

Compensation and Benefits


U. S. and Canada

Association of Fundraising Professionals

2012-2013 AFP Compensation and Benefits Study

Bob Carter, CFRE, Chair

Tania Little, CFRE, Vice Chair, Professional Advancement

Andrew Watt, FInstF, President and CEO

Cathlene Williams, Ph.D., Consultant, Research

© 2013 by the Association of Fundraising Professionals

All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Association of Fundraising Professionals

4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300

Arlington, VA 22203


This is the thirteenth annual report of findings from the AFP Survey of Compensation and Benefits. This report extends the research begun in the last 12 years and encompasses separate surveys of both United States and Canadian members.

AFP wishes to thank those who made this research possible. First and foremost, we are grateful to the 1,750 AFP members in Canada and the United States who took the time to complete and return the survey form. Dr. Karl Boughan again served as statistical consultant to the project and was responsible for the compilation of all data tables.

The study was directed by Dr. Cathlene Williams in consultation with the AFP Research Council.

We welcome comments and suggestions for improving this study and this report. Please address all comments to Dr. Cathlene Williams at (703) 794-2178 or cathlenewilliams@.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments 3

Table of Contents 4

List of Tables 5

Introduction 6

Section I: Study Highlights 8

Section II: Compensation 17

Part 1: Compensation Summary 17

Part 2: Compensation by Position 27

Section III: Benefits 87

Part 1: Health/Medical Benefits 87

1A. Health/Medical Benefits Summary 87

1B. Health/Medical Benefits by Position 90

Part 2: Retirement Benefits 93

2A. Retirement Benefits Summary 93

2B. Retirement Benefits by Position 96

Part 3: Other Benefits 99

3A. Other Benefits Summary 99

3B. Other Benefits by Position 102

Appendix 1: Definitions of United States Retirement Benefits Terms 107

Appendix 2: Survey Instrument 109

List of Tables

Section I: Study Highlights

Table 1: Demographics, All Respondents 9

Table 1A: Other Findings 13

Section II: Compensation

Part 1: Compensation Summary 17

Table 2: Compensation -- All U.S. Respondents 19

Table 3: Compensation – All Canadian Respondents 23

Part 2: Compensation by Position 27

Table 4: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Chief Executive Officer 28

Table 5: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Chief Development Officer 32

Table 6: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Deputy Development Officer 37

Table 7: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Program Manager 42

Table 8: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Other Staff 46

Table 9: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Consultant/Principal 51

Table 10: Compensation Statistics, U.S.–Consultant/Others 54

Table 11: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Chief Executive Officer 59

Table 12: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Chief Development Officer 63

Table 13: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Deputy Development Officer 67

Table 14: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Program Manager 71

Table 15: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Other Staff 75

Table 16: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Consultant/Principal 79

Table 17: Compensation Statistics, Canada–Consultant/Others 83

Section III: Benefits

Part 1: Health/Medical Benefits

1A. Health/Medical Benefits Summary 87

Table 18: Health/Medical Benefits – All U.S. Respondents 88

Table 19: Health/Medical Benefits – All Canadian Respondents 89

1B. Health/Medical Benefits by Position 90

Table 20: Health/Medical Benefits Statistics, U.S., by Position 91

Table 21: Health/Medical Benefits Statistics, Canada, by Position 92

Part 2: Retirement Benefits

2A. Retirement Benefits Summary 93

Table 22: Retirement Benefits – All U.S. Respondents 94

Table 23: Retirement Benefits – All Canadian Respondents 95

2B. Retirement Benefits by Position 96

Table 24: Retirement Benefits Statistics, U.S., by Position 97

Table 25: Retirement Benefits Statistics, Canada, by Position 98

Part 3: Other Benefits

3A. Other Benefits Summary 99

Table 26A: Other Benefits – U.S. 100

Table 26B: Others Benefits – Canada 101

3B. Other Benefits by Position 102

Table 27: Other Benefits Statistics, U.S., by Position 103

Table 28: Other Benefits Statistics, Canada, by Position 105


Questions related to fundraiser compensation are among the most frequently asked of AFP Resource Center staff. This AFP Compensation and Benefits Study is intended to answer those questions.

In this study, we have attempted to capture overall organizational profiles, position descriptions, salaries, and benefits, including health/medical, retirement and general perquisites or “perks.”

We welcome your response to what we believe will prove an increasingly useful tool for all fundraising professionals.


The Survey Instrument: The survey instrument was developed by the AFP Research Staff and reviewed by a volunteer panel of experienced researchers. The questionnaire was designed to be answered via a web-based survey tool. A copy of the survey instrument is found in Appendix 2.

Sampling Frame: The sampling frame for the study was AFP membership in the United States and Canada as of January 1, 2013. At that time there were 28,694 active members in the member database. All active members in the United States and Canada with email addresses were polled. A total of 19,002 members in the U.S. and 2,807 members in Canada successfully received the emailed survey. (Note: There is some chance of bias in that those with no email address were not surveyed. The decision to limit the survey to those with email addresses was based on cost effectiveness and efficiency in data collection.)

Confidence Level: Sample size was computed to yield a confidence level of .05 and a confidence interval of plus or minus 5 percent. For example, the average salary for all United States respondents who provided salary data was $82,028 in 2012. Applying the study’s confidence level and intervals suggests that there is a 95 in 100 chance that the average salary for all United States fundraisers in the survey population will fall between $77,927 and $86,129.

Response Rate: A total of 1,750 AFP members (1,465 United States and 285 Canadian) submitted usable responses by the time the survey closed, a response rate of 7.7 percent for the United States and 10.2 percent for Canada.

Other Considerations: All data are current as of January 30, 2013, when participants completed the survey. Respondents were asked to report on their salary and benefits for the calendar year 2012. Respondents were the source of all information reported, and no data checking was conducted with individual respondents.

Data are reported by regions. For the United States. The regions are as follows:

Northeast (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont); Southeast (Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia); North Central (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin); South Central (Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas); Northwest (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming); and Southwest (Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico). For Canada the regions are Eastern Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI); Central Canada (Ontario, Quebec); Western Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia); and Northwest Territories/Yukon/Nunavut.

All data reported are shown, even if there is only one data point in a table cell. However, the reader should be cautious of any data with a cell frequency of less than 20 respondents.

Monetary Values: Monetary values are reported in U.S. dollars for United States respondents and in Canadian dollars for Canadian respondents.


Study Highlights

The 2012 AFP Compensation and Benefits Study was undertaken in January 2013. Survey forms were successfully emailed to 19,002 AFP members in the United States and 2,807 AFP members in Canada. A total of 1,750 members completed and returned survey forms by the cut-off date, for an overall response rate of 8 percent.

Demographics The characteristics of the respondent population mirrored those of the AFP membership at-large.

• Membership statistics at the time of the survey show that approximately 74 percent of AFP members who report their gender in the membership database are female and 26 percent are male. Survey respondents mirrored gender proportionality: females 76 percent, males 24 percent.

• Approximately 90 percent of AFP members who report their ethnic background are Caucasian. Of the 1,750 survey respondents, 93 percent indicated they are Caucasian.

• Anecdotal evidence indicates that AFP membership is weighted toward older practitioners. Of the members who report their age range, 70 percent are more than 40 years of age. This was reflected in the survey respondents, with 59 percent reporting they are 45 or older and an additional 23 percent reporting they are between the ages of 35 and 44. The number of respondents in the 25-34 age range was 15 percent. Only 1 percent are under the age of 25.

• The types of organizations most represented in AFP membership at the time of the survey are: Education, Human Services and Health (62 percent of members). Affiliation with these types of organizations was reported by 65 percent of survey respondents.

• Sixty two percent of respondents overall work in organizations with 1-5 professionals who have direct fundraising responsibility. Twenty percent of U.S. and 1 percent of Canadian respondents said their organizations have no professional staff with direct fundraising responsibility. Most reported 5 or fewer staff members in specialized areas such as communications support for fundraising, constituent relations, event planning and fundraising support staff. About a third reported working with more than 20 volunteers who assist with fundraising.

• Around 40 percent of respondents (48 percent of U.S. and 39 percent of Canadians) are chief development officers. Sixty-two percent of respondents in the U.S. and 56 percent of Canada respondents indicated they are responsible for overall management of multiple fundraising functions.

• The average U.S. respondent has held 3.6 fundraising positions in his/her career. In Canada, the average is 3.3 positions.

• About a quarter of participants in both the U.S. and Canada indicated they have worked in a position that was terminated.

• Twenty-five percent of all respondents hold the Certified Fundraising Executive certification (25 percent of U.S. and 27 percent of Canadian respondents). Sixty-five percent hold other professional certifications, and 12 percent hold no professional certifications.

• Forty-three percent of U.S. and 44 percent of Canadians have taken continuing education programs or graduate courses (certificate, master’s, Ph.D.) related to fundraising, nonprofit management or philanthropy at a college or university. Five percent of all respondents plan to take courses in the future.

