


2020 – 2021






Welcome Letter 3

Our Core Values 4

Introduction 5

Chapter One Mission/Goal/Objectives of the AFJROTC Program 6

Chapter Two Cadet Honor Code and Oath 7

Chapter Three Admission/Disenrollment/Transfers/Completion/Reserve Cadets 8

Chapter Four Classroom Procedures/Cadet Conduct

and Harassment or Hazing 9

Chapter Five Cadet Appearance 12

Chapter Six Wear of the Uniform and AFJROTC T-Shirt 13

Chapter Seven Special Programs 16

Chapter Eight Academic Grading/Course Syllabus

Appointments & Rotation/Promotion/Scholarships 18

Chapter Nine AFJROTC Probation & Classroom Discipline Plan 20

Chapter Ten Awards and Decorations 22

Chapter Eleven Clothing and Equipment Maintenance 30

Chapter Twelve Unit Manning Document/Job Descriptions 31


MS781 Officer Promotion Request Form

MS781 Cadet Discipline Form


AFJROTC Cadet Creed

[pic] [pic]

5 August 2020

Welcome to the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program! Our cadet corps, MS-781, was established in the spring of 1979 through an agreement between the Biloxi School District and the United States Air Force. This cadet guide provides statements of policy, standards of performance, and directions for the day-to-day operation of the corps. Additionally, this guide provides a reference for many details that will permit cadets to achieve the highest standards of performance, especially when they live and put into practice the Air Force Core Values: “Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All You Do!” Each cadet is responsible for the information in this handbook. This information will appear on quizzes and examinations throughout the school year.

During the fall semester, the entire cadet corps will be required to raise their right hand and repeat the Cadet Oath, administered in the BHS Sports Arena in front of the entire student body, faculty, staff and family members.

We welcome members of the cadet corps to visit us for consultation or discussion of personal or organizational problems any time. With cadet commitment and support, we can continue to be a DISTINGUISHED AFJROTC unit in Mississippi!

W. CORY LAMBERT, Maj, USAF (Retired)

Senior Aerospace Science Instructor


Aerospace Science Instructor


Aerospace Science Instructor



Means the willingness for you to do what is right even when no one is looking. It is the cadet honor code: “Cadets will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”

▪ Courage…Be able to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong, even if that person out ranks you. If someone has a weapon or drugs in school tell someone!

▪ Honesty…Your word is your bond, always be truthful.

▪ Responsibility…The ability to acknowledge your duties and actions, if you sign up for a community service project, then be there on time, every time.

▪ Justice…Be fair in reward and punishment.

▪ Openness…The ability to allow anyone to provide feedback about your actions.

▪ Self-respect…Respect yourself and behave in ways that would bring credit upon yourself, school, community and AFJROTC.


Your professional duties take priority over personal desires.

▪ Rule following…Responsible cadets understand that rules have a reason for being.

▪ Respect for others…We must always act with the understanding that all people possess fundamental worth and value.

▪ Discipline and self-control…Show confidence, optimism, and exercise control in the following areas:

• Anger…Refrain from displays of anger that would bring discredit upon yourself, school, community, and AFJROTC.

• Selfishness…Do not lose control of your needs or desires.

▪ Faith in the system…Do not lose faith in your leaders or your teachers.


Develop a passion for continuous improvement and motivation to do your best, always striving to exceed the standard.

▪ Mutual respect…Respect an individual regardless of their race, ethnicity, economic status or gender.

▪ Benefit of the doubt… “Innocent until proven guilty”. Do not judge until you have the whole story and do not listen to rumors.

▪ Service…Provide services to the best of your ability.

▪ Personal…Strive to be your best academically, mentally and physically.

▪ Community…Work together to successfully achieve a common goal.

▪ Resources…Ensure the best possible management of your resources.

▪ Operations…Total commitment to the corps’ team effort and success.

▪ Cadet…Become the best you can be, aim high – be the best!


Congratulations on your decision to enroll in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program.

AFJROTC was founded under Public Law 88-647, called “The ROTC Revitalization Act of 1964,” which allowed the US Armed Services to offer a Junior ROTC program at secondary schools that requested a program and met the selection criteria. Our unit, MS-781, (MS = Mississippi; 78 = activation year; 1 = first unit in Mississippi to be activated in that year) was formed at the beginning of the 1978–1979 school year by an agreement between the Biloxi Public School System and the United States Air Force. MS-781 was the fourth AF JROTC unit in the state of Mississippi. There are 15 AFJROTC units in Mississippi.

Biloxi High School has three AFJROTC instructor positions: The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) – Maj W. Cory Lambert. MSgt Karen Chachere and MSgt Steve Hinton serve as Aerospace Science Instructors (ASIs). All three instructors are retired from the US Air Force, hold an Educator's License from the state of Mississippi and are certified by the USAF to serve as ASIs.

Maj Lambert served 6 years as an enlisted aircraft maintenance technician and space systems operator.  After completing the USAF Officers Training School (OTS), he served another 16 years as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Operator.  He also served as an ICBM Operations instructor and as an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies while assigned to AFROTC Detachment 432 at the University of Southern Mississippi. He is the primary instructor for all third- and fourth-year cadets (AS3s and AS4s).


MSgt Hinton's USAF experience includes over 20 years of service working as an Education & Training Instructor where he presented classroom instruction for Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, and International Students. He started teaching at Biloxi High School in 2008. He serves as the head coach of the MS-781 Physical Training (PT) team and School/Community Support team, and is the primary instructor for all first-year (AS1) and fourth-year (AS4) cadets.

MSgt Chachere served 22 years in the USAF and retired from active duty in 2013. She served as a combat medic while deployed to Bagram AB, Afghanistan. MSgt Chachere also served as a Military Training Leader (MTL), Professional Military Education (PME) Instructor. She also served as a First Sergeant while assigned to Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) and taught as an AFJROTC instructor at Bay High School, MS.

The standards in this guide support the leadership and personal development objectives of the AFJROTC program. If taken in the spirit in which they are intended, they will provide the foundation for a pleasant and rewarding educational experience. It contains policy guidance, requirements, and rules of conduct for AFJROTC cadets at Biloxi High School. All cadets should study this guide thoroughly. Cadets will be held responsible for its contents during daily activities and periodic examinations.

A classroom (paper) copy of this guide is maintained in the AFJROTC classroom. An electronic copy of this guide is available at .



Aerospace Science (AS) courses introduce the historical, scientific and technical aspects of the aerospace environment. Leadership Education (LE) provides experience to develop discipline, responsibility, communication skills, and good citizenship. LE also includes wearing the Air Force uniform, Air Force customs and courtesies, participation in drill and ceremonies, following instructions and leading others as a member of the MS-781 Cadet Group.


Develop citizens of character, dedicated to serving their nation and community.


The goals of the AFJROTC program is to instill in high school cadets the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.


( A sense of patriotism and understanding of the personal obligations that contribute toward national security

( A high degree of personal honor and self-discipline

( A respect for, and an understanding of the need for authority in our society

( An appreciation for the basic elements of national security

( A knowledge of fundamental aerospace doctrine

( A knowledge of, and an appreciation for, the traditions of the USAF

( Basic military skills (drill and ceremonies/customs and courtesies)

( A sense of community pride through community service projects

( Leadership qualities and experience

( Habits of orderliness, precision, and promptness



Cadets are expected to observe correct military customs, courtesy, and conduct at all time. This conduct will reflect credit upon themselves, their parents/guardians, the cadet corps and Biloxi High School. Cadets are expected to set a proper example for other students and cadets to follow.


The basis of leadership within the cadet corps is trust, integrity, and mutual respect. All cadets are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and honorable manner.

The Cadet Honor Code is as follows…


** Any cadet who violates the Cadet Honor Code will meet a Cadet Board for disciplinary action **


A cadet officially becomes a member of the MS-781st Cadet Group after the Cadet Oath ceremony. This oath is designed to encourage a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, development of leadership skills associated with integrity and develop respect for authority.

The Cadet Oath ceremony is conducted in the BHS Sports Arena near the end of the first academic term. This is a mandatory formation for all cadets as they make a solemn promise in front of their entire student body, BHS faculty/staff and their family members to always do their best to live up to the Biloxi AFJROTC Cadet Oath.

Biloxi AFJROTC Cadet Oath

I (state your full name), do solemnly swear that I will devote my efforts at all times to bring credit to the corps, the school, and the community. I will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do. I will always conduct myself in accordance with standards of high moral conduct and the Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. I will respect, at all times, officials and teachers of Biloxi High School, and the laws of our state and federal government. I will strive to improve myself in mind, body and spirit. I will work to the best of my ability to improve our school in order to leave it a better place to learn and grow for those who come after me.”


ADMISSION: To be eligible for membership and to continue in the program, each cadet must be:

• In a grade above the 8th grade.

• Enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at Biloxi High School.

• Selected by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) in coordination with the principal or a designated representative to ensure enrolled students meet acceptable standards; special needs and handicapped students may participate, however while AFJROTC instills self-discipline, it is not to be used as a remedy for chronic student disciplinary problems.

