
Page 2 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011


Page 3 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011


Please note per BCOA Ballot 2004 – 48, published in January 2005 Bulletin Board:

“BCOA members incurring expenses covering BCOA budgeted items during the fiscal year shall submit invoices to the Treasurer on or before March 1st of the next year to be eligible for reimbursement.  Expenditures incurred by members that are not covered by the Budget shall require Board approval.  These bills shall be submitted to the Treasurer on or before February 1st of the next year.  Committee Chairs shall be responsible for notifying committee members to submit receipts for expenses within this time frame.”

"The link to the reimbursement form is on the Members page on "




Please contact Kim below to place an ad or send in an article deadline for 3rd quarter is July 25th.

Kimberly Noyes

P.O. Box 7453

Portland, ME 04112



2011 BCOA National Specialty

September 20-25

Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Website: 2011BCOANational/


Welcome New BCOA Members

Patricia Dukes

Heidi York

Kirsten Sigrist

Danielle Johnston

Carrie Lewis

Page 4 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

Native Stock Ballot Reports

Page 5 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

Looking for volunteers


The Public Education committee is looking for volunteers to participate in these two events.  These Events can fulfill one of a clubs Educational requirements.

Contact  Kyle Cabral or Jane Johnson if you are interested in being an Event chair for the Eukanuba Meet the Breeds in Florida this December 17th 7 18th.

2011 AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days

Dear Dog Lover:

We hope you will join us in September 2011 as the AKC invites and encourages all dog and pet-related organizations to commemorate AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days by holding a community event that publicly promotes responsible dog ownership anytime during the month.  

The AKC will be hosting its own event in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. This flagship event will highlight the AKC programs and services that support responsible dog ownership. It will also publicize to news media and the dog loving community that events are being held across the country by organizations such as yours.

Some suggestions to help commemorate AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Days include:

• ID clinic- Hold an AKC/CAR microchip clinic

• Rescue information booth

• Health clinic/health screen testing/First Aid for dogs

• Meet the breeds/Find the right dog for you

• AKC Canine Partners demonstration and/or booth

• Obedience/Agility/Rally/Performance demonstrations

• Hold free training class for dog owners and give a presentation about AKC Purebred Alternative Listing Program or AKC Canine Partners

• Therapy/SAR Dog or Police K9 Unit demonstrations

• "AKC Safety Around Dogs" for kids presentations (in-school or for children's groups)

• A kids contest with awards for best drawings, photos or essays about dogs

• AKC Canine Good Citizen test (requires additional kit purchase)

• Seek sponsorships or donated items from local businesses to be raffled or for contest prizes

• Raise money to donate/dedicate needed items to local dog park/runs (pooper scoopers, bulletin boards, water fountains, etc.)

• Fundraising events for AKC Canine Health Foundation

• Write a letter to the editor of your local newspapers

• Obtain a proclamation from your Governor, Mayor etc.

Last year, more than 550 dog clubs and other organizations hosted events reaching millions of dog lovers and potential pet owners through extensive media coverage. Dog lovers also posted thousands of "Acts of Responsible Dog Ownership" on our Facebook and Twitter pages to help us celebrate "Virtual AKC RDO Days." This year, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest AKC RDO Days updates and participate in our virtual celebration!

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to interact with the public and gain positive exposure for your club, breed and the AKC. Your participation will help this worthwhile program continue to gain momentum each year, benefiting dogs and dog owners everywhere!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.*


Lisa Peterson

Director, Club Communications

*For further information about AKC RDO Days please contact Stephanie Smith at 212-696-8228 or Communications@

Page 6 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

Page 7 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011


Postmarked May 16, 2011 Effective May 26, 2011

Please mark your vote for funds to assist with the initial boarding, and immediate medical care such as vaccinations, heartworm testing/prevention, and spay/neuter of the dogs from Dawn-Ri Basenjis. The funds not to exceed $1600 toward the care for these four Basenjis that will be screened and placed into BRAT’s care. Carrie Jones will be the liaison for the BCOA to make sure that the money is disbursed to the care giving veterinarian or boarding facility.

APPROVED: Auerbach, Bolte`, Curby, C. Jones, J. Jones, Kirk, Siekert, Stargell, Webb

Withheld: Ketz


Postmarked: May 26, 2011 Effective: June 05, 2011

 Please mark your vote on the proposal submitted for the 2014 BCOA National Specialty to be held in the Central  Region in its turn. The chair of the group is Jon Curby [MO]; Treasurer is Larry Birch [MO] other members are the Show-Me Basenji Club. The location is Purina Farms in Gray Summit, MO; dates are September 23  (Tuesday) through September 28 (Sunday) 2014.  


