

o tracks all large notes fields formerly stored in thome_visit_data

• thome_visit_data

o removed all large notes fields

• toutcomes_edinburgh

o added kid_id to track target of screen, which could be a subsequent child. Made this part of primary key

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.4 Release

• tgeneral_lkup_race_sub

o added Other categories through Other Z

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.2 Release

• tfamily_goal_data

o added family_goal_id

• tfamily_goal_steps_data

o added family_goal_id

o removed date_goal_developed

o removed person_id

Upgrading to PIMS 7.3.0 Beta

• added tfamily_goal_data

• added tfamily_goal_steps_data

• tadhoc_saved_queries – added report_title

• tassessment_data – added mother_assessment_method_other_text

• tgeneral_lkup_poverty – added poverty_year

• thome_visit_data

o added several new fields

o removed home_status_* fields

o removed pci_* fields

o removed partner_interact_* fields

• tpeople_data – added is_partner_info_declined

lookup table options

• tassessment_lkup_assessment_method – added other (specify) option

• toutcome_ASQ_lkup_no_referral_reason- added previously confirmed delay option

• treferral_lkup_services- added Child Development Service option

• tscreen_lkup_referral_type- added OB/GYN option

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.3 Release

• StaffTraining

o added several new fields to reflect updated training topics

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.2 Release

• tpeople_data

o added child_age

Upgrading to PIMS 7.2.0 Release

• tpeople_data

o added calc_first_home_visit_date

o added calc_latest_home_visit_date

o added calc_final_home_visit_date

o added isFirstHVEstimated

o added isLastHVEstimated

• tsite_lkup_enrollment

o renamed date of last home visit option to date of final home visit

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.6 Release

• StaffInfo

o added Ethnicity

• tbirth_data

o added child_ethnicity_code

• tpartner_data

o added partner_ethnicity_code

• tpeople_data

o added ethnicity_code

o added first_ home_visit_date

• ttermination_data

o added final_home_visit_date

• tassessment_lkup_religion – added “traditional spiritual practices”

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.3 Release

• tadhoc_saved_queries

o added group_code

o added group_display

o added include_exclude_groups_flag

o added report_type_sub

o added site_id

• tgeneral_lkup_groups – added group_code_local and site_id to help manage groups in aggregated data sets

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.5 Beta

• tservice_hours_data

o Added calc_total_service_hours

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.4 Beta

• Added tgeneral_lkup_yes_no_unknown_undecided

• Added tgeneral_lkup_smoking_status

• Added toutcome_ASQ_lkup_cutoff_category

• Updated tfollowup_child_history

o changed smoke_cigarettes_ynu to smoke_cigarettes_status_code, and now use tgeneral_lkup_smoking_status as lookup

• Updated tND_Assessment_data

o changed all smoke_cigarettes_ynu fields to smoke_cigarettes_status_code, and now use tgeneral_lkup_smoking_status as lookup

o nd36w_gest_birth_control_intent_ynu now uses tgeneral_lkup_yes_no_unknown_undecided as lookup

o nd36w_gest_breastfeed_intent_ynu now uses tgeneral_lkup_yes_no_unknown_undecided as lookup

• Updated tgeneral_lkup_race

o added Asian

o added Pacific Islander

o deprecated Asian/Pacific Islander

• Updated tgeneral_lkup_race_sub

o added isHispanic option to track ethnicity

• Updated toutcome_ASQ added fields

o cutoff_cat_commun

o cutoff_cat_grossmotor

o cutoff_cat_finemotor

o cutoff_cat_probsolv

o cutoff_cat_social

Upgrading to PIMS 7.1.3 Beta

• Reconfigured permissions on all tables

• Added cascade update/delete relationships for some existing tables

o tbirth_data to:

▪ tOutcome_ASQ

▪ tOutcome_ASQ_SE

▪ tOutcome_HOME

▪ tOutcome_HOME_EC

▪ tOutcome_KIPS

o tpeople_data to:

▪ tOutcome_ACOG_DV

▪ tOutcome_CESD

▪ tOutcome_Edinburgh

▪ tOutcome_HFPI

• Added new tables

o taces_data

o tgeneral_lkup_yes_no_eligible

o tgeneral_lkup_yes_no_refused

o thome_visit_data_lkup_MA

o tND_assessment_data

o tND_assessment_lkup_preg_feeling

o toutcome_ND_Self_Sufficiency

o toutcome_ND_Self_Sufficiency_lookup_school

o toutcome_RAT

o tservice_hours_data

• tgeneral_lkup_education – added options

o Some post high school training

o Vocational training certification

o Some college

• tassessment_data

o assessed_address_township_text

o assessed_address_county_text

• tscreen_data

o parent_address_township_text

o parent_address_county_text

• tparticipant_history

o participant_address_township_text

o participant_address_county_text

• tbirth_data

o added child_came_home_ynu

o added child_came_home_notes_text

• tfollowup_child_history

o removed relationship with tfollowup_participant_history, to allow data entry in Child Followup prior to data entry in Participant Followup

o followup_period_code - added 3 month timepoint

o added breastfeed_quit_date

o added followup_date

o added smoke_cigarettes_ynu

o added cigarette_quit_date

o added cigarettes_per_day

• thome_visit_data

o added MA_info_code

o added home_status_* (13 fields)

o added pci_* (16 fields)

o added partner_interaction_notes_text

o added seek_educaction_flag

o added seek_employment_flag

• Participant History Form

o added medicaid_tcm_ynu

o added medicaid_billable_yne

o added medicaid_number

• Participant Home Form

o added prenatal_care_visits_expected

o added prenatal_care_visits_completed

o added prenatal_care_visits_completed_calc


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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