DISENROLLMENT: As a rule, the principal in coordination with the SASI determines disenrollment from AFJROTC. Disenrollment should be a last resort preceded by substantial documentation and corrective counseling. A cadet may be disenrolled for:

Failure to maintain acceptable standards (including uniform wear and grooming)

• Inaptitude or indifference to training

• Discipline reasons

• Undesirable character traits

• Any other reason deemed appropriate by the principal and the SASI

A cadet can be “red-lined” (not allowed back in the program the following year) if any of the above behaviors occur.

TRANSFERS: Cadets transferring from Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or other AFJROTC units are authorized full credit for training received. Transfer of rank held in another service program is determined by the SASI. All cadet officers transferring from another JROTC program will enter MS-781 as a C/SMSgt for a 9-week period for observation and evaluation of potential leadership positions and previous cadet officer rank held. After the observation period is over the SASI along with the other instructors will determine the cadet’s rank. Note: Cadets that have graduated from an accredited summer leadership school, or ground school with a grade of 85 or higher will enter MS-781 as a C/2nd Lt. Cadets with grades below an 85 may be promoted, but will be put on academic probation during the first 9 weeks of school.

COMPLETION: Passing grades in each credit granting period of AFJROTC constitutes successful completion. Cadets may be awarded certificates even if they do not graduate from high school since the certificate is based only on JROTC performance. All cadets will be awarded an AF Form 1256, Certificate of Training, for successful completion of 2 academic program years of AFJROTC with SASI concurrence. AFJROTC Form 310, AFJROTC Certificate of Completion, will be awarded to all cadets for successful completion of 3 academic program years of AFJROTC with SASI concurrence. AFJROTC instructors administering a 4-year program have the option of issuing an updated Certificate of Completion after 4 academic program years.

ADVANCED ENLISTMENT: In accordance with Department of Defense Instruction 1205.13, JROTC cadets may be eligible for enlistment at a higher grade. For specifics, refer to each service’s recruiting instructions/regulations.

ROTC: A student completing at least two years of JROTC may be entitled to credit in the Senior Program. See AFROTCI 36-2011, Administration of Senior Air Force ROTC Cadets, for specifics. ROTC scholarships are Senior ROTC controlled. Inquiries on scholarship eligibility, availability, and other scholarship-related issues can be found at .

SERVICE ACADEMY NOMINATIONS: Title 10 USC sets aside up to 20 nominations per Service Academy for “honor graduates of honor schools.”

** Being a cadet in JROTC does NOT commit or obligate cadets to join the military**




• Cadets will enter the classroom quietly and stand beside their desk at the position of “AT EASE” without talking.

• The flight commander will stand in front of the class and monitor the cadets for proper entrance procedures.

• When the tardy bell rings, cadets will go to the position of “PARADE REST”.

• The flight commander or flight sergeant will close the door and call the room to attention.

• The flight commander takes the official roll.

• When each cadet’s name is called, the proper response is “HERE SIR/MA’AM ”.

• When the roll call is complete the flight commander will count the number of cadets present to validate the roll call, minus absentees.

• The flight commander will then command “SEATS”.

• Cadets will take their seats and remain silent.

• The flight commander will report to the instructor with the official roll so it can be posted.

• If the computer system is down and cadets are absent, the flight commander will complete the Biloxi Public Schools Student Absence Form for the instructor to sign. When the form is signed by the instructor, the flight commander or flight sergeant will post the form on the outside of the classroom door and make sure the door is locked when shut.

• The flight commander will have the ops order read starting with the current day of the week.

• Once the ops order is read, the flight commander will record any in/out of school service projects and recognize any birthdays.

• No one should go behind the ops counter except the flight commander to check their box before the tardy bell rings.

• The flight commander will also take roll as directed above immediately after lunch and report to the instructor all present or absences.

• When all administrative procedures are complete, and the class is ready for instructions, the flight commander will call the room to attention for the instructor.

• The instructor will command “Seats”.


• Cadets will sit in assigned seats and will not move about the classroom without flight commander or instructor permission.

• Cadets will face forward always, with both feet on the floor.

• The flight commander, flight sergeant, element leaders will be responsible for ensuring that military discipline is maintained.

• No food or drink will be allowed in the classroom unless authorized by an instructor.

• Chewing gum is not allowed in the classroom or while in uniform.

• If an instructor raises his/her hand, all cadets will immediately stop talking, get to their assigned seats, face the front and raise their hand in response. Cadets will not lower their hand until the instructor lowers his hand.

• Cadets will not let anyone into the classroom without an instructor’s permission.

• Cadets will not leave the classroom during class time without a hall pass or early dismissal form signed by an instructor and completing the sign out sheet, which stays in the classroom. Cadets will sign back in upon returning to class.

• If the Superintendent, the Principal, Assistant Principal or any visiting officer in uniform enters the classroom, the first cadet to recognize the person will immediately call the class to attention.

• Cadets will call the room to attention for the SASI only if he walks in from the main entrance to the classroom (once during a class period), or comes in front of the class for instruction/announcements.

• Cadets are not allowed in the ASI offices or uniform rooms without the permission of an instructor.

• Cadet officers are required to check their box/email at least once each school day.

• Cadets will call the room to attention for all cadet Colonels (C/Col) as they enter the classroom.


• The flight commander calls the room to attention and commands, “Guidon Bearer Retrieve Guidon.”

• Guidon Bearer retrieves Guidon and commands, “____ Flight Guidon Retrieved, HURRAH!”

• Everyone will respond “HURRAH.”

• The Guidon Bearer proceeds to the door followed by the flight.

• When the flight returns to class, everyone will enter the classroom first and once everyone is standing by their seats, the flight commander will call the room to attention.

• The Guidon Bearer will enter the classroom and post the Guidon, commanding, “_____ Flight Guidon Posted, HURRAH!”

• Everyone will respond “HURRAH!”

** The Guidon will be treated with the same respect as the American Flag **


• Five minutes before the bell the flight commander will start to prepare the classroom for the next period (books returned to shelves, all trash picked up, etc.).

• When the bell rings, cadets will remain in their seats in silence, the flight commander will stand at attention, salute the instructor and state “Sir, request permission to dismiss the class”.

• The instructor will return the salute and state “permission granted/denied”.

• The flight commander will call the room to attention and will command or have someone in the flight command “MOTIVATION CHECK”.

• All cadets will respond loudly in unison “MS-781 HURRAH!” and depart the classroom.

CADET CONDUCT: JROTC cadets are expected to operate with a minimum of supervision and display outstanding citizenship qualities. Inappropriate behavior, in or out of uniform, is prohibited while participating in AFJROTC. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, consuming alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco use, horseplay, public display of affection, fighting, disparaging remarks, insubordination, disrespect, verbal threats, and physical attacks.

Cadets who are suspended from school (ISR/OSS) will meet a cadet board for appropriate discipline action and recommendation, and placed on disciplinary probation. If a cadet is in a leadership position and/or holds officer rank, that cadet will be considered for removal from the leadership position and reduced in rank. While on probation, cadets may not raise or lower the flag, go on any field trips, are ineligible for promotions, cadet of the quarter, awards (national/local) or allowed to sit on any cadet boards. If a cadet is placed in suspension twice, the above consequences will apply for the remainder of the school year. All cadets who have been in ISR/OSS during the school year will be considered for disenrollment (red-lined) from the JROTC program by the instructors at the end of each school year. Cadets who fail to wear their uniform more than three times in a semester and or have serious discipline problems will be considered for disenrollment on a case by case basis throughout the school year. Note: Cadets who are on disciplinary probation at the end of a school year, and do not have a nine-week observation period before the last school day, the probation will carry over to the next school year until a nine-week period is completed. Cadets in this situation will not be allowed to attend Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) or the National Flight Academy (NFA).

All cadets will bring a copy of their report card to their instructor within two days of issue. Cadets will be placed on academic probation if they earn a failing grade in any Biloxi High School (BHS) class. Cadets will have nine weeks to bring up their failing grade. Cadets are encouraged to sign up for after school tutoring with a BHS teacher or after school tutoring with a Kitty Hawk Air Society (KHAS) member. If the cadet is still failing any BHS class when the next report card is issued, they will be placed on disciplinary probation. Reference Chapter 9 for more information regarding probation.

Cadets will use the terms “SIR/MA’AM” when addressing an instructor or cadet officer of higher rank. This courtesy will also be extended to all teachers.

When the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE is led during morning announcements, all cadets will stand at attention, face the flag and recite the pledge. Cadets in uniform will remain at the position of attention. Cadets in civilian clothes will place his/her right hand over the heart as the pledge is recited.

Hazing of any cadet by anyone, regardless of rank, is strictly prohibited. Any type of physical or mental abuse and punishment is prohibited. The practice of directing someone of lesser rank to perform a humiliating act which entails the surrender of dignity and self-respect or a hazardous act which exposes one to physical danger or bodily harm is strictly prohibited.

