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The following items will be completed as preventative and/or corrective maintenance as defined in the Statement of Work. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, labor, and supervision to satisfy the scope of work for project completion.

The Contractor shall identify any necessary repair(s), as a result of preventative and/or corrective maintenance, and notify the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, prior to completing the repair. The Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, will determine if the repair can be completed through this contract. The Contractor should be prepared to provide a written cost estimate for the repair upon request from the Department.



1. The following items do not require a preventative maintenance schedule but are to be maintained by the Contractor, as corrective maintenance, on an as-needed basis. This includes but is not limited to:

a) Air Compressor, air lines and connections / fittings, etc.

b) Locks, Lock repairs (magnetic, electric & manual)

c) Fencing / Gates

d) Gate Operators / Garage door operators, and controls

e) Flooring, Ceiling , Wall Repairs, Painting

f) General carpentry

g) Windows, doors, overhead doors, garage doors, fence gate


1. The contractor shall make a minimum of two (2), semi-annually, scheduled roof system inspections per year at the Department Facility, and may be requested to perform a system inspection after each major storm occurrence, up to six (6) additional inspections. Each inspection must be scheduled prior to contractor arriving at the site.

2. This inspection shall include inspecting the entire roof system, including but not limited to gutters, down spouts, piping to storm water drains, etc., for proper operation and maintenance of same. Any and all deficiencies, malfunctions, unsafe conditions, or required repairs to the roof system, shall be documented in writing and forwarded to the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager.

3. A typed report turned in after each inspection, within 5 business days. This report shall include:

a) Location

b) Possible cause and preventive recommendations

c) Repairs made

d) Digital photos and hard copies

4. The Contractor shall only make repairs as a result of preventative and/or corrective maintenance and after approval from the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, to the roofing system, including but not limited to gutters, down spouts, piping to storm water drains, etc., that will maintain the systems watertight integrity and the warranty as needed.

5. The contractor is responsible for identifying if the repair being done is under the manufacturer warranty. The contractor is also responsible for documenting all repairs.

6. Provide the Department with a roof access log to be kept and maintained at the facility. The log is to request at a minimum the following information:

• Date

• Time on/off roof

• Company name/ information

• Name of person

• Nature of work

7. Four (4) times per year, quarterly, a clean sweep of the entire roof area will be done to remove all debris including but not limited to sand, dirt, leaves, etc. to be done at the request of the Department. This also includes removal of debris from the drain areas, coping, and air handling unit tops.


1. This work shall consist of servicing and maintaining water closet, sinks, faucets, air lines, water lines, down spouts, down spout piping and/or repairing storm water, sewage and supply water systems on an as-needed basis.

2. There will be a draining and cleaning the holding (sewage) tanks annually. The contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of items/materials removed to an approved site unless otherwise retained by the Department. This will be a separate charge not included in the plumbing labor rate.

3. The plumbing contractor shall be qualified to perform plumbing work. All materials utilized must be an originally manufactured or an approved substitute. The plumbing contractor, upon notification by the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, shall proceed and complete the work as promptly as possible.


1. The contractor shall inspect the HVAC system four (4) times a year, quarterly, or as recommended by manufacturer, whichever is greater.

2. As part of these visits, the contractor is responsible for performing preventative manufacturer maintenance, on two (2) of these visits as follows:

a) Once during the time period of April 1st – April 15th

b) Once during the time period of October 1st – October 15th

3. The HVAC system required to maintain the following temperatures:

a) Winter Season – maintain 70° F or no heat generation in the building at any time.

b) Summer Season – maintain 76° F or no cool air generation in the building at any time

c) All year long – maintain humidity level less than 60%.

1) In the event the HVAC system does not generate heat or cool air in the building at any time, and/or is not operating properly to maintain a constant temperature and/or humidity level, the Contractor shall notify the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, of the issue(s) prior to completing any repair. The Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, will determine if the repair can be completed through this contract. The Contractor should be prepared to provide a written cost estimate for the repair upon request from the Department.

4. The following is the required preventative maintenance checklist for HVAC equipment. This maintenance schedule is the minimum required by the Department unless the manufacturer’s recommendation is more stringent. Records on the HVAC system will be maintained by the contractor and readily available upon request. This is a suggested list work will not be limited to this listing. Inspections and corrective actions should be fully documented.

