
Telecare LIN eNewsletter

September/October 2010

Welcome to the September/October 2010 newsletter. The Telecare Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) is responsible for providing general implementation support to organisations building their telecare and telehealth programmes in England.

Don’t forget, if you would prefer your news on a weekly basis at the start of each week then - Weekly news bulletins (DH Care Networks/WSDAN) are available at:


All monthly telecare newsletters are archived at:


If you are an organisation implementing telecare or telehealth in England and have an interesting local telecare or telehealth story for inclusion in a future newsletter then e-mail Mike Clark at telecare@.uk

PCT Telehealth Map – now colour coded for long term condition:

Telecare and Telehealth Evaluation Map:

Telecare Services Map (currently being updated for new web sites and charging information):

If you would like up to date information about the Whole System Demonstrator Programme and the development of the evidence base for telecare and telehealth then go to .uk

There is free registration on both web sites:



Follow Mike Clark on Twitter at clarkmike.


|Item |Page |

|1 Life-changing technology that saves millions (Kent telehealth) - Kent County Council in conjunction with NHS West Kent and|3 |

|Eastern and Coastal Kent has published a study of the Kent Telehealth Pilot (2005-2007) covering 250 patients | |

|2 Buying Solutions framework – the framework is now available and suppliers are adding products and services against the six|4 |

|lots | |

|3 Weekly news and map updates – check the weekly news if you want regular updates, also the telecare and telehealth maps are|5 |

|being updated | |

|4 CQC telecare figures 2010 – summary figures are now available, more next newsletter |6 |

|5 Newsletter contributions – three contributions this month from the West Midlands |7 |

|6 WSDAN News update – the latest WSDAN news covers presentations from the 30 June event such as Professor Martin Knapp |9 |

|covering some of the economics issues around telecare and telehealth | |

|7 Current calls – don’t forget the international congress in March 2011 |9 |

|8 Events and conferences – latest month by month listing – there is plenty of event activity before year end not forgetting |9 |

|the TSA Conference, EHI Live and RAATE amongst others | |

|9 News and links – the most comprehensive public news listing available |11 |

|Appendix – CQC telecare performance details for 152 social care authorities – how does your authority compare with others? |54 |

Note: DH Care Networks/WSDAN is not responsible for the content of external links and does not endorse any suppliers or their products. Any claims made by organisations should be carefully evaluated as part of normal commissioning and procurement arrangements.

1 Life-changing technology that saves millions (Kent telehealth)

The study on the Kent Telehealth Evaluative Development Pilot for 250 people with long term conditions covering the pilot programme period 2005-2007 is now available.



This study covers 250 telehealth patients prior to the WSD Programme.

Press release:



Kent Assistive technologies web site:

The Kent Telehealth Project (video)


2 Buying Solutions framework – commenced 16 August 2010

Information provided by Mark Etherton at Buying Solutions

Assistive Technologies – Telecare, Telehealth and Telecoaching (RM 784)

The Buying Solutions framework agreements for Assistive Technologies – Telecare, Telehealth and Telecoaching have now been awarded following a full OJEU tender exercise.

This framework supports the Efficiency and Reform Group’s (ERG) aim to centralise procurement for the buying of common goods and services. It will aggregate demand across the public sector to reduce the cost of telecare, telehealth and telecoaching and drive further savings.

The framework agreement is for two years, (with the option of two further one year extensions).

It is structured into 6 Lots as follows:

Lot 1 – Telecare Products

Lot 2 – Telecare Services

Lot 3 – Telehealth Products

Lot 4 – Telehealth Services

Lot 5 – Telecoaching Products and Services

Lot 6 – Managed Services

Please see the Supplier Matrix for full details of which suppliers have been awarded framework agreements under which Lots. Some suppliers do have sub-contractors however any orders must be placed with the Buying Solutions supplier. Supplier profiles and contact details can be found against each Lot description.

Framework Agreement Guidance Notes are also available for customers. This document covers:

• What is a framework agreement?

• What is Telecare, Telehealth and Telecoaching?

• How to use this set of framework agreements

• Buying Solutions roles and responsibilities

• Your contract

• Contact details

• Ordering procedures

• Catalogue ordering

• Further Competition

• Special terms

• Reverse auctions

Customers will be able to make direct purchases from the online catalogue using the Catalogue Ordering Procedure or can run Further Competitions via the Buying Solutions Invitation to Quote (ITQ) facility.

If you have any questions, please contact 0345 410 2222 or email info@buyingsolutions..uk

3 Weekly news and map updates

Prepared by Mike Clark for DH Care Networks/WSDAN (Twitter – clarkmike)

Weekly news updates are now available for people that want to have more timely information about telecare and telehealth developments in the UK and around the world.



The PCT telehealth Google Map has now been updated to include colour coding by long term conditions. The map covers PCT telehealth links in the public domain.


PCT Telehealth Map link:

Also, the telecare services map is being updated to include new web site references and charging information. A review of telecare charging will appear with the next newsletter.

Telecare Services Map (currently being updated for new web sites and charging information):

4 CQC telecare figures 2010 - summary

Prepared by Mike Clark for DH Care Networks/WSDAN from CQC data

Headline information from the 2010 CQC (Care Quality Commission) telecare data collection is now available for England. Details for all social care authorities are available in the Appendix to this newsletter. Further regional summary information will be available in the next newsletter.

The figures have been collected since 2006 and provide helpful trend information for the 152 English social care authorities in respect of ‘additional users’ and expenditure’.

a) CQC Data 2010 - Additional Users

Figures for 2009/2010

LA and LA with partner agencies 2009-10 planned: 143,031 users

LA and LA with partner agencies 2009-10 outturns: 129,232 users

84 local authorities met or exceeded their planned additional user numbers. 68 local authorities did not meet their planned numbers.

Figures for 2010/2011

LA and LA with partner agencies 2010-11 planned: 142,642 users

121 local authorities plan to increase their additional users in 2010/11 against the 2009/10 outturns. 31 authorities plan to decrease their additional users in 2010/2011.

The planned figures for 2010/2011 are just below the planned figures for 2009/2010 (143,031) and are an increase on the 2009/2010 outturns (129,232).

b) CQC Data 2010 - Expenditure

Figures for 2009/2010

Total Planned expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £79,664,000

Outturn expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £83,019,000

60 local authorities met or exceeded their planned expenditure. 92 local authorities did not meet their planned expenditure figures.

Figures for 2010/2011

Total Planned expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £91,782,000

119 local authorities plan to increase their expenditure in 2010/11 against the 2009/10 outturns. 33 authorities plan to decrease their expenditure in 2010/2011.

The planned figures for 2010/2011 (£91,782,000) are above the planned figures for 2009/2010 (£79,664,000) and are an increase on the 2009/2010 outturns (£83,019,000).

Note: The definition of ‘telecare’ since 2006 has included community alarms and telehealth. Separate expenditure figures are available for ‘infrastructure’ (which could include staffing) and ‘equipment and services’. Figures are available for local authorities and their partner organisations. All expenditure figures in the table are in £000’s. There is no planned CQC count in 2011.

5 Newsletter contributions

a) From Darren Awang at Coventry University

Coventry University is expanding its range of health and social care related courses with the introduction of a new Foundation Degree (FD) in Assistive Technology (AT). The course – the only one of its kind in the UK – complements a range of AT related learning opportunities at Coventry University that includes the part time MSc in AT (popular with managers in the health, social care, housing, support and telecare sectors) and a new online AT Learning Tool (endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists).