An enumeration of survey population demographics is found in Table 1.

|Table 1: Demographics, All Respondents |

| |Country Sample |

| |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |

|All Respondents | |100.0% |1465 |100.0% |285 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |1% |15 |1% |2 |

| |25-34 years old |15% |224 |15% |43 |

| |35-44 years old |23% |340 |24% |68 |

| |45-54 years old |30% |437 |34% |97 |

| |55-64 years old |25% |359 |22% |64 |

| |65 or more years old |5% |72 |2% |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |18 |2% |6 |

|Gender |Male |24% |350 |23% |66 |

| |Female |76% |1108 |76% |217 |

| |NO ANSWER |0% |7 |1% |2 |

|U.S. Race/Ethnic Background |African American |2% |25 |  |  |

| |Caucasian/Not Hispanic |93% |1362 |  |  |

| |Asian/Pacific Islander |1% |20 |  |  |

| |Alaskan Native |0% |0 |  |  |

| |Hispanic |2% |29 |  |  |

| |Native American |0% |1 |  |  |

| |Multi-Ethnic |1% |12 |  |  |

| |Other |0% |7 |  |  |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |9 |  |  |

|Canada Race/Ethnic Background |Black/Afr Canadian |  |  |0% |1 |

| |Caucasian |  |  |88% |251 |

| |Asian/Pacific Islander |  |  |4% |10 |

| |Hispanic/Latino |  |  |1% |2 |

| |French Canadian |  |  |4% |10 |

| |Aboriginal |  |  |0% |1 |

| |Multi-Ethnic |  |  |1% |3 |

| |Other |  |  |1% |3 |

| |N/A |  |  |1% |4 |

|Highest Education Level |High school (GED) |0% |6 |2% |7 |

| |Some college work |2% |28 |10% |29 |

| |Associates degree |36% |522 |41% |117 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |29% |420 |14% |40 |

| |Some post graduate work |11% |158 |10% |29 |

| |Master’s degree |2% |35 |1% |2 |

| |Professional degree |4% |58 |14% |41 |

| |MBA |0% |0 |0% |0 |

| |MNA |13% |188 |6% |16 |

| |Doctoral degree |2% |35 |1% |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |0% |0 |0% |0 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |9% |139 |8% |24 |

| |Higher Education |21% |302 |18% |51 |

| |Primary/Sec. Edn. |3% |37 |2% |5 |

| |Religion-Related |2% |24 |0% |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |2% |36 |5% |13 |

| |Health Problem |15% |222 |27% |78 |

| |Health Services |24% |345 |19% |53 |

| |Social Service |3% |49 |4% |10 |

| |Environmental |1% |10 |0% |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |1% |18 |1% |3 |

| |Scientific or Research |2% |26 |1% |2 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |1% |15 |1% |4 |

| |Federated Appeals |0% |5 |0% |1 |

| |Government |5% |75 |4% |12 |

| |Consulting Agency |1% |20 |2% |6 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |7% |103 |6% |17 |

| |Community Development |2% |34 |2% |6 |

| |Other |0% |0 |0% |0 |

|Table 1: Demographics, All Respondents |

| |Country Sample |

| |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |

|All Respondents | |100.0% | 1465 |100.00% |285 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |5% |77 |5% |15 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |9% |128 |7% |20 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |8% |117 |6% |16 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |18% |260 |13% |38 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |16% |232 |14% |41 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |20% |297 |26% |74 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |13% |189 |19% |54 |

| |$100 millionor more |2% |31 |2% |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |6% |87 |4% |12 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |4% |64 |6% |17 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |5% |72 |7% |20 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |9% |125 |11% |31 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |19% |280 |17% |49 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |10% |151 |8% |24 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |12% |170 |15% |42 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |21% |311 |19% |54 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |5% |68 |2% |6 |

| |$75 million or more |8% |122 |10% |28 |

| |NO ANSWER |7% |102 |5% |14 |

|Organizational Scope |International |10% |153 |12% |34 |

| |National |15% |214 |18% |51 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |31% |458 |29% |82 |

| |Local |43% |631 |41% |117 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |9 |0% |1 |

|U.S. Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |22% |318 |  |  |

| |50,000-999,999 |42% |612 |41% |118 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |26% |379 |30% |85 |

| |3,000,000 or more |22% |319 |20% |58 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |15 |1% |3 |

|Number of professionals with direct |None |20% |293 |1% |3 |

|fundraising responsibility | | | | | |

| |1 |18% |270 |21% |60 |

| |2 - 5 |40% |584 |49% |141 |

| |6 - 10 |10% |141 |10% |29 |

| |11 - 20 |4% |53 |5% |14 |

| |More than 20 |3% |43 |8% |22 |

| |NO ANSWER |6% |81 |6% |16 |

|Number of communication/marketing |None |31% |457 |21% |60 |

|professionals directly supporting fundraising | | | | | |

| |1 |35% |519 |35% |101 |

| |2 - 5 |22% |315 |30% |85 |

| |6 - 10 |2% |29 |3% |8 |

| |11 - 20 |1% |16 |1% |4 |

| |More than 20 |0% |4 |0% |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |9% |125 |9% |26 |

|Table 1: Demographics, All Respondents |

| |Country Sample |

| |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |

|All Respondents | |100.0% |1465 |100.00% |285 |

|Number of alumni or constituent relations |None |60% |880 |53% |151 |

|professionals | | | | | |

| |1 |15% |218 |12% |35 |

| |2 - 5 |9% |138 |15% |43 |

| |6 - 10 |2% |27 |3% |8 |

| |11 - 20 |1% |13 |1% |4 |

| |More than 20 |1% |20 |0% |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |12% |169 |15% |43 |

|Number of professionals who support |None |26% |386 |21% |59 |

|fundraising operations, e.g., prospect | | | | | |

|research, gift processing | | | | | |

| |1 |32% |471 |28% |80 |

| |2 - 5 |26% |379 |29% |84 |

| |6 - 10 |4% |65 |7% |19 |

| |11 - 20 |1% |21 |4% |10 |

| |More than 20 |2% |24 |2% |7 |

| |NO ANSWER |8% |119 |9% |26 |

|Number of event planners |None |42% |612 |31% |87 |

| |1 |35% |514 |36% |103 |

| |2 - 5 |12% |180 |17% |49 |

| |6 - 10 |1% |18 |2% |6 |

| |11 - 20 |1% |8 |1% |3 |

| |More than 20 |0% |3 |0% |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |9% |130 |13% |37 |

|Number of support staff who work in the |None |31% |455 |30% |86 |

|fundraising department | | | | | |

| |1 |33% |478 |26% |73 |

| |2 - 5 |20% |300 |25% |70 |

| |6 - 10 |3% |46 |5% |15 |

| |11 - 20 |1% |16 |2% |6 |

| |More than 20 |2% |22 |0% |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |10% |148 |12% |34 |

|Number of volunteers who assist with |None |17% |242 |14% |41 |

|fundraising | | | | | |

| |1 |3% |46 |2% |6 |

| |2 - 5 |14% |198 |10% |29 |

| |6 - 10 |13% |186 |14% |41 |

| |11 - 20 |14% |209 |18% |51 |

| |More than 20 |31% |451 |33% |93 |

| |NO ANSWER |9% |133 |8% |24 |

|Current Position |Chief Executive Officer |11% |159 |15% |42 |

| |Chief Development Officer |48% |710 |39% |111 |

| |Deputy Development Officer |12% |180 |9% |26 |

| |Program Manager |15% |227 |18% |51 |

| |Other Staff Position |5% |71 |10% |29 |

| |Consultant/Principal |5% |68 |6% |16 |

| |Consultant/Other |1% |8 |0% |1 |

| |Other Positions |2% |30 |3% |8 |

| |None (Unemployed) |1% |9 |0% |0 |

|Primary Area of Job Responsibility |Management of multiple functions |63% |919 |56% |160 |

| |Annual Giving |4% |62 |6% |16 |

| |Capital Campaign |1% |20 |4% |11 |

| |Communications/Marketing |0% |0 |0% |0 |

| |Alumni and/or Constituent Relations |1% |13 |1% |4 |

| |Corporate/Foundation Relations |5% |69 |4% |11 |

| |Direct mail, telephone or web |0% |7 |1% |4 |

| |solicitation | | | | |

| |Individual and/or Major Gifts |9% |130 |12% |34 |

| |Fundraising Operations/Development |5% |75 |6% |16 |

| |Government Relations |0% |1 |0% |0 |

| |Planned Giving |2% |27 |2% |6 |

| |Prospect Research |0% |5 |1% |2 |

| |Proposal Writing |3% |47 |1% |2 |

| |Special Events |2% |22 |2% |7 |

|Table 1: Demographics, All Respondents |

| |Country Sample |

| |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |

|All Respondents | |100.0% |1465 |100.00% |285 |

|Percentage Change in Annual |Down 10%+ |4% |61 |2% |7 |

|Professional Income -2011-2012 | | | | | |

| |Down 7-9% |1% |14 |1% |2 |

| |Down 4-6% |1% |9 |0% |0 |

| |Down 1-3% |2% |28 |1% |2 |

| |No Change |27% |392 |27% |77 |

| |Up 1-3% |40% |579 |43% |122 |

| |Up 4-6% |12% |174 |10% |29 |

| |Up 7-9% |4% |53 |4% |12 |

| |Up 10%+ |9% |139 |10% |29 |

|How Many Employers Have You Had as a |Only 1 employer |25% |362 |23% |64 |

|Fundraiser? | | | | | |

| |2 employers |20% |299 |20% |56 |

| |3 employers |16% |233 |23% |64 |

| |4 employers |13% |187 |11% |32 |

| |5-6 employers |16% |228 |15% |43 |

| |7-9 employers |6% |92 |7% |19 |

| |10 or more employers |3% |43 |1% |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |21 |1% |3 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |13% |187 |11% |32 |

