The New Age is condemned by the Vatican

It teaches that we are all gods


On February 3, 2003, the Vatican issued a remarkable document to denounce the damaging effects of the New Age. This 90-page document of the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, called Jesus Christ, the bearer of the water of life — A Christian reflection on the “New Age”, explains in detail how the New Age is opposed to the Catholic Faith, and why it cannot be accepted by anyone who wants to remain faithful to Christ and His Church. Here are large excerpts from this enlightening document; the subtitles are from the “Michael” Journal:

Nothing new with the New Age

When one examines many New Age traditions, it soon becomes clear that there is, in fact, little in the New Age that is new. The name seems to have spread first through Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, at the time of the French and American Revolutions, but the reality it denotes is a contemporary variant of Western esotericism. This dates back to Gnostic groups which grew up in the early days of Christianity...

It is characterized by a progressive rejection of a personal God for other entities (so-called “mediums”, or evil spirits) which would often figure as intermediaries between God and humanity...

If New Age has found a remarkable level of acceptance, it is because... the ground was well prepared by the growth and spread of relativism, along with an antipathy or indifference towards the Christian faith.

Opposed to Christian doctrine

An adequate Christian discernment of New Age thought and practice cannot fail to recognize that, like second and third century gnosticism, it represents something of a compendium of positions that the Church has identified as heterodox (opposed to the Christian doctrine).

When the understanding of the content of Christian faith is weak, some mistakenly hold that the Christian religion does not inspire a profound spirituality, and so they seek elsewhere.

Revival of pagan religions

According to astrologers, we live in the Age of Pisces, which has been dominated by Christianity. But the current age of Pisces is due to be replaced by the New Age of Aquarius early in the third Millennium. The Age of Aquarius has such a high profile in the New Age movement largely because of the influence of theosophy, spiritualism and anthroposophy, and their esoteric antecedents.

Some of the traditions which flow into New Age are: ancient Egyptian occult practices, Cabbalism, early Christian gnosticism, Sufism, the lore of the Druids, Celtic Christianity, medieval alchemy, Renaissance hermeticism, Zen Buddhism, Yoga, and so on.

Here is what is "new" about New Age. It is a "syncretism of esoteric and secular elements". They link into a widely-held perception that the time is ripe for a fundamental change in individuals, in society and in the world.

The rejection of modernity underlying this desire for change (paradigm shift) is not new, but can be described as "a modern revival of pagan religions with a mixture of influences from both eastern religions and also from modern psychology, philosophy, science, and the counterculture that developed in the 1950s and 1960s."

In these contexts, the term "paradigm shift" is often used. This notion was made popular by Thomas Kuhn, an American historian of science, who saw a paradigm as "the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques and so on shared by the members of a given community." When there is a shift from one paradigm to another, it is a question of wholesale transformation of perspective rather than one of gradual development. It really is a revolution, and Kuhn emphasised that competing paradigms are incommensurable and cannot co-exist.

New Age and Christianity are irreconcilable

What is actually taking place is a new vision of the world, which puts into question not only the content but also the fundamental interpretation of the former vision. Perhaps the clearest example of this, in terms of the relationship between New Age and Christianity, is the total recasting of the life and significance of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to reconcile these two visions... New Age may well be one of the signs of a "return to religion," but it is most certainly not a return to orthodox Christian doctrines and creeds.

The first symbols of this "movement" to penetrate Western culture were the remarkable festival at Woodstock in New York State in 1969 and the musical Hair, which set forth the main themes of New Age in the emblematic song "Aquarius". But these were merely the tip of an iceberg whose dimensions have become clearer only relatively recently.

Mediums taken over by demons

One of the most common elements in New Age "spirituality" is a fascination with extraordinary manifestations, and in particular with paranormal entities. People recognised as "mediums" claim that their personality is taken over by another entity (evil spirit, or demon) during trances in a New Age phenomenon known as "channeling", during which the medium may lose control over his or her body and faculties.

Some people who have witnessed these events would willingly acknowledge that the manifestations are indeed spiritual, but are not from God, despite the language of love and light which is almost always used... It is probably more correct to refer to this as a contemporary form of spiritualism...

No distinction between good and evil

In New Age there is no distinction between good and evil. Human actions are the fruit of either illumination or ignorance. Hence we cannot condemn anyone, and nobody needs forgiveness.

For some New Age healers, there should actually be no need for us to die. Developing our human potential will put us in touch with our inner divinity and with those parts of ourselves which have been alienated and suppressed.

This is revealed above all in Altered States of Consciousness (ASCs), which are induced either by drugs or by various mind-expanding techniques, particularly in the context of "transpersonal psychology". The shaman is often seen as the specialist of altered states of consciousness, one who is able to mediate between the transpersonal realms of spirits and gods and the world of humans.

Advertising connected with New Age covers a wide range of practices as acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, kinesiology, homeopathy, iridology, massage, and various kinds of "bodywork" (such as orgonomy, Feldenkrais, reflexology, Rolfing, polarity massage, therapeutic touch etc.), meditation and visualisation, nutritional therapies, psychic healing, various kinds of herbal medicine, healing by crystals, metals, music or colours, reincarnation therapies and, finally, twelve-step programmes and self-help groups. The source of healing is said to be within ourselves, something we reach when we are in touch with our inner energy or cosmic energy.

Reincarnation dispenses with the notion of hell

Inasmuch as health includes a prolongation of life, New Age offers an Eastern formula in Western terms. Originally, reincarnation was a part of Hindu cyclical thought, based on the atman or divine kernel of personality, which moved from body to body in a cycle of suffering, determined by the law of karma, linked to behaviour in past lives. Hope lies in the possibility of being born into a better state, or ultimately in liberation from the need to be reborn... This post-Christian approach to eschatology is said to dispense with the notion of hell... People have access to their former lives through dreams and meditation techniques. 

One of the central concerns of the New Age movement is the search for "wholeness". There is encouragement to overcome all forms of "dualism", as such divisions are an unhealthy product of a less enlightened past. Divisions which New Age proponents claim need to be overcome include the difference between Creator and creation, the distinction between man and nature, or spirit and matter. (In other words, for the New Age, there is no distinction between God and man; man is his own god, his own Creator.)

