ALD - Testing Guide for Agency Lending Disclosure ...

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Agency Lending Disclosure Taskforce

Testing Guide for ALD Compliance

December 10, 2006

Created by Capco

Mariana Kind, mariana.kind@

John Surgent, john.surgent@



I. Overview 3

II. General Testing Guidelines 4

Testing Tools 4

Quality Assurance Roles and Responsibilities 4

Evaluating Business Processes & Requirements 5

III. Test Plan 5

Testing Scenarios 6

IV. Testing Details 7

Connecting through a vendor 7

Connecting directly to DTCC: 7

Agent Lenders Internal Testing 7

Broker Dealers Internal Testing 7

Reporting 8

V. Testing the Credit Approval Files 9

Pre-Testing Checklist: 9

Guidelines for DTCC Direct Connecting Participants 9

Testing Checklist 10

Incremental File Test Data 10

Credit Master File Test Data 10

VI. Testing the Daily Files 12

Validation Testing 12

Controlled Scenario Testing 13

Production Data Testing 13

Volume and Stress Testing 13

Parallel Testing 13

VII. Post Testing and in Production 14

VIII. Annexes 15

Annex I: Use Cases 15

Annex II: Issue Logs 23

Appendix III – Daily Test “Good”/”Bad” Files 24

Appendix IV – Loan Scenarios 25


This document contains guidelines for testing prior to implementing ALD processing for securities lending transactions. The guidelines set forth in this document represent only a recommendation. Each firm participating in agency securities lending can choose whether to follow all processes described here or use internally developed ones. Those using a vendor should follow closely the guidelines provided by their vendor[1]. This document should be used in conjunction with the A – Z Guide to ALD and the specifications for the ALD file layouts. All systems and software should conform to the specifications described in those documents.

Testing may be required for both the principal pre-qualification data transmission and the daily loan and non-cash collateral files transmission. Both types are covered below.

As a pre-requisite to testing, broker-dealers should have signed up with a vendor or DTCC for communication of ALD files. Regardless of which transmission option is selected (vendor or DTCC), the broker-dealer and agent lenders should contact DTCC and request to be set up on its testing system. Firms will automatically be set up on DTCC’s production system, but being set up in the test system is a manual process, which is done separately by contacting the DTCC PIP hotline at 212.855.8989.

Once a broker-dealer has ensured proper set up on the DTCC test system, they should work with their vendor and counterparties to organize and implement a test plan. As stated in the A- Z Guide to ALD, each firm has a choice of using a vendor or connecting directly to DTCC for file transfer. At time of publication of this document, there are two vendors (EquiLend and SunGard). At a minimum, a broker-dealer should test with one agent lender for each of the three different ways that an agent lender could connect (DTCC, EquiLend, SunGard).

Broker-dealers and agent lenders should coordinate with their vendors and select counterparties to set up testing dates and agree on the exact structure and tests to be conducted.

General Testing Guidelines

Firms should set up a testing team which would be responsible for all aspects of testing internally. The testing team needs to ensure that the internal systems configured for ALD also support other functions which may be part of the processing of securities lending transactions or have some relationship to the ALD files. Additionally, the team should be in close communication with DTCC and vendors to test all configurations with these external systems. Constant communication with vendors is key to early discovery and correction of any errors or disparities in the systems. The following are suggested elements for a successful testing process:

• Test planning – details provided below

• Test design – each firm should organize the test design in accordance with internal practices

• Test environment preparation – including descriptions, initialization procedures, restoration procedures, security requirements, software availability, ensure that testing replicates the production environment

• Test development

• Communication with vendors and agent lender counterparties is an essential element for testing. Each firm should develop a contact database

• Test execution

• Test evaluation

Testing Tools

Each firm should identify the testing tools it needs, as well as their use, ownership and dependencies. The tools may include:

• Counterparty contact database,

• File templates developed specifically for the various testing phases (see details below),

• Tracking tools which would assist with monitoring testing across various systems. The tools can also be used for the software regression testing and performance/load testing.

• Documentation – to compare test results with expected results

• Error matrix – used to track errors occurring during test

• Failed test tracking – a plan to address and resolve any failed tests needs to be created. In parallel, a set of escalation procedures should be established in order to correct and retest these fails. Finally, risk mitigation plans for high-risk tests and stress tests need to be generated.