| |4-6 years |15% |220 |15% |43 |

| |7-9 years |13% |194 |12% |33 |

| |10-14 years |19% |278 |29% |83 |

| |15-19 years |13% |193 |17% |47 |

| |20-24 years |11% |157 |7% |20 |

| |25-29 years |8% |115 |6% |16 |

| |30 or more years |8% |115 |3% |9 |

| |NO ANSWER |0% |6 |1% |2 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |14% |210 |13% |37 |

| |2 years |20% |296 |20% |57 |

| |3 years |11% |154 |13% |37 |

| |4 years |10% |143 |9% |25 |

| |5-6 years |15% |216 |17% |47 |

| |7-9 years |12% |168 |11% |31 |

| |10-14 years |10% |149 |11% |32 |

| |15 or more years |8% |121 |6% |18 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |8 |0% |1 |

|Does organization have a succession |Yes |34% |498 |27% |77 |

|planning policy? | | | | | |

|Ever work in a position that was |Yes |27% |389 |24% |67 |

|terminated? | | | | | |

|Reasons for termination |Economy |11% |164 |7% |19 |

| |Failure to meet budget |2% |34 |1% |3 |

| |Staffing issues |7% |109 |5% |14 |

| |Other |12% |169 |12% |34 |

|Ever taken continuing education |Yes |43% |623 |44% |126 |

|programs or graduate courses | | | | | |

|(certificate, master’s, Ph.D.) related | | | | | |

|specifically to fundraising, nonprofit | | | | | |

|management or philanthropy at a college| | | | | |

|or university? | | | | | |

| |Plan for Near Future |5% |74 |6% |16 |

| |No |51% |749 |49% |140 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |19 |1% |3 |

| Professional Certification (multiple |CFRE |25% |365 |27% |76 |

|responses possible) | | | | | |

| |ACFRE |1% |17 |0% |1 |

| |FAHP |0% |2 |0% |2 |

| |Other |63% |925 |67% |190 |

| |None |12% |181 |8% |22 |

Other Findings

In both the United States and Canada samples, the top three fields or backgrounds from which fundraisers come to the profession are school/student (21 percent), public relations/marketing (17 percent), and education (10 percent).

The primary reasons cited for choosing one’s current position were (1) the position offered more challenge or scope (26 percent of respondents) and (2) the position provided an opportunity to do more meaningful work (24 percent of respondents).

The most often cited source of information for finding one’s current position was an ad on a website (25 percent). Other information sources cited were promotion from within the organization (16 percent), a tip from an associate in the field (14 percent), and ads in print media (14 percent).

In general, respondents are very committed to the nonprofit sector and feel that career advancement opportunities in the sector are good. However, they are not necessarily willing to work for less pay than they could receive elsewhere in order to stay in nonprofit work.

|Average Ratings for Job Commitment, 2012, All Respondents (Scale: 1 is strongly disagree; 5 is strongly agree) |

|I am very committed to the sector I'm currently employed in |4.35 |

|Career advancement chances in this sector are good |3.62 |

|To stay in my sector I'd take less pay if necessary |2.86 |

Study results show that respondents are very satisfied with their relations with colleagues, with their fundraising career in general, and with their salary and benefits. However, they are less satisfied with other aspects of their work (see table below).

|Average Ratings of Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction, 2012, All Respondents (Scale: 1 is very dissatisfied; 5 |

|is very satisfied) |

|Relations with co-workers |4.37 |

|Fundraising career |4.20 |

|Salary/benefits |3.58 |

|Opportunity for advancement |2.86 |

|Adequate support services to do my job |2.70 |

|Clear directives from supervisors |2.40 |

|My current workload |2.37 |

|Amount of recognition received for work |2.21 |

|Training opportunities available to me |2.20 |

|My ability to meet career goals and aspirations |2.19 |

|Realistic expectations for my work performance |2.14 |

|Ability to balance work with my personal life |2.12 |

|Job security |2.12 |

|Relations with board members |1.96 |

|Fairness of employer’s rules and regulations |1.93 |

|Relations with supervisors |1.89 |

|The schedule of my working hours |1.80 |

|Relations with other volunteers |1.77 |

|Autonomy in doing my work |1.75 |

|Opportunities to apply my skills and expertise |1.71 |

|Alignment of job with my work skills and expertise |1.69 |

|Respect from community members |1.66 |

|Variety of work |1.66 |

|Alignment of my interests with the organization |1.56 |

Insufficient staff personnel, leaders who don’t appreciate fundraising, and competition from other assigned duties were the three situations respondents reported as most problematic in doing their professional work.

Asked whether they looked for a job with another employer in the last 12 months, 43 percent of United States respondents and 42 percent of Canadian respondents said yes. Seventeen percent of U.S. and 19 percent of Canadians said they’ve looked for a promotion within their current organization. Eight percent of United States and 10 percent of Canadian respondents indicated they made plans for self-employment in the last 12 months.

The most frequently cited reasons for thoughts of job leaving included: to earn a higher salary (39 percent), for more responsibility and authority (34 percent), because I am frustrated by the work environment (29 percent), to engage in more interesting or challenging work (23 percent), or because of greater opportunities for career advancement elsewhere (20 percent).

The mean turnover rate (number of years in fundraising divided by the number of fundraising jobs held) for United States respondents was 3.9 years per job. For Canadian respondents the rate was 3.5 years per job.

Taking time off to stay home and raise children, leaving a position to follow a spouse’s relocated career, and resigning a position before getting a new one were cited as contributing factors to lower earnings potential.

Table 1A shows additional findings from the survey

|Table 1A: Other Findings, All Respondents |

| |Total |Country Sample |

| | |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentag|Count |Percentag|Count | |

| | | |e | |e | | |

| |Sales |8% |140 |8% |117 |8% |28 |

| |School/Student |21% |374 |21% |313 |21% |61 |

| |Health Care |3% |58 |3% |50 |3% |8 |

| |Homemaking |2% |31 |2% |28 |1% |3 |

| |Public Relations/Marketing |17% |304 |17% |243 |21% |61 |

| |Financial Planning/Banking |3% |57 |3% |45 |4% |12 |

| |Nonprofit Clerical Work |4% |73 |4% |53 |7% |20 |

| |Military |0% |4 |0% |4 |0% |0 |

| |Education |10% |180 |11% |164 |6% |16 |

| |Social Work |5% |79 |5% |72 |3% |7 |

| |Law |2% |27 |2% |25 |1% |2 |

| |Volunteer Worker |2% |36 |2% |30 |2% |6 |

| |Religion |1% |22 |1% |20 |1% |2 |

| |Other |15% |254 |14% |211 |15% |43 |

| |None |3% |47 |3% |41 |2% |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 |

|Why Did You Choose Your |More challenge/scope |26% |459 |26% |374 |30% |85 |

|Current Position? | | | | | | | |

| |Opportunity to do more meaningful work |24% |420 |23% |338 |29% |82 |

| |Change in top management |3% |57 |3% |47 |4% |10 |

| |To work with a more development-oriented |4% |65 |4% |57 |3% |8 |

| |team | | | | | | |

| |Greater pay |7% |118 |7% |99 |7% |19 |

| |Greater chance for success |10% |173 |10% |150 |8% |23 |

| |Chance to start fresh |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 |

| |Personal reasons |7% |129 |7% |107 |8% |22 |

| |More balance work vs home |9% |156 |9% |138 |6% |18 |

| |Other |9% |163 |10% |146 |6% |17 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |10 |1% |9 |0% |1 |

|How Did You Hear about Your|AFP website ad |2% |41 |3% |36 |2% |5 |

|Current Job? | | | | | | | |

| |Ads on other websites |25% |429 |24% |357 |25% |72 |

| |Ads in print media |14% |252 |15% |217 |12% |35 |

| |Tip from an associate in the field |14% |245 |14% |202 |15% |43 |

| |Promoted from within my organization |16% |275 |16% |228 |17% |47 |

| |Organization Chief Executive asked me to |6% |96 |6% |88 |3% |8 |

| |join | | | | | | |

| |An employee suggested I apply |7% |121 |7% |105 |6% |16 |

| |A Board member asked me to apply |7% |116 |6% |84 |11% |32 |

| |I was identified through a search process|9% |159 |9% |133 |9% |26 |

| |Other |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |16 |1% |15 |0% |1 |

|Table 1A: Other Findings, All Respondents |

| |Total |Country Sample |

| | |U.S. |Canada |

| |Percentage |Count |Percentag|Count |Percenta|Count | |

| | | |e | |ge | | |

| |Insufficient staff training |2% |35 |2% |31 |1% |4 |

| |Insufficient fundraising budget |7% |129 |7% |98 |11% |31 |

| |Leadership unappreciative of fundraising |19% |325 |18% |270 |19% |55 |

| |Competition from other assigned duties |17% |295 |17% |250 |16% |45 |

| |Lack authority to exercise professional |7% |118 |7% |97 |7% |21 |

| |judgment | | | | | | |

| |Other problem |5% |87 |5% |74 |5% |13 |

| |No important problem |17% |299 |17% |244 |19% |55 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |20 |1% |17 |1% |3 |