Harassment such as improper or abusive language, and coercion of lower class cadets for personal gain, is strictly forbidden. Misuse of authority will not be condoned nor tolerated.

The ASIs will brief all classes on his expectations of conduct during the first nine weeks. Flight commanders are responsible for briefing their flights on this policy and the policy in the BHS Student Handbook during the third term and document this briefing in their continuity book.



Since a cadet wears the uniform of the United States Air Force (USAF), any improper behavior or conduct in school or in public while in uniform can create an unfavorable impression of the AFJROTC program and the USAF. On the other hand, proper conduct, action, and attitude will enhance the image of the cadet corps. Each AFJROTC cadet must constantly strive to present a NEAT, CLEAN, and WELL-GROOMED appearance. All cadets will maintain these standards during all JROTC sponsored activities.


• Mustaches will be trimmed and will not extend downward below the lip line of the upper lip nor extend sideways beyond a vertical line at the corner of the mouth.

• Earrings are not permitted in the classroom or while cadets are in uniform (or AFJROTC T-shirt).

• Hair will be neat, clean and trimmed so that it does not exceed 1¼ inches in bulk. Hair will also present a groomed and tapered appearance, and if dyed will look natural.

• Box cuts are authorized as long as a tapered appearance is maintained.

• Hair will not touch the ears or collar of the shirt.

• Hair will not touch the eyebrows and will not protrude below the band of a properly worn hat/cap.

• Braided or fad hairstyles are not authorized.

• In no case shall the bulk or length of a cadet's hair interfere with the proper wear of headgear.

• Sideburns will not extend beyond the bottom of the ear opening and will end with a clean shave line.

• Cadets will be cleanly shaven when in uniform (Blues/ABU’s/Red T-shirt.


• Hair must be styled to permit proper wear of the hat and be clean, neatly arranged and styled to present a professional appearance that does not exceed 3 ½ inches in bulk.

• Hair color/highlights/frosting will not be faddish and will look natural (blonde/brunette/natural red/black/gray).

• Braids, micro-braids and cornrows are authorized. However, must be solid color similar to the individual’s hair color. Dreadlocks are not authorized.

• Hair length in back will not extend beyond the bottom of the collar (at the position of attention).

• Hair pins and bands will match hair color; hair will be secured with no loose ends (ribbons, beads, jeweled pins or hair scrunchy will not be worn).

• Female cadets may wear one small spherical, conservative diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver pierced, or clip earrings per earlobe and the earring worn in each earlobe must match.

• May wear no more than three rings when in uniform and necklaces must not be visible.

• Bracelets may be worn but must be conservative and no wider than ½ inch.



The guidance provided in this section is from AFI 36-2903 and the AFJROTC Cadet Uniform and Awards Guide. Only the corps commander(s) and cadets who have completed the National Flight Academy (NFA) may wear a flight suit (once per month). Cadets who have earned the ABU may also wear this uniform on designated uniform days (once per month). Each cadet must wear his/ her serve (blue) uniform once a week on the day(s) designated by the AFJROTC instructors (Wednesdays). If a cadet does not wear the uniform without prior approval it will count as a zero grade and the flight commander will issue a letter of counseling for failure to wear a uniform – if the cadet was absent, the cadet will have three school days to make it up once he/she returns to school or he/she will receive a zero. A cadet with three zeros in one semester will be recommended for removal from the corps and will receive a failing grade for the term. Cadets who receive a zero for missed uniform wear may make up missed uniform days only by wearing the uniform twice. The highest grade a cadet can receive is a 50 for each uniform makeup day worn; this does not apply for cadets who were absent. On T-shirt days (Aug-Sep for AS1s awaiting uniform issue) cadets are not allowed to wear a pullover garment that will hide the T-shirt. If a sweater or jacket is worn it will be removed when you enter the classroom. Cadets are required to wear their uniform properly from home to school and back home. If a cadet is in an activity that precludes them from wearing the uniform on the designated uniform day (such as athletics), the cadet must make prior arrangements with his/her primary instructor. The AFJROTC uniform is the same as the USAF uniform, except for rank, insignia, patches and ribbons. The reputation of the U.S. Air Force as a professional military organization is widely known and has no equal. The uniform is a symbol of this reputation and cadets must always wear it properly and proudly.


( FLIGHT CAP should be worn with the front crease pointing towards the lower center of the forehead and placed 1-inch above the right eyebrow. The cap will be placed firmly on the head and not pulled down tightly. The top crease of the cap will be fully extended. Cap insignia (worn by cadet officers only) will be centered correctly on the wearer’s left side, 1½ inches from front of cap. Hair may not protrude in front of the cap.

( BELT is threaded through the loops to the left and buckled so that only the metal tip is showing.

← WINDBREAKER will be worn with the appropriate rank and at least half way zipped up.

( SOCKS will be worn, must be BLACK and match.

( SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS will be worn with one button open at the neck unless wearing a tie. The shirt tail should be pulled inside of the trousers tightly and tucked in at the sides. No items should be carried in the pockets.

( TROUSERS shall be tailored so that the front of the trousers just touch the top of the shoe with a slight break in the crease and the back rests on the back of the heel. The rear button will be attached to the trousers at all times and kept buttoned. No items carried in the trousers pockets should be visible, such as pens, pencils or combs.

( SERVICE COAT there are two inside pockets for carrying items such as pens. The coat may be removed in the classroom and carefully draped over the chair. Before leaving the classroom, the coat will be put back on and all buttons will be buttoned. The tie will be worn whenever the coat is worn, and it will be tied, not loosened at the neck. The coat can only be dry cleaned.

( TIE will be no longer than 1½ inches below the bottom or 1½ inches above the top of the belt buckle.

( SHOES will be issued to each cadet and worn on uniform days ONLY. Cadets may purchase Corfams to wear instead of the issued uniform shoe.


( FLIGHT CAP: Should be worn slightly to the wearer’s right with the top crease at the center of the forehead in a straight line with the nose and about 1 to 1½ inches above the eyebrows. Hair may protrude in front of the cap. Insignia (cadet officer only) is centered correctly on the wearer’s left side, 1½ inches from front of cap. Cap may be dry cleaned only.

( SERVICE COAT: The coat may be removed in the classroom; upon leaving the classroom, the coat will be put back on and all buttons buttoned. Anytime the coat is worn, the blouse MUST BE BUTTONED at the neck and the tab must be worn. The coat can only be dry cleaned

( BLOUSES: Laundered or dry clean weekly.

( SHOES: Will be issued to each cadet and worn on uniform days ONLY. Cadets may purchase and wear Corfams, flats or heels at their own expense.

( SLACKS: Will comply with the same requirements as the male trousers.

( NAIL POLISH/Lipstick: Females will not wear polish/lipstick that distinctly contrast with their complexion, that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme. Some examples of extreme colors include, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright red and florescent colors. Must be a single color, and in good taste and will not contain any ornamentation or designs. When polished, all nails must be polished with the same conservative color, not chipped or flaked. French Manicures are allowed.

← WINDBREAKER: will be worn with the appropriate rank and zipped up at least half way.

← HOSE/ SOCKS: will be worn and must match. Hose, sheer, nylon in neutral, dark brown, black or off-black, or dark blue shades that complement the uniform and the cadet’s skin tone. Do not wear patterned hose. Socks must be black.

← FINGERNAILS (Male & Female): Clean, not to exceed ¼ inch in length past tip of finger.


← Civilian clothes are NEVER worn with the uniform. Likewise, NO military clothes will be worn with civilian clothes.

← Hats WILL be worn outdoors and NEVER indoors (unless you are carrying a facsimile weapon, presenting the Colors or competing indoors during a drill meet). The courtyard and any covered area of the school are NO HAT areas. Hats WILL be worn all other times when outdoors from the moment you leave your house until you return home after school.

( If the hat is carried under the belt, it will have the closed side facing forward, and worn on the cadet's left side only.

( All buttons WILL BE IN PLACE and BUTTONED.

( Hands should NEVER be in the uniform pockets, except for putting something in or taking something out of the pocket.

← The GIG LINE is the line created between the seam of the shirt/blouse, the belt buckle, and the outside fly of the pants/skirt. This line should always be straight.

( All loose threads, strings and frayed seams will be trimmed.

← When outside on uniform days, you should keep your right hand free for rendering the hand salute towards military officers and cadet officers.

← No more than a total of three rings may be worn in uniform.

← Necklaces will not be visible if worn and bracelets will be no wider than ½ inch.

← T-shirts are required to be worn by all males and they MUST be plain, white, V-neck. The shirt should never be seen.

← No sports, manual labor, or any other activities that could result in the soiling of the uniform will be engaged in while wearing the uniform. Hitchhiking in uniform is also prohibited.

← All uniforms will be accounted for at the end of the year. Any soiled uniforms that cannot be cleaned will be paid for. There will be deficiencies applied to each student that does not clear up his/her account and could affect report cards and/or graduation. Deficiencies during fourth term will only be cleared with cash, no checks.