The new FD programme is due to commence in January 2011. It is 50% work based learning and has been endorsed by Foundation Degree Forward. It will equip support workers with the knowledge and skills required to use and implement AT effectively, whilst also improving their personal performance and management abilities in a professional environment.

For more details contact the Course Director (FD in AT) Dr Gillian Ward g.ward@coventry.ac.uk or visit the website coventry.ac.uk/at.



b) From Nathan Downing, West Midlands Telecare

Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands (IEWM) has published a case study on the automated pill dispenser pilot.



c) From Joanne Harding, West Midlands Telehealthcare Programme

A telehealthcare toolkit has been launched on the NHS Local web site.


6 WSDAN news update

Prepared by Mike Clark for DH Care Networks/WSDAN (Twitter – clarkmike)

The September WSDAN news has been released. You can register for monthly updates at .uk. Here is the latest from the Whole System Demonstrator Action Network:


• analysis of the WSDAN user survey

• a review of older people's perceptions and use of telemedicine

• information from Buying Solutions about its Framework Agreements.


Keep up to date with Network activities through WSDAN Progress. This month there are five presentation summaries from WSDAN's seventh roadshow event. 

7 Current calls

Prepared by Mike Clark for DH Care Networks/WSDAN (Twitter – clarkmike)

1) International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare 2-3 March 2011 Kings Fund, London

Deadline for abstracts 8 October 2010

2) Philips Liveable Cities Award

Philips is looking for individuals, community or non-governmental organizations and businesses who have ideas for ‘simple solutions’ that will improve people’s health and well-being, independent livjng etc.

Deadline 28 October 2010


8 Events and conferences

Prepared by Mike Clark for DH Care Networks/WSDAN (Twitter – clarkmike)

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|October |

|Healthcare IT Exchange 2010 |

|3-5 October 2010 |

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|Advances in Digital Healthcare: Telehealth and Mobile Health, University of Warwick 7 October 2010 |

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|The Forum 10 13-15 October 2011 Washington |

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|Enabling cost-effective management of long-term conditions - Mainstreaming telecare and telehealth – 19 October 2010 |

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|Mobile Health Expo, Las Vegas 19-21 October 2010 |

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|2010 Connected Health Symposium - October 21-22 2010 |

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EHI Live, NEC Birmingham, 8-9 November 2010

mHealth Summit 2010 – 8-10 November 2010, Washington

Global Telehealth 2010 (GT2010) – 10-12 November 2010, Perth, WA

UK Dementia Congress 2010, 9-11 November at the Bournemouth International Centre.

Evidence 2010 – 1-2 November 2010 BMA House, London

National Telecare & Telehealth Conference 2010 15-17 November 2010, London

Raate 2010 29 November 2010, University of Warwick


The Future of E-Health: User and technological perspectives, London Technology Network


1st December 2010, London



The Third International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine


International congress on Telecare and Telehealth, The King’s Fund 2-3 March 2011

NHS Expo, Excel Centre, London 9-10 March 2011


Med-e-tel Luxembourg 6-8 April 2011



ATA Annual meeting and Expo – Tampa, Florida 1-3 May 2011

9 News and links

News from around the world covering telecare, telehealth and related areas of interest to commissioners, service providers, suppliers and other organisations – prepared by Mike Clark (Twitter – clarkmike)

Some recent headlines from the weekly news (.uk/telecaresolutions)

Headline 1 - Effective self management of blood glucose can be achieved by using meters with advanced features paired with diabetes education

Headline 2 - Insufficient evidence of benefit: a systematic review of home telemonitoring for COPD

Headline 3 - Counselling Heart Failure Patients Fails to Improve Outcomes

Headline 4 - Targeted Support Strategy May Help Reduce Costs

Wennberg DE, et al "A randomized trial of a telephone care-management strategy" N Engl J Med 2010; 363: 1245-1255.

Headline 5 – DH Letter to all GPs/SHAs setting out the next steps on GP-led commissioning

Headline 6 - Life-changing healthcare technology (Daily Telegraph)


Headline 7 Newly Launched California Telehealth Network To Be Largest Nationwide

Headline 8 - eHealth in Australia (392m Aus Dollars)

College Of GPs Welcomes Labor's Focus On e-Health, Australia

Labor unveils e-health records trial sites

e-health just like online banking: Roxon

Three divisions to pilot personal e-health records

Headline 9 - Gateshead Council is offering everyone aged 80 or over a free 12-month trial of its Telecare service


Headline 10 – Telehealth in Knowsley and Wiltshire

NHS Wiltshire deploys telehealth system to manage COPD patients

NHS Wiltshire Launches Next-Generation Telehealth for COPD to Help Cut Hospital Admissions

NHS Wiltshire Launches Next-Generation Telehealth for COPD to Help Cut Hospital Admissions

Headline 11 - Telehealthcare toolkit (West Midlands)


Headline 12 – PWC report – how much would you pay for a mobile device?

How Much Would You Pay for a Remote Health Monitoring Device?


Patients, Physicians Willing To Track Health Via Mobile Devices


Take part in research about lifestyle changes to reduce heart disease (NHS Direct – Manchester area)

Homes Get Smart to Help Older People and Save Lives (DMU Leicester)

TSA press release – the true value of telecare services

West Dunbartonshire care charges suspended

A strategy for collaborative ageing research in the UK


Homecall helps epilepsy sufferer live life (Redcar)


Bid to treat patients by video (Rochdale)

Homecall launches new dementia support partnership (Redcar)


Telecare the ethical debate (Nursing Times)

UK Domiciliary Care - New Market Report Published

EHI Live 2010 for primary care

Strategy sets out how city will help people with dementia (Wolverhampton)

Heart failure, myocardial infarction, lung cancer and death in COPD patients: A UK primary care study

University of Hull – telehealth and telecare


Health check bus scheme delivers health benefits to local communities (Kensington and Chelsea)


Users get a 45-minute consultation that measures their blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI to tell them their risk of developing diabetes, heart attack, or stroke in the next 10 years.

Telehealth Solutions Helps the Hardest to Reach

Praise for Airlie Silver Surfers’ telehealth role


Telehealth’ first for Airedale Hospital

Lifeline thrown to Moray's elderly

Dudley Telecare Service (video)

Celebration in the air at Forestcare

Dementia patients' homes in Leicestershire get sensors

Telehealth Doncaster

Mainstreaming Telehealth - NHS Doncaster and Doncaster MBC - Layout 1

Simon Burns (Minister) to speak at EHI Live 2010

Boots pilots telemedicine machines

Accenture Finds Information Governance Framework Needed to Guide E-Health Investments and Strategy

'Telecare' can be effective (USA)

'Telecare' given over the phone can be effective (USA)

AmeriDoc Introduces Virtual Housecalls via Video Telemedicine Technology

India, Japan battle for Africa telemedicine market

EU: The European Files - ‘The Telemedicine challenge in Europe’

Mobile telemedicine system beams live video from ambulance to Cincinnati Children's Hospital


Personal Observations Provide Doctors With New Information to Aid in Treatments

Blood Pressure Variability in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

New Report Telemedicine Market in Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) Published by Markets and Markets

Pan-African telemedicine system launched in Tripoli

Telemedicine offers doctor’s house calls (Maine)

Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Eyed for Mental Health Care

Telemedicine expands health care access

HL7 sees more government involvement in interoperability standards

IKEA’s Kitchen Of The Future: Design Challenges For Intelligent Homes

Less Web Access Among Chronically Ill

Health Information Technology Evolution

Financial and externality impacts of

high-speed broadband for telehealth (Australia)

NHS Scotland eHealth Awards – Shortlist available now

Emergency Nurse web site


Fear of falling 'boosts elderly's fall risk'


Ofcom report highlights 'multi-tasking media users'


CCRCs and technology centers -- an idea whose time has come

Cold weather hikes heart attack risk - Drop of less than 2 degrees Fahrenheit linked to 200 extra attacks

Freescale Semiconductor debuts Hospital Admissions Device Prototype

NHS Lincolnshire launches text waiting service


Blue Cross and Blue Shield pilot program aims to cut health care costs

Effective Self-Management of Blood Glucose Can be Achieved by Using Meters With Advanced Features Paired With Diabetes Education

Smart "E-shirt" monitors your body, helps get your game on

Boston Scientific Welcomes Publication of Analysis Demonstrating Long-Term Survival Benefit for ICD Therapy

| |

Sanofi-Aventis' iBGStar Glucose Meter to Connect with iPhone, iPod Touch

Michigan Researchers Develop RFID-based Sensors to Measure Physical Activity

Mayo Stroke Telemedicine Program Expands to Rural Missouri

Patient Satisfaction With the External Equipment of Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Devices

Web Tool to Check Heart Risk Is Doubted (USA)

The New World of Home Health Telemonitoring

Continua expands specs, adds Microsoft

EU study says EU is leading on e-health

The new Face(Time) of telemedicine and telehealth?


Telefonica – mobile health services (video)


iPhone application has been launched to detect signs of arrhythmia


How to find reliable and accurate health information online – NHS Choices

COPD Blog on NHS Choices


Research and Markets: Healthcare Providers Guide to Telehealth

Maine aims to lead on telehealth front

mHealth: Telemedicine delivers patient decision support

InteractiveMD launches the telehealth era

Philips Plans Health-Care Deals; Seeks Google, Microsoft Skills

Pharmacists Take Larger Role on Health Team (USA)

Value-added Benefits to Prevent Cardiac Monitoring Companies from Flatlining, Finds Frost & Sullivan

Telehealth Market Takes Off

Parts of Britain could become retirement ghettos within a generation with three retired people for every four in work, a report warns.

NEW YORK Reuters Health - People with metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of risk factors for heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes -- have a better chance of reversing it if they stick to a healthy diet, a new study shows. Nearly a quarter of US adults have the metabolic syndrome.

Britons spend half their waking lives using technology, finds Ofcom


Study: Texting improves medication adherence in teens with diabetes

Texts and tweets help an M.D. connect with her patients

Less Web Access Among Chronically Ill (USA)

Trials of non-emergency healthcare advice line begin in North East (111)

Satellites used to track mentally-ill violent criminals


Milton Keynes pilots scheme to get nurses back in Boots


Minimum of 100 megabits/second needed for e-health, says authority (Australia)

Carmarthenshire Telecare featured on S4C

NY heart transplant patients get text medication reminders

'Telecaregivers' Monitor Elderly Residents Via Video Cameras, Sensors

Lifeline team win ‘excellent’ rating


Infographic: Sizing Up the iPad for Healthcare

Wave’s wireless monitoring aims to manage epilepsy

Android, iPad, iPhone medical apps round-up

“Faddy” wellness apps and more mHealth news

Jitterbug offers reminders, Rx refills, check-in calls

Cirrus secures five year security upgrade programme for The Community Housing Group

HealthVault in Action – Overview (video)

Live Waiting times at Lincolnshire hospitals

Qualcomm, AT&T Move in on 'M-Health'

Telehealth initiative from NHS Wiltshire

Caregivers and their concerns for chronically ill family members drive early market for home health monitoring services

Best Buy: 500 stores to get mHealth devices (USA)

Simulation modelling to replace lengthy report writing in NHS - Modeling solutions to ensure that staff and equipment are deployed to match demand

HHS Awards $4 Million For Rural Telehealth

Telehealth project reduces home visits

Looking Local – health, telecare and telehealth


Advances in Telehealth produce smartphones that help Canadian Doctors monitor your health in the US

The Path to Clinician Acceptance of TeleHealth

The Hype and Hope of "mHealth" (Intel)

Telehealth Network cuts down on travel for many patients

RRHC joins statewide telehealth network

Mental Health Services For Veterans Focus Of Texas A&M Counseling Psychology

BNP test required for suspected heart failure diagnosis (NICE)

Mobile nursing app for BlackBerry promises major NHS efficiencies

Technology connecting CarolinaEast patients with off-site neurologists

VRI Telemonitoring Signs with CareCentrix to Provide in Home Technologies

Analyst: Heart monitoring now, DM tools later

Alere and AirStrip Technologies - a Powerful Collaboration Brings Innovative Remote Patient Monitoring to Obstetrical Care

NHS tests Proteus Biomedical’s smart pills

The iMedExchange Platform for Physicians (video)


Healthcare: 5 percent of the smartphone market

iPhone app to replace the stethoscope


Healthsense, Inc. Announces Investment by Radius Ventures, LLC

Philips anchors $250M health innovation fund

The iPhone's Role In Medicine, Today And In The Future

Cheap heart-failure drug could save thousands of lives - A drug that costs £1.30 per day could save the lives of thousands of patients suffering from heart failure, researchers have said.

Home care lowers deaths after hip surgery: study

Wired homes keep tabs on ageing parents


New Wireless Device Could Monitor, Transmit Data on Brain Activity

Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Eyed for Mental Health Care

Insulin Guidelines on iTunes

Social networks for cancer patients and their families offer hope, inspiration, even treatment

Awards for SMaRT thinkers


Care Services Get Seal of Approval (Durham Council)


Invicta Telecare - first in the UK to achieve European Standard in Social Alarm Monitoring through TSA


NHS Wiltshire buys Tunstall for COPD

Wales spends £825,000 on telehealth


Nuffield Trust calls for integrated care

NHS Direct - number not service to go

Linc-Cymru’s Telecare-Enabled Extra Care Housing Scheme Shows Success After First Year

Giving better advice about care (Stephen Burke)

Towards a joined-up health service

A randomized controlled trial of telemonitoring in older adults with multiple chronic conditions: the Tele-ERA study (proposed trial – study protocol)

New role for pharmacists to aid patients with long-term conditions (Scotland)

Health Minister visits telehealth solutions project on Bute


Telehealth: For better healthcare facilities in future


iPill scheme to save millions wasted on unused medicines (Scotland)

The Value Of Mobile: Cell Phones Turn Healthcare Into “Self-Care”

Deloitte - The Mobile Personal Health Record:Technology-enabled self-care

Care over the telephone can help cancer patients

Therapy robots finally coming into their own


Ascom Wireless Solutions Achieve Top Marks in National Framework Agreement

Physicians use photos from patients' cellphones to deliver 'mobile health'

Pill tracker helps nurses keep tabs on patients

The Jewelry Prescription

Heart transplant patients reminded to take meds via text

NHS Wiltshire uses telecare to reduce hospital admissions from COPD

Wiltshire PCT uses telehealth solution to reduce hospital admissions from COPD

Assembly Government Funds Telehealth Projects In Rural Areas In Wales

Orkney Health and Care Launches Telehealth Initiative to Improve Care for Patients with Long-Term Conditions

Help needed with telecare questionnaire

A survey of information available on assistive technology and telecare on council websites is being carried out by the Community Gateway, and West Midlands Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership – Improvement and Efficiency West Midlands.