|Within 12 months I’ve looked for a promotion within current organization |17% |294 |17% |241 |19% |53 |

|Within 12 months I've looked for a job with another employer |43% |747 |43% |627 |42% |120 |

|Within 12 months I've made plans to become self-employed |8% |146 |8% |117 |10% |29 |

|Thought of leaving to earn a higher salary |39% |675 |40% |578 |34% |97 |

|Thought of leaving for more responsibility and authority |34% |592 |34% |496 |34% |96 |

|Thought of leaving to engage in more interesting or challenging work |23% |395 |23% |330 |23% |65 |

|Thought of leaving because of work non-recognition |14% |249 |15% |213 |13% |36 |

|Thought of leaving because expectations unrealistic |16% |271 |16% |231 |14% |40 |

|Thought of leaving because my work environment is not supportive of me as |11% |198 |12% |169 |10% |29 |

|an individual | | | | | | |

|Thought of leaving for greater career opportunities |20% |348 |20% |293 |19% |55 |

|Thought of leaving because I am frustrated by the work environment |29% |505 |29% |423 |29% |82 |

|Thought of leaving to get more time to spend on personal/family activities|13% |230 |13% |189 |14% |41 |

|Thought of leaving because of personality conflicts with my coworkers(s) |10% |177 |10% |146 |11% |31 |

|or manager | | | | | | |

|Thought of leaving because my values and the organization’s values are not|5% |90 |5% |77 |5% |13 |

|the same | | | | | | |

|Thought of leaving to move closer to family members |4% |76 |4% |60 |6% |16 |

|Thought of leaving because of gender bias in terms of salary |3% |56 |4% |52 |1% |4 |

|I feel that taking time off to raise children has hurt my earnings |12% |213 |12% |172 |14% |41 |

|potential | | | | | | |

|I feel that taking time off to take care of family members has hurt my |3% |48 |2% |35 |5% |13 |

|earnings potential | | | | | | |

|I feel that taking time off to further my education has hurt my earnings |2% |39 |2% |33 |2% |6 |

|potential | | | | | | |

|I feel that leaving previous positions to follow a partner’s relocated |7% |118 |7% |105 |5% |13 |

|career has hurt my earnings potential | | | | | | |

|I feel that resigning from a previous position before being offered a new |8% |137 |8% |116 |7% |21 |

|position has hurt my earnings potential | | | | | | |



Part 1 of this section examines the role played by gender, years of experience, type of organization, and level of education on salary levels in fundraising and presents the mean or average salaries, as well as the median or middle salaries for all respondents. They include the 1,465 United States and 285 Canadian respondents.

Part 2 examines income statistics based on specific positions. These positions range from CEOs with fundraising responsibilities to Program Managers, Other Staff and Consultants.

Part 1: Compensation Summary

United States Respondents

Table 2 provides the salary data for the 1,465 United States respondents and indicates the following:

• The mean (average) salary for all respondents is $82,028. The median (middle value) salary is $71,100. The top 25 percent of respondent fundraisers earn more than $97,000, and the bottom 25 percent earn $53,000 or less.

• There is a dramatic difference in the compensation of males and females. The average salary of male fundraisers is reported to be $102,710. Females are paid an average of $76,126.

• There is a strong correlation between years of experience and compensation. Fundraisers with less than 10 years of experience reported average salaries of $53,000-$73,835. Those with 10-14 years of experience reported average salaries of $84,550. Those with 30 or more years of experience averaged $121,678.

• Within the 6 regions of the United States, average salaries for all survey respondents ranged from $72,073 in the South Central area to $87,586 in the Northeast region.

• Fundraisers working in international and national organizations reported average salaries higher than those affiliated with local or state/regional entities.

• Expected strong positive correlations were noted between average compensation and the size of an organization’s budget and the amount of funds raised.

• There was also a strong positive correlation between average compensation and level of education. Those who reported holding a doctoral degree had the highest average compensation at $100,727.

• The possession of a certification credential correlates positively with salary. In the United States sample, CFREs reported average salaries nearly $22,000 higher than the average for respondents with no certification. Those who hold the ACFRE or FAHP reported average salaries $44,000 --$58,000 higher than noncredentialed individuals. The following table shows that relationship.

|Average Salary and Certification, U.S. Respondents |

| |Average Salary 2012 |Number of Respondents |

|CFRE |$96,923 |365 |

|ACFRE |$120,471 |17 |

|FAHP |$133,500 |2 |

|Other Certification |$70,289 |925 |

|No Certification |$70,523 |181 |

Canadian Respondents

Table 3 provides the salary data (in Canadian dollars) for the 285 Canadian respondents and indicates the following:

• The mean (average) salary reported in the Canadian sample was $88,332. The median (middle) value for all Canadian respondents was $76,000. The top 25 percent of respondent fundraisers earn more than $104,000, and the bottom 25 percent earn $60,000 or less.

• There is a difference of approximately $12,000 in the compensation of males and females. Males averaged $97,881; females $85,165.

• Years of professional experience correlated with salaries. Those with less than 10 years of experience reported average salaries of $60,830-$86,910. The highest salaries were reported in the 20-24 years of experience range, with an average of $137,063.

• Within the three regions of Canada, average salaries for all respondents ranged from $66,441 in the Eastern provinces area to $99,372 in the Central provinces.

• Fundraisers in organizations that were international in scope reported the highest average salaries ($97,033), followed by national organizations with an average of $91,355. Organizations with a local scope reported the lowest average salaries: $82,450.

• There was a positive correlation between average compensation and size of an organization’s budget and funds raised.

• There was also a positive correlation between average compensation and level of education. Individuals with doctoral degrees were the highest earners, with an average salary of $149,000; however, the number of respondents in that category was only two. The possession of a certification credential correlates positively with salary. CFREs reported average salaries more than $16,500 higher than the average for respondents with no certification. The following table shows that relationship.

|Average Salary and Certification, Canadian Respondents |

| |Average Salary 2011 |Number of Respondents |

|CFRE |$98,187 |76 |

|ACFRE |$200,000 |1 |

|FAHP |$158,500 |2 |

|Other Certification |$84,541 |190 |

|No Certification |$81,524 |22 |

|Table 2: Compensation: All U.S. Respondents (U.S. Dollars) |

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|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$90,876 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$108,490 |159 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$72,151 |$72,000 |$52,000 |$80,000 |19 |

| |Higher Education |$83,107 |$75,000 |$65,000 |$90,000 |17 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$73,400 |$75,000 |$65,000 |$88,000 |5 |

| |Religion-Related |$96,250 |$85,000 |$65,000 |$127,500 |4 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$127,217 |$157,000 |$60,900 |$163,750 |3 |

| |Health Problem |$123,139 |$109,000 |$82,500 |$143,000 |18 |

| |Health Services |$87,071 |$80,000 |$64,000 |$98,000 |46 |

| |Social Service |$75,429 |$55,000 |$42,000 |$140,000 |7 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$118,167 |$95,500 |$68,000 |$190,000 |6 |

| |Scientific or Research |$94,898 |$102,000 |$89,000 |$105,000 |5 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$127,662 |$127,662 |$75,324 |$180,000 |2 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |$119,667 |$60,000 |$24,000 |$275,000 |3 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$74,240 |$74,000 |$51,942 |$100,000 |21 |

| |Community Development |$135,567 |$100,000 |$86,700 |$220,000 |3 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. | |

|Organizational Scope |International |$66,333 |$70,000 |$24,000 |$105,000 |3 |

| |National |$127,772 |$122,500 |$93,500 |$159,375 |20 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$92,891 |$80,600 |$64,000 |$111,500 |51 |

| |Local |$81,525 |$74,000 |$55,000 |$95,000 |84 |

| |NO ANSWER |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |1 |

|Table 4: Compensation: All U.S. CEOs (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$90,876 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$108,490 |159 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$46,007 |$45,427 |$30,000 |$56,650 |35 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$59,410 |$55,000 |$47,000 |$63,000 |41 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$70,278 |$68,500 |$55,000 |$80,000 |58 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$78,434 |$75,000 |$65,000 |$88,000 |40 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$87,396 |$81,250 |$70,000 |$101,981 |60 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$99,201 |$90,000 |$75,000 |$105,000 |34 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$130,294 |$116,500 |$99,250 |$175,000 |24 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$205,954 |$230,000 |$155,000 |$232,861 |3 |

| |$100 million or more |$255,333 |$280,000 |$161,000 |$325,000 |3 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$54,865 |$53,500 |$42,000 |$70,000 |68 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$76,388 |$66,000 |$54,000 |$90,000 |55 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$76,222 |$73,000 |$65,000 |$88,000 |75 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$98,377 |$86,000 |$70,000 |$119,000 |71 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$141,636 |$105,000 |$100,000 |$155,000 |11 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$127,273 |$130,000 |$80,000 |$185,000 |11 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$147,000 |$161,000 |$0 |$280,000 |4 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$147,778 |$150,000 |$90,000 |$150,000 |9 |