1) Fans supply and return

i. Check fan operation for excessive noise, vibration belt tightness and temperature of supply air.

ii. Check that the actuators for the economizer return dampers and the outdoor air dampers are operating properly, and an adequate minimum amount of outside air is always provided. Lubricate as needed.

iii. A visual inspection of the supply fan systems

iv. Lubricate fan bearings.

v. Check and tighten all set-screws and loose bolts.

vi. Motor lubrication instructions are listed on nameplate

vii. Note: some motors have sealed bearings that to not require lubrication.

viii. Clean outside air screen. Clean outside drains to prevent standing rainwater from accumulating.

2) Exhaust Fans and Air circulation Fans thru Entire Building

i. Check fan belt tension and alignment.

ii. Check set-screws and bolts for tightness.

iii. Check for excessive noise, vibration and temperature.

iv. Lubricate fan bearings.

v. Check motor nameplate for lubrication requirements.

vi. Clean fan scroll, if needed.

3) Air Handling Equipment package units

i. Check for excessive noise, vibration and temperature.

ii. Bearings should be checked to be sure all setscrews and bolts are tight.

iii. Check v-belts for wear, and belt tightness.

iv. Check seismic snubbers and spring isolators to see if they are grounded out.

v. Check at 60% to 80% speed of the fans. Fan flex connections should not be strained. Clean condensate pans and drain lines. Clean outside air screens, dampers, damper motors and linkage. Lubricate as needed. Check, replace filters as prescribed by system manufacturer, or when the total pressure drops through the pre-filters and filters exceed 1.5 inches water gauge.

vi. Grease bearings as required with the proper grease.

vii. Inspect operation of motor starters and wiring.

viii. Check amperage and voltage to motors and compare with nameplate rating.

ix. Grease motors as required.

x. Check v-belt alignment, proper belt tension, belt wear and dirt.

xi. Check motor and fan sheaves for proper alignment, replace v-belts if worn.

xii. Check and clean fans and scrolls.

xiii. Check heating and cooling coils for dirt, clean as required.

4) Fan powered boxes

i. Check motors.

ii. Check filters.

5) Fan-coil units and convectors

i. Check filter, change or replace.

ii. Lubricate and clean motor.

6) Air filters inspection

i. Check filter manometers for pressure drop across filter bank

7) Air filter changes

i. When the pressure drop across the filter reaches the maximum recommended by the system manufacturer, or when the pressure drop across the filter is twice the pressure drop of new filters, or on a regular schedule, based on visual inspections and pressure measurements.

ii. Filters should also be changed if they become wet, if microbial growth on the filter media is visible, or if they collapse or become damaged to the extent that air bypasses the media.

iii. The filter area should be cleaned and washed down while fans are off.

8) Filter Manometers

i. Check calibration on manometers and magnehelics.

9) Back draft dampers

i. Clean and check for free operation

ii. Lubricate bearings if required.

10) Fire Dampers

i. Inspect linkage and freedom of operation.

11) Dampers

i. Inspect, clean with wiping cloth, and lubricate.

12) Plenums/Ducts

i. Variable Air Volume (VAV) control boxes should be checked to verify minimum damper position still provides acceptable volume of outside air.

ii. Supply and return air plenum systems (in representative locations) should be inspected periodically for cleanliness, obstructions that block air paths, water damage, visible microbial growth, or hazardous materials.

iii. Annually perform a video inspection of the system air plenums and duct system

13) Digitally Controlled Systems

i. Check and calibrate the temperature, pressure, and air velocity sensors per manufacturer recommendations.


1. The Contractor shall maintain the existing electrical devices, fixtures, appurtenances, generators, and/or systems. The following is the required maintenance schedule which is the minimum required by the Department unless the manufacturer’s recommendation is more stringent. Records on the electrical system will be maintained by the contractor and readily available upon request. Inspections and corrective actions should be fully documented.

2. The contractor shall make a minimum of two (2), semi-annual, scheduled electrical inspections per year at the Department Facility and may be requested to perform a system inspection after each occurrence of generator use, up to four (4) additional inspections. Each inspection must be scheduled prior to contractor arriving at the site.

a) This inspection shall include inspecting all electrical devices, fixtures, appurtenances, generator and/or systems for proper operation and maintenance of same. Any and all deficiencies, malfunctions, unsafe conditions, or required repairs to electrical systems, devices, appurtenances, fixtures, etc., shall be documented in writing and forwarded to the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager or his/her designee. All repairs must be authorized by the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager or his /her designee, prior to completing the repair.

3. All work shall meet or exceed the electrical regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry and requirements contained in the latest edition of the National Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The work shall be performed in accordance with all State and Local laws, codes, and ordinances, which relate to the work.