Quality Assurance Roles and Responsibilities

Each firm should have an internal Quality Assurance (QA) manager who has responsibility for ensuring the creation of a QA plan, developing a QA team, and for ensuring that QA processes and procedures are followed during the project. This person may not be responsible for conducting testing, but rather for ensuring that the testing plan is followed and for reporting the status of system readiness to the project manager and program office. The QA is responsible for coordinating the participation of each individual and reporting progress. If the project falls behind schedule and testing time is reduced, the QA manager is responsible for reporting the status of each testing phase which has not been completed.

A matrix listing the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the testing activities, along with the anticipated amount of their time allocated to the project, should be prepared.

Evaluating Business Processes & Requirements

Each firm should define all the business processes to be included in testing. The definition of these tasks or business requirements, is at a high-level, and draws from the functional requirements of the ALD daily files transmission listed in the A – Z Guide. They should clearly state the business result that is expected. High level tasks should include, but are not limited to:

• Successful communication with counterparties using the various communication hubs, i.e. DTCC, EquiLend, or SunGard (Loanet, Global 1, WorldLend)

• Ability to perform all validations stated in the Daily Loan File and Daily Non-cash Collateral File validation sections in the A – Z Guide

• Ability to systematically handle file errors or missing files

• Ability to synchronize files received through one of the platforms above with internal processing systems for: contract comparison, capital charge computation, credit exposure monitoring and any other related processes

• Ability to execute contingency plans for missing files

Test Plan

Each firm should create its own test plan at the same time that internal system requirements are defined. This enables the testing team to define the tests, locate and configure test-related hardware and software, and coordinate the resources required to complete all testing.

Each firm’s test plan should include an estimate of the time to complete each phase of testing and the dependencies for each phase. Testing resources should be associated with each task. The testing plan should be reviewed and approved by the test team, all business process owners, and the project management team.

Below is a list of suggested outputs and results from the test planning process:

• Clearly defined testing objectives

• Resource allocation chart

• Application requirements – each firm should determine their own application requirements based on internal systems or vendor solutions used

• Acceptance criteria for implementation

• Test execution plan inclusive of all testing phases

• Agree on ALD testing scenarios to test for:

o Communication

o Data validation

o Content processing – e.g. capital and credit exposure

o Single day of file receipt

o Multiple day receipt and multi-day file comparison

o Performance under stress, and receipt of a large number of files on the same day and over a period of several days

• Risk assessment and contingency plan

• Internal system “Go-Live” schedules

Testing Scenarios

The ALD Taskforce developed various scenarios that can be used by firms for testing. The first set includes complete daily file layouts including all fields, with some files containing improperly formatted field representing one business day of data. Firms can use these scenarios to test if there systems have been accurately coded according to the technical specifications

The second set includes multi-day loan scenarios that cover 35 different structures or events associated with loans (e.g. a cash loan, a non-cash loan, international pre-pay, etc).

All Testing scenarios and files to be used for formatting validation are available in Appendix III, as well as a separate document on the ALD section of the SIFMA website at: ALD/index.html

Testing Details

Each agent lender and broker-dealer should perform internal testing on all systems involved with the creation and transmission or receipt and processing of the Daily Loan Data File and Daily Non-cash Collateral Data File.

Connecting through a vendor (i.e. EquiLend or SunGard)

• Test communication with vendor

• Test various reports to be provided by vendor

• Test integration of vendor reports with internal systems

• System integration testing

• Test communication with counterparties through vendor(s)

Connecting directly to DTCC:

• Test communication to DTCC

• Test sending/receiving files from at least one counterparty connecting directly to DTCC, one using SunGard, and one using EquiLend

• Agent Lenders: Perform internal test on all systems used for populating data in the ALD files

• Broker-dealers: Perform internal tests on reconciliation systems, capital computation systems, and credit exposure monitoring functionalities

• Broker-dealers: Test the integration of systems from different departments which will need to use the daily files (e.g. reg. capital and credit)

• Test communication with counterparties

Agent Lenders Internal Testing

Agent lenders’ internal testing should include synchronization of dependent databases where data is extracted to create the daily files and connectivity to a vendor or DTCC. Agent Lenders must ensure that internal systems used to create the daily files comply with the specifications in the ALD file layouts available in the A-Z Guide to ALD and through the ALD section on the SIFMA website.