|Table 4: Compensation: All U.S. CEOs (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$90,876 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$108,490 |159 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$88,662 |$78,000 |$65,000 |$110,000 |31 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$86,132 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$100,000 |27 |

| |North Central U.S. |$96,389 |$70,000 |$52,000 |$130,000 |48 |

| |South Central U.S. |$79,352 |$70,000 |$57,500 |$83,000 |21 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$92,045 |$85,500 |$62,000 |$109,000 |22 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$107,300 |$90,000 |$86,700 |$140,000 |9 |

| |Other |$97,000 |$97,000 |$97,000 |$97,000 |1 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$88,662 |$78,000 |$65,000 |$110,000 |31 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$72,716 |$60,000 |$41,592 |$100,000 |21 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$81,980 |$72,000 |$60,000 |$88,000 |89 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$111,517 |$98,500 |$74,000 |$143,000 |30 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$119,565 |$108,000 |$89,000 |$157,000 |19 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$55,667 |$55,000 |$35,500 |$69,500 |12 |

| |4-6 years |$69,254 |$64,450 |$52,300 |$84,000 |24 |

| |7-9 years |$81,619 |$70,000 |$60,000 |$85,000 |26 |

| |10-14 years |$99,289 |$90,000 |$70,000 |$115,000 |32 |

| |15-19 years |$85,029 |$79,000 |$65,000 |$102,000 |22 |

| |20-24 years |$123,999 |$108,490 |$84,000 |$155,000 |15 |

| |25-29 years |$95,149 |$85,000 |$68,000 |$116,000 |13 |

| |30 or more years |$130,292 |$122,500 |$87,000 |$155,000 |14 |

| |NO ANSWER |$19,000 |$19,000 |$19,000 |$19,000 |1 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$77,882 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$95,000 |17 |

| |2 years |$73,791 |$71,500 |$55,000 |$87,000 |22 |

| |3 years |$82,509 |$80,000 |$54,160 |$100,000 |17 |

| |4 years |$86,487 |$76,162 |$62,000 |$140,000 |14 |

| |5-6 years |$88,452 |$75,605 |$63,500 |$104,000 |24 |

| |7-9 years |$87,418 |$70,000 |$60,000 |$94,500 |25 |

| |10-14 years |$91,882 |$74,000 |$60,000 |$111,500 |17 |

| |15 or more years |$133,060 |$111,000 |$89,000 |$160,000 |23 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 4: Compensation: All U.S. CEOs (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$90,876 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$108,490 |159 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$59,500 |$59,500 |$34,000 |$85,000 |2 |

|  | | | | | | |

| |25-34 years old |$80,536 |$77,000 |$70,000 |$94,500 |9 |

| |35-44 years old |$70,988 |$68,000 |$50,000 |$85,000 |27 |

| |45-54 years old |$86,705 |$80,000 |$62,000 |$102,000 |41 |

| |55-64 years old |$96,100 |$85,750 |$60,000 |$130,000 |64 |

| |65 or more years old |$124,579 |$95,000 |$68,000 |$163,750 |15 |

| |NO ANSWER |$95,000 |$95,000 |$95,000 |$95,000 |1 |

|Gender |Male |$114,547 |$98,000 |$74,000 |$155,000 |43 |

| |Female |$82,044 |$76,000 |$57,500 |$100,000 |115 |

| |NO ANSWER |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

|Highest Education |High school |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$85,467 |$65,000 |$36,400 |$155,000 |3 |

| |Associates degree |$82,534 |$75,162 |$61,000 |$99,000 |42 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$93,141 |$85,000 |$60,000 |$100,000 |51 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$97,111 |$76,500 |$65,000 |$137,500 |18 |

| |Masters degree |$111,460 |$100,000 |$62,920 |$160,000 |4 |

| |Professional degree |$74,375 |$72,000 |$41,000 |$103,500 |8 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$88,633 |$77,500 |$55,000 |$106,500 |24 |

| |Doctoral degree |$125,645 |$125,000 |$55,000 |$196,291 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$103,000 |$71,000 |$62,500 |$143,500 |4 |

| |25-49% |$87,737 |$77,210 |$23,000 |$163,000 |3 |

| |50-74% |$70,230 |$59,500 |$37,920 |$76,500 |8 |

| |75-99% |$90,718 |$60,000 |$52,000 |$140,000 |5 |

| |100% |$92,466 |$82,500 |$62,000 |$108,490 |138 |

| |NO ANSWER | | | | | |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$106,703 |$89,000 |$75,324 |$116,000 |33 |

| |ACFRE |$215,000 |$215,000 |$155,000 |$275,000 |2 |

| |FAHP |$87,000 |$87,000 |$87,000 |$87,000 |1 |

| |Other Certification |$87,786 |$77,210 |$60,000 |$108,490 |100 |

| |No Certification |$77,202 |$75,000 |$60,000 |$99,000 |27 |

|Table 5: Compensation: All U.S. Chief Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$90,166 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |710 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$84,234 |$70,000 |$60,000 |$96,800 |67 |

| |Higher Education |$103,132 |$90,000 |$70,000 |$130,000 |157 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$85,923 |$74,250 |$54,901 |$97,000 |22 |

| |Religion-Related |$81,571 |$78,000 |$62,000 |$85,000 |14 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$94,424 |$83,500 |$71,200 |$125,000 |17 |

| |Health Problem |$108,915 |$85,750 |$67,500 |$131,500 |112 |

| |Health Services |$75,355 |$72,000 |$55,465 |$91,000 |192 |

| |Social Service |$79,522 |$65,000 |$45,000 |$75,000 |23 |

| |Environmental |$102,167 |$102,000 |$84,000 |$130,000 |6 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$105,171 |$93,200 |$85,000 |$135,000 |7 |

| |Scientific or Research |$64,700 |$58,000 |$50,000 |$73,800 |8 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$76,769 |$70,200 |$53,500 |$109,500 |8 |

| |Federated Appeals |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |1 |

| |Government |$118,500 |$118,500 |$97,000 |$140,000 |2 |

| |Consulting Agency |$133,556 |$107,000 |$85,000 |$150,000 |9 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$77,269 |$72,000 |$56,300 |$91,500 |53 |

| |Community Development |$80,694 |$82,000 |$50,000 |$97,000 |9 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$80,000 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$100,000 |3 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$134,172 |$120,000 |$90,000 |$160,000 |61 |

| |National |$98,325 |$89,000 |$67,600 |$119,000 |83 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$90,524 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$105,000 |222 |

| |Local |$80,134 |$72,000 |$56,779 |$92,000 |344 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 5: Compensation: All U.S. Chief Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$90,166 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |710 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2011 |Less than $100,000 |$58,833 |$60,000 |$49,500 |$68,000 |12 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$58,274 |$55,729 |$42,000 |$70,000 |43 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$61,569 |$59,000 |$48,000 |$75,000 |73 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$66,741 |$62,000 |$54,000 |$74,000 |65 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$75,683 |$72,000 |$56,500 |$86,000 |157 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$91,717 |$88,000 |$67,500 |$105,000 |124 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$105,832 |$97,000 |$76,000 |$130,000 |146 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$141,466 |$122,400 |$92,500 |$170,000 |75 |

| |$100 million or more |$196,292 |$182,000 |$163,250 |$200,000 |12 |

| |NO ANSWER |$101,000 |$97,000 |$66,000 |$140,000 |3 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2011 |Less than $250,000 |$62,612 |$62,500 |$45,000 |$74,000 |18 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$81,868 |$70,000 |$49,000 |$100,000 |25 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$68,562 |$60,500 |$43,000 |$85,000 |58 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$71,513 |$62,500 |$52,000 |$80,000 |156 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$78,344 |$72,500 |$60,000 |$87,225 |96 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$80,543 |$78,000 |$65,000 |$91,900 |99 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$103,487 |$95,000 |$75,000 |$128,000 |170 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$116,545 |$120,000 |$86,500 |$138,500 |32 |

| |$75 million or more |$163,018 |$161,500 |$100,180 |$198,000 |48 |

| |NO ANSWER |$131,363 |$140,000 |$89,700 |$162,250 |8 |

|Table 5: Compensation: All U.S. Chief Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$90,166 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |710 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$99,880 |$84,000 |$65,000 |$125,000 |166 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$86,869 |$79,000 |$62,000 |$105,000 |133 |

| |North Central U.S. |$89,050 |$75,000 |$60,000 |$101,000 |178 |

| |South Central U.S. |$80,160 |$69,500 |$51,900 |$91,500 |96 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$92,849 |$85,000 |$67,500 |$111,000 |100 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$80,598 |$73,500 |$60,000 |$88,500 |30 |

| |Other |$76,000 |$80,000 |$51,000 |$97,000 |3 |

| |Non-U.S. |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |$99,880 |$84,000 |$65,000 |$125,000 |166 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$76,122 |$70,384 |$51,000 |$92,000 |72 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$82,737 |$72,900 |$56,000 |$96,800 |315 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$87,196 |$80,000 |$63,000 |$102,500 |178 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$117,447 |$96,500 |$75,000 |$140,000 |142 |

| |NO ANSWER |$89,666 |$85,000 |$60,999 |$123,000 |3 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$61,273 |$53,000 |$43,000 |$73,150 |68 |

