AIMS Portal - Indian Railways

Integrated Payroll & Accounting System (IPAS)

Railway: __________________ Accounting Unit Description: ________________

Core Team:-

|Sr. No. |Employee No |Employee Name |Desig-nation |

|1 |Payroll | | |

|2 |Income Tax | | |

|3 |Bonus | | |

|4 |Workshop Incentive | | |

|5 |Cash Compensation (RPF) | | |

|6 |Travelling Allowance | | |

|7 |Child Education Allowance | | |

|8 |Quarters | | |

|9 |Electricity | | |

|10 |Over Time (OT) | | |

|11 |Loans and Advances | | |

|12 |Arrears (Automatic calculation | | |

| |based on Due/Drawn) | | |

• Include additional module, if not listed above.

Approx. No. of employees ________

Approx. No. of Salary Preparation clerks ________

Approx. No. of Bill units ___________________

Availability of infrastructure:

No. of PCs: __________

Line Printer for Salary Bill printing: Yes/No

Stationary: 132 col/80 col/both

Existing Payslips: Pre-printed/Normal/Not available

Internet availability: Railnet /any other (specify)

Speed (bandwidth) of Internet : Very slow/slow/Sufficient/Fast

(required @200 kbps per concurrent user)


1. Wage Periods : Single Wage (01-31)/Multiple Wage

Please specify muster closing day and period of assumed attendance for each wage period.

2. Salary of retiring employees being prepared through :

a) Regular Salary or

b) Last Wage (Supplementary)

3. News Paper/Magazine Allowance rates are Rs. 75,125,200,300 depending on grade pay of employee. While giving this allowance to employee, Whether any deduction towards Raddi is made:-

a) No deduction is made. The above allowances are given as it is.

b) Deduction of 10% is made towards Raddi and the balance is paid in the salary

c) Any other, please mention

4. What are modes for payment of Salary. Please tick (or write ‘Yes’ ) against valid payment modes for Payroll in your unit:-


b) ECS

c) Cash

d) Self Cheque

e) Demand Draft

f) Core Banking (STEP)/SBI

g) Core Banking -Any other bank, please specify

h) Any other, please specify

5. In case of unauthorised Absence from duty, which allowances are deducted on pro-rata basis besides Pay & DA:-

a) All the allowances including Transport allowance (TPA) are deducted for absentee days.

b) Only Pay & DA are deducted. Rest (including HRA and TPA) are paid to employee.

c) HRA is deducted but Transport allowance is given full if employee fulfils criterion of coming office for minimum 1 day.

6. How many employees (approx. percentage) have Aadhaar Number?

7. Does your existing system imports data from Crew Management System (CMS) of CRIS for Running Staff?

8. Please see the list of AUs and if any variation, please apprise.


Existing Software for Accounts: AFRES/ITAS/Any Other (specify) ____________ Implemented in year :

Implemented by: __________________________Maintained by : ________________________________

Database Used : Oracle/Any other ___________ Version 8i/9i/10g/11g/Any other (specify) ___________

Implemented Modules:

|Sr. No. |Module |Whether Implemented |Remarks |

| | |(Yes/No) | |

|1 |Internal Check (Bill Passing) | | |

|2 |Cheque Printing | | |

|3 |Books | | |

|4 |Account Current | | |

|5 |Provident Fund | | |

|6 |NPS | | |

|7 |Pension | | |

|8 |Settlement | | |

|9 |Cheque Reconciliation | | |

|10 |RIB Reconciliation | | |

|11 |Cash Office (MCR) | | |

|12 |Cash Office (Shroffing for | | |

| |Station Earning) | | |

|13 |Pay | | |

|14 |Budget (Revenue) | | |

|15 |Budget (Capital) | | |

|16 |Works Register | | |

|17 |General Suspense | | |

|18 |Establishment Suspense | | |

|19 |Workshop General Register (WGR) | | |

|20 |Workshop Manufacturing Suspense | | |

| |(WMS) | | |

|21 |Stores Accounts | | |

|22 |Finance | | |

|23 |Inspection | | |

|24 |Bills Recoverable | | |

|25 |Traffic Accounts : Balance Sheet,| | |

| |Error Sheet, Traafic Book, AOB, | | |

| |Passenger Accounting System, | | |

| |Freight Accounting System etc. | | |

• Include additional module, if not listed above.

Availability of infrastructure:

No. of PCs: ____________

Printer for Report generation: Yes/No

Availability of Cheque printer: (Yes/No):

Stationary: 132 col/80 col/both

Internet availability: Railnet /any other (specify)______________

Speed (bandwidth) of Internet : Very slow/slow/Sufficient/Fast


1. Treasury Bank:-

Give Bank Name, IFSC, Debit Account No of each Treasury for issuing cheques

2. Is regular salary passed in other Sections besides Establishment Gazetted/Non Gazetted Sections ? If yes, then in which sections:-

a) Expenditure

b) Other (pl specify all the sections)

3. Whether MMIS is linked with AFRES for Stores Bill Passing?

4. What are modes for payment to outside Parties. Please tick (or write ‘Yes’ ) against valid payment modes for outside parties in your unit:-


b) ECS

c) Cash

d) Self Cheque

e) Demand Draft

f) Core Banking (STEP)/SBI

g) Core Banking -Any other bank, please specify

h) Any other, please specify

5. After printing of salary related cheques, Soft copy of the salary data is given to Bank. Please mention the name of banks to whom salary data is given in soft copy. Please mention the format (Excel, Text) also.


b) __________

6. Please tick (are write ;Yes’) the sections being used in your unit:-

a) Expenditure (X)

b) Stores Bill – Stock (SBS)

c) Stores Bill - Non Stock (SBNS)

d) Stores – Suspense (STS)

e) Establishment Bills-Gazetted (EGA)

f) Establishment Bills-Non Gazetted (ENGA)

g) PF Section (PF)

h) Pension (PEN)

i) Books Section (BKS)

j) Traffic Accounts (TA)

k) Rly-Claims-Tribunal (RCT)

l) National/New Pension Scheme (NPS)

m) Catering (CTG)

n) POL (POL)

Any other, please mention.

