|[pic] |● 1 JUDGE, 2 DEBATERS - Debaters do rock, paper, scissors. |

| |● The winner argues FOR the topic and starts the debate. |

| |● Judge asks for reasons and decides who was the most convincing. |

| |● Write the winner’s name and side (FOR or AGAINST) in the space. |

| |● Rotate roles and choose a new TOPIC. |

|Giving your opinion: |Giving reasons: |Agreeing: |Disagreeing: |

|I think... |Because… |I agree. |I disagree. |

|In my opinion... |The reason why… |I totally agree. |I don’t agree. |

|I feel that… |Many people think… |That’s true. |I don’t think that… |

|It seems to me… |It’s obvious that… |You’re right. |That’s not necessarily true. |

|I strongly believe that… | | |I see what you are saying, but… |


|1. Fish make better pets than dogs. | | |

|2. Smoking in public places should be banned. | | |

|3. Money is more important than love. | | |

|4. Summer is the best season. | | |

|5. Small cars are better than big cars. | | |

|6. Couples should never kiss on the first date. | | |

|7. Military service should be mandatory, even for women. | | |

|8. Children should not be allowed to play violent video games. | | |

|9. Alcohol and cigarettes should be illegal. | | |

|10. Facebook is bad. | | |

|[pic] |● 1 JUDGE, 2 DEBATERS - Debaters do rock, paper, scissors. |

| |● The winner argues FOR the topic and starts the debate. |

| |● Judge asks for reasons and decides who was the most convincing. |

| |● Write the winner’s name and side (FOR or AGAINST) in the space. |

| |● Rotate roles and choose a new TOPIC. |

|Giving your opinion: |Giving reasons: |Agreeing: |Disagreeing: |

|I think... |Because… |I agree. |I disagree. |

|In my opinion... |The reason why… |I totally agree. |I don’t agree. |

|I feel that… |Many people think… |That’s true. |I don’t think that… |

|It seems to me… |It’s obvious that… |You’re right. |That’s not necessarily true. |

|I strongly believe that… | | |I see what you are saying, but… |


|1. Fish make better pets than dogs. | | |

|2. Smoking in public places should be banned. | | |

|3. Money is more important than love. | | |

|4. Summer is the best season. | | |

|5. Small cars are better than big cars. | | |

|6. Couples should never kiss on the first date. | | |

|7. Military service should be mandatory, even for women. | | |

|8. Children should not be allowed to play violent video games. | | |

|9. Alcohol and cigarettes should be illegal. | | |

|10. Facebook is bad. | | |



1. Animals should not be kept in zoos.

2. Owning a pet has more disadvantages than advantages.


3. Dating apps are the best way to find your dream guy / girl.

4. Sending a real card is better than sending an e-card.

5. Men should always put the toilet seat back down.

6. Having only one child is better than having more than one.

7. We should develop genetically engineered babies.


8. Motorcycles are too dangerous and should be banned.

9. Wearing seatbelts should be optional.

10. Speed limits are not necessary.

11. Traffic ticket penalties should be based on income. The more you earn, the more you should pay.


12. Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation.

13. School uniforms are old fashioned and unnecessary.

14. There should be no curfew at university dormitories.


15. Screen golf is better than real golf.

16. Tennis is better than table tennis.

17. Athletes are overpaid.

18. Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in the Olympics.

19. Board games are better than video games.


20. Technology is making us less sociable.

21. Life was better before the internet.


22. A domestic vacation is better than an international vacation.

23. A package tour is better than a backpacking tour.

24. Traveling is a waste of time and money. It is better to buy tangible things.


25. We shouldn’t try to contact aliens because they will most likely attack us.

26. Euthanasia (assisted suicide) should be legalized.

27. Ignorance is bliss.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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