Promotes a world government

There is the temptation to overcome not only undue division, but even any real difference and distinction... at the risk of submitting to a global network which assumes quasi-transcendental authority. For New Agers, the Earth's executive agent is the human race as a whole, and the harmony and understanding required for responsible governance is increasingly understood to be a global government, with a global ethical framework.

The warmth of Mother Earth (the Greek goddess Gaia), whose divinity pervades the whole of creation, is held to bridge the gap between creation and the transcendent Father-God of Judaism and Christianity, and removes the prospect of being judged by such a Being.

The origin of New Age thinking: Freemasonry, occultism

The essential matrix (origin) of New Age thinking is to be found in the esoteric-theosophical tradition which was fairly widely accepted in European intellectual circles in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was particularly strong in freemasonry, spiritualism, occultism and theosophy, which shared a kind of esoteric culture.

In this vision of the world, Nature is a living being, shot through with networks of sympathy and antipathy, animated by a light and a secret fire which human beings seek to control. People can contact the upper or lower worlds by means of their imagination (an organ of the soul or spirit), or by using mediators (angels, spirits, devils) or rituals.

People can be initiated into the mysteries of the cosmos, God and the self by means of a spiritual itinerary of transformation. The eventual goal is gnosis, the highest form of knowledge... a secret (esoteric) doctrine which is the key to all the "exoteric" traditions which are accessible to everyone. Esoteric teachings are handed down from master to disciple in a gradual programme of initiation.

This form of esotericism... reached its clearest form in the ideas of Helena Blavatsky, a Russian medium who founded the Theosophical Society with Henry Olcott in New York in 1875. The Society aimed to fuse elements of Eastern and Western traditions in an evolutionary type of spiritualism. It had three main aims:

1. "To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, caste or colour.

2. "To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.

3. "To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in man.

"The significance of these objectives... should be clear. The first objective implicitly rejects the 'irrational bigotry' and 'sectarianism' of traditional Christianity as perceived by spiritualists and theosophists. For theosophists, 'science' meant the occult sciences...

A prominent component of Mrs. Blavatsky's writings was the emancipation of women, which involved an attack on the "male" God of Judaism, of Christianity and of Islam. She urged people to return to the mother-goddess of Hinduism. This continued under the guidance of Annie Besant, who was in the vanguard of the feminist movement. Wicca and "women's spirituality" carry on this struggle against "patriarchal" Christianity today.

The dream of becoming gods

The tendency to interchange psychology and spirituality was firmly embedded in the Human Potential Movement as it developed towards the end of the 1960s at the Esalen Institute in California. Transpersonal psychology, strongly influenced by Eastern religions and by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, offers a contemplative journey where science meets mysticism...

To realise one's potential, one had to go beyond one's ego in order to become the god that one is, deep down. This could be done by choosing the appropriate therapy – meditation, parapsychological experiences, and the use of hallucinogenic drugs. These were all ways of achieving "peak experiences", "mystical" experiences of fusion with God and with the cosmos.

New Age involves a fundamental belief in the perfectibility of the human person by means of a wide variety of techniques and therapies (as opposed to the Christian view of co-operation with divine grace). There is a general accord with Nietzsche's idea that Christianity has prevented the full manifestation of genuine humanity.

It is useful to distinguish between esotericism, a search for knowledge, and magic, or the occult: the latter is a means of obtaining power. Some groups are both esoteric and occult. At the centre of occultism is a will to power based on the dream of becoming divine. Mind-expanding techniques are meant to reveal to people their divine power; by using this power, people prepare the way for the Age of Enlightenment.

Satanism, rock music

This exaltation of humanity overturns the correct relationship between Creator and creature, and one of its extreme forms is Satanism. Satan becomes the symbol of a rebellion against conventions and rules, a symbol that often takes aggressive, selfish and violent forms. Some evangelical groups have expressed concern at the subliminal presence of what they claim is Satanic symbolism in some varieties of rock music, which have a powerful influence on young people. This is all far removed from the message of peace and harmony which is to be found in the New Testament; it is often one of the consequences of the exaltation of humanity when that involves the negation of a transcendent God.

But it is not only something which affects young people; the basic themes of esoteric culture are also present in the realms of politics, education and legislation. It is especially the case with ecology. Deep ecology's emphasis on bio-centrism denies the anthropological vision of the Bible, in which human beings are at the centre of the world, since they are considered to be qualitatively superior to other natural forms. It is very prominent in legislation and education today, despite the fact that it underrates humanity in this way. (For New Agers, human beings have no more value than animals, which in practice have more rights than humans!)

The same esoteric cultural matrix can be found in the ideological theory underlying population control policies and experiments in genetic engineering, which seem to express a dream human beings have of creating themselves afresh. How do people hope to do this? By deciphering the genetic code, altering the natural rules of sexuality, defying the limits of death.

No God, no need for salvation

In what might be termed a classical New Age account, people are born with a divine spark, in a sense which is reminiscent of ancient Gnosticism; this links them into the unity of the Whole. So they are seen as essentially divine, although they participate in this cosmic divinity at different levels of consciousness. We are co-creators, and we create our own reality...

We need to make a journey in order fully to understand where we fit into the unity of the cosmos. The journey is psychotherapy, and the recognition of universal consciousness is salvation. There is no sin; there is only imperfect knowledge. The identity of every human being is diluted in the universal being and in the process of successive incarnations. People are subject to the determining influences of the stars, but can be opened to the divinity which lives within them, in their continual search (by means of appropriate techniques) for an ever greater harmony between self and divine cosmic energy. There is no need for revelation or salvation which would come to people from outside themselves, but simply a need to experience the salvation hidden within themselves (self-salvation), by mastering psycho-physical techniques which lead to definitive enlightenment.

Everything is God

New Age has a marked preference for Eastern or pre-Christian religions, which are reckoned to be uncontaminated by Judaeo- Christian distortions. Hence great respect is given to ancient agricultural rites and to fertility cults. "Gaia", Mother Earth, is offered as an alternative to God the Father, whose image is seen to be linked to a patriarchal conception of male domination of women.

