Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________________P___R___S___

Final Exam Review

1. Which of the following statements describes a difference between a chemical change and a physical change in a substance?

|  |A. |A physical change occurs only in elements; a chemical change occurs only in compounds. |

|  |B. |A chemical change occurs only in elements; a physical change occurs only in compounds. |

|  |C. |The result of a physical change is a different composition; in a chemical change, the composition remains the same. |

| |D. |The result of a chemical change is a different composition; in a physical change, the composition remains the same. |


| | | |

2. After crude oil is pumped out of the ground, it must be processed in a “cracking tower.” The tower separates it into less dense chemicals like butane and gasoline, and more dense chemicals like diesel fuel and tar. Based on this information, crude oil can best be classified as a

|  |A. |pure compound. |

| |B. |mixture of compounds. |

|  |C. |mixture of pure elements. |

|  |D. |solution of plasma and liquid. |


3. A student made a homogeneous mixture of water and salt. Which of the following statements applies to this homogeneous mixture?

| |A. |This mixture is a solution. |

|  |B. |This mixture is a pure substance. |

|  |C. |The salt is not evenly distributed throughout this mixture. |

|  |D. |The salt chemically combines with the water in this mixture. |



4. Particles of which of the following substances are farthest apart at STP?

|  |A. |aluminum (s) |

| |B. |helium (g) |

|  |C. |mercury (l) |

|  |D. |sodium (s) |

| | | |

5. Which of the following identifies the number and location of protons in a lithium atom?

| |A. |3 protons, located in the nucleus |

|  |B. |7 protons, located in the nucleus |

|  |C. |3 protons, located in an atomic orbital |

|  |D. |7 protons, located in an atomic orbital |

6. Cobalt has an atomic mass of 59 and an atomic number of 27. What does this information reveal about most cobalt atoms?

| |A. |They contain more neutrons than protons. |

|  |B. |They naturally have a net negative charge. |

|  |C. |They attract protons more strongly than electrons. |

|  |D. |They form ions with a charge of +27 in compounds. |

7. Silver (Ag) has 47 protons in each atom. Based on this information, which of the following also describes an atom of silver?

|  |A. |It has no neutrons. |

| |B. |It has 47 electrons. |

|  |C. |It has 23 neutrons and 24 electrons. |

|  |D. |It has a total of 94 neutrons and electrons. |

8. Which of the following statements applies the law of multiple proportions to the relationship between carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2)?

|  |A. |The mass of a mole of CO is exactly half that of a mole of CO2. |

|  |B. |There will always be half as much CO as CO2 in a sample of gas. |

|  |C. |The proportion of oxygen atoms in CO molecules is the same as it is in CO2 molecules. |

| |D. |The mass of oxygen in CO compared to that in CO2 can be expressed as a whole number ratio. |



9. The equation below shows the chemical reaction that occurs in a car battery.


How much sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is consumed in the reaction?

|  |A. |0.78 kg |

| |B. |0.95 kg |

|  |C. |2.15 kg |

|  |D. |g |

10. Which of the following is the electron configuration for sulfur?

|  |A. |1s22s22p4 |

|  |B. |1s22s22p63s2 |

| |C. |1s22s22p63s23p4 |

|  |D. |1s22s22p63s23p64s2 |

11. How many electrons are in the outermost energy shell of a calcium atom?

|  |A. |1 |

| |B. |2 |

|  |C. |6 |

|  |D. |8 |

12. [pic]is the electron configuration for which element?

|  |A. |aluminum (Al) |

|  |B. |argon (Ar) |

| |C. |potassium (K) |

|  |D. |sodium (Na) |

13. Which of the following elements is a member of the halogen family and is located in period 3?

| |A. |argon (Ar) |

| |B. |bromine (Br) |

| |C. |chlorine (Cl) |

| |D. |sulfur (S) |

| | | |

14. Which of the following statements describes the elements in family 16 of the periodic table?

| |A. |They have six valence electrons. |

| |B. |They are all gases at room temperature. |

| |C. |They exist commonly as cations in nature. |

| |D. |They combine easily with elements in family 17. |

15. Which of the following elements has both metallic and nonmetallic properties?

| |A. |Ar |

| |B. |Ge |

| |C. |Mg |

| |D. |S |

16. Which of the following sections of the periodic table contains only metals?

| |A. |group 2 |

| |B. |group 18 |

| |C. |period 2 |

| |D. |period 6 |

17. In which of the following lists are the elements shown in order of increasing electronegativity?

| |A. |Li, Be, O, F |

|  |B. |O, F, Be, Li |

|  |C. |F, Li, O, Be |

|  |D. |Li, F, Be, O |

18. Which of the following statements explains why elements of the alkali metal family are highly reactive?

| |A. |Alkali metals are easily ionized. |

|  |B. |Alkali metals are negatively charged. |

|  |C. |Alkali metals have an odd number of protons. |

|  |D. |Alkali metals have an odd number of electrons. |

19. Which of the following trends in the periodic table should be expected as the atomic number of the halogens increases from fluorine (F) to iodine (I)?