Broker- Dealers’ Internal Testing

Broker-dealers should ensure that dependent systems used for receipt and processing of the daily files are developed based on the Industry specifications. This should include testing of reconciliation systems, contract compare systems, capital charge computation modules, and credit exposure monitoring systems.

During this specific phase, broker-dealers should also test the integration of any internal systems or other vendor systems used with the ALD modules. For example, if a firm uses a specific software type for contract-compare process provided by a third party vendor, it will need to ensure that this system is compatible with EquiLend or SunGard modules used for ALD.


ALD testing teams of both agent lenders and broker-dealers should issue management reports to communicate the conclusions and recommendations of the test team to project management, configuration teams, and business process owners. Management reports can include the following elements:

• Putting the test results into business terms and significance for other teams, such as the regulatory capital group, the credit risk group, and, where applicable the operations group

• Documenting the status of various testing components (i.e. communication from vendor, communication from agent lender through the vendor, validation of file formats, etc.)

• Highlighting critical issues (i.e. disparity in validations, misunderstanding of data presented on the file, etc)

• Justifying any deviations from the test plan

Note: For firms using the SSF ALDOP application, SunGard has developed special testing guidelines. Users should contact SSF to obtain these (SSF Helpdesk: 603.898.5980, Users of other vendor systems should check with their service provider(s) for similar documentation.

Testing the Credit Approval Files

Broker-dealers and agent lenders should test the communication of the Incremental Add/Delete File, Borrower Response File and Master File. The checklist below should be used as a guide for the testing.

Pre-Testing Checklist:

• Develop an internal test plan suitable to vendor and counterparties

• Finalize connectivity requirements

• Ensure completion of all necessary legal documentation with vendor and counterparties prior to beginning the testing, including a DTCC third party authorization letter if using a vendor

• Contact DTCC to ensure your firm’s DTCC ID is correctly added to DTCC’s “U” system (testing system), ensure that your testing counterparty’s ID is also properly set up in the test system

• If using a vendor, ensure that DTCC has your firm ID grouped to the vendor

• Obtain contact information for vendor, DTCC, testing counterparties

• Contact as many counterparties as desired for testing

Agent Lenders:

• Have in place the systems to generate an Incremental Add/Delete File and a Master File send it through a vendor or DTCC to a broker-dealer

Broker Dealers:

• Have in place the systems to receive an Incremental Add/Delete File, process it, and send a response back to the lender either through a vendor or DTCC.

• Have in place the systems to receive and process a Master File

• Communicate to agent lenders if you have more than one DTCC ID, and which one would be used for routing the files.

• Communicate legal entity/tax ID to Agent Lenders

Non-DTCC Participants

• Non-DTCC participants should contact DTC to obtain a non-participant ID, which will allow them to access the DTCC ALD application via the internet.

• As of December 2006, non-DTCC participants cannot connect through a vendor; they have to connect directly to DTCC. In addition, they cannot use the DTCC “U” system. They will have to perform testing directly in the production environment.

Guidelines for DTCC Direct Connect Participants

• Firms should establish the most suitable transmission protocol (NDM or FTP). If available, NDM is the preferred method for data transmission.

• Firms should review the DTCC Smart Track Users Guide to obtain any necessary information on applications that interface with DTCC which may be relevant to internal systems used by the firm.

• Firms connecting directly to DTCC, should contact the DTCC Participant Interface Planning Group (PIP) hotline at 212.855.8989 to ensure proper set up on both the DTCC testing system as well as in production.

• Firms connecting directly to the DTCC hub and vendors should validate their production user IDs and passwords and test their production connections.

Testing Checklist

• Test for connectivity to vendor/DTCC

• Create test data to be used during testing (dummy participant data)

• Test for data validation

• Process a file with one record

• Process one borrower response file

• Repeat the process with multiple records and a larger number of agent lenders (Note: It is not necessary for firms to test with every one of their counterparties, but they should test with at least one using all the different connectivity types)

Incremental File Test Data

The ALD taskforce did not develop sample test data for the Incremental Add/Delete File or the Borrower’s Response File. Each broker-dealer should obtain data from the agent lenders participating in testing. Broker-dealers using a vendor should contact their vendor who may have developed test data. Agent lenders can create their own test files. During the initial testing this may be either ‘dummy’ data or real data depending on the agreement between the two parties. In addition to the elements outlined above, several elements should be of specific focus during testing of the incremental files:

1. Population of all data fields required by the broker-dealer for credit review – since some of the fields are optional, in the past broker-dealers have found that they did not receive all the data that was necessary for them to complete a proper credit review in accordance with their internal policies. The testing period is an opportune time to negotiate with the lenders the data elements that will be provided.