There is talk of God, but it is not a personal God; the God of which New Age speaks is neither personal nor transcendent. Nor is it the Creator and sustainer of the universe, but an "impersonal energy" immanent in the world, with which it forms a "cosmic unity": "All is one". God is the "life-principle", the "spirit or soul of the world", the sum total of consciousness existing in the world. In a sense, everything is God. God's presence is clearest in the spiritual aspects of reality, so every mind/spirit is, in some sense, God.

When it is consciously received by men and women, "divine energy" is often described as "Christic energy". There is also talk of Christ, but this does not mean Jesus of Nazareth. "Christ" is a title applied to someone who has arrived at a state of consciousness where he or she perceives him- or herself to be divine and can thus claim to be a "universal Master". Jesus of Nazareth was not the Christ, but simply one among many historical figures in whom this "Christic" nature is revealed, as is the case with Buddha and others. Every historical realisation of the Christ shows clearly that all human beings are heavenly and divine, and leads them towards this realisation.

A world government, world religion

It all happens as if New Age, "having plucked people out of fragmentary politics, cannot wait to throw them into the great cauldron of the global mind." The global brain needs institutions with which to rule, in other words, a world government. "To deal with today's problems New Age dreams of a spiritual aristocracy in the style of Plato's Republic, run by secret societies..." There is much evidence that gnostic elitism and global governance coincide on many issues in international politics.

New Age shares with a number of internationally influential groups the goal of superseding or transcending particular religions in order to create space for a universal religion which could unite humanity.

New Age is often referred to by those who promote it as a "new spirituality". It seems ironic to call it "new" when so many of its ideas have been taken from ancient religions and cultures. But what really is new is that New Age is a conscious search for an alternative to Western culture and its Judaeo-Christian religious roots.

New Age vs. Christianity

Here is a key point of contrast between New Age and Christianity: our problem, in a New Age perspective, is our inability to recognise our own divinity, an inability which can be overcome with the help of guidance and the use of a whole variety of techniques for unlocking our hidden (divine) potential. The fundamental idea is that 'God' is deep within ourselves. We are gods, and we discover the unlimited power within us by peeling off layers of inauthenticity.

Since the New Age movement makes much of a communication with nature, of cosmic knowledge of a universal good – thereby negating the revealed contents of Christian faith – it cannot be viewed as positive or innocuous.

In the divine plan of salvation, human beings have been saved by Jesus Christ who, as God and man, is the one mediator of redemption. In Christianity salvation is not an experience of self, a meditative and intuitive dwelling within oneself, but much more the forgiveness of sin, being lifted out of profound ambivalences in oneself and the calming of nature by the gift of communion with a loving God. The way to salvation is not found simply in a self-induced transformation of consciousness, but in a liberation from sin and its consequences which then leads us to struggle against sin in ourselves and in the society around us. It necessarily moves us toward loving solidarity with our neighbour in need. 

Christ or Aquarius? People who wonder if it is possible to believe in both Christ and Aquarius can only benefit from knowing that this is very much an "either-or" situation. "No servant can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or treat the first with respect and the second with scorn" (Luke 16.13).

This article was published in the January-February, 2003 issue of “Michael”.


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On the road to a world government

October-November-December 2002

It is commonly known that in the history of mankind, the 20th century has on its account the biggest number of political and social changes, technical inventions, and the spreading of new ideologies on the global scale. Those who are interested in what is going on in the world economy and politics know that for a number of years the plan for the New World Order is slowly, but very consequently, becoming a reality. All aspects of that plan are still hidden from society. The New World Order is the beginning of a completely new civilization.

Society is unaware of the important secret decisions that are made by governments, of what the real purpose of certain education programs is, of social movements, of media information manipulation, and so on. Behind that liberal face of all aspects of our social life, there is a hidden political agenda, a step-by-step preparation of the people for the acceptance of the new order and new civilization, which rejects everything that is connected to Christian values, to God and His Laws. By all methods, especially by the media and its brain-washing process, the picture of God as a Great Creator, who showed man the true purpose of life and the right way to reach it, is being repelled from the human mind. The Ten Commandments and the teaching of Christ are the only right way to God. Nothing else!

The New World Order agenda is hidden from the public because, if all the truth about it was realized, the people would never allow it to become a reality. And here is a problem and a trap: not only a single man, but all the people of the whole world, all of humanity, can be terribly cheated and put on the wrong path.

Today, after a tragic and painful experience with Communism and Nazism, we know that even the most maniacal and antihuman plans and ideas can be realized if irresponsible people gain power. By having control of the media and technology, a small group of maniacs, people who are mentally sick, can destroy the whole world and all of humanity.

Shocking facts and unveiled super-secret documents show that these kind of people have the power and control over the most important sectors of societal life. And still more, these maniacs are proud to be worshippers of Lucifer. Lucifer has given them power and allowed them to do what they want. We are being pushed by these Luciferian forces into a New World Order with great speed. These forces are evil in their intentions, and they want to fulfil their mission before the beginning of the third millennium.

If this diabolical plan for the New World Order is to be fully completed, all the people on earth will hear one day through the media that "today the whole of humanity is going into a new era of peace, justice and happiness under the One-World Government and One-World Religion..."

Features of the New World Order

According to Dr. J. Coleman (an officer of the USA Intelligence Service),

"The One-World Government is going to consist of hereditary oligarchs who will divide the power between themselves. There is going to be only one legal religion and only one state church. Only Satanism and Luciferism will be the legal religious subjects in state schools. No other schools (private, Catholic, etc.) will be allowed. All present Christian education systems are going to be destroyed (and the fact is — they are destroyed in the most part) from inside, and become extinct. Satanism is already considered to be a 'true and legal religion'. In fact, in some U.S. military bases, they already celebrate black masses and worship Satan.

There will not be any sort of personal freedom or sovereignty of nations, and no human rights at all. We will all become slaves. Every man who does not belong to the elite will have his own number which is going to be recorded in the main computer (the "BEAST 666" in Brussels, Belgium). For control purposes, such numbers will be easily accessible for any government agency. Data regarding children and their mothers will be kept in local government computers.