Questionnaire link

The MedLife Report on Aging in Place 2.0


David Nicholson sets out role of leaders in NHS transition 


AT&T Telehealth at HIMSS 2010

Orkney Health and Care Uses Tunstall for Telehealth Initiative

Center for Technology and Aging Report Examines Technologies That Help Improve Transitions From Hospital to Home and Reduce Readmissions

Staff perspectives on the use of a computer-based concept for lifestyle intervention implemented in primary health care

A healthcare system tailored for 2.5B patients

Google Health redesigns, adds mobile app partners

Medical bracelets go high-tech (USA)

California Telehealth Network Receives $14M for Training, Equipment

Telehealth Solutions from American TeleCare, Inc. Support Heart Failure Management Study in Canada

Yorks and Humber telemedicine videos


Other Yorks & Humber videos – econsultation etc

Researchers discover a possible test to predict Type 2 diabetes

Blood test to predict diabetes 10 years earlier

Telehealth Consultations Could Improve Stroke Treatment in U.S.

Telemedicine isn't the best cure: doctors

Is it time to bring back ‘old age’ as a cause of death?


Nonin Medical Announces Continua™ Certified USB Data Transfer Device for Its Handheld Oximeter Line

Telemedicine would save health system cash, patients time

Cell Phone Pictures May be the Next Medical Diagnostic Tool-Study Looking at Impact of Cell Phone Pictures on Diagnosis of Wounds

Consultations by phone or Internet are urged by think-tank report

Certifying Healthcare Homes (USA)

Councils to deny social care support to all but most needy

Report calls for overhaul of social welfare

Depressed heart patients 'at risk'

Mobile Telemedicine for Cervical Cancer Screening

Taking home care personally

Brisitsh Hypertension Society – validated blood pressure monitors


Heart transplant patients reminded to take meds via text

Educators use technology to help kids with disabilities learn

iPad App ‘Proloquo2Go’ Gives the Gift of Voice

Taking up the challenge of care for the elderly – Heinz Wolff

Invicta Telecare awarded a framework agreement by Buying Solutions

Questmark awarded video conferencing framework agreement by Buying Solutions

German firms partner on diabetes care

Aid Call (healthcare division) sale to Tynetec

Care workers could be replaced with alarms (Scotland)

City council wants to scrap free lifeline alarms for elderly (Stoke)

iCARE system could provide home help for the elderly

eHealth/telehealth discussions in Scottish Parliament

Care Link leads the way in telecare service for Yorkshire


Taxpayer should fund 'bribes' for obese and smokers

Home test help combat skin cancer

The new world of home telemonitoring

Temperature monitoring advances

GE pilots RFID system to monitor patient safety

Health in the future: Stay connected to your baby with wired pajamas


Healthcare Sector Suppliers’ Collaboration Could Save Millions from Diabetes

Five federal agencies want big robot technology advances

Humana Expands Reach with National Program to Support Additional 60,000 Living with Chronic Disease

Medtronic unveils CareLink cardiac remote monitoring network

Horizon Homecare MobileCare™ to Streamline Documentation for Home and Hospice Visits

Robot to help patients with dementia

Worldwide Dementia Price Tag $604 Billion: Report

Panasonic to Showcase Electric Care Assistance Bed With Integrated Wheelchair and Hair-Washing Robot At International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition 2010

HealthWyse And Honeywell HomMed Partner To Deliver Real-Time Patient Monitoring To Home Care Agencies

Name change highlights importance of care continuum

AultCare/Cardiocom® White Paper Shows Telehealth Services Reduce ER Visits and Inpatient Stays for Patients

Aetna Contracts with LifeWatch® Nationally for NiteWatchTM Home Sleep Testing

Indian startup targets iPad for fetal monitoring

AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc to Unveil New Products at the ATA Mid-Year Meeting

Somerset Hospital Home Health offers cutting edge technology (USA)

Telemedicine: improving the health care system through innovation

Annual Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit in London – discussion of mobile health and wireless health

The link between diabetes and Alzheimer's

MedicAlert UK (video)


Content of text messaging immunization reminders: What low-income parents want to know

New alarm clock app acts ‘as personal psychologist’

Elderly living alone use internet to keep in touch with family


Research and Markets: Owning Health: The Move towards Self-Care Away From Government Control and Implications for Marketers

Self-care counseling no help to heart patients

SMART Homes Promise Extended Independence for Seniors

Notes from London: Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit


Notes from Dubai: mHealth Conference & Expo

Avignone: A pragmatic approach to mobile health

GE's 'Smart Patient Room' goes live


Sanofi Aventis, Agamatrix to launch first medical iPhone peripheral?


Patient Portals: Socially Wired to Future Health Care

Burnside Telecom: Making communication easier for the elderly

Australia – example of a chronic disease and telemonitoring service


CSC wins Austrian e-health deal

Medtronic Introduces New CareLink(R) Remote Monitoring Network for Heart Failure Clinicians

Super-fast broadband can help the elderly, says OAC

Self-service healthcare here we come

Red Cross seeks Wyre Forest volunteers - Some volunteers also train in special skills, such as installing temporary telecare alarms

Improving care to people with long-term conditions: a missed opportunity (The King’s Fund – Nick Goodwin)


Survey Shows Need for Telestroke Programs

Albania initiates telemedicine project

T-Cycle – recycling telecare


Healthcare unwired: New business models delivering care anywhere

Wales spends £825,000 on telehealth


Rural telemedicine to share in £1m health access fund (Wales)

Telehealth resources for psychologists

FAQ: What is telemedicine technology, and how can it save money? (USA)

Telehealth Solutions Wins Telehealth Framework Agreement

Buying Solutions awards new framework agreement to Telehealth Solutions

Developing a Statewide Medication Technician Pilot Program in Nursing Homes

Smart Health | Impact of ARRA Funding on the Adoption of Smart Technology

Bigger role envisaged for technology in healthcare

New technology modernizes homebound patients' care (USA)

iSOFT Group Limited (ASX:ISF) Awarded National Telehealth Supplier Agreement

iSOFT is Awarded National Telehealth Supplier Agreement

Philips Telehealth Solutions: Real Customers, Real Results (You Tube video)


Robot doctors – future of telemedicine?