( Ribbons will be clean/serviceable and worn with the service or service dress uniform.


( Purchase a good lint brush.

( Obtain needle and thread (black, Air Force blue, white) for buttons.

( Hang each uniform item separately and neatly on hangers.

( Launder light blue shirts/blouses after EVERY wearing and pay close attention to the collar.

( Purchase black shoe polish and brush and shine shoes prior to each uniform day.

← All dark blue uniform items should be dry-cleaned only--NOT WASHED or ironed.

( Do not alter any uniform without the express permission of an instructor.

← Check your uniform carefully for completeness and neatness (clean and wrinkle-free) the night before uniform day. Remember the 5 Ps: Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

← Request missing uniform items from your ASI prior to uniform day, NOT on uniform day.

← Remember, proper uniform wear is a cadet responsibility. Cadets should plan ahead so that they are fully prepared to wear the AFJROTC uniform on every designated uniform day.

Note: The back of the Classroom Binder of the MS781st Cadet Guide contains diagrams of AFJROTC badges, insignias and uniforms.



Leadership Development Requirements (LDR) activities are functions that cadets help plan and are designed to augment AFJROTC classroom and leadership education experience. For example, a dining-out not only promotes esprit de corps, but also provides experience in Air Force customs and traditions.

CURRICULUM IN ACTION (CIA) – CIA is a term used to describe school-sponsored co-curricular activities (field trips) that directly support or serve as an extension of the AFJROTC curriculum. CIA trips are an important aspect of the AFJROTC program. Cadets may get involved and visit such places as Det 432 AFROTC, USM in Hattiesburg, Keesler AFB, the Seabee Base, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve in Gulfport, Navy Air Station in Pensacola, FL; and the Battle Ship Alabama in Mobile. When available, Keesler AFB supports the local JROTC programs with orientation flights on military aircraft. Prior to a CIA trip, cadets will take a test on the subject area covered by the field trip. The cadets who score the highest will be issued a permission slip for the trip. Note: cadets are not required to go on CIA trips or orientation flights, they are strictly voluntary.

COLOR GUARD – An elite part of the drill team. This group of cadets has the honor of presenting and/or posting the national, state and Air Force colors at important school and community programs and athletic events. Considerable time and effort is required to be a member of this group, but the honor more than compensates for the effort expended. This unit also participates in Color Guard competitions. See MSgt Melton if you are interested in the Color Guard, Drill or Sabre Teams.

DRILL TEAM – This is where it all happens. This elite group of cadets competes throughout the school year and may go to the MS JROTC All-Services Drill Championship in Jackson, MS. These cadets have a chance to sharpen and polish basic drill skills learned in JROTC to a fine edge. Creativeness, combined with precision movement is the key to success on this team. Team members learn and practice variety of complex drill movements. Teamwork and camaraderie are both part of the critical elements needed for the success of the team. Team members must be able to travel to various competitions throughout the year, compete at all local and national drill meets, as well as perform exhibitions for the local community. Members must not be on any type of probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative). Members are selected throughout the school year during try-outs. See MSgt Melton if interested.

PT TEAM – This elite group of cadets train twice a week (Tues & Thurs) after school throughout the school year so that they can represent BHS and AFJROTC at JROTC PT competitions. PT team members must be in top-notch physical condition (strength and stamina). Like drill, teamwork and camaraderie are both part of the critical elements needed for the success of the PT team. Team members must be able to compete in various competitions throughout the year. Members must not be on any type of probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative). Members are selected throughout the school year during try-outs. See MSgt Hinton if interested.

MODEL ROCKETRY – Model rocketry involves designing, building, and flying small rockets that are made of paper, plastic, balsa wood, or any other lightweight material. Cadets who complete the Operational Performance Requirements and the Leadership Performance Requirements may earn the Model Rocketry Badge.

KITTY HAWK AIR SOCIETY – KHAS is the AFJROTC academic honor society. This group is composed of the top academic students in the corps. A minimum grade average of an “A” in AFJROTC program and A’s and B’s in all other academic subjects are pre-requisites to join the society. Its purpose is to promote high academic standards, school and community service, self-confidence, and initiative. KHAS members meet after school on Thursdays to briefly discuss recruitment and upcoming projects. They will then either study for the AFJROTC Academic Competition and/or tutor cadets who need help in a BHS academic class. KHAS members in good standing will be invited to attend special college/career field trips (e.g., Congressman Palazzo’s Academy Day and/or AFROTC Det 432 at USM, Hattiesburg). Members must not be on any type of probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative). See SASI if interested.

CADET OATH – MANDATORY FORMATION. The oath is administered by a distinguished visitor from Keesler AFB at a general assembly of the student body in the BHS Sports Arena. Parents are invited.

MILITARY BALL – MANDATORY FORMATION. A formal social event rooted in Air Force tradition. AS1 cadets will wear the service dress uniform. AS2-4 cadets will wear the service dress uniform or conservative formal attire. This event will be held at the Donal Snyder Community Center on Pass Road in Biloxi. Parents are invited.

ANNUAL AWARDS CEREMONY – MANDATORY FORMATION. This event is held in April of each school year to recognize the most outstanding cadets in the corps. This event is held in the BHS cafeteria. Parents are invited.

CADET LEADERSHIP COURSE (CLC) – Held at Keesler AFB during the second week in July. CLC is one week in length. Cadets attend classes on leadership, military customs and traditions, as well as drill and physical training. MS-781st cadets who want to become a cadet officer must attend. Cadets who earn a passing grade will receive 1/2 elective credit from Biloxi High. CLC has an activity fee of $35. Cadets who are on probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative) are not allowed to attend.

MS -781 PICNIC – Held at Hiller Park in Biloxi in May (first or second Saturday).

NATIONAL FLIGHT ACADEMY (NFA) – Held at NAS Pensacola, FL. This 6-day course teaches cadets how STEM principles are applied in a Naval Aviation training environment. Cadets may apply for a scholarship from the MS Department of Education ($750-$1,250) to attend the NFA. Cadets who complete the course will earn their gold NFA wings an AFJROTC flight suit that they may wear once a month during weekly uniform days. See the SASI if interested.



All cadets are issued a course syllabus at the beginning of every academic term. Each cadet's term grade is the average of the accumulated scores earned for tests/uniform inspections – 55%, activities (community service, PT, drill, mandatory formations) – 35%, and the term exam – 10%.


The SASI selects the cadet corps commander, subordinate commanders, and the staff members required by the organizational structure of the corps. At MS-781, the Corps Commander, Deputy Corps Commander, and the three-squadron commander nominees meet a selection board comprised of the SASI, ASIs, and the current Corps Commander. The board will review each cadet’s record, including all academic grades and resume. All outside activities will be taken into consideration (e.g., a part-time job). If the selection board believes a promotion would interfere with the cadet’s school work or the cadet would not have the time to devote to a new position in the corps, that cadet would no longer be considered. The Corps Commander will make recommendations to the SASI for all officer positions. The final approval authority lies with the SASI. NCOs will be selected and promoted by the flight commanders after approval by an instructor at the end of each nine-week term provided they held a leadership position and did an excellent job.

Cadet promotions will be made in such a manner as to try to have a cadet experience ever increasing rank and responsibility. A cadet promotion board may be convened to evaluate and recommend cadets for promotions and appointments; whereas, a cadet discipline board will be convened to hear both sides for disciplinary actions and make recommendations for demotion or removal from the corps.

Rotation of cadet positions will generally occur at the end of each nine-week period. Due to experience limitations, it may be necessary to retain certain cadets in specific positions for longer periods. Special promotions may be made at any time to fill a need or to recognize outstanding performance.


The purpose of promotions is to have a visible system of reward and recognition for cadets who show potential for increased positions of responsibility based on past and current performance. A cadet’s outstanding appearance, behavior, academic ability, attitude, and a willingness to follow the rules and regulations will identify them for promotion. Cadets, both officer and enlisted, are evaluated at each nine-week period for promotion, based on past performance, potential and responsibility.

The subject of promotions holds a great deal of interest for members of the corps. The insignia of rank worn by a cadet is a visible indication of leadership among fellow cadets. It is evidence of growing maturity and willingness to accept additional responsibilities; thereby, demonstrating growth of leadership capability learned by working with and directing others towards CORPS goals.

All cadets are assigned a permanent grade equal to the number of AFJROTC years satisfactorily completed. Permanent grades are awarded during the second semester of each year. Retention of permanent grades is contingent upon satisfactory performance and behavior as determined by the instructor. Permanent officer status may be awarded to cadets holding officer positions for two or more grading periods.

The permanent grade for first-year cadets is Airman (C/Amn). Second-year cadets are Airman First Class (C/A1C). Third-year cadets are Senior Airman (C/SrA). Fourth-year cadets are Staff Sergeants (C/SSgt).