The number of children will be limited and controlled by abortion and sterilization. There will be mind-controlling drugs, and people will be forced to take them. Euthanasia for elder people and the incurably sick will be obligatory. A minimum of four billion 'unusable bread eaters' will be terminated by planned and controlled wars, by planned mass hunger for some regions of the world (at present, Africa, South America, and Asia), and by widespread disease, causing fast death."

In the New World Order, there will be no money for any transaction to "buy and sell". All sales and purchases will be done by electronic money transferred by means of biochips implanted under the skin. Any violation of a Government provision will be punished by a suspension of the usage of the biochip for a period of time. Individuals whose biochips are put on the "black list of offenders" will not be able to buy, sale, nor get any kind of service or employment. They will be outlaws with a very slim or no chance to survive.

(Excerpts from an article published in Polish in "Panorama" by A. Dabrowska)

The fate of humanity is the reason we push to dig out information, study it, and let it be available to the public. We have to pray to God for help, but, on the other hand, we are also obligated to unveil these diabolical plots and inform the people before it is too late! We know that the final victory belongs to God, so let us not be afraid of standing up for truth and justice!

This article was published in the Oct.-Nov.-December, 2002 issue of “Michael”.

Why I am opposed to a One-World Government

By Michael Rivero October-November-December 2002

There is nothing new about one-world rule. From a political and economic point of view, ruling the world means controlling everything one can reach that is worth controlling. Alexander the Great conquered the whole world that he could reach, and the treatment of those he conquered serves as a model for the realities of life under a world dictatorship.

Rome also conquered pretty much the whole world that it was aware of (until it hit Germania). Life was pretty good if you happened to live in the capital city within walking distance of the Coliseum and the Circus Maximus, but everywhere else life was made harsh by Roman rule, else there would have been no need for legions located across the empire to stamp out rebellions by the tax-weary populace. All conquerors like to boast that they are a benefit to the conquered, but common sense and history shows this to be a self-serving lie. Whether you are Caesar or Hitler, if you use military might to force your way of life on another, then the people being forced clearly do not agree that the way of life of the conquerors is a blessing.

One-world rule is great for the rulers, but terrible for the ruled. My opposition to a One-World Government is based on two arguments, one obvious, and one subtle.

The obvious argument against a One-World Government is that while the New World Order groupies imagine a One-World Government with a benevolent Santa Claus in charge, the reality is that power will attract the very sort of people who should not have it, who will do anything to get it, and therefore once they have it, will do anything with it.

Human history proves that as soon as we are all slaves to a One-World Government, it is inevitable that this government will fall into the hands of another Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, or Torquemada. No purported safeguards can prevent that from happening. Hitler was elected by the German people, and our own recent history proves that elections can be rigged by powerful individuals or agencies.

Past genocidal monsters were stopped because the nations they ruled, however powerful, were only one out of many. Those other nations were then able to band together to stop the single monster, as was the case in World War II.

What happens if a One-World Government falls into the hands of another Hitler? The people of the world would be no more able to stop a new Hitler than the people of Germany were able to stop the first one. Imagine the world today if Hitler had won WW II. That is the world which MUST sooner or later come to exist, cannot help but come to exist, under a One-World Government. That danger alone, of the creation of a one-world dictatorship waiting to be plucked as a prize by the most ruthless cutthroat the species can breed, is alone reason to abandon the suggestion of a One-World Government.

The second reason to avoid a One-World Government is a bit more subtle. The creation of such a One-World Government pre-supposes that the very structure of such a government is the best of all possible systems under which people could be ruled. But every system ever created assumes that they are the best possible system. The Egyptians believed that. So did the Romans. So did the Confederacy. And the rulers of such systems, being the beneficiaries, worked hard to preserve those systems and to crush out examples of alternative systems that might actually be better ones.

The process by which one social system replaces others is a process of evolution. Under a One-World Government, such social evolution would stop. There would be no tolerance for alternative systems, no experimentation with new social orders, no possibility of recovery from socio-political trends detrimental to the people. The political structure of the New World Order would be no more tolerant of alternatives than are the two established parties of the United States, the Republicans and the Democrats (which are in reality two faces of the same oligarchy).

It is impossible to claim that the perfect socio-political system has been found, yet the establishment of a One-World Government is founded on the very assumption that it is the perfect socio-political system, and that therefore no corner of the world should be allowed to rule themselves with a different system.

Michael Rivero is in charge of the website .

This article was published in the Oct.-Nov.-December, 2002 issue of “Michael”.

A history of the New World Order — Part I

October-November-December 2002


1773 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends, and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned – Adam Weishaupt.

May 1, 1776 – Adam Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt is the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their objectives are as follows:

1) Abolition of all ordered governments

2) Abolition of private property

3) Abolition of inheritance

4) Abolition of patriotism

5) Abolition of the family

6) Abolition of religion

7) Creation of a world government

July, 1782 – The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, comes away visibly shaken. When questioned about the "tragic secrets" he brought back with him, he replies: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think." From this time on, according to his biographer, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror."


The insignia of the Order of the Illuminati first appeared on the reverse side of U.S. one-dollar bills in 1933. One can read, at the base of the 13-story pyramid, the year 1776 (MDCCLXVI in Roman numerals). The eye radiating in all directions is the "all-spying eye" that symbolizes the terroristic, Gestapo-like, agency set up by Weishaupt. The Latin words "ANNUIT COEPTIS" mean "our enterprise (conspiracy) has been crowned with success." Below, "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" explains the nature of the enterprise: a "New Social Order" or a "New World Order".

1785 – An Illuminati courier named Lanze is struck by lightning, and killed while traveling by horseback through the town of Ratisbon. When Bavarian officials examine the contents of his saddle bags, they discover the existence of the Order of the Illuminati, and find plans detailing the coming French Revolution. The Bavarian Government attempts to alert the government of France of impending disaster, but the French Government fails to heed this warning. Bavarian officials arrest all members of the Illuminati they can find, but Weishaupt and others have gone underground, and cannot be found.