Bosch Health Buddy – compatible devices

Aging in Place (ABC video)


Bridging the doctor-patient gap

Health IT: Unwired, Unadopted

Zargis Signs Agreement to Provide Ontario Telemedicine Network With Remote Stethoscope Solution

Medical Smartphone Apps May Need New Federal Regulation

Welch Allyn Unveils Cure for Vital Sign Documentation Errors at the Point of Care

Research and Markets: A Strong Case for Telehealth in Europe as Healthcare Providers Juggle Tighter Budgets

QOF has narrowed health inequalities

Darent Valley first with iSoft kiosks

Advanced Health and Care – Telecare


Germany: Stroke Telemedicine Network In Saxony-Anhalt Expanded

Partnership Launches Combined Telecare & Telehealth Monitoring Support Services

Telemedicine Helps Doctors

Telehealth improving hospice patient care in Connecticut

Taking up the challenge of care for the elderly (Heinz Wolff – Guardian)

Cytta Delivers First Major Proposal for Remote Medical Monitoring System

University of Colorado-Denver's Eric Coleman on the Need for Better Care Transitions

Using Telemedicine to Link Nursing Homes to the Emergency Department (USA)

The Boss Is Robotic, and Rolling Up Behind You


Video 'telecaregivers' keep seniors in their homes longer

‘Telehealth Site For Health And Social Care Staff Set To Save Millions’ (charges may apply outside of West Midlands)

Washington Regional Stroke Forum – regional stroke initiative

Introduction to Telephone Counselling

Hospital 'Center of Excellence Program' Launched by US Tele-Medicine

Telcare: Diabetes Control for the Digital Age

Physicians use photos from patients' cellphones to deliver 'mobile health'

New technology modernizes homebound patients' care

Telehealth Liability Issues on the Horizon! Are You Prepared? (USA)

“Solutions abound - Docobo Telehealth Solutions add experience to Buying Solutions Framework”

O2 to launch 'tag-a-granny' service


Do We Need Different Treatments for Very Elderly COPD Patients

Management of depression in elderly stroke patients

New Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes: Is the Change from Glucose to HbA1c Possible in All Populations?

Increase in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among workers according to age

Text Message Reminders No More Beneficial for Users of Birth Control

SMS reminders don’t work for birth control

Dementia Patients, Caregivers May Benefit From Home-Based Program

Professional evaluation, education over 4 months seems especially helpful for caregivers, study finds

Pilot Testing of a Multicomponent Home Care Intervention for Older Adults With Heart Failure: An Academic Clinical Partnership

Predictors of Depressive Symptoms in Caregivers of Patients With Heart Failure

Many struggle to provide care to aging seniors: study (Canada)

Cognitive Impairment Predicts Functional Capacity in Dementia-Free Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes

Therapies for type 2 diabetes: lowering HbA1c and associated cardiovascular risk factors

A systematic review of economic analyses of telehealth services using real time video communication

Towards consistent modes of e-health implementation: structurational analysis of a telecare programme's limited success

Care over the telephone can help cancer patients

Remote care nearby

A scenario guideline for designing new teletreatments: a multidisciplinary approach

The clinical effectiveness of a myofeedback-based teletreatment service in patients with non-specific neck and shoulder pain: a randomized controlled trial

Relation between patient satisfaction, compliance and the clinical benefit of a teletreatment application for chronic pain

Clinical evaluation of a myofeedback-based teletreatment service applied in the workplace: a randomized controlled trial

Deployment of e-health services – a business model engineering strategy

User-Generated Care: The Integration of Internet-Based Health Information

E-health Applications and Services for Patient Empowerment: Directions for Best Practices in The Netherlands

A Literature Review of Transmission Effectiveness and Electromagnetic Compatibility in Home Telemedicine Environments to Evaluate Safety and Security

Impact of Blood Pressure Telemonitoring on Hypertension Outcomes: A Literature Review

Recruitment Challenges and Strategies in a Home-Based Telehealth Study

Summary of the American Telemedicine Association 15th Annual International Meeting and Exposition May 16–18, 2010 San Antonio, Texas

Telehealth in palliative care in the UK: a review of the evidence

An advance wireless multimedia communication application: mobile telemedicine

Study: Many ED Visits Could Be Handled by Urgent, Retail Clinics

Early Study Results Show Promise for Field of Mobile Health Care

Digital skin images submitted by patients: an evaluation of feasibility in store-and-forward teledermatology

The evidence for and against ‘PhysioDirect’ telephone assessment and advice services

Cost of ageing population 'needs re-calculating'

Use of a mobile phone diary for observing weight management and related behaviours

Largest Mobile Health Study Focused on Acute Wound Care Underway in Emergency Med Department at GW

Effects of a Mail and Telephone Intervention on Breast Health Behaviors

An Evaluation of a Personal Electronic Device to Enhance Self-Monitoring Adherence in a Pediatric Weight Management Program using a Multiple Baseline Design

Home telemonitoring of non-invasive ventilation decreases healthcare utilisation in a prospective controlled trial of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Application of mobile-technology for disease and treatment monitoring of malaria in the "Better Border Healthcare Programme"

Journal of Assistive Technologies – Telecare – September 2010

• Editorial - Kevin Doughty

• GPS technologies in managing the risks associated with safer walking in people with dementia - a practical perspective

• Tel-e-Cycle: an equipment and services exchange scheme for telecare service providers

• Comparing the features of key-safe access solutions to support community care

• Is there more to supporting people within their own home than just providing telecare?

• Falls among the elderly: key is prevention, not detection

• Electromechanical telecare - overcoming functional needs

• Explaining the potential contribution of telecare to the support, protection and quality of life of people with differing needs

• Applying MediClim™ - a new weather-driven health index in a telecare service to support individuals with long-term conditions

• Telecare 2025

• Using assistive technology and telecare to provide people with learning disabilities with improved opportunities to achieve greater independence

• The role of telecare in overcoming social exclusion in older people

• Telecare to support reablement in delaying a need for long-term homecare

• Personalised technology in practice - how a national charity is using and developing personalised technology to empower people with learning disabilities and to increase their independence

Phone follow-up provides better glycaemic control – systematic review

Telephone follow up consultations can improve HbA1c levels in patients with poorly controlled diabetes, if provided by specialist nurses and tailored to individual patients.

Diabetic Medicine 2010 reported at Pulse web site (requires registration)

Management of Global Cardiovascular Risk in Older Subjects with Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertension in the Elderly: What Is the Goal Blood Pressure Target and How Can This Be Attained?

The Potentially Modifiable Burden of Incident Heart Failure Due to Obesity

Efficacy of diets containing high amounts of fiber in the management of type 2 diabetes

Cost-effectiveness Analysis of a Rural Telemedicine Collaborative Care Intervention for Depression

Factors influencing emergency hospital admissions from nursing and residential homes: positive results from a practice-based audit

Transitional Case Management: A Method for Establishing Self-Advocacy and Reducing Hospital Readmissions in COPD Patients

Internet-based interventions for smoking cessation

Sleep duration is a potential risk factor for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus

District nurse role in end-stage COPD: a review

Patients With Heart Failure Overconfident About Recognising Symptoms: Presented at HFSA

Formative evaluation of a telemedicine model for delivering clinical neurophysiology services

Part 1:

Part 2

Early surgery after hip fractures reduces death

Palliative care for people with dementia

Implementation of Adherence Support for Patients With Hypertension Despite Antihypertensive Therapy in General Practice: A Cluster Randomized Trial

Smart meters 'may not cut energy use'


A mobile phone based telemonitoring concept for the simultanous acquisition of biosignals physiological parameters

Telecare and older people: Who cares where?

Communication surrounding transitions to palliative care in heart failure: a review and discussion of the literature

Effect of a French experiment of team work between general practitioners and nurses on efficacy and cost of type 2 diabetes patients care

Mobile technologies could help slash hospital readmission rates

Counseling May Not Help Heart Failure Patients Comply With Rx - Many too overwhelmed to follow doctor's orders, experts say


Empowering people to self manage COPD with management plans and hand held records (Nursing Times Registration)

Identifying Dysglycemic States in Older Adults: Implications of the Emerging Use of Hemoglobin A1c

Phone follow-up provides better glycaemic control (registration required)

Targeted Support Strategy May Help Reduce Costs

A Randomized Trial of a Telephone Care-Management Strategy

Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs - current status and future challenges

Effective self management of blood glucose can be achieved by using meters with advanced features paired with diabetes education

Counseling May Not Help Heart Failure Patients Comply With Rx - Many too overwhelmed to follow doctor's orders, experts say

The benefits to nurse-led telephone follow-up for prostate cancer

Taxonomy of usability requirements for home telehealth systems

Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Text Messaging Significantly Improved Patient Adherence, Self-Care and Quality of Life, According to New Data From the Center for Connected Health

Text Messages May Be Way to Improve Eczema Management

Health technology assessment review: Remote monitoring of vital signs – current status and future challenges

Assessing telemonitoring in diabetes patients – validated questionnaire that can be used to measure the readiness of diabetic patients to use telemonitoring systems and assess their views on the perceived benefits.