| |4-6 years |$65,856 |$62,000 |$52,000 |$74,000 |105 |

| |7-9 years |$81,494 |$72,250 |$56,600 |$86,000 |90 |

| |10-14 years |$86,719 |$82,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |141 |

| |15-19 years |$92,835 |$81,000 |$63,000 |$106,000 |109 |

| |20-24 years |$107,253 |$97,000 |$78,000 |$125,000 |85 |

| |25-29 years |$117,283 |$106,400 |$84,000 |$140,000 |62 |

| |30 or more years |$137,282 |$116,000 |$80,000 |$170,000 |50 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 5: Compensation: All U.S. Chief Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$90,166 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |710 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$77,259 |$69,000 |$54,500 |$89,000 |103 |

| |2 years |$88,562 |$75,000 |$55,000 |$105,000 |147 |

| |3 years |$86,171 |$72,800 |$60,000 |$94,000 |69 |

| |4 years |$81,287 |$76,500 |$56,000 |$96,300 |72 |

| |5-6 years |$87,601 |$76,500 |$63,500 |$97,500 |113 |

| |7-9 years |$95,245 |$85,750 |$60,000 |$106,000 |86 |

| |10-14 years |$105,705 |$97,000 |$78,000 |$130,000 |69 |

| |15 or more years |$114,842 |$92,000 |$76,000 |$130,000 |51 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$39,320 |$39,320 |$36,000 |$42,640 |2 |

| |25-34 years old |$61,595 |$60,000 |$46,000 |$70,000 |80 |

| |35-44 years old |$86,090 |$76,000 |$61,000 |$98,000 |172 |

| |45-54 years old |$94,789 |$82,200 |$62,000 |$110,000 |248 |

| |55-64 years old |$98,328 |$85,000 |$65,000 |$112,000 |169 |

| |65 or more years old |$106,330 |$90,000 |$71,000 |$122,400 |29 |

| |NO ANSWER |$99,140 |$86,250 |$79,900 |$125,000 |10 |

|Gender |Male |$110,436 |$95,000 |$72,000 |$132,000 |178 |

| |Female |$83,285 |$74,000 |$57,000 |$96,000 |530 |

| |NO ANSWER |$106,250 |$106,250 |$87,500 |$125,000 |2 |

|Highest Education |High school |$90,500 |$90,500 |$78,000 |$103,000 |2 |

| |Some college work |$69,179 |$50,000 |$45,000 |$89,000 |14 |

| |Associates degree |$82,363 |$72,000 |$56,000 |$96,000 |271 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$97,853 |$83,000 |$62,000 |$112,000 |193 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$84,209 |$80,000 |$55,600 |$100,000 |80 |

| |Masters degree |$103,803 |$84,250 |$74,000 |$129,000 |18 |

| |Professional degree |$75,509 |$72,000 |$57,000 |$93,000 |29 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$105,782 |$89,000 |$72,000 |$110,000 |81 |

| |Doctoral degree |$106,633 |$96,500 |$79,900 |$108,000 |18 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 5: Compensation: All U.S. Chief Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$90,166 |$80,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |710 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$121,000 |$83,000 |$82,000 |$198,000 |3 |

| |25-49% |$42,000 |$42,000 |$35,000 |$49,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$62,278 |$48,500 |$35,000 |$65,000 |18 |

| |75-99% |$61,241 |$57,500 |$46,500 |$70,750 |28 |

| |100% |$92,386 |$80,000 |$62,000 |$105,000 |653 |

| |NO ANSWER |$68,167 |$68,000 |$54,000 |$76,000 |6 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$107,665 |$95,000 |$72,000 |$125,000 |182 |

| |ACFRE |$150,125 |$149,500 |$133,000 |$176,000 |8 |

| |FAHP |$180,000 |$180,000 |$180,000 |$180,000 |1 |

| |Other Certification |$82,617 |$72,900 |$56,000 |$94,500 |452 |

| |No Certification |$90,519 |$82,702 |$60,000 |$105,000 |74 |

|Table 6: Compensation: All U.S. Deputy Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$76,408 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$88,500 |180 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$63,005 |$59,500 |$47,250 |$74,500 |24 |

| |Higher Education |$89,002 |$71,216 |$57,000 |$90,000 |50 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$85,083 |$84,250 |$80,000 |$105,000 |6 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$75,125 |$75,000 |$40,000 |$106,750 |6 |

| |Health Problem |$87,313 |$81,500 |$55,000 |$106,000 |26 |

| |Health Services |$67,246 |$65,000 |$45,000 |$81,000 |39 |

| |Social Service |$66,683 |$57,250 |$40,000 |$102,000 |6 |

| |Environmental |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |1 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$58,000 |$58,000 |$58,000 |$58,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |$91,250 |$100,000 |$80,000 |$102,500 |4 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$66,000 |$66,000 |$57,000 |$75,000 |2 |

| |Federated Appeals |$44,500 |$44,500 |$44,500 |$44,500 |1 |

| |Government |$39,500 |$39,500 |$39,500 |$39,500 |1 |

| |Consulting Agency |$60,500 |$60,500 |$35,000 |$86,000 |2 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$73,800 |$65,000 |$56,600 |$102,000 |7 |

| |Community Development |$50,125 |$44,000 |$42,750 |$57,500 |4 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$101,967 |$65,000 |$50,000 |$88,000 |23 |

| |National |$79,435 |$75,000 |$60,000 |$96,000 |27 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$71,506 |$65,813 |$52,000 |$91,000 |66 |

| |Local |$71,001 |$65,000 |$47,500 |$80,500 |64 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 6: Compensation: All U.S. Deputy Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$76,408 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$88,500 |180 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$75,875 |$77,000 |$49,250 |$102,500 |4 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$64,500 |$59,000 |$45,000 |$60,000 |6 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$38,050 |$36,748 |$33,600 |$42,000 |7 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$62,652 |$57,000 |$44,000 |$75,000 |11 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$56,394 |$55,000 |$40,000 |$68,000 |29 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$90,435 |$65,000 |$53,250 |$81,500 |32 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$83,812 |$75,000 |$63,000 |$102,000 |50 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$83,918 |$84,500 |$65,000 |$100,000 |34 |

| |$100 million or more |$82,458 |$81,500 |$70,000 |$105,000 |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |$39,500 |$39,500 |$39,500 |$39,500 |1 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$61,025 |$57,000 |$45,000 |$70,000 |7 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$61,705 |$56,600 |$40,000 |$75,000 |9 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$64,550 |$66,250 |$53,000 |$80,000 |10 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$68,775 |$58,000 |$44,000 |$90,000 |31 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$68,681 |$59,000 |$47,500 |$75,000 |17 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$70,799 |$64,500 |$56,000 |$84,500 |20 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$87,020 |$71,000 |$56,000 |$92,750 |56 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$84,650 |$80,000 |$65,000 |$101,000 |13 |

| |$75 million or more |$91,054 |$87,500 |$75,000 |$105,000 |14 |

| |NO ANSWER |$53,833 |$47,000 |$39,500 |$75,000 |3 |

|Table 6: Compensation: All U.S. Deputy Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$76,408 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$88,500 |180 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$74,667 |$70,431 |$51,000 |$87,000 |43 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$66,731 |$62,500 |$43,000 |$96,000 |31 |

| |North Central U.S. |$89,475 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$92,500 |41 |

| |South Central U.S. |$66,967 |$65,000 |$49,750 |$80,000 |28 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$76,030 |$70,000 |$60,000 |$93,000 |26 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$86,707 |$85,000 |$66,625 |$106,750 |11 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$74,667 |$70,431 |$51,000 |$87,000 |43 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$71,295 |$65,000 |$54,500 |$88,000 |11 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$79,986 |$60,000 |$45,450 |$85,500 |68 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$72,211 |$70,431 |$54,000 |$88,000 |57 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$77,166 |$76,000 |$59,000 |$92,500 |43 |

| |NO ANSWER |$96,000 |$96,000 |$96,000 |$96,000 |1 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$52,994 |$47,250 |$42,300 |$65,000 |28 |

| |4-6 years |$54,610 |$57,000 |$41,500 |$65,000 |32 |

| |7-9 years |$69,935 |$66,813 |$57,000 |$79,000 |30 |

| |10-14 years |$104,356 |$75,000 |$64,000 |$100,000 |29 |

| |15-19 years |$87,031 |$83,500 |$65,000 |$102,500 |24 |

| |20-24 years |$85,072 |$85,000 |$62,500 |$100,000 |18 |

| |25-29 years |$90,404 |$85,000 |$72,000 |$103,000 |13 |

| |30 or more years |$100,400 |$90,200 |$80,000 |$105,000 |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 6: Compensation: All U.S. Deputy Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$76,408 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$88,500 |180 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$95,843 |$65,000 |$50,000 |$75,000 |29 |

| |2 years |$63,899 |$60,000 |$44,000 |$82,000 |39 |

| |3 years |$71,284 |$65,000 |$51,000 |$85,000 |23 |

| |4 years |$74,060 |$65,000 |$42,600 |$100,000 |19 |

| |5-6 years |$69,068 |$68,313 |$50,000 |$91,000 |26 |

| |7-9 years |$75,719 |$74,500 |$63,000 |$90,000 |16 |

| |10-14 years |$91,047 |$78,000 |$73,000 |$106,000 |17 |

| |15 or more years |$80,014 |$81,000 |$55,000 |$100,000 |11 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$47,725 |$47,725 |$45,000 |$50,450 |2 |