Cadets who complete the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) will earn a promotion to Senior Master Sergeant (C/SMSgt) when they return to school in August. If they wish to earn a promotion to Chief Master Sergeant (C/CMSgt), they must pass MSgt Chachere’s 30-count check ride. If they wish to earn a promotion to Second Lieutenant (C/2Lt), they must contact the Deputy Corps Commander who will assign them a corps service project to plan, organize and lead. A member of the Corps Leadership Team will evaluate the cadet’s leadership effectiveness during the planning and execution of the corps service project. This evaluation will be documented on the Holm Center Leadership Competency Evaluation Form. The evaluator will brief the Corps Commander and SASI on the cadet’s performance. If he/she passed the leadership evaluation, is not on any form of probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative) and is passing all Biloxi High classes with a “C” or higher, he/she will earn promotion to C/2Lt.

Cadet officers are eligible for promotion (up to C/Capt) at the end of each academic term. Simply provide the SASI with a copy of your latest report card and your Officer Promotion Request Form (PRF). The SASI, Corps Commander and Deputy Corps Commander will review these documents. To qualify for promotion, the cadet must have earned an “A” in AFJROTC and A’s, B’s or C’s in all other Biloxi High classes. He/she must not be on any form of probation (disciplinary, academic and/or administrative). Lastly, the cadet’s PRF must reflect that they are an active LEADER in the corps.

To earn promotion to C/Maj, C/Lt Col or C/Col, the cadet must be selected by the SASI for a position on the Corps Leadership Team: Corps Commander (C/Col), Drill Team Commander (C/Col), Deputy Corps Commander (C/Lt Col), Nighthawk Squadron Commander (C/Maj), Tiger Shark Squadron Commander (C/Maj), Mission Support Squadron Commander (C/Maj) or Inspector General (C/Maj).

The highest rank that a first-year cadet can attain is Cadet Master Sergeant (C/MSgt). The highest rank for a second-year cadet is C/Captain (the only exception to this rule are the cadets who are selected for the cadet corps commander and cadet deputy commander(s) for the fall semester, promoted at the spring annual awards ceremony). The highest rank for a third-year cadet is C/Lt Colonel.

Here it is in a nutshell! Let’s say a new cadet enters the corps and wants to become an officer and possibly one day even become the cadet corps commander. How does a cadet get there from here? First, wear the uniform with pride, as if you were on active duty in the USAF. Know and live by the core values. Volunteer for the drill team/color guard or sabre team. Volunteer for way more than the minimum number of required service projects. Maintain high grades in all academic subjects. Attend CLC in July. A cadet who does all of these things will serve as a positive role model for the corps and will be rewarded with greater responsibility. And with greater responsibility comes an increase in rank as well. Just remember, the most important job a cadet can have is the one they have right now, so do it to the best of your ability…no…try to do it better than anyone has ever done it before.


The AFJROTC Scholarship Program provides an incentive for AFJROTC units to attract/retain cadets whose academic specialties and demonstrated leadership potential will help meet critical USAF needs. Scholarship candidates must be scheduled to complete at least 2 years of AFJROTC by graduation. (Cadets transferring with Army, Navy, or Marine Corps JROTC experience may be granted credit toward this 2-year requirement.) Applications must be completed on line at by 1 Dec. See the SASI if interested in applying for the AFJROTC scholarship.

The National Flight Academy Scholarship ($750-$1,250). Cadets in good standing in the school and corps (grades and discipline) may apply for the NFA scholarship in February of each school year. If selected, they will attend the 6-day NFA at NAS Pensacola, FL. Upon graduation they will be presented with their NFA gold wings that they are authorized to wear with the AFJROTC service and/or service dress uniform. They may also request a flight suit that they may wear once a month during the weekly uniform day. See the SASI if you are interested in attending the NFA.



We expect our cadets to consistently follow the USAF Core Values: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. AFJROTC probation is a tool that we use to let our cadets know that they’re heading in the wrong direction. We have three types: disciplinary, academic and administrative.

If a cadet is assigned ISS/OSS, he/she will be placed on disciplinary probation for 9 weeks from the day they were assigned ISS/OSS. If there are no further incidents during the probation period, he/she will be removed from probation at the end of the 9-week probation period. This behavior is not compatible with the mission and goals of our program. If it continues, we’ll recommend that they be removed from our program for inaptitude or indifference to training. AFJROTC is a full year course. Cadets who do not complete the entire course of study will receive a 50/F on their transcript.

In our effort to promote excellence in all we do, cadets may earn special recognition in AFJROTC for academic excellence. For example, enlisted cadets who earn an “A” in AFJROTC for the term and with no grade below a “C” in all other BHS classes are eligible for promotion to the next higher AFJROTC rank, provided they are not on any type of AFJROTC probation. Cadet Officers who meet this grade requirement and who are not on probation may apply for promotion by completing an MS-781st Cadet Officer Promotion Request Form and turning it in to a Top-5 member for review. After the Corps Commander reviews the request, he/she will make a recommendation to the SASI.

If a cadet receives an “F” in any BHS class, has less than an 85 in AFJROTC, or has less than a 75 average in all other BHS subjects, he/she will be placed on academic probation until the next report card is issued. If he/she receives another “F” in any class on the next report card, he/she will be placed on disciplinary probation. BHS teachers offer after school tutoring on Tues/Thurs from 3:15-4:15 pm and the district even provides a late bus on those days to take students home. Lastly, encourage your son/daughter to check their grades at least once a week in iNOW. Any missing assignments will be marked with a “1”. Students should get with their teacher right away if they see a “1” and make arrangements to complete the missing assignment.

Our last form of probation is administrative. At the beginning of the school year, a Cadet-Parent Agreement was sent home. This agreement described the AFJROTC Activity Fee in the amount of $40. This fee pays for the red AFJROTC T-shirt that cadets wear during community service projects and CIA trips ($12), their ticket to our annual military ball ($16) and their ticket to our end-of-year awards banquet ($12). Cadets who have not paid their AFJROTC activity fee by a set date to be determined each year will be placed on administrative probation. If they have not paid their activity fee by the end of the first semester, he/she may be removed from AFJROTC. These are both mandatory/graded events that all cadets must attend each year. Any cadet who is on probation (disciplinary, academic or administrative) will not be eligible for promotion, awards/ribbons and will not be able to attend any Curriculum in Action (CIA) trips.


Each cadet will be provided a copy and briefed on the AFJROTC Cadet Discipline Plan at the beginning of the year (or when they enroll in AFJROTC). A copy of this plan is located on the Biloxi High website.

If a cadet chooses to not follow our rules, the cadet officers and instructors will take the following steps.

Step 1. The cadet will receive a verbal counseling from his/her Flight Commander (Flt/CC). The Flt/CC will document the counseling on a Cadet Discipline Form (CDF) and turn in a copy to the ASI.

Step 2. The cadet will receive a verbal counseling from his/her ASI. The ASI will document the counseling on the cadet’s CDF.

Step 3. The cadet will be assigned an AFJROTC detention. The ASI will issue a BPS School Detention Notice to the cadet to bring home to their parent/guardian for your review/signature. This detention will be in the AFJROTC classroom (Room 300) on Thursdays after school so that the cadet may ride the BHS late bus. The ASI will contact the cadet’s parent/guardian to discuss the cadet’s behavior. The ASI will document the AFJROTC detention and parental contact on the cadet’s CDF.

Step 4. The ASI will complete a BPS Student Assertive Discipline Report and send to a BHS Administrator. If a cadet fails to report to an AFJROTC detention, the ASI will complete a BPS Student Assertive Discipline Report and send to a BHS Administrator. At this point, a BHS administrator will contact the cadet’s parent/guardian. The ASI will document the BHS detention on the cadet’s CDF.

Step 5. AFJROTC Instruction 36-2010 (7 May 2018) states that all cadets must meet and maintain (e.g., actively participate in) all program requirements: academics, physical training, military drill, cadet oath, dining out/military ball, awards banquet, community service, weekly uniform wear, and adhering to the AFJROTC Cadet Creed. Cadets may be disenrolled from AFJROTC if they consistently fail to meet and maintain all program requirements or become disruptive to the overall operation of the cadet corps (morale/discipline).

Uniform wear is one of the biggest challenges that all JROTC cadets face. Keep the following words from Karen Dorman Kimmel, Colonel, USAF (Retired) in mind whenever you feel tempted to not wear the AFJROTC uniform properly…and proudly.

“Without a word this uniform also whispers of freezing troops, injured bodies, and Americans left forever in foreign fields. It documents every serviceman’s courage, who by accepting this uniform, promises the one gift he truly has to give: his life. I wear my uniform for the heritage of sacrifice it represents and more. I wear my uniform with pride, for it represents the greatest nation of free people in the world.”

Another challenge for all teenagers is choosing friends. Keep the following words from the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, in mind when choosing your friends.

