Locate the following on a map of Canada

Locate the following on a map of Canada

1. Hudson Bay

2. St Lawrence River

3. Great Lakes

4. Canadian Shield

5. Rocky Mountains

6. Pacific Ocean

7. Atlantic Ocean

Know the following facts:

1. Canada is the second largest country in the world in Land Area.

2. Most people in Canada live within 100 miles of the U.S. Border

3. Canada has a small population compared to its size.

Answer the following questions:

1. What climate feature keeps most Canadians living in the southern part of their country? The north has very cold winters and cool summers

2. Which part of Canada has sub-arctic and arctic climates? The north

3. The humid continental climate that covers a large part of Canada helps the country with which type of business? Farming

4. What are important natural resources of Canada? Coal, oil, water

5. Why do Canadians live all across their large country? Many of their natural resources are in remote areas

6. Why is it good for Canada that it has a lot of oil and natural gas? It can supply its own energy needs and doesn’t have to depend on other countries

7. What condition makes it easy for Canada to trade with the United States? The countries share a 3000 mile long border

8. What geophysical area is most important to help businesses in central Canada move goods to countries in Europe? The Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence seaway

9. How are Canadians able to produce enough food for their own use and still have food to sell to other countries when only 5 percent of the land is arable? Canada is a very large country, so 5 percent arable land is quite a lot of land

10. Rain mixes with which substances to become acidic? Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide

11. What are sources of chemicals in acid rain? Coal-burning power and car exhaust

12. Canada has to work with the United States to solve the problem of acid rain because the United States is the source of Canada’s air pollution

13. The first Canadian American plan to clean the Great Lakes was to reduce which chemical? Phosphorous

14. Why does the Canadian Government have to work with the U.S. government to clean up the Great Lakes? The two countries share the water in the lakes

15. Which people are likely to be against the Great Lakes Water Quality Treatment Agreement? Factory owners in the area of the lakes

16. How much land do forests cover in Canada? One-half

17. What is a problem related to clear-cutting forests? Soil erosion, reduced water quality, and loss of wildlife habitats

18. What is the government of Canada doing to protect the forests? Working to protect animals and their habitats, planting seeds and seedlings , managing and protecting forests


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