2. Negotiate any necessary bi-lateral agreements (e.g. timing of Master File transmission) – see use cases below for some of the conditions which need to be negotiated bi-laterally.

3. Test various scenarios with REF record types, DEL actions, and PRS actions.

4. Test any of the processes which require manual intervention, such as a borrower initiated change of a principal status (for others, check the Credit Approval Process section of the A- Z Guide).

5. Verify that loans can only be allocated to principals that have been “approved” by the broker-dealer and that “approve” and “reject” responses are processed successfully.

Credit Master File Test Data

The ALD taskforce did not develop sample test data for the Credit Master File. Each broker-dealer should obtain Master File data from the agent lenders participating in testing. Broker-dealers using a vendor should contact their vendor who may have developed some test data. Agent lenders can create test files based on principals approved/rejected in testing the Incremental Add/Delete File processing.

6 Testing the Daily Files

After completion of testing for the incremental files, agent lenders and broker-dealers should continue with testing of the daily files. Prior to testing the daily files, broker-dealers will need to decide whether to use an external vendor offering or build an internal system to handle:

a. Reconciliation

b. Regulatory capital computations

c. Credit exposure monitoring

Note: This decision is independent from the decision on a system used for transmission (i.e. a broker-dealer may choose to use a vendor for receiving the files but build internal systems to handle the three processes noted above).

Once the necessary decisions have been made, the broker-dealers and agent lenders should then coordinate with their vendors and select counterparties to schedule a test. The taskforce has developed several files which can be used for testing.

The pre-testing and testing checklists for the incremental files (see section IV) should be followed for the daily files.

Validation Testing

Upon completion of any internal development, validation testing should be initiated. The intent of validation testing is to ensure that all parties have correctly programmed all validations described in the technical specifications document (i.e. field formatting, dependencies, etc), and that daily files can successfully be passed through the ALD platforms without creating exceptions for incorrect file and data formats or incorrect field conditions. The greater the level of functionality validation, the more complete a testing process becomes. Validation testing will determine whether the recipient’s system(s) will be able to accept files, identify all data and any imbedded errors and test a firm’s ability to handle and escalate any errors. Both positive and negative tests should be included. Firms should have well documented pass/fail acceptance criteria for execution of this type of test.

Validation testing should include the transmission of both “good” files, (i.e. ones that meet all criteria), as well as “bad” files (i.e. ones where errors have been purposely included). Any errors should be identified, recorded and corrected. Aside from unit testing, system testing should provide full coverage of all functionality, including error handling and recoverability functionality. A traceability matrix that shows each function being tested helps to ensure maximum coverage.

Validation testing files developed by the ALD taskforce for testing “good” and “bad” files are available in Appendix I.

Validation testing is intended to test only the formatting of files. While real CUSIP numbers and DTCC and tax IDs are being used, all other loan file data is fabricated.

As part of the validation testing, firms should create a plan to address the resolution of failed tests, including escalation procedures for correction and retest of any failed transmissions.

Controlled Scenario Testing

Firms may choose to perform controlled scenario tests and validate against predetermined results. The ALD taskforce developed test scenarios which firms can use. These are available in Appendix II. Test case prerequisites, the sequence of testing and test procedures should be clearly defined by each firm. Scenario names, input values and expected results are provided, along with a set of CUSIPs, market values, and pseudo principals associated with each scenario transaction. Firms using the scenarios should use the data provided in order to achieve the expected results indicated for each loan type transaction.

The scripted scenarios include 35 different “loans,” each with more than one day of activity and are estimated to cover about 80% of the most common securities lending types of loans. Each scenario is accompanied by a description and expected results. These are available in Annex IV, as well as a separate document posted in the Testing Guide Section of the ALD section of the SIFMA website.

