Concerning Outside Involvement

In the Republican Primary

Whereas, there is a contested Republican primary for Congress in the 5th Congressional District of Alabama, and

Whereas, the six longtime Republican members of the Alabama Congressional delegation recently announced their support for Congressman Parker Griffith in individual statements welcoming him to the Republican Party, and

Whereas, there are other well qualified Republican candidates for Congress in the 5th Congressional District, and

Whereas, there are unconfirmed, but believable, reports that these six longtime Republican members of the Alabama Congressional delegation are involved in fund-raising and other campaign activities on behalf of former Democrat Congressman Parker Griffith, and

Whereas, there are also reports that the National Republican Congressional Committee also intends to contribute money to the Parker Griffith Campaign for the Republican nomination for Congress, and

Whereas, such involvement is very unfair to the other candidates for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 5th Congressional District, and

Whereas, the Republican voters in the 5th Congressional District are capable of deciding for themselves which Republican primary candidate for Congress will best represent them and their views in Congress, and

Whereas, we strongly believe the Republican voters in the 5th Congressional District should be allowed to determine the Republican nominee without being told by those in Washington how to vote, now therefore

Be It Resolved that the Madison County Republican Executive hereby requests the National Republican Congressional Committee and the six Republican members of the Alabama Congressional delegation to cease any fund-raising or other activities for one of the Republican candidates for Congress until a nominee is selected by the Republican voters in the district, and

Be It Further Resolved that the Madison County Republican Executive Committee requests the Committee secretary to send a copy of this resolution to the National Republican Congressional Committee and to all Republican members of the Alabama Congressional delegation.

Adopted by the Madison County Republican Executive Committee in a regular meeting on January 18, 2010.


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