APPROVED: Auerbach, Bolte, C. Jones, J. Jones, Ketz, Kirk, Siekert, Stargell, Webb

Withheld: Curby


Postmarked April 27, 2011 Effective May 6, 2011

Please send your vote on approving Robert Freedman as the BHE web site Liaison. Robert will be updating the BHE web site to make it current.

APPROVED: Auerbach, Bolte`, Curby, Hesse, C. Jones, J. Jones, Ketz, Stargell, Webb

No record of vote: Kirk


Affiliate Club Update

Current BCOA Events Coordinator/Liaison is Katie Campbell

We have 19 Affiliate Clubs for 2011

The Basenji Club of Greater Houston has Disbanded.


Page 8 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

BCOA Membership Statistics by Linda Daves Siekert ©June2011

An interesting question was asked of me via email, based on recent discussions and questions posed to a chat group; how many BCOA members did we have at year end (2010) and how many members renewed versus lapsed by the end of the membership renewal period in 2011?

While thinking about this question and how best to research it, I realized the whole membership might be interested to learn how the club is doing with regards to non-renewals therefore it would better serve the membership as a whole, versus a select few on a chat group, or one lone person by putting together information we could all peruse.

I excitedly sent a note (via a member of the chat group where the questions were being discussed) explaining my plans with the caveat that: I work 2.5 jobs (one of which has lost five people (a quarter of the staff!!) in the span of 3 weeks in late April/early May increasing my hours a whopping 60%), I currently train and show five basenjis in agility, obedience, rally, conformation and coursing, and my elderly father is dealing with a recent health scare. I asked BCOA members of said chat group to please be patient since the question/discussion was not a pressing fiscal matter, only idle curiosity.

I am sad to report that no less than three people wrote privately to say I was being crucified by a certain faction for daring to use "life happens" as an excuse, that I should not have volunteered if I did not have enough time set aside for the entire year to do my volunteer job as quickly as some felt it should be done, and that I should have taken this new found lack of time into consideration before committing!

Goodness gracious, had I crystal ball to tell me a quarter of my fellow staff members would be quitting within a span of a few weeks, or my dad would be diagnosed with bladder cancer, or better yet, what selfish, sanctimonious and chronically unhappy members I would have to cater to in the coming year - do you honestly think I would have volunteered to begin with? I may be innately helpful and am certainly earnest in my desires for the BCOA; I do not deserve to be the virtual whipping boy.

But I digress; the original question - I also realized it would be best to show several years’ worth of similar stats to get a better feel for what the information is actually telling us. Since I have only been the Treasurer since January 2011, it stands to reason I would not have access to more detailed information from all previous renewal processes so I would not be able to break the information down by such things as lapses due to death, pre or post Roster deadlines, etc.

How best to research this? A standard membership query to the BCOA database selects all memberships by the field YEAR PAID - which is filled in and/or updated as members come on board or renew their membership, showing the year the member has paid their dues through. This allows the query to pick up renewed members, lifetime members, and people who have prepaid while excluding those memberships that have lapsed the previous year.

To mean, if I tell the query I want the year 2010 it will show me anyone whose YEAR PAID through field is 2010 and beyond (2011, 2012 …. 9999) while leaving behind any prior years (2009, 2008 ..... 1999). This enables the Treasurer to leave the membership information intact (no need to reenter should folks decide to rejoin later) but allows memberships to lapse by virtue of the YEAR PAID through field not being updated and therefore not accessed during searches.

This was smart thinking by Laura Mae Hesse who I believe created the current database as it allows important archival information to be kept and accessed if necessary.

So here's what I did. I made queries for each individual year starting with YEAR PAID through 2006 and ending with YEAR PAID through 2011. I saved each year as a separate excel worksheet for ease in further sorting. Once done I opened each year and did the following:

Sort by DATE JOINED field:

• I removed any years not related to that specific year. I.e. In the 2006 worksheet I removed all members whose date joined field were the years 2007-2011since they were not members in 2006, for the 2007 worksheet I remove the date joined fields 2008-2011, and so on.

Page 9 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

BCOA Membership Statistics cont:

• I made note of the number of new members who joined that specific year (new members in 2006 for the year 2006, etc.) Once noted, I removed these as well which then leaves the number of actual members that started the beginning of each year.

Sort by YEAR PAID through field:

• I then sorted using the year paid through field making note of those that reflected the same year I was researching (year paid through 2006 in the 2006 worksheet, 2007 for the 2007 worksheet, and so on). This tells me they did not renew; had they renewed their year paid through field would reflect the year they paid through. I.e. if in January 2007 I renewed my 2006 membership, my membership year paid through field would now show 2007, not 2006 so my membership would then be removed from the 2006 query and vice versa.