Production Data Testing

In addition to, or instead of, the controlled scenario tests, firms can choose to perform similar tests using their own production data, which matches the scenarios developed by the taskforce. The process for production testing should be similar to that for controlled scenario tests described above. Firms should ensure that the expected results are clearly outlined prior to commencing testing and that both agent lender and broker-dealer participating in the test are using the same version test files, have agreed upon account numbers, market values for securities, and all other transaction components.

Volume and Stress Testing

Once sufficient testing has been accomplished, on a one-on-one basis either through the controlled scenarios or the agents’ production data, firms should conduct volume and stress testing. Volume testing should simulate the volumes expected on a daily basis and over a period of several days. Stress testing should include increased volumes to match projected loan activity for some future period of time. For a broker-dealer, this would mean testing with all of its agent lenders.

Parallel Testing

Finally, upon completion of volume tests, agent lenders should begin sending production files through the test system. Broker-dealers should coordinate with more than one lender to send files.

This should be the last component of testing and should be used to test corrections of any errors that may have been discovered during the previous testing phases. This should lead to implementation and transmission of daily files over the production platforms.

At the end of parallel testing, the status for going into production should be checked and a schedule agreed for a go-live date.

7 Post Testing and Production

At the completion of testing, broker-dealers and agent lenders should ensure the exchange of contact information for ALD implementation and ensure compliance with the ALD escalation procedures available in the A – Z Guide.

Broker-dealers and agent lenders should verify that internal processes and policies have been established to support the new ALD activities and required contingencies.

VI. Annexes

Annex I: Use Cases

The taskforce developed Use Cases for testing of both the incremental credit pre-approval related files as well as the daily files. The purpose of the Use Cases is to provide users greater clarity into requirements associated with the agency lending disclosure requirements. These use cases are at a very high level; each user utilizing a vendor should check with their vendor and receive a more complete set of use cases for their system directly from the vendor.

There are three Use Cases (see table below)(. For each Use Case, there is a summary statement, a list of pre-conditions and a flow of events.


Use Case 1: Incremental Add/Delete File

|Use Case Name | Incremental Add/Delete File |

|Primary Actors |Agent lender, broker-dealer, vendors, DTCC |

|Summary |Lender/Vendor sends file to Borrower/Vendor to request borrower to determine the eligibility of a new principal lender within the |

| |agent lender’s program. This process requires the borrower to respond to the lender, either approving or rejecting the principal |

| |lender. Additionally, the lender may use this file to inform the borrower that a principal has been deleted from their program. No |

| |response is required from the borrower for deletions. Furthermore, there is a “PEN” status for this file which is used by the lender|

| |to inform the borrower that a previously requested add (of a new principal) has not yet been responded to by the borrower. |

| |The file is sent either intra-vendor or via DTCC. |

|Preconditions |

|Bi-laterally (lender-borrower) agreed-upon pre-conditions |

|Routing Mechanism / Mode of Delivery – Identify the vendor / mode of delivery. May vary by product |

|Borrower to inform vendor whether it will “pull” the file or have it “pushed” to its system. |

|Borrower to provide lender with legal entity/tax ID |

|Borrower to provide lender with DTCC ID (may vary based on product) |

|Borrower-DTCC pre-conditions |

|Decide on “pull” vs. “push” technology to receive files for firms not using DTCC. |

|DTCC requires that firms be able to “pull” from them |

|Type of acknowledgement for borrower approval/non-approval response file (see below) |

|Agent lender-DTCC pre-condition: agent lender determines level of acknowledgement required. May include any or all of the following |

|Acknowledgement that file was received at DTCC (from agent lender/agent lender’s vendor) |

|Acknowledgement that file was forwarded to borrower |

|Acknowledgement that borrower “pulled” the file (if borrower uses “pull” process) |

|Post-conditions |

|Termination Outcomes |Condition Affecting Termination Outcomes |

|Valid File received by Borrower/Vendor and ready for |See steps below |

|internal processing. | |

|Valid response File (approve, reject) received by Agent | |

|lender/agent lender’s vendor | |

|Flow of Events |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|1 |Lender/Vendor Creates file | | |Out of Taskforce Scope |

|2 |Agent lender/agent lender’s vendor sends file to | | | |

| |borrower/vendor | | | |

|2a | DTCC acknowledges receipt of file (if sent via |DTCC acknowledges receipt of |DTCC sends receipt | |

