___1. The most important distinction for dividing the world into agricultural regions is

a. whether the product is consumed on or off of the farm

b. whether crops are grown or animals are raised

c. the location of the first agricultural areas

d. the population density of the crop-producing region

e. the type of crops which are raised

___2. Hunting and gathering societies

a. employ about 15% of the world’s population

b. are still found in a few isolated places in the world

c. are characterized by large concentrations of people

d. occur nearly everywhere but are especially common in Europe

e. no longer exist

___3. According to geographer Carl Sauer, agriculture probably first originated in

a. Southeast Asia

b. South America

c. Ethiopia

d. the Fertile Crescent

e. all of the above

___4. The cultivation of plants by cutting stems and dividing roots is

a. sawah

b. seed agriculture

c. subsistence agriculture

d. chinampas

e. vegetative planting

___5. Unique agricultural practices arise in particular regions because of

a. characteristics of the physical environment

b. limited knowledge of alternatives

c. distinctive cultural traits

d. different climates

e. all of the above

___6. Which is NOT a form of commercial agriculture?

a. Mediterranean

b. extensive grain farming

c. pastoral nomadism

d. plantation agriculture

d. all of the above are forms of commercial agriculture

___7. Which type of agriculture is found primarily in developing countries?

a. Mediterranean

b. plantation

c. truck farming

d. livestock ranching

e. milkshed dairying


___8. The rural survey pattern seen in the map above would most likely be found in which region of the US?

a. coastal Louisiana and Alabama

b. St. Lawrence River valley

c. New England

d. the Great Plains

e. upland South

___9. Shifting cultivation is most commonly found in which climate region?

a. Tropical

b. Dry

c. Warm temperate

d. Continental

e. Polar

___10. Which type of agriculture occupies the largest percentage of the world’s land area?

a. dairying

b. intensive subsistence

c. plantation

d. shifting cultivation

e. Mediterranean

___11. Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world’s people?

a. dairying

b. intensive subsistence

c. plantation

d. shifting cultivation

e. Mediterranean

___12. Shifting cultivation is a form of agriculture criticized for ALL BUT WHICH of the following reasons?

a. it destroys natural resources such as forests

b. it causes unrecoverable loss of soil of nutrients

c. it upsets the ecology

d. it consumes a lot of land to feed a small number of people

e. it is criticized for all of these reasons

___13. Which of the following is NOT a typical practice in growing rice in Asia?

a. harvesting with a plow drawn by animals

b. flooding the plowed land with rain water

c. flattening hill land through terracing

d. transplanting seedling grown in a nursery

e. multiple-cropping

___14. The most important reason why most people in North China grow crops other than wet rice is

a. cultural preference

b. tradition

c. climate

d. soil

e. government subsidies

___15. Pastoral nomadism is most commonly found in which climate region?

a. tropical

b. dry

c. warm temperate

d. continental

e. all of the above

___16. Pastoral nomads are distinguished from other forms of subsistence farmers by ALL BUT WHICH of the following?

a. they consume animals rather than grain

b. they obtain grain through trade

c. they occupy dry lands

d. they are migratory

e. all of the above distinguish pastoral nomadism

___17. The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures is

a. transhumance

b. shifting cultivation

c. pastoral nomadism

d. oasis herding

e. all of the above

___18. During the twentieth century, ALL BUT WHICH of the following have risen in relatively developed countries?

a. reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides

b. percentage of the population engaged in agriculture

c. size of farms

d. use of cross-bred and genetically modified seeds

e. all of the above have declined

___19. Which of the following facts is TRUE regarding farming in America today?

a. many farms are owned by corporations or operated as cooperatives

b. mechanization is necessary due to size of farms

c. governmental plays a large role

d. farming is expensive and farmers suffer economic hardships

e. all of the above are true

___20. In the U.S. many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known as

a. agribusiness

b. commercial farming

c. food processing

d. conglomerative agriculture

e. mechanized farming

___21. In general, the farther a dairy farm is located from a large urban area the lower the percentage of output devoted to fresh milk. This occurs primarily because