Advances in home telemonitoring of heart failure patients

New Study Finds Remote Monitoring Technology Enables the Elderly to Remain Independent Longer, Reduces Care Costs for Providers - PACE Program Reports Annual Savings of $1.85 Million by Moving 33 Residents from Nursing Home Care to Supportive Housing

White Paper:


Automated text reminders about medicine and skin care improved dermatology patient outcomes in study by Partners Healthcare.

A review of an out-of-hours telephone support service for palliative care patients and their families

COPD Screening in General Practice Using a Telephone Questionnaire

Appendix – CQC Data 2010 - Headlines

1 CQC Data 2010 - Additional Users

1.1 Figures for 2009/2010

LA and LA with partner agencies 2009-10 planned: 143,031

LA and LA with partner agencies 2009-10 outturns: 129,232

84 local authorities met or exceeded their planned numbers. 68 local authorities did not meet their planned numbers.

1.2 Figures for 2010/2011

LA and LA with partner agencies 2010-11 planned: 142,642

121 local authorities plan to increase their additional users in 2010/11 against the 2009/10 outturns. 31 authorities plan to decrease their additional users in 2010/2011.

The planned figures for 2010/2011 are just below the planned figures for 2009/2010 (143,031) and are an increase on the 2009/2010 outturns (129,232).

Note: The definition of ‘telecare’ since 2006 would include community alarms and telehealth. It is a count of ‘additional users’, so users only ever count once as ‘additional’. There are also ‘additional user’ figures available for ‘other agencies alone’ that are not included in these local authority/social care based totals. There is no planned CQC count in 2011.

Local AuthorityRegionLA and LAPart 2009-10 planned LA and LAPart 2009-10 outturns Outturn against planned for 2009-10 (LA and LAPart)Increase or decrease against planned for 2009-10LA and LAPart 2010-11 plannedPlanned for 2010-11 against outturn for 2009-10 (LA and LAPart)Increase or decrease of 2010-11 planned against 2009-10 outturnBarking & DagenhamL420405-15Decrease525120Increase or sameBarnetL899675-224Decrease69823Increase or sameBarnsleyY&H1349805-544Decrease1535730Increase or sameBath and North East SomersetSW56059131Increase or same150-441DecreaseBedford BoroughE12718053Increase or same1855Increase or sameBexleyL940505-435Decrease51712Increase or sameBirminghamWM15251227-298Decrease1500273Increase or sameBlackburn with DarwenNW59667680Increase or same72044Increase or sameBlackpoolNW600510-90Decrease52515Increase or sameBoltonNW640578-62Decrease60527Increase or sameBournemouthSW360590230Increase or same62030Increase or sameBracknell ForestSE21023727Increase or same2447Increase or sameBradfordY&H830780-50Decrease1260480Increase or sameBrentL37018431473Increase or same2243400Increase or sameBrighton & HoveSE1076819-257Decrease91091Increase or sameBristolSW1114858-256Decrease960102Increase or sameBromleyL400242-158Decrease395153Increase or sameBuckinghamshireSE6951137442Increase or same900-237DecreaseBuryNW56559025Increase or same750160Increase or sameCalderdaleY&H8101749939Increase or same1940191Increase or sameCambridgeshireE765603-162Decrease70097Increase or sameCamdenL55058535Increase or same910325Increase or sameCentral BedfordshireE180320140Increase or same33010Increase or sameCheshireNW       Cheshire EastNW1019682-337Decrease540-142DecreaseCheshire West and CentralNW7331151418Increase or same116110Increase or sameCity of LondonL2519-6Decrease3516Increase or sameCornwallSW3335730-2605Decrease400-330DecreaseCoventryWM48550015Increase or same490-10DecreaseCroydonL800702-98Decrease700-2DecreaseCumbriaNW440424-16Decrease1000576Increase or sameDarlingtonNE81887Increase or same957Increase or sameDerbyEM780750-30Decrease79040Increase or sameDerbyshireEM20002140140Increase or same220060Increase or sameDevonSW26751016-1659Decrease110084Increase or sameDoncasterY&H621583-38Decrease750167Increase or sameDorsetSW550503-47Decrease52017Increase or sameDudleyWM1000108181Increase or same1365284Increase or sameDurhamNE20001823-177Decrease186037Increase or sameEalingL50053838Increase or same640102Increase or sameEast Riding of YorkshireY&H103510427Increase or same1158116Increase or sameEast SussexSE25982517-81Decrease2074-443DecreaseEnfieldL33541782Increase or same48972Increase or sameEssexE192006176-13024Decrease6122-54DecreaseGatesheadNE2202200Increase or same26040Increase or sameGloucestershireSW54560863Increase or same600-8DecreaseGreenwichL1010866-144Decrease823-43DecreaseHackneyL1000280-720Decrease32040Increase or sameHaltonNW460569109Increase or same58516Increase or sameHammersmith & FulhamL45048232Increase or same55068Increase or sameHampshireSE1014996-18Decrease1396400Increase or sameHaringeyL68577994Increase or same900121Increase or sameHarrowL50053131Increase or same700169Increase or sameHartlepoolNE300615315Increase or same70085Increase or sameHaveringL750601-149Decrease64544Increase or sameHerefordshireWM300245-55Decrease30055Increase or sameHertfordshireE62966031Increase or same72363Increase or sameHillingdonL350711361Increase or same73019Increase or sameHounslowL515361-154Decrease3654Increase or sameIsle of