| |DTCC) |file |acknowledgement back to agent | |

| | | |lender/agent lender’s vendor | |

|2b |DTCC validates file format and accepts or rejects|DTCC accepts/rejects file based|File accepted/rejected by | |

| |file |on quality of header/trailer |DTCC. If rejected. DTCC | |

| | |and # of bytes |informs sender (lender) | |

|2c |DTCC Transmits file to borrower/borrower’s vendor| | | |

| |(Based on DTCC ID) | | | |

|2d |DTCC sends acknowledgement to lender/lender | | | |

| |vendor that file was forwarded to | | | |

| |borrower/borrower’s vendor | | | |

|Step 2 Alternate Flow (intra vendor) |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|2b (alt) |Agent lender’s vendor validates file format and | | | |

| |accepts or rejects file | | |May be done via front end edit |

| | | | |checks. Header, Trailer, Body |

|2c (alt) |Vendor forwards file to borrower (based on DTCC | | | |

| |ID) | | | |

|3 |Borrower/Vendor receives file (either from DTCC | |Borrower/vendor in | |

| |or from Vendor) | |possession of file. | |

|3a |If via DTCC and “Pull” process: DTCC |DTCC send acknowledgement to |Agent lender/vendor is | |

| |acknowledges file was picked up by |Lender/Vendor that file was pulled by |informed that | |

| |Borrower/vendor |borrower/Vendor |Borrower/Vendor is in | |

| | | |possession of the file | |

|4 |Borrower/vendor validates file. If “bad”, send | |Valid file | |

| |reject to DTCC | | | |

|5 |Borrower/Vendor Processes file and prepares |Out of taskforce scope – Processing time estimated to be 2-4 weeks for pre-qualification |

| |response (if ADD or PEND) | |

|6 |Borrower/vendor sends approval/non approval | | | |

| |response (direct through vendor or via DTCC) | | | |

|6a | DTCC acknowledges receipt of approval/rejection | | | |

| |response file (if sent via DTCC) | | | |

|6b |DTCC validates file format and accepts or rejects|DTCC accepts/rejects file based|File accepted/rejected by | |

| |file |on quality of header/trailer |DTCC. If rejected. DTCC | |

| | |and # of bytes |informs sender (borrower) | |

|6c |DTCC Transmits borrower’s response file to agent | | | |

| |lender/vendor (Based on DTCC ID) | | | |

|6d |DTCC sends acknowledgement to borrower/borrower’s| | | |

| |vendor that file was forwarded to lender/lender’s| | | |

| |vendor | | | |

|Step 6Alternate Flow (intra vendor) |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|6b (alt) |Borrower’s vendor validates file format and | | | |

| |accepts or rejects file | | |May be done via front end edit |

| | | | |checks. Header, Trailer, Body |

|6c (alt) |Borrower’s vendor forwards file (internal) to | | | |

| |lender (based on DTCC ID) | | | |

|7 |Agent lender/vendor receives approval/non | | | |

| |approval response | | | |

|8 |Agent lender/vendor Validates File |Internal validation by agent |Agent lender/vendor sends | |

| | |lender/vendor |reject notice if bad file | |

| | | |format | |

|9 |Lender Processes file | | |Out of taskforce scope |

Use Case 2: Master File

|Use Case Name |Master File |

|Primary Actors |Agent lenders, broker-dealers, vendors, DTCC |

|Summary |This use case describes the transmission of a master reconciliation file for credit pre-qualification purpose. The file will be sent|

| |from Lenders to Borrowers on a pre-determined periodic basis (at least annually). |

| |The file does not require a response from the borrower. |

|Preconditions |

|Bi-laterally (lender-borrower) agreed-upon pre-conditions |

|Routing Mechanism / Mode of Delivery - Which vendor for which products will be used by both parties to route files and files |

|Borrower to provide lender with legal entity/Tax ID |

|Borrower to provide lender with DTCC ID (may vary based on product) |

|Borrower and agent lender to agree on frequency of master file (at least annually) |

|If monthly, then file sent during first 10 days of each month |

|If quarterly, then file sent during first 10 days of each quarter |

|If annually, within the first 10 days of the year (fiscal or calendar) and will vary by each borrower and lender |