|  |A. |Atomic radius decreases. |

| |B. |Electronegativity decreases. |

|  |C. |Atomic mass decreases. |

|  |D. |Electron number decreases. |

20. Aluminum (Al) has three electrons in its outer shell. Oxygen (O) needs two electrons to complete its outer shell. What is the chemical formula for aluminum oxide?

|  |A. |AlO |

|  |B. |AlO2 |

|  |C. |Al2O |

| |D. |Al2O3 |

21. Which of the following is a correct Lewis dot structure for potassium chloride?

| |A. |[pic] | |C. |[pic] |

|  |B. |[pic] |  |D. |[pic] |

22. What is the Lewis dot structure for nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)?

| |A. |[pic] | |C. |[pic] |

|  |B. |[pic] |  |D. |[pic] |

23. Which of the following molecules has a nonpolar covalent bond?

|  |A. |H–Br |

|  |B. |H–Cl |

|  |C. |H–F |

| |D. |H–H |

24. The table below shows the electronegativities of four elements.

|Element |Electronegativity |

|carbon |2.6 |

|fluorine |4.0 |

|hydrogen |2.2 |

|oxygen |3.4 |

Which of the following bonds is the most polar?

|  |A. |carbon–hydrogen |

| |B. |carbon–fluorine |

|  |C. |fluorine–fluorine |

|  |D. |hydrogen–oxygen |

25. Which of the following models best represents the shape of a compound with trigonal planar geometry?

|  |A. |[pic] |  |B. |[pic] |C. |[pic] |D. |[pic] |

26. Which of the following statements best explains why ice floats on water?

|  |A. |Water has a higher specific heat than ice. |

|  |B. |Ice has the same molecular mass as water. |

|  |C. |Heat is absorbed when water changes from the solid state to the liquid state. |

| |D. |Hydrogen bonding causes water to be less dense in the solid state than in the liquid state. |

| | | |

27. Carbon reacts with chlorine to form CCl4. What is the name of this compound?

|  |A. |carbon 4-chloride |

|  |B. |1-carbon 4-chloride |

|  |C. |tetracarbon chloride |

| |D. |carbon tetrachloride |

28. What is the chemical formula for ammonium sulfate?

|  |A. |NH4SO4 |

|  |B. |NH4(SO4)2 |

|  |C. |NH4(SO4)3 |

| |D. |(NH4)2SO4 |

29. Which of the following is the balanced equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen gas?

|  |A. |H2O2 → 2H + 2O |

|  |B. |H2O2 → H2O + O2 |

|  |C. |2H2O2 → H2O + 2O2 |

| |D. |2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 |

30. Calcium and boron react to form calcium boride, as represented by the chemical equation below.


Which type of reaction is shown by this equation?

| |A. |combination |

|  |B. |decomposition |

|  |C. |double displacement |

|  |D. |single displacement |

31. Which of the following diagrams represents a single displacement (replacement) reaction?

|  |A. |[pic] |

|  |B. |[pic] |

|  |C. |[pic] |

| |D. |[pic] |

| | | |

32. The photosynthesis reaction involves the formation of glucose from carbon dioxide and water.

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is the molecular mass of glucose?

|  |A. |24 g |

|  |B. |72 g |

| |C. |180 g |

|  |D. |364 g |

33. A sealed flask contains [pic] molecules of CO2. How many moles of CO2 are in the flask?

|  |A. |[pic] mol |

| |B. |[pic] mol |

|  |C. |[pic] mol |

|  |D. |[pic] mol |

34. What is the percent by mass of carbon in carbon dioxide (CO2)?

| |A. |27% |

|  |B. |33% |

|  |C. |43% |

|  |D. |73% |

35. Palmitic acid, a component of most animal fats, has the molecular formula CH3(CH2)14COOH. Which of the following is the empirical formula for palmitic acid?