WightSE664543-121Decrease61875Increase or sameIsles of ScillySW594Increase or same90Increase or sameIslingtonL125120-5Decrease13010Increase or sameKensington & ChelseaL150149-1Decrease1501Increase or sameKentSE1300726-574Decrease1026300Increase or sameKingston upon HullY&H73074717Increase or same1500753Increase or sameKingston upon ThamesL640787147Increase or same81730Increase or sameKirkleesY&H9001562662Increase or same1250-312DecreaseKnowsleyNW65671054Increase or same72818Increase or sameLambethL4004033Increase or same530127Increase or sameLancashireNW850954104Increase or same100046Increase or sameLeedsY&H1200786-414Decrease1710924Increase or sameLeicesterEM650874224Increase or same800-74DecreaseLeicestershireEM21271371-756Decrease144069Increase or sameLewishamL50052020Increase or same5200Increase or sameLincolnshireEM17001665-35Decrease175085Increase or sameLiverpoolNW600548-52Decrease680132Increase or sameLutonE260171-89Decrease80-91DecreaseManchesterNW12591152-107Decrease120553Increase or sameMedwaySE15017020Increase or same20030Increase or sameMertonL316295-21Decrease31621Increase or sameMiddlesbroughNE11001365265Increase or same140035Increase or sameMilton KeynesSE635627-8Decrease755128Increase or sameNewcastle upon TyneNE517767250Increase or same880113Increase or sameNewhamL1150800-350Decrease85050Increase or sameNorfolkE50846047963Increase or same6900853Increase or sameNorth East LincolnshireY&H290218-72Decrease30082Increase or sameNorth LincolnshireY&H814789-25Decrease7956Increase or sameNorth SomersetSW860761-99Decrease83069Increase or sameNorth TynesideNE1100119494Increase or same12006Increase or sameNorth YorkshireY&H15001840340Increase or same2396556Increase or sameNorthamptonshireEM1500159696Increase or same1800204Increase or sameNorthumberlandNE17502180430Increase or same2702522Increase or sameNottinghamEM678895217Increase or same767-128DecreaseNottinghamshireEM1890191121Increase or same2060149Increase or sameOldhamNW8001650850Increase or same171565Increase or sameOxfordshireSE370050011301Increase or same5000-1DecreasePeterboroughE3643662Increase or same44074Increase or samePlymouthSW500442-58Decrease49553Increase or samePooleSW38041131Increase or same47059Increase or samePortsmouthSE635230-405Decrease25323Increase or sameReadingSE460740280Increase or same600-140DecreaseRedbridgeL5001211711Increase or same600-611DecreaseRedcar & ClevelandNE62563510Increase or same70065Increase or sameRichmond upon ThamesL523495-28Decrease55055Increase or sameRochdaleNW40041515Increase or same600185Increase or sameRotherhamY&H946914-32Decrease94632Increase or sameRutlandEM9072-18Decrease753Increase or sameSalfordNW80086969Increase or same1000131Increase or sameSandwellWM730863133Increase or same1250387Increase or sameSeftonNW40043838Increase or same355-83DecreaseSheffieldY&H1670175787Increase or same2219462Increase or sameShropshireWM796691-105Decrease7009Increase or sameSloughSE10881520432Increase or same1090-430DecreaseSolihullWM500413-87Decrease50087Increase or sameSomersetSW1050990-60Decrease100010Increase or sameSouth GloucestershireSW560696136Increase or same75054Increase or sameSouth TynesideNE5505500Increase or same715165Increase or sameSouthamptonSE285437152Increase or same360-77DecreaseSouthend-on-SeaE62064121Increase or same600-41DecreaseSouthwarkL35041565Increase or same672257Increase or sameSt HelensNW745583-162Decrease700117Increase or sameStaffordshireWM17902016226Increase or same207761Increase or sameStockportNW32240280Increase or same332-70DecreaseStockton-on-TeesNE0179179Increase or same0-179DecreaseStoke-on-TrentWM24152143-272Decrease1500-643DecreaseSuffolkE1244127329Increase or same136895Increase or sameSunderlandNE14001186-214Decrease1400214Increase or sameSurreySE1800182929Increase or same2000171Increase or sameSuttonL22023212Increase or same2353Increase or sameSwindonSW15017323Increase or same301128Increase or sameTamesideNW580981401Increase or same1116135Increase or sameTelford & the WrekinWM550401-149Decrease580179Increase or sameThurrockE720237-483Decrease0-237DecreaseTorbaySW285222-63Decrease180-42DecreaseTower HamletsL665654-11Decrease640-14DecreaseTraffordNW210853643Increase or same92067Increase or sameWakefieldY&H420549129Increase or same450-99DecreaseWalsallWM1613168067Increase or same2200520Increase or sameWaltham ForestL250412162Increase or same250-162DecreaseWandsworthL500417-83Decrease45033Increase or sameWarringtonNW67071040Increase or same680-30DecreaseWarwickshireWM305216-89Decrease26549Increase or sameWest BerkshireSE438138Increase or same909Increase or sameWest SussexSE124512505Increase or same1400150Increase or sameWestminsterL45048939Increase or same450-39DecreaseWiganNW65066919Increase or same800131Increase or sameWiltshireSW1000236-764Decrease1000764Increase or sameWindsor & MaidenheadSE2562582Increase or same28527Increase or sameWirralNW755618-137Decrease21561538Increase or sameWokinghamSE62587-538Decrease17083Increase or sameWolverhampton WM900708-192Decrease870162Increase or sameWorcestershireWM1150120454Increase or same1350146Increase or sameYorkY&H1210259-951Decrease470211Increase or same         Totals 143031129232Increase or same84142642Increase or same121    Decrease68 Decrease31