|Borrower-DTCC pre-conditions |

|Decide on “pull” vs. “push” technology to receive files for firms not using DTCC. |

|DTCC requires that firms be able to “pull” from them |

|Agent lender-DTCC pre-condition: Lender determines level of acknowledgement required. May include any or all of the following |

|Acknowledgement that file was received at DTCC (from agent ender/agent lender’s vendor) |

|Acknowledgement that file was forwarded to borrower |

|Acknowledgement that borrower “pulled” the file (if borrower uses “pull” process) |

|Post-conditions |

|Termination Outcomes |Condition Affecting Termination Outcomes |

|Master File received by Borrower for internal Review. |See steps below. |

|Flow of Events |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|1 |Agent lender/vendor Creates File | | |Out of Taskforce Scope |

|2 |Agent lender/vendor sends file to borrower/vendor| | | |

|2a | DTCC acknowledges receipt of file (if sent via |DTCC acknowledges receipt of |DTCC sends receipt | |

| |DTCC) |file |acknowledgement back to agent | |

| | | |lender/vendor | |

|2b |DTCC validates file format and accepts or rejects|DTCC accepts/rejects file based|File accepted/rejected by | |

| |file |on quality of header/trailer |DTCC. If rejected. DTCC | |

| | |and # of bytes |informs sender (lender) | |

|2c |DTCC Transmits file to borrower/vendor | |File transmitted from DTCC to | |

| | | |borrower/vendor | |

|2d |DTCC sends acknowledgement to lender/lender’s | | | |

| |vendor that file was forwarded to | | | |

| |borrower/borrower’s vendor | | | |

|Step 2 Alternate Flow (intra vendor) |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|2b (alt) |Vendor validates file format and accepts or | | | |

| |rejects file | | |May be done via front end edit |

| | | | |checks |

|2c (alt) |Vendor forwards file to borrower (based on DTCC | | | |

| |ID) | | | |

|Flow of Events |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|3 |Borrower/vendor receives file (either from DTCC | |Borrower in receipt of file | |

| |or from Vendor) | | | |

|3a |If via DTCC and “Pull” process: DTCC |DTCC send acknowledgement to |Lender/Vendor is informed that| |

| |acknowledges file was picked up by |Lender/Vendor that file was |Borrower/Vendor is in | |

| |Borrower/Vendor |pulled by borrower/Vendor |possession of the file | |

|4 |Borrower/vendor validates file format. If “bad”, | |Valid file |If record in file is “bad”, only |

| |send bad records back through vendor or DTCC | | |bad records are sent back |

|5 |Borrower/Vendor Processes File |Out of Taskforce scope |

Use Case 3: Daily Loan Data File and Daily Non-Cash Collateral File

|Use Case Name |Daily Loan Data File and Daily Non-Cash Collateral File |

|Primary Actors |Agent lenders, broker-dealers, vendors, DTCC |

|Summary |This use case describes the transmission of the set of daily files used for regulatory capital calculation and credit exposure |

| |monitoring. The files are sent from agent lenders to borrowers on a daily basis (with a one day lag) by 3:00 AM the next morning |

| |The files do not require response from borrower. |

|Preconditions |

|Bi-laterally (lender-borrower) agreed-upon pre-conditions |

|Routing Mechanism / Mode of Delivery - Which vendor for which products will be used by both parties to route files and files |

|Borrower to provide lender with legal entity/tax ID |

|Borrower to provide lender with DTCC ID (may vary based on product) |

| |

|Borrower-DTCC pre-conditions |

|Decide on “pull” vs. “push” technology to receive files for firms not using DTCC |

|DTCC requires that firms be able to “pull” from them |

|Agent lender-DTCC pre-condition: agent lender determines level of acknowledgement required. May include any or all of the following |

|Acknowledgement that file was received at DTCC (from agent lender/agent lender’s Vendor) |

|Acknowledgement that file was forwarded to borrower |

|Acknowledgement that borrower “pulled” the file (if borrower uses “pull” process) |

|Post-conditions |

|Termination Outcomes |Condition Affecting Termination Outcomes |

|Files received by borrower for internal Processing. |See steps below. |

|Flow of Events |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|1 |Agent lender/agent’s vendor creates file | | |Out of Taskforce Scope |