1796 – Freemasonry becomes a major issue in the presidential election in the United States. John Adams wins the election by opposing Masonry, and his son, John Quincy Adams, warns of the dire threat to the nation posed by the Masonic Lodges: "I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring."

1797 – John Robison, Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University in Scotland, publishes a book entitled “Proofs of a Conspiracy” in which he reveals that Adam Weishaupt had attempted to recruit him. He exposes the diabolical aims of the Illuminati to the world.

1821 – George W. F. Hegel formulates what is called the Hegelian dialectic – the process by which Illuminati objectives are achieved. According to the Hegelian dialectic, thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. In other words, first you foment a crisis. Then there is an enormous public outcry that something must be done about the problem. So you offer a solution that brings about the changes you really wanted all along, but which people would have been unwilling to accept initially.

1828 – Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who finances the Illuminati, expresses his utter contempt for national governments which attempt to regulate International Bankers such as him: "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws."

1848 — Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, alias Karl Marx, writes "The Communist Manifesto." Marx is a member of an Illuminati front organization called the League of the Just. He not only advocates economic and political changes; he advocates moral and spiritual changes as well. He believes the family should be abolished, and that all children should be raised by a central authority. He expresses his attitude toward God by saying: "We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of the state, of country, of patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed."

January 22, 1870 – In a letter to Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini, Albert Pike – Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – announces the establishment of a secret society within a secret society: "We must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree of whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown." This ultra-secret organization is called The New and Reformed Paladian [sic] Rite. (This is why about 95% of the men involved in Masonry don't have a clue as to what the objectives of the organization actually are. They are under the delusion that it's just a fine community organization doing good works.)

1875 – Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. Madame Blavatsky claims that Tibetan holy men in the Himalayas, whom she refers to as the Masters of Wisdom, communicated with her in London by telepathy. She insists that the Christians have it all backwards – that Satan is good, and God is evil. She writes: "The Christians and scientists must be made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of India, her philosophy and achievement, must be made known in Europe and America."

1884 – The Fabian Society is founded in Great Britain to promote Socialism. The Fabian Society takes its name from the Roman General Fabius Maximus, who fought Hannibal's army in small debilitating skirmishes, rather than attempting one decisive battle.

July 14, 1889 – Albert Pike issues instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world. He reveals who is the true object of Masonic worship: "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine."

1890-1896 – Cecil Rhodes, an enthusiastic student of John Ruskin, is Prime Minister of South Africa, a British colony at the time. He is able to exploit and control the gold and diamond wealth of South Africa. He works to bring all the habitable portions of the world under the domination of a ruling elite. To that end, he uses a portion of his vast wealth to establish the famous Rhodes Scholarships.

1893 – The Theosophical Society sponsors a Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago. The purpose of the convention is to introduce Hindu and Buddhist concepts, such as belief in reincarnation, to the West.

1911 – The Socialist Party of Great Britain publishes a pamphlet entitled "Socialism and Religion" in which they clearly state their position on Christianity: "It is therefore a profound truth that Socialism is the natural enemy of religion. A Christian Socialist is in fact an anti-Socialist. Christianity is the antithesis of Socialism."

1912 – Colonel Edward Mandell House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, publishes "Phillip Dru: Administrator", in which he promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."

February 3, 1913 – The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, making it possible for the Federal Government to impose a progressive income tax, is ratified. Plank #2 of "The Communist Manifesto" had called for a progressive income tax. (In Canada, the income tax is introduced in 1917, as a "temporary measure" to finance the war effort.)

1913 – President Woodrow Wilson publishes "The New Freedom" in which he reveals: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

December 23, 1913 – The Federal Reserve (neither federal nor a reserve – it's a privately owned institution) is created. It was planned at a secret meeting in 1910 on Jekyll Island, Georgia, by a group of bankers and politicians, including Col. House. This transfers the power to create money from the American Government to a private group of bankers. The Federal Reserve Act is hastily passed just before the Christmas break. Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (father of the famed aviator) warns: "This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized."

1916 – Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act into law, President Woodrow Wilson observes: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

1917 – With aid from Financiers in New York City and London, V. I. Lenin is able to overthrow the government of Russia. Lenin later comments on the apparent contradiction of the links between prominent capitalists and Communism: "There also exists another alliance – at first glance a strange one, a surprising one – but if you think about it, in fact, one which is well grounded and easy to understand. This is the alliance between our Communist leaders and your capitalists." (Remember the Hegelian dialectic?)

May 30, 1919 – Prominent British and American personalities establish the Royal Institute of International Affairs in England and the Institute of International Affairs in the U.S. at a meeting arranged by Col. House; attended by various Fabian socialists, including noted economist John Maynard Keynes.

1920 – Britain's Winston Churchill recognizes the connection between the Illuminati and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. He observes: "From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extra-ordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

1920-1931 – Louis T. McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes: "When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by International Bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will." Concerning the Great Depression and the country's acceptance of FDR's New Deal, he asserts: "It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as the rulers of us all."

1921 – Col. House reorganizes the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (For the past 60 years, 80% of the top positions in every administration – whether Democrat or Republican – have been occupied by members of this organization.)

December 15, 1922 – The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine "Foreign Affairs." Author Philip Kerr states: "Obviously there is going to be no peace nor prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states, until some kind of international system is created. The real problem today is that of world government."

This article was published in the Oct.-Nov.-December, 2002 issue of “Michael”.

A history of the New World Order — Part II

January-February 2003


1928 – "The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution" by H. G. Wells is published. A former Fabian socialist, Wells writes: "The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate, and supersede existing governments. The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York. The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion."

1933 – "The Shape of Things to Come" by H. G. Wells is published. Wells predicts a second world war around 1940, originating from a German-Polish dispute. After 1945, there would be an increasing lack of public safety in "criminally infected" areas. The plan for the "Modern World State" would succeed on its third attempt, and come out of something that occurred in Basra, Iraq. The book also states: "Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition anywhere."

November 21, 1933 – In a letter to Col. Edward M. House, President Franklin Roosevelt writes: "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government since the days of Andrew Jackson."