| |25-34 years old |$71,586 |$48,250 |$41,000 |$62,750 |40 |

| |35-44 years old |$71,119 |$65,000 |$53,000 |$90,000 |49 |

| |45-54 years old |$87,659 |$85,000 |$68,000 |$101,000 |55 |

| |55-64 years old |$72,837 |$68,500 |$57,500 |$86,200 |28 |

| |65 or more years old |$72,900 |$75,000 |$62,500 |$84,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |$84,500 |$84,500 |$84,500 |$84,500 |1 |

|Gender |Male |$81,081 |$75,000 |$59,000 |$100,000 |50 |

| |Female |$74,611 |$64,500 |$47,500 |$85,000 |130 |

| |NO ANSWER | | | | | |

|Highest Education |High school |$93,000 |$93,000 |$93,000 |$93,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$50,950 |$44,500 |$43,000 |$54,500 |5 |

| |Associates degree |$81,287 |$67,000 |$50,000 |$80,000 |69 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$78,724 |$73,500 |$58,500 |$100,500 |44 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$66,018 |$59,000 |$52,000 |$81,000 |22 |

| |Masters degree |$71,500 |$65,000 |$63,000 |$65,000 |5 |

| |Professional degree |$66,333 |$53,000 |$40,000 |$106,000 |3 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$72,363 |$67,000 |$50,000 |$85,000 |25 |

| |Doctoral degree |$79,250 |$80,000 |$63,500 |$95,000 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 6: Compensation: All U.S. Deputy Development Officers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$76,408 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$88,500 |180 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |$60,000 |1 |

| |25-49% |$90,500 |$90,500 |$81,000 |$100,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$51,225 |$51,225 |$50,450 |$52,000 |2 |

| |75-99% |$55,888 |$55,800 |$38,250 |$64,500 |8 |

| |100% |$77,459 |$68,000 |$52,000 |$90,000 |163 |

| |NO ANSWER |$84,250 |$72,500 |$68,500 |$100,000 |4 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$83,143 |$76,000 |$63,000 |$100,000 |43 |

| |ACFRE |  |  |  |  |  |

| |FAHP |$76,572 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$89,000 |179 |

| |Other Certification |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |No Certification |$81,330 |$75,000 |$60,000 |$100,000 |55 |

|Table 7: Compensation: All U.S. Program Managers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$65,546 |$59,500 |$46,176 |$78,000 |227 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$65,735 |$58,000 |$42,000 |$85,500 |26 |

| |Higher Education |$68,677 |$65,000 |$53,000 |$82,000 |59 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$62,500 |$62,500 |$40,000 |$85,000 |2 |

| |Religion-Related |$78,667 |$72,000 |$56,000 |$108,000 |3 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$64,725 |$62,500 |$48,750 |$75,800 |8 |

| |Health Problem |$75,942 |$65,150 |$50,000 |$95,000 |46 |

| |Health Services |$56,505 |$49,000 |$38,000 |$70,000 |42 |

| |Social Service |$78,193 |$76,000 |$60,000 |$97,850 |7 |

| |Environmental |$56,581 |$50,000 |$38,000 |$81,744 |3 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$58,000 |$58,000 |$58,000 |$58,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |$67,000 |$65,000 |$56,000 |$84,000 |7 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$42,848 |$42,848 |$42,848 |$42,848 |1 |

| |Federated Appeals |$47,500 |$47,500 |$42,000 |$53,000 |2 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |$57,675 |$58,250 |$50,600 |$64,750 |4 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$44,111 |$45,000 |$44,000 |$52,000 |9 |

| |Community Development |$51,333 |$50,500 |$45,000 |$62,000 |6 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$71,811 |$70,500 |$46,000 |$89,000 |38 |

| |National |$70,901 |$62,250 |$53,000 |$85,000 |46 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$63,877 |$58,750 |$48,000 |$77,000 |70 |

| |Local |$60,512 |$53,000 |$45,000 |$69,000 |73 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 7: Compensation: All U.S. Program Managers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$65,546 |$59,500 |$46,176 |$78,000 |227 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$46,000 |$40,000 |$35,000 |$55,000 |5 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$57,800 |$54,000 |$50,000 |$58,000 |5 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$51,556 |$52,000 |$45,000 |$56,000 |9 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$49,388 |$47,800 |$36,500 |$61,250 |8 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$49,483 |$45,500 |$40,000 |$58,000 |30 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$52,446 |$50,000 |$40,000 |$65,000 |37 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$70,736 |$66,300 |$50,000 |$89,000 |67 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$77,319 |$71,500 |$56,000 |$90,500 |56 |

| |$100 million or more |$100,673 |$99,850 |$79,600 |$132,000 |10 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$50,000 |$51,000 |$48,000 |$55,000 |6 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$42,500 |$42,500 |$35,000 |$50,000 |2 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$48,775 |$45,500 |$40,900 |$56,500 |12 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$48,195 |$45,000 |$36,050 |$55,000 |29 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$58,140 |$54,000 |$40,000 |$66,500 |20 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$61,691 |$55,500 |$44,000 |$69,500 |28 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$61,815 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$72,000 |62 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$80,882 |$86,000 |$61,500 |$97,850 |19 |

| |$75 million or more |$90,631 |$84,000 |$64,000 |$120,000 |43 |

| |NO ANSWER |$59,083 |$56,500 |$53,000 |$69,500 |6 |

|Table 7: Compensation: All U.S. Program Managers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$65,546 |$59,500 |$46,176 |$78,000 |227 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$70,740 |$65,000 |$50,000 |$91,000 |46 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$62,224 |$56,000 |$44,000 |$72,000 |35 |

| |North Central U.S. |$63,931 |$60,000 |$46,000 |$77,000 |73 |

| |South Central U.S. |$60,207 |$55,540 |$47,000 |$68,010 |32 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$74,511 |$65,000 |$55,000 |$92,500 |29 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$58,750 |$57,250 |$44,000 |$74,000 |10 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$70,740 |$65,000 |$50,000 |$91,000 |46 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$62,773 |$54,000 |$45,000 |$72,000 |21 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$54,786 |$50,000 |$42,000 |$64,000 |82 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$67,422 |$58,000 |$48,000 |$75,000 |49 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$76,859 |$72,720 |$60,000 |$91,000 |73 |

| |NO ANSWER |$77,000 |$77,000 |$72,000 |$82,000 |2 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$47,294 |$44,000 |$38,000 |$52,000 |43 |

| |4-6 years |$50,854 |$47,800 |$42,250 |$55,500 |36 |

| |7-9 years |$59,867 |$60,000 |$52,000 |$67,000 |34 |

| |10-14 years |$73,807 |$70,010 |$55,500 |$89,500 |44 |

| |15-19 years |$73,674 |$73,860 |$54,862 |$86,000 |22 |

| |20-24 years |$79,918 |$71,000 |$56,750 |$97,675 |20 |

| |25-29 years |$83,157 |$85,000 |$60,000 |$103,000 |13 |

| |30 or more years |$95,429 |$90,000 |$74,000 |$120,000 |15 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$64,033 |$62,735 |$49,500 |$72,360 |36 |

| |2 years |$57,310 |$52,500 |$45,000 |$63,000 |54 |

| |3 years |$64,624 |$57,500 |$42,000 |$79,000 |30 |

| |4 years |$58,826 |$50,000 |$41,924 |$74,800 |20 |

| |5-6 years |$74,077 |$68,000 |$53,000 |$85,000 |35 |

| |7-9 years |$65,718 |$59,500 |$50,000 |$80,000 |19 |

| |10-14 years |$78,246 |$75,000 |$50,000 |$95,000 |19 |

| |15 or more years |$76,023 |$75,000 |$55,000 |$91,000 |13 |

| |NO ANSWER |$47,500 |$47,500 |$47,500 |$47,500 |1 |

|Table 7: Compensation: All U.S. Program Managers (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$65,546 |$59,500 |$46,176 |$78,000 |227 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$40,450 |$43,000 |$36,400 |$44,500 |4 |

| |25-34 years old |$52,048 |$49,000 |$40,000 |$58,000 |61 |

| |35-44 years old |$65,309 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$72,720 |51 |

| |45-54 years old |$71,244 |$65,000 |$52,000 |$78,000 |59 |

| |55-64 years old |$79,136 |$79,600 |$57,000 |$97,500 |45 |

| |65 or more years old |$62,600 |$57,000 |$55,000 |$65,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |$67,000 |$67,000 |$45,000 |$89,000 |2 |

|Gender |Male |$73,803 |$63,250 |$51,000 |$90,500 |44 |

| |Female |$63,523 |$56,000 |$46,000 |$75,000 |181 |

| |NO ANSWER |$67,000 |$67,000 |$45,000 |$89,000 |2 |

|Highest Education |High school |$42,000 |$42,000 |$42,000 |$42,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$45,750 |$46,500 |$40,000 |$51,500 |4 |

| |Associates degree |$63,099 |$56,000 |$48,500 |$73,860 |72 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$66,514 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$76,000 |75 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$62,041 |$50,000 |$42,000 |$77,000 |21 |