|2 |Agent lender /agent’s vendor sends file to | | | |

| |borrower/borrower’s vendor | | | |

|2a | DTCC acknowledges receipt of file (if sent via |DTCC acknowledges receipt of |DTCC sends receipt | |

| |DTCC) |file |acknowledgement back to agent | |

| | | |lender/agent’s vendor | |

|2b |DTCC validates file format and accepts or rejects|DTCC accepts/rejects file based|File accepted/rejected by | |

| |file |on quality of header/trailer |DTCC. If rejected. DTCC | |

| | |and # of bytes |informs sender | |

|2c |DTCC Transmits file to borrower/vendor (based on | | | |

| |DTCC ID) | | | |

|2d |DTCC sends acknowledgement to lender/lender | | | |

| |vendor that file was forwarded to | | | |

| |borrower/borrower’s vendor | | | |

|Step 2 Alternate Flow (intra vendor) |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|2b (alt) |Agent lender’s vendor validates file format and | | | |

| |accepts or rejects file | | |May be done via front end edit |

| | | | |checks. Header, trailer, body |

|2c (alt) |Vendor forwards file to borrower (based on DTCC | | | |

| |ID) | | | |

|Flow of Events |

| |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |Use Case Step |

|Step |Action |Input Description |Output Description |Notes / Input Validation |

|3 |Borrower/vendor receives file (either from DTCC | |borrower/vendor in | |

| |or from Vendor) | |possession of file. | |

|3a |If via DTCC and “Pull” process: DTCC |DTCC send acknowledgement to |Agent lender/vendor is | |

| |acknowledges file was picked up by |lender/vendor that file was pulled by |informed that | |

| |borrower/vendor |borrower/Vendor |borrower/vendor is in | |

| | | |possession of the file | |

|4 |Borrower/vendor validates file format. If “bad”, | |Valid file |If record in file is “bad”, |

| |send bad records back through vendor or DTCC | | |only bad records are sent back |

|5 |Borrower/Vendor Processes File |Out of Taskforce scope | | |

Annex II: Issue Logs

The following tables summarize the most common issues encountered during testing of both the incremental files and the daily files. Some of these may not be relevant to broker-dealers or agent lenders completing testing individually.

Incremental File Issue Log


Daily File Issue Log

Click on the icon below to open the Daily File Issues Log to view a list of the most common problems encountered during the testing of the daily files. This spreadsheet is also available separately from the ALD section of the SIFMA website at ald/index.html


Appendix III – Daily Test “Good”/”Bad” Files

Due to the large size of the document, The Daily Files with sample data spreadsheets are available from the ALD section of the SIFMA website. This file contains four tabs for each File type (loan and non-cash collateral):

• Daily Loan File “Good” – data with no errors (i.e. “good” file), including field length information

• Raw Data for Daily Loan File “Good” – data with no errors in raw format ready to be used on system file

• Daily Loan File “Bad” – data with errors, including description of the errors and field length information

• Raw data for the Daily Loan File “Bad” – data with errors, in raw format ready for use on a system file (may need to be converted in simple text format if required)

• Non-Cash Collateral File “ Good” - data with no errors (i.e. “good” file), including field length information

• Raw data for Non-Cash Collateral File “Good” - data with no errors in raw format the way it would appear on a file

• Non-Cash Collateral File “Bad” - data with errors, including description of the errors and field length information

• Raw data for Non-Cash Collateral File “Bad” - data with errors, in raw format ready for use on a system file (may need to be converted in simple text format if required)

Appendix IV – Loan Scenarios

These scenarios cover various types of loans. They include real CUSIP data, however the prices are fixed as of the time the scenarios were created. In a controlled scenario test firms should use the data as provided. The last tab in the file provides the exact principal lender ID, CUSIP and prices used in the scenarios. These do not represent all the fields in a daily loan or non-cash collateral file. The testing parties will have to complete the missing fields.

These files are available directly from the ALD section of the SIFMA website, as the file is too large to include in this document.


[1] Vendor specifications should be obtained directly from the service provider. The DTCC Smart Track user guide is available to DTCC users at

( There is no automated process for a borrower to initiated a principal lender add or delete. Therefore, this scenario is not part of these use cases. Amended “adds” will trigger an Incremental Add/Delete File to be sent by the agent lender. Alternatively, a borrower may submit an amended response to a previously submitted incremental add/delete request.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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