“Be selective about whom you take on as friends, colleagues, and neighbors. The world is full of agreeable and talented folk. The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. But remember that our moral influence is a two-way street, and we should thus make sure by our own thoughts, words, and deeds to be a positive influence on those we deal with. The real test of personal excellence lies in the attention we give to the often-neglected small details of our conduct. Make it your business to draw out the best in others by being an exemplar yourself.”



The Cadet Awards and Decorations Program fosters morale, esprit de corps, and recognizes the achievements of AFJROTC cadets. Awards sponsored by national organizations are donated through local chapters where available. See the current AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide for a detailed description of awards, decorations and criteria.

Flight commanders are responsible for tracking their flight member’s awards. Complete and turn in an award request form to your instructor in a timely manner for award presentation.



These awards consist of a medal, ribbon, and citation. The Gold Valor Award recognizes the most outstanding voluntary acts of self-sacrifice and personal bravery by a cadet involving conspicuous risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. The Silver Valor Award is awarded to a cadet for a voluntary act of heroism which does not meet the risk-of-life requirements of the Gold Valor Award.


This award consists of a ribbon and certificate and recognizes humanitarian effort or performance by cadets involving actions above and beyond the call of duty.


This award consists of a ribbon and certificate. It recognizes cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organizing, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefit the local community. This is not an award given to participants but to the key leader(s) of the project.



This award consists of a medal and ribbon and is presented annually at each unit to the outstanding second-year cadet. The award recipient must possess/meet the following personal characteristics and eligibility criteria: positive attitude (toward AFJROTC and school), outstanding personal appearance (uniform and grooming), display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and self-confidence, courteous demeanor (promptness, obedience, and respect for customs), growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change), possession of the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive convictions, rank in the top 5% in their AS class, rank in the top 10% of their academic class, and be recommended by the SASI for the Outstanding Cadet Ribbon.


The Order of Daedalians is a fraternity of commissioned pilots from all military services. It is named after the legendary figure, Daedalus, and was organized by WWI military pilots who sought to perpetuate the spirit of patriotism, love of country, and the high ideals of self-sacrifice, which place service to the nation above personal safety and position. This award is offered to encourage the development of these traits in cadets and to interest them in a military career. The medal is fashioned after an ancient Grecian plaque discovered by a Daedalian in the village of Lavadia, Greece and depicts Daedalus and his son Icarus fabricating their legendary wings of wax and feathers. The award also includes a ribbon.

This annual award recognizes one outstanding third-year cadet at each unit who meets the following criteria: demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation, indicates the potential and desire to pursue a military career, ranks in the top 10% of their AS class, and ranks in the top 20% of their class.


This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a scholastic scroll. This award is presented annually to one second- or third-year cadet (in a 3-year program) based on the cadet’s overall scholastic achievements. Each cadet must: rank in the top 10% of the high school class, rank in the top 25% of their AS class, demonstrate leadership qualities, and actively participate in student activities.


This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a torch. This award is presented annually to one second- or third-year cadet (in a 3-year program) based on the cadet’s general military excellence. Each cadet must: rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class, and demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.


This award consists of a bronze medal and ribbon and is presented annually to one third-year (in a three-year program) that meets the following criteria: rank in the top 25% of their AS class, rank in the top 25% of their high school class, demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character, demonstrate adherence to military discipline, and possess leadership ability and a fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training.


This award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon and is presented annually to one qualified cadet that possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: a positive attitude toward Air Force ROTC programs and service in the Air Force, personal appearance (wearing of the uniform, posture, and grooming, but not physical appearance per se), personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment, and self-confidence), officer potential (capacity for responsibility, adaptability, and maintenance of high personal standards), obtained a grade of “A” (or the numerical equivalent) in their AS class, be in good scholastic standing in all classes at the time of selection, and at the time of presentation.


This award consists of a bronze medal, ribbon, and certificate and is presented annually for military and academic achievement to an outstanding third-year cadet. The recipient must possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as: positive attitude toward the AS curriculum, outstanding personal appearance (wear of the uniform, posture, and grooming), attributes of initiative, judgment, and self-confidence, and courtesy (promptness, obedience, and respect), growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change), demonstrate the highest personal and ethical standards and strong positive convictions, and rank in the top 10% of their AS class.


This award consists of a bronze medal pendant, certificate, and ribbon and is presented annually to a first-year cadet. The cadet must excel in all military and scholastic aspects at the time of selection and presentation of the award. The cadet must also indicate through military and scholastic grades, extracurricular activities, and individual endeavors a desire to serve our nation, and have committed to continue the aerospace science program for the school year.


This award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon and is presented annually to an outstanding second-year cadet who shows exceptional potential for military leadership. Each cadet must: be a member of the junior class, be in good academic standing, and be of high moral character, show a high order of loyalty to the unit, school, and country, and show exceptional potential for military leadership. The local Mississippi Gulf Coast Retired Officers Association will present an engraved trophy to a third-year cadet and the second-year cadet will receive the medal, ribbon and certificate.


This award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon and is presented annually to an outstanding second-or third-year cadet in a 3-year program who is actively engaged in the AFJROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership. Each cadet must: have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC, have outstanding military bearing and conduct, possess strong positive personal attributes (such as courtesy, dependability, punctuality, respect, and cooperation), demonstrate patriotism (being a member of the color guard or drill team) and actively promote Americanism, demonstrate leadership potential, attain a grade of “B” in AFJROTC with an overall average grade of “C” in all subjects for the previous semester, be active in student activities, and not have been a previous recipient of this award.


This award consists of a ribbon, medal pendant, and certificate, annually recognizing an outstanding first or second-year cadet who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the corps and on campus. Each cadet must: be in the top 25% of their academic class, encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism, demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership, and not have previously received the award.


This award consists of a bronze medal with ribbon and recognizes an outstanding second-year cadet in a 3-year program. The recipient must exhibit a high degree of leadership, military bearing, and all-around excellence in AS studies and not have previously received the award. Each cadet must: be currently enrolled in the AFJROTC program, be in the top 10% of their AFJROTC class, and be in the top 50% of their overall class.


This award consists of a medal, ribbon, and certificate annually recognizes an outstanding second-year cadet in a 3-year program. Each cadet must: contribute the most to encourage Americanism by participating in extracurricular activities or community projects, demonstrate academic excellence by being in the top 25% of the class, demonstrate the qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism, and not have been a previous recipient of this award.


This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon and annually recognizes an outstanding second-or third-year cadet who is enrolled in the AFJROTC program and demonstrates leadership ability. Each cadet must: have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country, hold a leadership position in the cadet corps, be active in school and community affairs, attain a grade of “B” or better in all subjects for the previous semester, and not have been a previous recipient of this award.


This annual award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon and recognizes an outstanding second or third-year cadet in a three-year program. The recipient must demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Each cadet must be in the top 25% of the AFJROTC class and not have been a previous recipient of this award.


This annual award consists of a ribbon and certificate and is presented to two cadets. Cadets may be first-year, second-year, or third-year cadets and attain a grade of “B” or better in JROTC and be in good academic standing in all other subjects. Actively participate in cadet corps activities and at least 50% in all corps service programs. The SASI and ASIs select the recipients.


Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted Rank. The selected enlisted cadet must have shown outstanding leadership throughout the course of the school year.


Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for outstanding performance in academics and cadets corps activities as a first or second year JROTC cadet. This award consists of a ribbon and a certificate.


Awarded annually, at the SASI’s discretion, for academic excellence, leadership, military discipline dependability, patriotism and upright character in speech and habits.


Awarded annually at the SASI’s discretion for completing a one-page essay based on a historical Air Force Special Operations Mission possessing the thirteen critical attributes of success: integrity, self-motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, perseverance, adaptability, maturity, judgment, selflessness, leadership, skilled, physical fitness and family strength.



Awarded to cadets enrolled during the same academic year in which 1) the unit receives a HQ AFJROTC evaluation with an overall rating of Exceeds Standards and 2) the unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA. Both criteria must occur during the same academic year. The unit will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS


Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the DUA. The unit will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS.


Awarded to cadets enrolled during the academic year when a unit is selected by HQ AFJROTC to receive the OOA. The unit will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate of recognition which will be posted in WINGS.


Awarded each semester to members of the outstanding flight (HONOR FLIGHT).


The Cadet Top Performer Award is a Headquarters, AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population (unduplicated headcount). All currently enrolled cadets may be considered. The award will recognize a cadet’s performance in the following key areas: Leadership and job performance: in primary duty and specifically in preparation for the unit’s annual assessment. Leadership qualities: involvement and positions held in extracurricular activities. Academic performance: nominee must be in good academic standing in all high school course work. Significant self-improvement, community involvement, other accomplishments.


Awarded annually to the outstanding first-year, second-year and third-year cadet. The recipient from each class must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence.


Awarded for outstanding performance, in a position of leadership, by an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Limited to 5 percent of the eligible group to ensure recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance.


Awarded for a significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Limited to 5 percent of the cadet corps. This ribbon is initially awarded with one silver star. Cadets may not receive more than one ribbon during an academic year. This award is usually reserved for the Cadets of the Quarter.