March 1942 – An article in TIME magazine chronicles the Federal Council of Churches [which later becomes the National Council of Churches, a part of the World Council of Churches] lending its weight to efforts to establish a global authority.

A meeting of the top officials of the council comes out in favor of: 1) a world government of delegated powers; 2) strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty; 3) international control of all armies and navies. Representatives (375 of them) of 30-some denominations assert that "a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative" – a new order that is sure to come either "through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive revolution."

June 28, 1945 – U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech: "It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States."

October 24, 1945 – The United Nations Charter becomes effective. Also on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor (D-Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183, calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as favoring creation of a world republic, including an international police force.

February 7, 1950 – International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee: "We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."

February 9, 1950 – The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution #66 which begins: "Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution."

1952 – The World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government draws up a map designed to illustrate how foreign troops would occupy and police the six regions into which the United States and Canada will be divided as part of their world-government plan.

1954 – Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers: international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis.

1961 – The U.S. State Department issues Document 7277, entitled "Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." It details a three-stage plan to disarm all nations and arm the U.N. with the final stage in which "no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."

1966 – Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, authors a massive volume entitled "Tragedy and Hope" in which he states: "There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims, and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

April 1972 – In his keynote address to the Association for Childhood Education International, Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University, proclaims: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It's up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future."

July 1973 – International banker and staunch member of the subversive Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller, founds a new organization called the Trilateral Commission, of which the official aim is "to harmonize the political, economic, social, and cultural relations between the three major economic regions in the world" (hence the name "Trilateral"). He invites future President Jimmy Carter to become one of the founding members. Zbigniew Brzezinski is the organization's first director.

There are three major economic areas in the world: Europe, North America, and the Far East (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.). If, under the pretext of having to join forces to be able to face economic competition with the two other economic regions, the member countries of each of these three regions decide to merge into one single country, forming three super-States, then the one-world government will be almost achieved. Like Fabian socialists, they achieve their ultimate goal (a world government) step by step.

This aim is almost achieved in Europe with the Single European Act (Maastricht Treaty) that was implemented in 1993, requiring all the member countries of the European Community to abolish their trade barriers, and to hand over their monetary and fiscal policies to the technocrats of the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.

In January, 2002, all these European countries abandoned their national currencies to share only one common currency, the "Euro". Moreover, the Nice Treaty removed more powers from countries to give them over to the European Commission. What begun innocently in 1952 as the EEC (European Economic Community, a common authority to regulate the coal and steel industry among European nations), finally turned into a European super-state. Jean Monnet, a French socialist economist and founder of the EEC, had this in mind when he said: "Political union inevitably follows economic union."

He also said in 1948: "The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential step towards the creation of a United World."

As regards the North American area, the merger of its member countries is well under way with the passage of free trade between Canada and the U.S.A., and then Mexico. In the next few years, this free-trade agreement is supposed to include also all of South and Central America, with a single currency for them all. Mexico's President Vicente Fox said on May 6,

2002, in Madrid: "Eventually, our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union."

1973 – The Club of Rome, a U.N. operative, issues a report entitled "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System." This report divides the entire world into ten kingdoms.

1979 – FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is given huge powers. It has the power, in case of "national emergency", to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant, and hold them without trial. It can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution.

Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order. An Executive Order becomes law simply by a signature of the U.S. President; it does not even have to be approved by the Representatives or Senators in the Congress.

A state of "national emergency" could be a terrorist attack, a natural disaster, or a stock market crash, for example. Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years, and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:

# 10995: Right to seize all communications media in the United States.

# 10997: Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private.

# 10999: Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind, and total control of highways, seaports, and waterways.

# 11000: Right to seize any and all American people and divide up families in order to create work forces to be transferred to any place the Government sees fit.

# 11001: Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.

# 11002: Right to force registration of all men, women, and children in the United States.

# 11003: Right to seize all air space, airports, and aircraft.

# 11004: Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish "Relocation Designated Areas" and to force abandonment of areas classified as "unsafe".

# 11005: Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private.

# 11921: Authorizes plans to establish Government control of wages and salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions.

1991 – President George Bush Sr. praises the New World Order in a State of the Union Message: "What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea - a new world order... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of law... The illumination of a thousand points of light... The winds of change are with us now." (Theosophist Alice Bailey used that very same expression – "points of light" – in describing the process of occult enlightenment.)

June, 1991 – World leaders are gathered for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany. While at that meeting, David Rockefeller said in a speech: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

October 29, 1991 – David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience: "George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."

May 21, 1992 – In an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting in Evian, France, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger declares: "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

July 20, 1992 – TIME magazine publishes "The Birth of the Global Nation," by Strobe Talbott, Rhodes Scholar, roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR Director and Trilateralist (and appointed Deputy Secretary of State by President Clinton), in which he writes: "Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority... All countries are basically social arrangements... No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary... Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all... But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."

1993 – A second Parliament of World Religions is held in Chicago on the 100th anniversary of the first. Like the first convention, this one seeks to join all the religions of the world into "one harmonious whole", but it wants to make them "merge back into their original element." Traditional beliefs of monotheistic religions such as Christianity are considered incompatible with individual "enlightenment", and must be drastically altered.

July 18, 1993 – CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the "Los Angeles Times" concerning NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement): "What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order."

1994 – In the Human Development Report, published by the UN Development Program, there was a section called "Global Governance for the 21st Century." The administrator for this program was appointed by Bill Clinton. His name is James Gustave Speth. The opening sentence of the report said: "Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national government. What is needed is a world government. This can best be achieved by strengthening the United Nations system."

May 3, 1994 – President Bill Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 25, and then declares it classified so the American people can't see what it says. (The summary of PDD-25 issued to members of Congress tells us that it authorizes the President to turn over control of U.S. military units to U.N. command.)

September 23, 1994 – The globalists realize that as more and more people begin to wake up to what's going on, they have only a limited amount of time in which to implement their policies. Speaking at the United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarks: "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long... We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order."

March 1995 – U.N. delegates meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss various methods for imposing global taxes on the people of the world.