a. land costs are lower farther from the urban area

b. milk is more perishable than butter and cheese

c. transport coasts are greater farther from the urban area

d. the quality of soil is lower near an urban area

e. all of the above

___22. The United States, Canada, Russia, Argentina, and Australia are the five large-scale producers of

a. commercial grain

b. corn

c. livestock

d. milk products

e. fruits and vegetables

___23. Ranching is practiced in a climate region most similar to that of which other type of agriculture?

a. dairying

b. grain

c. pastoral nomadism

d. shifting cultivation

e. Mediterranean

___24. Farmers in relatively developed and developing countries share which of the following problems?

a. access to fertilizers

b. inadequate income

c. lack of equipment

d. surplus production

e. access to markets

___25. A place where farm buildings, homes, and churches are found close together is what kind of settlement?

a. urban place

b. linear settlement

c. dispersed homesteads

d. clustered village

e. metes and bound village

___26. The seigneurial system of agricultural land allocation and survey was developed primarily because of

a. collective land ownership

b. common grazing land

c. inheritance laws

d. need for access to a river

e. safety and defense

___27. The most significant impact on the rural landscape of Great Britain’s Enclosure Movement was to

a. encourage a dispersed rural settlement pattern

b. reinforce the traditional clustered rural settlement pattern

c. stimulate suburbanization

d. decrease agricultural productivity

d. all of the above

___28. The most significant anticipated benefit of the enclosure movement was to

a. destroy traditional family life

b. promote agricultural efficiency

c. replace abandoned villages with new farmsteads

d. stimulate urbanization

e. organize farmers into cooperatives

___29. Dispersed rural settlements were most common in which region of 19th century America?

a. Middle Atlantic

b. New England

c. Southeast

d. Midwest

e. Mississippi Valley

___30. Desertification is the

a. expansion of desert-like conditions caused by human actions

b. increase in productivity of agriculture in desert regions

c. invention and diffusion of irrigation practices

d. rise in groundwater level due to inadequate drainage

e. lowering of reliance on irrigation agriculture

___31. One of the major causes of desertification is

a. insufficient crop planting

b. lack of knowledge about pastoral nomadism

c. rapid population growth in semi-arid regions

d. reduction in animal grazing

e. rise in use of fertilizers

___32. Which of the following is NOT a major grain exporter?

a. USA

b. Canada

c. Argentina

d. Russia

e. Australia

___33. US agricultural policies include

a. encouraging farmers NOT to grow certain crops which are in excess supply

b. paying farmers subsidies when commodity prices are low

c. buying surplus agricultural products from farmers to donate to LDCs

d. none of the above

e. all of the above

___34. The practice of “specialty farming” of expensive crops (such as mushrooms, asparagus, and nursery plants) with somewhat of a limited demand is growing in what US region?

a. Midwest

b. Southwest

c. Southeast

d. West

e. New England

___35. During the so-called “range wars,” in which cattle ranching on the Great Plains was converted to farming and feed-lots, what was the farmer’s most potent weapon?

a. barbed wire

b. US law

c. posse

d. guns

e. organized unions

___36. Which of the following is NOT a factor which contributes to the type of crop which is grown on a farm?

a. climate

b. cultural food taboos

c. distance to the market

d. level of development of the country

e. proximity to international border


___37. What type of agriculture is identified with the dot distribution map above?

a. corn and soy beans

b. dairying

c. feedlot cattle

d. wheat

e. fruits and vegetables

___38. Corn (maize) was first domesticated in

a. Northern Argentina

b. the Tibetan Plateau

c. the Canadian Prairie

d. Central Mexico

e. Central Australia

___39. A world map of hog production per capita would reveal the lowest values in which of the following regions?

a. The United States Midwest

b. Southeast Asia

c. Western Europe

d. The Middle East

e. China

___40. Which of the following includes the world’s earliest centers of plant domestication?

a. British Isles, Scandinavia, United States

b. Northeast Asia, Eastern Europe, South Africa

c. Australia, New Zealand, China

d. Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Middle East

e. Russia, China, Latin America

___41. The clearing of tropical rainforest for agriculture frequently results in

a. long-term productive farmland

b. a shift to animal raising

c. an increase in the size of the ozone hole

d. better-managed commercial forests

e. large-scale immigration

___42. French influence on land division in the United States and Canada resulted in

a. nucleated villages and fragmented farms

b. the metes and bounds system

c. a rectilinear subdivision of public lands

d. a long-lot system

e. the township and ranger survey system


___43. What type of agriculture is identified with the dot distribution map above?

a. corn and soy beans

b. dairying

c. feedlot cattle

d. wheat

e. fruits and vegetables

___44. The basic principles of the Boserup model argues the opposite of

a. the von Thünen model

b. Marxist agriculture

c. agribusiness models

d. Thomas Malthus’ theories

e. subsistence farming

___45. Which of the following is best associated the so-called 2nd agricultural revolution?

a. intertillage

b. crop rotation methods

c. “Green Revolution”

d. “miracle wheat”

e. Neolithic revolution

___46. The Cayapo Indians of the Amazon rainforest plant crops – including sweet potatoes, papayas, and beans – in rings. Which of the following does this illustrate in their case?

a. von Thunen’s theories

b. intertillage

c. mixed crop and livestock

d. vegetative planting

e. physiological density


___47. What type of agriculture would best be identified with the map above?

a. commercial grain farming

b. dairying

c. livestock ranching

d. fruits and vegetables

e. non-agricultural land

___48. Physiological density is defined as

a. the number of farmers as compared to the total population

b. the number of people compared to total land area

c. the number of people compared to arable land

d. the number of farms compared to the total land area

e. the average farm production compared to arable land

___49. Which of the following drug crops is INCORRECTLY paired with a major source country?

a. marijuana…Mexico

b. opium…Nigeria

c. coca…Columbia

d. opium…Myanmar

e. coca…Bolivia

___50. In the early part of the 20th century a so-called “miracle wheat” seed was developed in the US. Which of the following was NOT one its traits?

a. shorter and stiffer stalk

b. less sensitive to length of daylight

c. genes bio-engineered

d. responds better to fertilizer

e. matured faster


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