Awarded annually for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Presented for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Limited to 10 percent of the cadet corps to ensure recognition of achievements and services, which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets.


Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of at least a “B” for one semester, in addition to an “A” average in JROTC and no failures in any subject.


Awarded for completion the Cadet Leadership Course at Keesler AFB. Add a silver star for outstanding performance (distinguished graduate), limited to 10% of class. This ribbon can only be earned once.


Awarded to Special Team members (drill, PT, etc.) for “placing” in an Air Force or joint service drill meet.


Awarded to cadets for completing the MS-781st Orienteering Training Program and competing in a JROTC orienteering competition.


Awarded for leadership in corps co-curricular activities such as the annual military ball or end-of-year awards banquet. The cadet must demonstrate exceptional leadership in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others.


Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all drill team events per academic year. An oak leaf cluster should be added for each year of active membership beginning with the second year.


Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all color guard events per academic year. An oak leaf cluster should be added for each year of active membership beginning with the second year.


Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75% of all sabre team events per academic year. An oak leaf cluster should be added for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year.


At the SASI’s discretion, this ribbon awarded to cadets who have completed the 6 hours of marksmanship safety and range training, passed the marksmanship test with a 100% and who is actively involved with the marksmanship program (shooting on a regular basis). Note: MS-781st does not currently have a marksmanship team.


Awarded to cadets with no Biloxi High suspensions (OSS/ISR) and no adverse reports from teachers in any one semester. An oak leaf cluster may be added for each year of qualifying service.


Awarded for distinctive performance in school, community, or JROTC service projects. Cadets who have completed at least 20 hours of community service semester/academic year may be awarded this ribbon. An oak leaf cluster may be added for each year of qualifying service.


Awarded by the SASI for participation in the health and wellness physical fitness program. All cadets who satisfactorily participate in the MS-781st wellness program will earn the Health and Wellness Ribbon. All cadets who participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program and score in the 75-84 percentiles will receive a second Health and Wellness Ribbon and a Bronze Star device. If a cadet earns a percentile score of 85-95 they will receive a second Health and Wellness Ribbon and wear a Silver Star. If they receive a 96-100 percent they will receive a second Health and Wellness Ribbon and they will wear the Gold Star on the ribbon. The percentiles are computed automatically under Presidential Physical Fitness Program Assessment in WINGS. Awarded once per academic year.


Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Limited to 10% of corps each academic year. Must take part in at one school visit. A cadet will also be awarded the recruiting ribbon for bringing in one new cadet into the program (must be validated by an instructor).


Awarded for participation in co-curricular competitive activities other than those that qualify for the Color Guard, Drill Team, and/or Special Team competition ribbons. These include, but are not limited to model rocketry clubs, AFJROTC academic teams, and AFJROTC sports teams. MS-781st cadets will also earn an activities ribbon for marching in the Keesler AFB, homecoming, or any other community parade.


Awarded to cadets for perfect attendance and no more than two tardies in any one semester. An oak leaf cluster may be added for each year of qualifying service.


Awarded to cadets for wearing the uniform on all designated uniform days and earning a grade of 90 or above in a semester. An oak leaf cluster may be added for each year of qualifying service.


Awarded for successful completion of each school year, usually awarded at the beginning of each school year. An oak leaf cluster may be added for each year of qualifying service.


To honor and remember the sacrifices of the victims and survivors of World War II’s Bataan Death March, AFJROTC units may conduct an optional 14-mile Bataan Death March Memorial Hike. This event must be accomplished on a locally-determined 14-mile course (trails, road courses, tracks, etc). Units may complete the full hike in a span of one to no more than three days. Cadet safety must be monitored at all times and advanced planning for any first aid/medical attention is paramount. Cadets who fully complete the 14-mile hike are authorized to wear the ribbon.


May be awarded for participation in non-color guard events specifically designed to honor our nation’s flag. Such events include flag raising ceremonies, flag retirement ceremonies, flag folding ceremonies, and historical flag demonstrations. The SASI award this ribbon to cadets who help place American flags on 19,000 veteran graves at the Biloxi National Cemetery the Saturday morning prior to Memorial Day (the last Monday in May).


Only five CAP ribbons (General Carl A. Spaatz Award, General Ira C. Eaker Award, Amelia Earhart Award, General Billy Mitchell Award, and the General J. F. Curry Award) may be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Cadets must be a member of the Col Berta A. Edge Composite Squadron (SER-MS-048) at Keesler AFB to earn these awards. Contact Capt Pam Bond at ms048-cc@mswg. for more information.



This annual award consists of a certificate and a Distinguished AFJROTC Cadet badge. The award recognizes one outstanding second-year cadet. Selection is made at the end of each school year. This allows the recipient to wear the award throughout their final year in the AFJROTC program. The recipient must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and maintain consistent academic and military excellence. The recipient must be recommended for the following awards prior to selection: Leadership Ribbon, Achievement Ribbon, Superior Performance Ribbon, Academic Ribbon, Co-curricular Activities Leadership Ribbon, and Service Ribbon.


Awarded to rising Junior and Senior cadets for academic excellence by attaining an overall 3.3 grade point average with no grade below “C” during one school year. The recipient is selected by the SASI.



Awarded annually at the awards banquet by the local Mississippi Air National Guard unit to a junior cadet. The recipient is selected by the SASI and ASIs.


Awarded annually by MSgt Hinton for outstanding cadet performance and potential throughout the year. Limited to 10 percent of the first-year cadets.


This award is given in memory of Cadet Captain Nicole Williams (8 Jan 1987 - 16 Jan 2005). The High Flight Booster Club sponsors the award, which consists of a trophy and certificate and is presented annually to an MS-781st cadet demonstrates an enthusiastic desire to serve the community. The selected cadets must have a positive attitude towards AFJROTC, be in the top 20% of their JROTC class and be a recipient of the Service Ribbon.


This award is selected by the instructors/cadets and is presented at the annual awards banquet. The selection is based on the person that they believe best supported AFJROTC program throughout the school year. The recipient may be a teacher, administrator/parent or special person that goes above and beyond for AFJROTC.


Cadets who want to earn COTQ must show outstanding leadership potential, military bearing, behavior, community service, academic grades, and continued progress in AFJROTC. All cadets must meet the board to be selected as the AS1, AS2 or AS3/4 COTQ based on their knowledge of current events and AS subjects.

← Cadets must have earned at least 10 hours of community service during the quarter (9-week term), an “A: in AFJROTC and A’s, B’s or C’s in all other classes.

← Cadets may be nominated by their flight, squadron, deputy or corps commander or an ASI.

← A copy of the cadet’s report card will be given to the cadet’s ASI prior to the board.

← Cadets who miss the board without an ASI’s approval will not be eligible for the COTQ for the remainder of the school year and will be counseled by his/her ASI for failure to show.

Cadets meeting the COTQ board will be graded in four categories: BHS term average, AFJROTC term grade, community service hours (five points for each hour; maximum of 20 hours/100 points) and board score. The AS1, AS2 and AS3/4 cadet who earns the highest total score will be selected as the COTQ.


Cadet Kroger: 94 – BHS term average, 98 – AFJROTC term grade, 18 community service hours for 90 points, and she earned a board score of 94. Cadet Kroger’s total score would be 376.

Cadets selected as COTQ will receive the following:

← COTQ Yellow Rope.

← AFJROTC Achievement Ribbon.

← Army National Guard award.

← A flight on a military aircraft (when available).

← One free ticket to the Dining-Out/Military Ball or Awards Banquet.

← An award at the annual awards banquet.

The COTQ board will meet each nine-week term in the AFJROTC classroom. The uniform for all board members will be service dress, unless otherwise indicated by the ASI. There will be three board members: the president of the board will be the senior ranking cadet officer (preferably C/Lt Col and above). The other two members will be senior cadet officers from the Cadet Leadership Team. The board members will evaluate cadets on military bearing, military bearing/appearance, communication skills, and knowledge of military drill and ceremony, current events, chain of command, and AS classroom subjects taught that term.

The BHS Principal will announce the AS1, AS2 and AS3/4 COTQ winners during morning announcements the following day. A cadet may only be selected for COTQ once an academic year.



Protection of government property is each cadet’s responsibility. The USAF loans all uniform items (except shoes and socks) and equipment items to each cadet. These items remain the property of the Air Force. Other items of equipment belong to or are the responsibility of Biloxi High School. Cadets must ensure that he/she can account for all issued uniform items and AFJROTC equipment at all times.

Each cadet will be required to sign a Custody Receipt form for all uniform items and other military equipment at the time of issue. From that time on, the uniform and other items become the cadet’s personal responsibility until turned in. If a cadet loses the uniform or the uniform is destroyed/damaged, the cadet will be required to pay for it. The cost of the entire issue of uniforms is approximately $300.00. Cadets will be charged the current price for items missing or destroyed.