September 1995 – "Popular Science" magazine describes a top secret U.S. Navy installation called HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in the state of Alaska. This project beams powerful radio energy into the earth's upper atmosphere. One of the goals of the program is to develop the capability of "manipulating local weather" using the techniques developed by Bernard Eastlund. (The program has been underway since 1990.)

September 27, 1995 – The State of the World Forum took place in the fall of this year, sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation located at the Presidio in San Francisco. Foundation President Jim Garrison chairs the meeting of who's-who from around the world, including Margaret Thatcher, Maurice Strong, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, and others. Conversation centers around the oneness of mankind and the coming global government. However, the term "global

governance" is now used in place of "new world order" since the latter has become a political liability, being a lightning rod for opponents of global government.

1996 – The United Nations' 420-page report "Our Global Neighborhood" is published. It outlines a plan for "global governance," calling for an international "Conference on Global Governance" in 1998 for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for ratification by the year 2000.

2003... The world is on the verge of another global war, the "state of emergency" looked for by the one-worlders to impose martial law and the universal microchip under the skin... But with God's help, they will not have the last word!

This article was published in the January-February, 2003 issue of “Michael”.

Microchip update

January-February 2003


The world Financiers are so power hungry that money for them is not enough: they want to control everything and everybody. They will use the latest technology to control your every thought and action through a microchip implanted under your skin. This chip will first come in the form of mandatory ID cards for everyone, in the guise of security, to fight terrorism. Then, under the pretext that your identity can be stolen, the chips will be embedded under your skin. What they will not tell you is that these same chips can be altered to be mind-control devices as well.

Seems far-fetched? Just look at the recent developments: [I have not copied the related pictures from this page – Michael]

A new homeland security ID Card?

In the September, 2002, issue of Popular Science Magazine, a new I.D. card was revealed that is to be imposed upon all U.S. citizens. The card has the letters USID in the upper left with the words "United States Identification" under them. Then, the words Department of Homeland Security appear, under which is the social security number and, under that, the date of birth. Then, there is the name of the individual with basic statistics including city of residence. To the far right on the card is a laser-engraved photo with a RFID or radio frequency identification device in the forehead of the individual.

The background on the card is the truncated pyramid with the all-seeing eye. There is also a memory strip containing 20 megabytes of data including information about your fingerprints, iris scans, face scans, heartbeat characteristics, and DNA sequences. (In claiming to protect you, you will be more vulnerable for identity theft, and even framing for crimes that you did not do. By placing your blood at a crime scene, evil people could implicate you in crimes that you did not commit.) More than 30 countries, from Italy to Malaysia, have already introduced "smart" ID cards.

Visitors to the U.S.A. from the fall 2004 must have microchip IDs (that include biometric data like retina and fingerprint scans) in their passports. The U.S.A. is pushing Canada to do the same. That is why one sees Canadian Immigration Minister Denis Coderre pushing for such a national ID card that would include thumb-prints and iris scans (As reported on February 7, 2003). Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski said such a card would be useless against determined terrorists, and it would create a "Big Brother" state.

Paying with your fingerprints

On May 16, 2002, the Houston Chronicle reported that at "Kroger stores, customers are getting their groceries without cash, check, or credit card. They rely on a new machine called SecureTouch-n-Pay. Shoppers can enrol free of charge to use the finger-image machine, officially known as a biometric electronic financial transaction processing system. About 10 to 15 people per store sign up each week and enrol in the fingerprint identity verification system. Their fingerprint is scanned, and the purchases are automatically charged to their account."

Humans get chipped

Pic: Leslie, Derek, and Jeffrey Jacobs of Boca Raton, Florida, holding a Verichip identical to the one implanted in their bodies.

On May 10, 2002, Jeff and Leslie Jacobs, along with their 14-year-old son, Derek, received national coverage from the U.S. news media, when they had tiny chips implanted in their arms. Each grain-of-rice sized chip, (called VeriChip, and manufactured by the Florida-based company Applied Digital Solutions), took only about a minute to insert under local anesthesia.

In October, 2002, Applied Digital Solutions launched a national campaign to promote the device (VeriChip), offering $50 discounts to the first 100,000 people who register to get embedded with the microchip. The rice-size device costs $200. Those implanted must also pay for the doctor's injection fee and a monthly $10 database maintenance charge.

ADS also promote a sub-dermal chip, called Guardian Angel, which sends and receives data and which can be continuously tracked by GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology. The transceiver's power supply and actuation system are unlike anything ever created. When implanted within a body, the device is powered electromechanically through the movement of muscles, and it can be activated either by the 'wearer' or by the monitoring facility."

Every product will get chipped

There is a new tracking technology that is currently being developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their stated goal is to tag every item in the world! Everything you buy from shoes to shirts will be embedded with its own tiny electronic tag that can be read as you exit the store, automatically billing your account without the benefit of cash. Computers will read your GPS-enabled chip for your ID and match the e-PC code to bill your account.

The generic name for this technology is RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification. RFID tags are miniscule microchips, which already have shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand. They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting their unique ID code. Most RFID tags have no batteries: they use the power from the initial radio signal to transmit their response.

Retailers adore the concept. Wal-Mart and the U.K.-based grocery chain Tesco are starting to install "smart shelves" with networked RFID readers. In what will become the largest test of the technology, consumer goods giant Gillette recently said it would purchase 500 million RFID tags from Alien Technology of Morgan Hill, Calif. The company won't reveal how much it charges for each tag, but industry estimates hover around 25 cents. The company does predict that in quantities of 1 billion, RFID tags will approach 10 cents each, and in lots of 10 billion, 5 cents a tag.

"Phone tooth"

Tired of losing your cell phone? Having other people listen in on your conversations? Two British inventors on June 28, 2002, unveiled a prototype of a device that could solve all those problems with mobile phones. There's only one drawback — your dentist would have to install this thing inside one of your molars.

Unofficially known as the "telephone tooth," the device would allow you to receive phone calls, listen to music, without anyone nearby hearing a thing.

The "telephone tooth" is a small device placed in in a person's back molar that includes a wireless, low-frequency receiver and a gadget that turns audio signals into mechanical vibrations, which would pass from the tooth directly to the inner ear as clear sounds.