As a check and balance I took the number of members at the start of each year, subtracted members who lapsed then added all new members to make sure they agreed with the next years starting numbers my queries/sorts told me I should have. Thankfully they did.

Here is a breakdown of each year as described above.


(a) 535 members

(b) 22 people allowed their membership to lapse Q1 2007

(c) 60 new members in 2006

(a-b)+c = 573 members to start the year 2007

(b/a)*100 = 4.11% 2006 members allowed their membership to lapse during the 2007 renewal process

The 2005 outgoing Board was: Officers: Woodard, Wuornos, A. Graves, Hesse Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Greenlee, C. Jones, Pooley, Schreiber, and Webb

The 2006 incoming Board was: Officers: Wuornos, Schreiber, A. Graves, Hesse Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Greenlee, C. Jones, Pooley, Sawler, and Webb


(a) 573 members

(b) 24 people allowed their membership to lapse Q1 2008

(c) 25 new members in 2007

(a-b)+c = 574 members to start the year 2008

(b/a)*100 = 4.19% 2007 members allowed their membership to lapse during the 2008 renewal process

((4.19% - 4.11%)/4.11%)*100 = 1.94% increase in membership lapses from the previous year

The 2007 incoming Board was: Officers: Wuornos, Schreiber, A. Graves, Hesse Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Curby, Greenlee, C. Jones, Pooley, and Stargell


(a) 574 members

(b) 39 people allowed their membership to lapse Q1 2009

(c) 46 new members in 2008

(a-b)+c = 581 members to start the year 2009

Page 10 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

BCOA Membership Statistics cont:

(b/a)*100 = 6.79% 2008 members allowed their membership to lapse during the 2009 renewal process

((6.79% - 4.19%)/4.19%)*100 = 62.05% increase in membership lapses from the previous year

The 2008 incoming Board was: Officers: Wuornos, Schreiber, A. Graves, Hesse Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Curby, Greenlee, C. Jones, Pooley, and Stargell


(a) 581 members

(b) 38 people allowed their membership to lapse Q1 2010

(c) 33 new members in 2009

(a-b)+c = 576 members to start the year 2010

(b/a)*100 = 6.54% 2009 members allowed their membership to lapse during the 2010 renewal process

((6.54% - 6.79%)/6.79%)*100 = -3.68% decrease in membership lapses from the previous year

2009 incoming: Officers: Wuornos, Schreiber, A. Graves, Hesse Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Curby, Greenlee, Phillips, Pooley, and Stargell


(a) 576 members

(b) 43 people allowed their membership to lapse Q1 2011

(c) 22 new members in 2010

(a-b)+c = 555 members to start the year 2011

(b/a)*100 = 7.47% 2010 members allowed their membership to lapse during the 2011 renewal process

((7.47% - 6.54%)/6.54%)*100 = 14.22% increase in membership lapses from the previous year

2010 incoming: Officers: Geoffroy, Curby, Ketz, M. Graves Directors: Auerbach, Bolte, Joyner, Kirk, Phillips, Stargell, and Webb. Joyner left mid year replaced by Curry


(a) 555 members

(b) N/A allowed their membership to lapse in 2012

(c) 12 new members through 5/2011

Page 11 Bulletin Board Newsletter June 15, 2011

BCOA Membership Statistics cont:

For those members who are more visual:

In summary, the BCOA had the largest increase of non-renewals (62.05%) during the 2009 renewal year (2008 members who did not renew in 2009) with a slight decrease in non-renewals during the 2010 renewal year (2009 members who did not renew in 2010). We saw another slight increase of non-renewals during the 2011 renewal year, possibly due in part to the ever struggling economy and the approval of Ballot 2009-25* which increased membership dues by $10 (ten dollars); a staggering 66% increase. Ouch!

*See above for the 2009 Board that approved this increase.

Disclaimer: I am not a Statistician. All information is provided in good faith for reference purposes only and can only be reproduced in its entirety. Any opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of the 2011 BCOA Board.