|  |A. |CHO |

|  |B. |C3H6O2 |

| |C. |C8H16O |

|  |D. |C16H32O2 |

36. A reaction yields 6.26 g of a product. What is the percent yield if the theoretical yield is 18.81 g?

|  |A. |3.00% |

|  |B. |10.6% |

| |C. |33.3% |

|  |D. |56.1% |

37. Which of the following statements explains what happens to the gas inside a balloon as the external pressure on the balloon decreases and the temperature stays constant?

| |A. |The volume increases. |

|  |B. |The volume decreases. |

|  |C. |The molecular speed increases. |

|  |D. |The molecular speed decreases. |

38. A walk-in cooler has a volume of 1.1 × 104 L. If the temperature inside the cooler is 3°C and the gas pressure is 1.0 atm, how many moles of gas are inside the cooler?

| |A. |4.9 × 102 mol |

|  |B. |4.5 × 104 mol |

|  |C. |2.5 × 105 mol |

|  |D. |× 1023 mol |

39. Which of the following statements describes an exothermic reaction but not an endothermic reaction?

|  |A. |Energy is destroyed during the reaction. |

|  |B. |Energy is used to form chemical bonds. |

|  |C. |Energy is used to break chemical bonds. |

| |D. |Energy is released as heat during the reaction. |

40. Which of the following actions decreases the entropy of a system?

|  |A. |boiling water |

| |B. |freezing water |

|  |C. |dissolving salt in water |

|  |D. |mixing baking soda and salt |

| | | |

41. A crystal of table salt (NaCl) is dissolved in water. Which of the following statements explains why the dissolved salt does not recrystallize as long as the temperature and the amount of water stay constant?

|  |A. |Na+ and Cl– ions lose their charges in the water. |

| |B. |Water molecules surround the Na+ and Cl– ions. |

|  |C. |Na+ and Cl– ions leave the water through vaporization. |

|  |D. |Water molecules chemically react with the Na+ and Cl– ions. |

42. How many grams of KCl are dissolved in 2.00 L of a 0.200 M solution of KCl?

|  |A. |0.400 g |

|  |B. |14.9 g |

| |C. |29.8 g |

|  |D. |400 g |

43. A 6.0 M solution of HCl is diluted to 1.0 M. How many milliliters of the 6.0 M solution would be used to prepare 100.0 mL of the diluted 1.0 M solution?

|  |A. |6 mL |

| |B. |17 mL |

|  |C. |33 mL |

|  |D. |100 mL |

44. Which of the following statements explains why people spread salt on icy sidewalks in the winter?

|  | |A. |The salt causes the ice to undergo sublimation. |

|  | |B. |The salt lowers the surface tension of melted ice. |

|  | |C. |The ice-salt mixture has a higher density than ice has. |

| | |D. |The ice-salt mixture melts at a lower temperature than ice does. |

45. The diagram below shows a cube of sodium chloride beginning to dissolve in water.


Which of the following changes will cause the cube to dissolve more quickly?

| |A. |swirling the flask |

|  |B. |removing the stopper |

|  |C. |pouring off half the water |

|  |D. |decreasing the water temperature |

46. In an experiment, a student mixes two compounds, X and Y, which react to give off energy and form compound Z, as shown in the equilibrium equation below.


After the reaction reaches equilibrium, which of the following changes would shift the equilibrium to the left?

|  |A. |adding more compound X to the equilibrium |

|  |B. |adding more compound Y to the equilibrium |

| |C. |increasing the temperature of the equilibrium |

|  |D. |decreasing the temperature of the equilibrium |

47. The equation below shows a reaction at equilibrium.


What happens to the equilibrium if the temperature is increased?

|  |A. |A new product will form. |

| |B. |More NO2 will be formed. |

|  |C. |More N2O4 will be formed. |

|  |D. |The equilibrium will remain the same. |

48. The equation below represents an equilibrium reaction.


Which chemical in the forward reaction is a Brønsted-Lowry acid?

| |A. |[pic] |

|  |B. |[pic] |

|  |C. |[pic] |

|  |D. |[pic] |

49. The pH of milk is 6.4. Based on this information, which of the following statements best describes milk?

|  |A. |It is very basic. |

|  |B. |It is very acidic. |

|  |C. |It is slightly basic. |

| |D. |It is slightly acidic. |

50. The compound Mg(OH)2 is classified as an Arrhenius base because, when the compound dissolves in water, there is an increase in the concentration of which of the following ions?

|  |A. |hydrogen ions |

| |B. |hydroxide ions |

|  |C. |magnesium ions |

|  |D. |oxide ions |


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