Each cadet will receive one complete issue of clothes and accessories. All items (except shoes/ socks) must be returned clean upon completion of each school year.


( Cadets should write their first initial and last name on each item in an inconspicuous place.

( Cadets should keep up with his/her uniform items, and should not lend any uniform items to another cadet/student.

( Cadets should be alert for uniform items or equipment that have been misplaced by other cadets and turn them in to the AFJROTC instructors when found.

Clothing items that become worn or otherwise unserviceable should be turned in to your instructor as soon as possible. The item/items will be replaced at no cost as long as the condition of the item is due to normal wear and tear. If a cadet is responsible for the item’s condition through misuse or neglect, then the cadet must pay for the item. If a uniform item does not fit, a cadet should have it replaced as soon as possible.


Under no circumstance will cadets be allowed to bring drill rifles home with them. Rifles that are checked out must be returned and locked away before the last instructor leaves for the day. An instructor will always be present whenever rifles are being used for any reason. In addition, whenever rifles are taken to an event they will be transported in a carrying case.



Authorized leadership positions are shown in the Unit Manning Document (UMD) below. Cadets should learn the duties and responsibilities of his/her assigned positions. Promotion up the chain of command will be based on job performance, attitude and potential for more responsible jobs. Note that rank is the maximum allowable for the position held, but entry level will start at a rank lower than what is indicated to allow for promotions.














|AS2-4 SQDN CC (1) |DEP GRP CC |C/CAPT - C/MAJ |AS2-4 |

|FLIGHT CC (6) |SQD CC |C/2LT - C/CAPT |AS2-4 |








- Proactively and reactively address favoritism, hazing, and sexual harassment within the cadet corps.

- Maintain good order and discipline of his/her cadets in the absence of instructors.

- Motivate cadets to attend 50% of unit events by setting the example for cadets to follow.

- Work to enhance the appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct of their personnel.

- Mentor subordinate cadets by taking advantage of “teachable moments” to develop their leadership.

- Counsel subordinate cadets with positive and/or negative issues.

- Assist any student/cadet who is experiencing difficulties with BHS/AFJROTC.

- Evaluate/inspect areas of responsibility and keep supervisor/ASIs informed of issues (good/bad).

- Teach their cadets the AFJROTC Cadet Creed.

MS-781st JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Applicable to All Cadet Wing Positions)

Note: Each position should maintain an up-to-date continuity binder with details/procedures.

1. Ensuring Air Force Core Values and Esprit De Corps are incorporated.

2. Mentoring and instructing subordinates.

3. Maintaining continuity by filing necessary documents.

4. Assure that AARs are written for each event and properly filed.

5. Attend Cadet Corps staff meetings.

6. Ensuring cadet safety at all times.

7. Performing other duties as assigned.

Cadet Corps Commander (CG/CC)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Exercise command and control of the MS781st Cadet Group.

- Assist the SASI/ASI by supporting and implementing their program direction and guidance.

- Draft, submit, and track unit annual corps, school and community improvement goals.

- Convene Cadet Boards (COTQ/Discipline) as needed or directed by the SASI/ASI.

- Administer Group activities in accordance with directives, regulations and established policy.

- Manage the MS781st Officer Promotion Program.

- Coordinate/Plan/Schedule/Supervise all AFJROTC CIA Trips.

- Preside over assumption/change of command ceremonies.

Deputy Group Commander (CG/CV)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Serve as acting Group Commander in his/her absence.

- Ensure Squadron and Flight Commanders are performing their duties properly.

- Manage community service project scheduling and leadership assignment

- Coordinate staff meetings as directed by the Group Commander or SASI/ASIs.

- Preside over Cadet Boards (as needed).

- Establish and oversee special committees as needed.

- Provide Squadron/CC and Flight/CC job specifications/expectations.

- Keep the Group Commander apprised of all activities related to his/her position.

- Represent MS781 at Aug/Jan MS Gulf Coast JROTC planning meetings.

Executive Officer (GP/CCE)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Manage all MS781 Cadet Group Taskings/Suspense’s.

- Complete group projects as directed by Group Commander or Deputy Group Commander.

- Observe/evaluate the progress of the group in accomplishing its mission; advise the Group

Commander regarding his/her observations.

- Distribute/collect/mail HQ provided cadet surveys.

- Serve as the narrator for assumption/change of command ceremonies.

- Record minutes for all Group Commander/Deputy Group Commander staff meetings.

Inspector General (IG)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Reports to Corps/CC on operation/effectiveness of squadron operations.

- Ensures squadrons are compliant with corps policy and procedures.

- Ensures promotion procedures are being followed.

- Inspects Squadron binders to ensure standardization.

- Accomplishes spot inspections as directed by Corps/CC.

- Advise Corps/CC on findings.

Judge Advocate (JA)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Manages/Implements corps detention process.

- Maintains probation (academic, disciplinary and administrative) process and accuracy.

- Advises Corps/CC on detention and probation program.

- Holds cadet disciplinary boards as required.

Academic Officer responsibilities:

- Assists JA with academic issues within corps.

- Maintains copies of academic records as applicable.

- Ensures academic probation is accurate and up to date.

Mission Support Squadron Commander (OSS/CC)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Oversee operation/effectiveness of functional chiefs; keep Group Commander apprised of same.

- Supervise all functional chief activities to enhance unit effectiveness (Public Affairs, Logistics,

Financial Management, Personnel (Promotions/Awards & Decorations), Information Management

(WINGs) and Health & Wellness).

Chief(s) responsibilities:

- Assist with cadet boards as requested by the Group Commander.

- Maintain a complete record of all MS781 activities, goals, and group planning calendar (IM).

- Assuming command of the group during absence of Group and Deputy Group Commanders.

- Implement cadet recognition program policies and procedures.

Mission Support Squadron Superintendent (OSS/SUPER)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Reports directly to OSS/CC.

- Oversees management of facilities (classrooms, uniform rooms).

- Ensure facilities are maintained as required, are in good/working order.

- Responsible for cleanliness/neatness of AFJROTC classrooms and uniform rooms.

Public Affairs (PA)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Reports directly to OSS/CC.

- Ensures bulletin boards in classroom and hallway are updated as required.

- Responsible for consolidating/collecting MS-781 pictures from events.

- Builds slideshows and presentations as required.

Special Projects Officer (PROJO)

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Reports directly to OSS/CC.

- Plans/Organizes Military Ball.

- Leads/Assists with coordinating events as required (Cadet Oath Ceremony, Veterans Day

Ceremony, Awards Ceremony, Distinguished Visitors).

AS1/AS2-4 Squadron and Flight Commanders

Key duties/responsibilities:

- Follow their respective chain of command to resolve issues in a timely and effective manner.

- Advise respective chain of command on matters pertaining to flight activities (good/bad).

- Lead and direct his/her subordinate cadets during group/squadron/flight formations.

- Train/evaluate subordinate cadets in the following areas: MS781st Cadet Guide, classroom

procedures, drill (30-count), proper uniform wear, USAF customs and courtesies, and Health &

Wellness activities.

- Maintain good order in discipline in the squadron/flight.

- Administer the Presidential Physical Fitness Test (PPFT) to subordinate cadets each term and turn

in a copy of the results to the OSS/CC.

- Meet with subordinate cadets weekly to track/record their community service hours; provide an up-

to-date list to cadet supervisor/ASI when requested.

- Brief subordinate cadets on the AFJROTC awards and decorations program and work with the

OSS/CC so that they receive awards as soon as possible after it is earned…present in a manner that

provides them with public recognition and sense of accomplishment.

Note: AS1 Element Commanders assist their Flight and Squadron Commanders in their key duties and responsibilities by providing leadership and direction to the cadets in their elements.

Special Teams Commanders (Drill and PT)

Key duties/responsibilities

- Reports to assigned ASI (Faculty Advisor/Coach).

- Schedules events and practices to meet established goals and team requirements.

- Recruits members based on team needs by motivating cadets to represent each team.

- Conducts required research for specific team’s requirements.

- Establishes and meets goals of the unit and/or the team.

- Trains team members and briefs ASI on team training requirements.

- Tracks equipment inventory and requests replacement through ASI when required.

- Tracks participation and awards badges and/or ribbons as applicable.

MS-781 Organizational Chart


MS-781st Cadet Discipline Form

Cadet Name (Last, First): Cadet Rank: C/______

Flight: _______ Flight Commander (Flt/CC):

Purpose: All AFJROTC cadets are expected to conduct themselves as ladies/gentlemen at all times. If a cadet does not meet AFJROTC standards of conduct, his/her Flt/CC and/or instructor will counsel them and document their counseling on this CDF in accordance with the AFJROTC Classroom Discipline Plan provided to all cadets and parents/guardians the first week of school. If a cadet consistently fails to meet and maintain all program requirements or become disruptive to the overall operation of the cadet corps, he/she may be disenrolled from AFJROTC with a 50/F.

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1845 Tribe Drive

BILOXI, MS 39532

(228) 435-7171
















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