Bulletin Board Newsletter

Jackie Jones, Editor

74505 Palm Creek Rd

Clatskanie, OR 97016-2545

Basenji Club of America, Inc. – 2010


President: Pamela Geoffroy, - MA. Eldorado Basenjis

(508) 695-6573

Vice President: Jon Curby – MO. Kibushi Basenjis

(573) 874-1696 < jcurby@ >

Secretary: Janet Ketz, - IL. - No Brk Basenjis

(815) 476-5418 < JLKetz@ >

Treasurer: Linda Daves Siekert,- AZ . Sinbaje Basenji

< treasurer@ >

Board of Directors

Lisa Auerbach – VA. Itzyu Basenji

(804) 387-2640 < itzyu@>

Damara Bolté – VA. Reveille Basenji

(703)777-7296 < mbliki@>

Carole Kirk – WV. Possum Creek

❖ (304) 765-7656 < Possum.Creek@>

Carrie Jones – MN. Ankhu Basenjis

❖ (507) 876-9987

Carol Webb – CA. Kazor Basenji

❖ (714) 777-2256

Jackie Jones – OR. Dragnquest Basenji

❖ (503) 728-9413

Laurie Stargell – CO. Skyhi Basenji

❖ (970) 686-6586



The Basenji Club of America, Inc.

Bulletin [pic]

Board Newsletter June 15, 2011



Address, Telephone Number and Email Changes

• Lori Baxtor

2700 Whitely Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93309

• Melody Falcone


• Janette Wilson (Hahn)

427 W Main St, Winamac, IN46996

• Pat Kushnir


• Paul L Root & William J Bowlus

Baraka Basenji

In this Issue

BCOA Applications 1

2011 National Website 1

On The Move 1

Well Wishes / Condolences 1

Publication Information 2

Specialties Calendar 2

Submitting Address Changes 2

National Specialty Regional Map 2

Submit Expenses BCOA Treasurer 3

Interim Contact info / 2011 Nat'l Info 3

Welcome New BCOA Members 3

Native Stock Ballot Report 4

Volunteers AKC Responsible Dog Own Day 5

Volunteer AKC Meet The Breeds 6

Ballots / Affiliate Club Update 7

BCOA Member Statistics Report 8,9,10, 11

BCOA Contact Info 12

***2011 National Website***



Get well soon Stephen Strobel BCOA wishes you a fast recovery from your surgery.

BCOA members send their condolences to Lisa Tyler on the passing of her mother.


• Peter Sigrist

38 Ellis St., Medway, MA 02053

(617) 610-2178

Karla Schreiber, Patricia Bird

• Rita & Thomas Pontes

145 Adams St. Fall River, MA 02720-3807

(508) 675-1666)< ritabasenji@>

Brenda Jones-Greenberg, Carmella Troisi-Hoerr


Vaughn & Colleen Spears

vspears@ cspears@


Submit Address and Email changes to

Linda Daves Siekert, Sinbaje Basenjis

6800 N Montezuma Dr.

Tucson, AZ 85718-2432

E-mail treasurer@



Basenji Club of America, Inc.

National Specialty Calendar

• 2011 – Sept. 20 – Sept. 25 Manitowoc, WI

Specialty Chair: Beth Straub

Judges: Regular classes - Lisa Tyler

Sweepstakes - Debbie Hauri

• 2012 – July 9 – July 15 Gettysburg, PA

Specialty Chair: LeeBeth Cranmer

Judges: Regular Classes - John Reeve-Newson

Sweepstakes: Carrie Jones

• 2013 – July 12 – July 17 Auburn WA

Specialty Chair: Brenda Phillips

Judges: Regular Classes - Judy Webb

Sweepstakes: NA

• All dates & Judges pending AKC approval


The Bulletin Board Newsletter is published in conjunction with membership in the Basenji Club of America, Inc. Dues are $25 for single members; $35 for family memberships. All applications for membership require the signature of two BCOA members in good standing. Send membership inquiries to Janet Ketz, 34025 West River Rd., Wilmington, IL 60481. Phone 815-476-5418.

E-mail .


January & February; April & May; July & August; October & November


All submissions are requested by the 15th of the month preceding issue.

Send to:

Jackie Jones

Bulletin Board editor/publisher

74505 Palm Creek Rd, Clatskanie OR, 97016-2545

(503)728-9413; E-mail


Written material in this newsletter may be reprinted for nonprofit use provided credit is given to the author and the BCOA Bulletin Board; however, articles, photographs, cartoons and original artwork bearing the copyright symbol (©) may only be reprinted with author/photographer/artist’s written permission.

In accordance with the By-Laws any member in good standing may send comments on applicants for membership to the BCOA Secretary within a period of fourteen days following the date of the newsletter publication. Comments will be sent to these person(s) for reply, and all comments and replies will then be sent to the Board. * Indicates a junior membership. Please consider the date of publication of this newsletter to be

June 15, 2011




Specialty Event Calendar

Specialty Dates & Corresponding Bid Dates




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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