The user also would keep a tiny object outside his body to turn the cell phone on and off, and to program it.

Remote-controlled animals

On May 13, 2002, the newspapers reported that by implanting electrodes the width of a hair in rats' brains, U.S. scientists have created remote-controlled rodents that could be commanded to turn, climb, jump or navigate piles of rubble, an advance they say could someday assist in search and rescue efforts. Movement signals are transmitted from a computer to the rat's brain via a radio receiver strapped to its back.

This article was published in the January-February, 2003 issue of “Michael”.

A global currency

The idea of a single global currency has been quietly batted around in banking and economist circles since the closing days of the Second World War. Over the years this call has increased in intensity. Consider some quotes:

1969: "Let me turn from digging away at the opposition to something more positive, and start with the best and worst of international monetary systems. The first-best, in my judgment, is a world money with a world monetary authority."

— Charles P. Kindleberger, [Professor of Economics, MIT], speaking at a Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference.

1984: "I have put forward a radical alternative scheme for the next century: the creation of a common currency for all the industrial democracies with a common monetary policy and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy…This proposal is far too radical for the near future, but it could provide a 'vision' or goal which can guide interim steps..."

— Richard N. Cooper [Harvard professor], speaking at a Federal Reserved Bank of Boston conference.

1998: "…the transition to a single currency for the entire world could come with a speed that might surprise many. The world might easily move from having almost 200 currencies today to having one within a decade, and twenty-five years from now, historians would wonder why it took so long to eliminate the Babel of currencies which existed in the twentieth century." — Bryan Taylor, Chief Economist at Global Financial Data.

2001: "When VISA was founded twenty-five years ago, the founders saw the world as needing a Single Global Currency for exchange. Everything we’ve done from a global perspective has been about trying to put one piece in place after another to fulfill that global vision." — Sarah Perry, Director of VISA’s Strategic Investment Program.

2004: "If the global market economy is to thrive over the decades ahead, a global currency seems the logical concomitant." — Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator for the Financial Times, former senior economist at the World Bank.

In 2007, the Council on Foreign Relations propelled the idea of a planet-wide currency restructuring by publishing an article in it journal, Foreign Affairs, titled "The End of National Currency." [Note: on the cover of this Foreign Affairs issue, the article is titled "One World, Too Many Monies."]

Benn Steil, the Director of International Economics at the CFR, wrote that national money systems should be abandoned, "Since economic development outside the process of globalization is not longer possible…"

Stated even more succinctly, "Monetary nationalism is simply incompatible with globalization." And, "In order to globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies…"

Morrison Bonpasse, President of the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA), a group of economists working towards a world currency, answers that question, "The monetary unions of the twenty-first century, and those which survived the twentieth, are the milestones on the path to the future, and to the Global Monetary Union."

Bonpasse elaborates on this point further, "Thanks to the success of the European and other monetary unions, we now know how to create and maintain the 3-Gs: a Global Monetary Union, with a Global Central Bank and a Single Global Currency."

"The world is ready to begin preparing for a Single Global Currency, just as Europe prepared for the Euro and as the Arabian Gulf countries are preparing for their common currency. After the goal of a Single Global Currency is established by countries representing a significant proportion of the world’s GDP, then the project can be pursued like its regional predecessors."

Simply put, the regional model becomes the steppingstone to a one-world currency. However, the problem of nationalism prevails. Discussing this "problem," Bonpasse writes, "The task can be stated quite simply: how to move from the current 147 currencies to 1. Developing the political will to overcome the residual strength of nationalism is the major challenge for the movement to a 3-G world. As with the implementation of the Euro, the economics and politics of monetary union are inextricably bound together; and the logic of both point toward the 3-G world.

The question now is not whether the world will adopt a Single Global Currency but When? and How smooth, inexpensive, and planful OR rough, costly and chaotic will the journey be?" [Italics and capitals in original]

To the internationalist, national sovereignty is the overriding obstacle. In order for a Global Central Bank and world currency to exist, some other political arrangements will have to be formed. Robert Mundell understood this political problem when giving a lecture in 2003 titled, "The International Monetary System and the Case for a World Currency." His response was frank: "a global single currency could not be achieved without a global government. To enforce a single currency would involve big problems of organization."

But this reality isn’t stopping the SGCA and others of like mind from progressive planning. As Bonpasse asserts, "It is now time to seriously pursue the goal of a Single Global Currency as managed by a Global Central Bank within a Global Monetary Union."

Already the SGCA has a date in mind: 2024. Regarding a headquarters for the Global Central Bank, Bonpasse suggests Basel, Zurich, or Geneva. "Switzerland has a reputation for sound money, and locating the GCB in Switzerland just might be the necessary incentive for that country to join the Global Monetary Union as a member."

"The governing structure of the GCB should be relatively easy to design, given the available, successful models of the U.S. Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, United Nations, and associated organizations such as the World Health Organization. Not everyone is happy with the structure of all those organizations, but it’s a negotiable political question…"

He’s right: it is a political question. This was evident to Richard Cooper when he brought up the idea of a global central bank and currency while at a 1984 Federal Reserve conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. "The idea is so far from being politically feasible at present – in its call for a real pooling of monetary sovereignty – that it will require many years of consideration before people become accustomed to the idea."

However, even then Cooper advanced a specific timetable to begin taking this idea seriously: "This one-currency regime is much too radical to envisage in the near future. But it is not too radical to envisage 25 years from now…"

In retrospect, Cooper’s timing appears fairly accurate: Twenty-five years after 1984 brings us to 2009, and today the idea of a single global currency is starting to gain traction through organizations like the SGCA and through major advocates such as Robert Mundell. Moreover, the Bank for International Settlements – which is viewed as the central bank for the world’s central bankers – has publicly considered the potential for a one-world currency built around regional groupings.

But will all of this "help the farmer in Africa," or bring wage equality to the worker’s of the world? Probably not: it will, however, give unprecedented powers to an international banking cartel, the likes of which has never been seen or experienced before. As a critic of global banking once wrote, "Money is money, and banking is banking, and neither recognizes any allegiances that don’t bear compound interest."

Carl Teichrib,

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