4. All replacement materials shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the latest standards of the IEEE, ASTM, NEMA, an ANSI, and shall bear the label of approval of the National Board of Underwriters as applicable.


1. This section will only apply when the work covered under this contract includes excavation work for project completion. Excavation work outside the scope of this contract is not authorized to be performed under this contract. The contractor shall confirm with the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager, or his/her designee, prior to beginning any excavation work, if excavation work is needed and if the excavation work can be completed under this contract.

2. The Contractor shall apply the following when performing excavation services under this contract.


a) Excavated on-site soil may be reused as fill if approved by PennDOT.

b) All fill material new or site excavated shall consist of debris-free, non-organic soil.

c) Provide selected granular backfill around sewer pipes, water lines, conduits, cables, etc.

d) Selected granular backfill shall consist of sand, stone, crushed stone or crushed gravel, reasonably free from soft and unsound particles and debris.

e) Drainage aggregate shall be provided as required by design.

f) Drainage aggregate shall consist of crushed stone or gravel with 100 percent passing 1 - 1/2" sieve and no more than 5 percent passing #4 sieve.

g) All compact material shall meet Department requirements.


a) Remove, haul and dispose of subgrade materials to satisfy scope of work for project completion.

b) All work shall be performed by responsible, skilled and qualified trades persons and equipment operators.

c) All work shall be performed in a manner as to prevent damage to property.

d) Prior to excavating the Contractor shall coordinate with utilities via the One Call System. Review all excavation work with utility companies.

e) Prior to excavating the contractor shall verify any existing PennDOT owned utilities via underground or overhead.

f) Relocate or protect in place utilities during earthwork operations.

g) Contractor will be responsible to repair or replace damaged utilities.

h) Notify the Eastern Pennsylvania Training Facility Manager or his/her designee for inspection of final excavations.

i) Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 Degrees F.

j) Excavate to permit construction and placement of forms.

k) Take appropriate measures to scope failures of excavation sides.

l) Provide all necessary shoring and bracing to guard against excessive movement or settlement of adjacent structures, sidewalks, streets, utilities, etc.

m) Contractor shall be liable for any damage incurred due to improper shoring and bracing.

n) Provide site drainage to prevent surface water flowing into open excavations.

o) Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations.

p) Divert water into storm drainage system or approved run-off area.

q) Stockpile satisfactory excavated materials where directed until required for backfill operations. Grade stockpiles for proper drainage.

r) Provide erosion control devices to contain soil on site.


a) Proceed with backfilling only after receiving approval from PennDOT.

b) Only material approved by PennDOT shall be used for fill material.

c) Provide all equipment, material, labor and supervision to backfill open excavations and bring surface to final elevations to satisfy scope of work for project completion.

d) All work shall be performed by responsible, skilled and qualified trades persons and equipment operators.

e) Place backfill against concrete only after proper curing time.

f) Place approved fill material in uniform lifts without voids.

1) For machine compaction: 8 inches.

2) For hand compaction: 6 inches.

g) Carefully place, by hand, approved fill around utilities and compact without damaging utility construction.

h) Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice.

i) Care shall be taken during backfilling operations not to damage areas of work.

j) Provide proper compaction during backfilling operations.


a) Provide grading of subgrade to satisfy scope of work for project completion.

b) All work shall be performed by responsible, skilled and qualified trades persons and equipment operators.

c) Rough, machine grade to uniform levels and slopes.

d) Allow proper levels for placement of all finish surfaces such as, but not limited to, concrete slabs, walkways, roads, topsoil, etc.

e) Transition areas of new work to areas of existing grade, allowing for proper drainage and run off.

f) Finish grade shall be reasonably free from rocks, roots and other debris.

g) Upon final grading and after completion of work, all areas of disturbance shall be reseeded and protected.

h) Provide positive drainage on site at all times.


a) Remove any excess excavated or fill material from the site.

b) Dispose of all excess trash, debris and waste materials.

c) Haul materials in trucks with tight beds to prevent spilling on streets and highways.

d) Comply with local regulations regarding hauling and disposal.

e) Comply with all applicable environmental regulations.


a) Take precautions necessary to ensure against damage to existing work to remain in place, to be reused, or to remain the property of PennDOT. Damage to such work shall be repaired, or replacement shall be made, as approved by PennDOT at no additional cost to PennDOT.

b) Ensure the safe passage of persons around the area of excavation. Provide temporary barricades as required.


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