2 CQC Data 2010 – Expenditure

2.1 Figures for 2009/2010

Total Planned expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £79,664,000

Outturn expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £83,019,000

60 local authorities met or exceeded their planned expenditure. 92 local authorities did not meet their planned expenditure figures.

2.2 Figures for 2010/2011

Total Planned expenditure on infrastructure, equipment and services: £91,782,000

119 local authorities plan to increase their expenditure in 2010/11 against the 2009/10 outturns. 33 authorities plan to decrease their expenditure in 2010/2011.

The planned figures for 2010/2011 (£91,782,000) are above the planned figures for 2009/2010 (£79,664,000) and are an increase on the 2009/2010 outturns (£83,019,000).

Note: The definition of ‘telecare’ since 2006 has included community alarms and telehealth. Separate expenditure figures are available for ‘infrastructure’ (which could include staffing) and ‘equipment and services’. Figures are only available for local authorities. No figures are collected for other agencies alone. All figures in the table are in £000’s. There is no planned CQC count in 2011.

Expenditure figures are in £000’s

Local AuthorityRegionInfra + ES planned for 2009-2010Infra + ES outturn for 2009-10Outturn against planned for 2009-2010 (Infra and ES)Increase or decrease in outturn over planned in 2009-2010Infra + ES planned for 2010-2011Planned for 2010-11 against outturn for 2009-10Increase or decrease against 2009-10 outturnBarking & DagenhamL235102-133Decrease100-2DecreaseBarnetL260231-29Decrease26130Increase or sameBarnsleyY&H5811112531Increase or same1392280Increase or sameBath and North East SomersetSW358195-163Decrease329134Increase or sameBedfordshireE       Bedford BoroughE13214210Increase or same1420Increase or sameBexleyL240-24Decrease00Increase or sameBirminghamWM175873698Increase or same275-598DecreaseBlackburn with DarwenNW170155-15Decrease17520Increase or sameBlackpoolNW407736329Increase or same722-14DecreaseBoltonNW530317-213Decrease3181Increase or sameBournemouthSW10680-26Decrease16686Increase or sameBracknell ForestSE8177-4Decrease770Increase or sameBradfordY&H245231-14Decrease32695Increase or sameBrentL579688109Increase or same606-82DecreaseBrighton & HoveSE1501500Increase or same1500Increase or sameBristolSW266241-25Decrease25716Increase or sameBromleyL200145-55Decrease60-85DecreaseBuckinghamshireSE491444-47Decrease395-49DecreaseBuryNW4424431Increase or same410-33DecreaseCalderdaleY&H415285-130Decrease35772Increase or sameCambridgeshireE452287-165Decrease283-4DecreaseCamdenL12311411180Increase or same1338-73DecreaseCentral BedfordshireE197182-15Decrease19614Increase or sameCheshireNW       Cheshire EastNW289280-9Decrease544264Increase or sameCheshire West and CentralNW209205-4Decrease343138Increase or sameCity of LondonL5952-7Decrease608Increase or sameCornwallSW157415258Increase or same325-90DecreaseCoventryWM19388-105Decrease17587Increase or sameCroydonL46047616Increase or same4815Increase or sameCumbriaNW394951557Increase or same1190239Increase or sameDarlingtonNE78206128Increase or same24842Increase or sameDerbyEM4004000Increase or same42121Increase or sameDerbyshireEM1240960-280Decrease1220260Increase or sameDevonSW541398-143Decrease4002Increase or sameDoncasterY&H713426-287Decrease789363Increase or sameDorsetSW284261-23Decrease28423Increase or sameDudleyWM79584651Increase or same90357Increase or sameDurhamNE35039913641Increase or same402837Increase or sameEalingL332273-59Decrease31845Increase or sameEast Riding of YorkshireY&H9989980Increase or same973-25DecreaseEast SussexSE9509555Increase or same105499Increase or sameEnfieldL115486371Increase or same58498Increase or sameEssexE55222678-2844Decrease1913-765DecreaseGatesheadNE11861050-136Decrease1230180Increase or sameGloucestershireSW8001343543Increase or same140057Increase or sameGreenwichL1045111772Increase or same1082-35DecreaseHackneyL1039935-104Decrease913-22DecreaseHaltonNW70474844Increase or same81062Increase or sameHammersmith & FulhamL13178-53Decrease48-30DecreaseHampshireSE43948344Increase or same54461Increase or sameHaringeyL16981565-133Decrease15650Increase or sameHarrowL18874-114Decrease196122Increase or sameHartlepoolNE402401-1Decrease42827Increase or sameHaveringL172164-8Decrease20642Increase or sameHerefordshireWM194161-33Decrease22261Increase or sameHertfordshireE327256-71Decrease28731Increase or sameHillingdonL21847-171Decrease13487Increase or sameHounslowL21890-128Decrease988Increase or sameIsle of WightSE186124-62Decrease104-20DecreaseIsles of ScillySW220Increase or same20Increase or sameIslingtonL29917521453Increase or same1507-245DecreaseKensington & ChelseaL258412154Increase or same380-32DecreaseKentSE0667667Increase or same558-109DecreaseKingston upon HullY&H600250-350Decrease500250Increase or sameKingston upon ThamesL8010929Increase or same105-4DecreaseKirkleesY&H91094939Increase or same919-30DecreaseKnowsleyNW237188-49Decrease625437Increase or sameLambethL890842-48Decrease835-7DecreaseLancashireNW2400895-1505Decrease110-785DecreaseLeedsY&H5751476901Increase or same27661290Increase or sameLeicesterEM8578570Increase or same90548Increase or sameLeicestershireEM20554-151Decrease13783Increase or sameLewishamL826768-58Decrease78416Increase or sameLincolnshireEM384379-5Decrease738359Increase or sameLiverpoolNW531352-179Decrease455103Increase or sameLutonE144108-36Decrease14335Increase or sameManchesterNW19814361238Increase or same1100-336DecreaseMedwaySE0160160Increase or same18424Increase or sameMertonL13015020Increase or same17929Increase or sameMiddlesbroughNE800733-67Decrease882149Increase or sameMilton KeynesSE17124473Increase or same25410Increase or sameNewcastle upon TyneNE17001693-7Decrease1642-51DecreaseNewhamL15001110-390Decrease1077-33DecreaseNorfolkE671549-122Decrease671122Increase or sameNorth East LincolnshireY&H32233614Increase or same545209Increase or sameNorth LincolnshireY&H744741-3Decrease76019Increase or sameNorth SomersetSW853465-388Decrease51651Increase or sameNorth TynesideNE1106897-209Decrease1046149Increase or sameNorth YorkshireY&H10591170111Increase or same124373Increase or sameNorthamptonshireEM500420-80Decrease990570Increase or sameNorthumberlandNE192934742Increase or same99662Increase or sameNottinghamEM37894-284Decrease343249Increase or sameNottinghamshireEM1608167870Increase or same1540-138DecreaseOldhamNW360300-60Decrease3000Increase or sameOxfordshireSE5996056Increase or same27502145Increase or samePeterboroughE9311522Increase or same12510Increase or samePlymouthSW14269-73Decrease12960Increase or samePooleSW35036717Increase or same3692Increase or samePortsmouthSE227459232Increase or same604145Increase or sameReadingSE5756-1Decrease582Increase or sameRedbridgeL155115-40Decrease113-2DecreaseRedcar & ClevelandNE149138-11Decrease16224Increase or sameRichmond upon ThamesL211206-5Decrease2060Increase or sameRochdaleNW385236-149Decrease375139Increase or sameRotherhamY&H14441204-240Decrease1429225Increase or sameRutlandEM85-3Decrease72Increase or sameSalfordNW8079-1Decrease823Increase or sameSandwellWM36143069Increase or same46333Increase or sameSeftonNW574535-39Decrease54510Increase or sameSheffieldY&H16411801160Increase or same2150349Increase or sameShropshireWM435324-111Decrease430106Increase or sameSloughSE426384-42Decrease42642Increase or sameSolihullWM8130-51Decrease4313Increase or sameSomersetSW280263-17Decrease2630Increase or sameSouth GloucestershireSW15077-73Decrease803Increase or sameSouth TynesideNE352176-176Decrease1760Increase or sameSouthamptonSE5342-11Decrease453Increase or sameSouthend-on-SeaE15417723Increase or same20326Increase or sameSouthwarkL1276136185Increase or same1470109Increase or sameSt HelensNW11941152-42Decrease1033-119DecreaseStaffordshireWM14481566118Increase or same158418Increase or sameStockportNW25129847Increase or same193-105DecreaseStockton-on-TeesNE20824133Increase or same2410Increase or sameStoke-on-TrentWM14741144-330Decrease1035-109DecreaseSuffolkE506414-92Decrease650236Increase or sameSunderlandNE275149392188Increase or same3798-1141DecreaseSurreySE250150-100Decrease250100Increase or sameSuttonL40542823Increase or same229-199DecreaseSwindonSW85850Increase or same949Increase or sameTamesideNW850999149Increase or same101617Increase or sameTelford & the WrekinWM382218-164Decrease342124Increase or sameThurrockE6010-601Decrease00Increase or sameTorbaySW100243143Increase or same433190Increase or sameTower HamletsL9159150Increase or same93015Increase or sameTraffordNW337292-45Decrease34755Increase or sameWakefieldY&H581569-12Decrease62859Increase or sameWalsallWM801629-172Decrease751122Increase or sameWaltham ForestL313272-41Decrease2720Increase or sameWandsworthL765692-73Decrease76573Increase or sameWarringtonNW50557267Increase or same60533Increase or sameWarwickshireWM304220-84Decrease24222Increase or sameWest BerkshireSE9056-34Decrease659Increase or sameWest SussexSE351188-163Decrease310122Increase or sameWestminsterL20068-132Decrease11850Increase or sameWiganNW395313-82Decrease3196Increase or sameWiltshireSW465150-315Decrease1500Increase or sameWindsor & MaidenheadSE16019-141Decrease10081Increase or sameWirralNW52260583Increase or same20041399Increase or sameWokinghamSE584-54Decrease2319Increase or sameWolverhampton WM11621296Increase or same25745Increase or sameWorcestershireWM24232179Increase or same465144Increase or sameYorkY&H1131130Increase or same238125Increase or same         Totals 7966483019Increase or same60 

91782Increase or same119    Decrease92 Decrease33



Telecare eNewsletter September/October 2010

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