7. Are Cheques of all sections prepared through Single Cheque Writer ? If not then please mention how many cheque writers are there and which sections are dealt by each cheque writer.

8. During Settlement of employees retirement benefits,

a) Whether PF settlements is done by PF section or any other section.

b) GIS/Leave Salary is prepared by Paybill clerks . These bills are passed by which section : Settlement Section or Establishment Section? Please mention _________________

c) Commutation/Gratuity Bills are prepared by Pension Section or Settlement Section? Please mention ___

9. Please mention the Allocation (Booking Head) to book following. Whether it is final head or suspense or to the project (in case of Work charged post)

a) Commutation

b) Gratuity

c) Child Education Allowance

d) Leave Salary (during Settlement)

10. What allocation is being used for “Cheques & Bills”?

11. Is your unit using Suspense Allocations circulated vide Board’s Circular No 2008/ACI/6/2/Meeting Dated 29/04/2011 during e-Recon Implementation. [Copy of letter available under “Documents” section of AIMS Portal ]

12. What procedure is followed for Passing Govt. Contribution bill in case of NPS Employees:-

a) Govt contribution amount is shown in both the side (Allowance & Recovery) of each employee and therefore Govt Contribution Bill is passed alongwith the salary.

b) It is not shown in salary but while passing salary bill, automatic transactions are made to Debit Govt. Contribution Suspense Allocation and credit “Cheques & Bills”.

c) A separate ‘NIL’ bill is passed by Accounts.

13. a) Do you generate Approximate Account Current through existing system (e.g. AFRES)

c) Do you generate Actual Account Current through existing system (e.g. AFRES)

14. For Headquarter only–

a) Do you import Approximate Account Current received from all the units and generate Approximate Account Current of Zonal Railway for sending it to Board? Or whether the process for preparation of Zonal Approximate Account Current is Manual

b) Do you import Actual Account Current received from all the units and generate Actual Account Current of Zonal Railway for sending it to Board? Or whether the process for preparation of Zonal Actual Account Current is Manual

15. Whether outside Party’s PAN is mandatory for bill registration ?

16. Whether any type of 3rd party Bills (other than Establishment such as Stores, Contractors, Imprest etc.) are entered into existing system by Executives and sent online to Accounts for CO6 generation and Bill Passing. Please mention type of bills, which are sent online.

17. Whether following type of Bills are passed through “other Bills Passing” or it has special screen designed for each type of bills? Mention against each type of bill.

a) Vehicle

b) Water

c) Electricity

d) Telephone

e) CUG

f) Imprest

g) Fuel

h) Legal

i) Advertisement

18. In case of Contractor’s bills passing:-

a) Whether the bill is linked with Estimates?

b) Whether it is linked with Contract Agreement/Work-order?

c) Does it stop Bill passing if Expenditure in Estimate exceeds with the allotted Budget.

19. In case of Stores Bills Passing:-

a) Whether it is linked with Purchase Order. If yes then who maintains Purchase Order data?

b) Whether PL number-wise quantity (ordered and received ) is maintained in existing system?

c) Whether System maintains Purchase Suspense.

d) Whether it is linked with Budget Grant?

20. Is bill passing linked with Exchequer (Cash Authorisation)?

21. Has your unit switched over to new CTS cheque format or still using old stationary of NON CTS cheque?

|List of Zonal Railways, Production Units & Other Organisations |

|Railway Code |Full Name of Railway/Organisation |Alpha Code |Type |Prefix |





























|66 |COFMOW |COFM |O |V |


Each Column of the above list is explained below:-

|Railway Code |It has been taken from Board’s latest circular issued during implementation of e-Recon |

|Full Name |Self explanatory |

|Alpha Code |A short code assigned to each Railway. It will be used in creation of User-Ids and various reports. e.g. |

| |NR01PBL2001 is a userid of Northern Railway. |

|Type |R-Zonal Railway; P-Production Unit, O-Other Organisations |

|Prefix |One character allotted to each Railway. It will be used as 3rd Character of ED Code towards Non Railway Body |

| |Recovery to ensure uniqueness at IR level.e.g. RYB01S for Society Subscription in NCR. NRB codes are to be |

| |allotted by each Railway themselves. |


|List of Accounting Units for Verification |

|AU Code |

|0101 |

|0201 |

|0301 |

|0401 |

|0501 |

|0601 |

|0701 |

|0801 |

|0901 |

|9001 |

|3101 |

|3201 |

|3401 |

|9401 |

|3501 |


|Full name of Accounting Unit |Self explanatory |

|Short Name of AU |Description of AU in Short. It will be used in various reports. |

|AU Type |H-Headquarter; D- Division; W- Workshop; C- Construction; T- Traffic Accounts; S- Stores |

|Division |Respective Division of AU |

|Prefix for Employee Number |3 character codes allotted to each Accounting Unit. It will be prefixed to existing 8 digit Employee Number to |

| |ensure uniqueness of Employee Number at IR level. New Employee Number will be of 11 digits. |

|Is Salary? |Whether this Accounting Unit prepares salary for its employees? Few Accounting Units do not prepare salary by |

| |themselves such as 0323-Stores , 0327-POL. Such units will not run Payroll Module. |

|Alpha Code |A short Alpha code (maximum 4 characters) for Accounting Unit.This will be used for allotment of Administrative |

| |Login Ids such as ADMINBSB01. |


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