| |Masters degree |$75,200 |$63,000 |$56,000 |$86,000 |5 |

| |Professional degree |$47,875 |$41,000 |$37,000 |$55,000 |8 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$71,292 |$65,000 |$52,500 |$81,500 |36 |

| |Doctoral degree |$101,250 |$106,000 |$87,500 |$115,000 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |1 |

| |25-49% |$46,500 |$46,500 |$35,000 |$58,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$44,433 |$43,800 |$35,000 |$48,000 |6 |

| |75-99% |$54,273 |$50,000 |$42,000 |$65,000 |11 |

| |100% |$67,319 |$61,750 |$48,000 |$81,744 |202 |

| |NO ANSWER |$53,800 |$53,000 |$40,000 |$60,000 |5 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$83,568 |$79,600 |$62,000 |$97,500 |55 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$60,950 |$55,000 |$44,511 |$71,500 |140 |

| |No Certification |$56,259 |$52,500 |$45,000 |$67,000 |34 |

|Table 8: Compensation: All Other U.S. Staff Positions (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$44,310 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$52,600 |71 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$34,000 |$34,000 |$34,000 |$34,000 |1 |

| |Higher Education |$42,106 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$45,000 |14 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$43,000 |$43,000 |$43,000 |$43,000 |1 |

| |Religion-Related |$38,000 |$38,000 |$37,000 |$39,000 |2 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$111,000 |$111,000 |$111,000 |$111,000 |1 |

| |Health Problem |$52,192 |$57,000 |$41,000 |$59,000 |13 |

| |Health Services |$42,465 |$40,000 |$36,400 |$50,000 |17 |

| |Social Service |$43,667 |$40,000 |$36,000 |$55,000 |3 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |$27,500 |$27,500 |$10,000 |$45,000 |2 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Federated Appeals |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |$48,500 |$48,500 |$40,000 |$57,000 |2 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$42,918 |$45,000 |$35,000 |$51,500 |11 |

| |Community Development |$35,500 |$35,500 |$30,000 |$41,000 |2 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$45,210 |$41,500 |$40,000 |$57,000 |10 |

| |National |$50,250 |$50,000 |$39,000 |$62,000 |10 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$41,676 |$41,200 |$36,000 |$46,500 |17 |

| |Local |$43,615 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$50,000 |34 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 8: Compensation: All Other U.S. Staff Positions (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$44,310 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$52,600 |71 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$35,750 |$42,500 |$25,000 |$46,500 |4 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$41,250 |$36,000 |$34,500 |$48,000 |4 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$42,938 |$41,500 |$28,000 |$51,500 |8 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$40,714 |$40,000 |$30,000 |$49,000 |7 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$36,500 |$36,000 |$32,500 |$41,000 |14 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$48,469 |$40,000 |$37,000 |$44,290 |10 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$48,977 |$46,500 |$41,000 |$57,000 |13 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$52,010 |$56,000 |$51,500 |$58,500 |10 |

| |$100 million or more |$57,000 |$57,000 |$57,000 |$57,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$30,000 |$35,000 |$10,000 |$45,000 |3 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$38,750 |$36,000 |$30,000 |$47,500 |4 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$40,643 |$38,000 |$32,500 |$48,000 |7 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$41,474 |$40,000 |$36,000 |$47,000 |19 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$52,400 |$38,000 |$36,400 |$62,000 |6 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$45,300 |$44,750 |$35,000 |$57,000 |10 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$46,671 |$47,145 |$40,000 |$55,000 |14 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$49,600 |$49,600 |$41,200 |$58,000 |2 |

| |$75 million or more |$51,417 |$53,000 |$45,000 |$58,500 |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 8: Compensation: All Other U.S. Staff Positions (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$44,310 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$52,600 |71 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$49,410 |$47,750 |$39,000 |$55,000 |10 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$44,981 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$49,000 |21 |

| |North Central U.S. |$41,019 |$43,000 |$35,000 |$48,000 |15 |

| |South Central U.S. |$44,967 |$41,000 |$37,000 |$51,500 |15 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$39,286 |$36,000 |$30,000 |$50,000 |7 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$47,500 |$55,000 |$10,000 |$77,500 |3 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$49,410 |$47,750 |$39,000 |$55,000 |10 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$38,600 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$43,000 |5 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$45,732 |$41,000 |$36,000 |$55,000 |25 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$43,843 |$40,500 |$35,500 |$49,750 |28 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$44,777 |$47,500 |$37,000 |$55,000 |13 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$42,534 |$39,500 |$35,000 |$48,000 |26 |

| |4-6 years |$42,362 |$40,000 |$36,400 |$50,000 |21 |

| |7-9 years |$43,000 |$41,000 |$37,000 |$55,000 |7 |

| |10-14 years |$43,250 |$44,500 |$29,500 |$58,500 |8 |

| |15-19 years |$64,125 |$49,500 |$47,750 |$80,500 |4 |

| |20-24 years |$52,500 |$52,500 |$45,000 |$60,000 |2 |

| |25-29 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |30 or more years |$62,000 |$62,000 |$45,000 |$79,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |1 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$37,617 |$38,000 |$30,000 |$45,000 |11 |

| |2 years |$41,775 |$42,000 |$31,250 |$51,300 |20 |

| |3 years |$42,920 |$40,500 |$40,000 |$41,200 |10 |

| |4 years |$43,286 |$43,000 |$35,000 |$48,000 |7 |

| |5-6 years |$46,800 |$45,000 |$37,000 |$58,500 |5 |

| |7-9 years |$43,571 |$41,000 |$37,000 |$57,000 |7 |

| |10-14 years |$56,375 |$49,500 |$42,000 |$61,000 |8 |

| |15 or more years |$78,250 |$78,250 |$77,500 |$79,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |$18,000 |1 |

|Table 8: Compensation: All Other U.S. Staff Positions (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$44,310 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$52,600 |71 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$35,400 |$35,000 |$30,000 |$38,000 |5 |

| |25-34 years old |$40,111 |$40,000 |$34,000 |$50,000 |27 |

| |35-44 years old |$45,250 |$47,250 |$36,500 |$56,500 |16 |

| |45-54 years old |$51,438 |$50,000 |$42,500 |$59,000 |8 |

| |55-64 years old |$50,955 |$46,500 |$41,000 |$57,000 |11 |

| |65 or more years old |$60,000 |$60,000 |$41,000 |$79,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |$35,000 |$35,000 |$35,000 |$35,000 |2 |

|Gender |Male |$49,161 |$46,145 |$39,500 |$54,000 |8 |

| |Female |$43,834 |$41,000 |$35,000 |$52,600 |62 |

| |NO ANSWER |$35,000 |$35,000 |$35,000 |$35,000 |1 |

|Highest Education |High school |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$50,000 |$50,000 |$41,000 |$59,000 |2 |

| |Associates degree |$42,996 |$40,500 |$35,000 |$48,000 |30 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$48,891 |$48,500 |$40,000 |$58,000 |22 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$30,700 |$32,500 |$25,000 |$37,000 |5 |

| |Masters degree |$30,500 |$30,500 |$24,000 |$37,000 |2 |

| |Professional degree |$47,500 |$46,000 |$42,500 |$52,500 |4 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$51,250 |$45,750 |$38,000 |$64,500 |4 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$29,000 |$29,000 |$10,000 |$48,000 |2 |

| |25-49% |$78,000 |$78,000 |$45,000 |$111,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$35,167 |$34,500 |$20,000 |$45,000 |6 |

| |75-99% |$30,500 |$30,500 |$25,000 |$36,000 |2 |

| |100% |$46,113 |$43,000 |$37,000 |$55,000 |53 |

| |NO ANSWER |$36,000 |$38,000 |$35,000 |$40,000 |6 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$55,500 |$57,500 |$50,000 |$61,000 |4 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$42,905 |$40,500 |$35,000 |$49,000 |54 |

| |No Certification |$47,650 |$44,750 |$35,000 |$57,000 |14 |

|Table 9: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Principal (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$96,010 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$118,000 |68 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Higher Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |1 |

| |Health Problem |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |1 |

| |Health Services |$92,000 |$92,000 |$92,000 |$92,000 |1 |

| |Social Service |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$46,000 |$46,000 |$46,000 |$46,000 |1 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |$99,120 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$120,000 |61 |

| |Consulting Agency |$97,344 |$97,344 |$97,344 |$97,344 |1 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |1 |

| |Community Development |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$166,134 |$98,672 |$90,000 |$175,000 |10 |

| |National |$105,968 |$92,500 |$52,000 |$150,000 |22 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$77,871 |$79,500 |$36,000 |$110,000 |20 |

| |Local |$59,575 |$58,000 |$23,000 |$72,000 |15 |

| |NO ANSWER |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |1 |

|Table 9: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Principal (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$96,010 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$118,000 |68 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |1 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$65,000 |$85,000 |2 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$69,000 |$69,000 |$46,000 |$92,000 |2 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100 million or more |$97,344 |$97,344 |$97,344 |$97,344 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$98,893 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$120,000 |62 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |$12,000 |1 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$46,000 |$46,000 |$46,000 |$46,000 |1 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |1 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$92,000 |$92,000 |$92,000 |$92,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |$91,172 |$91,172 |$85,000 |$97,344 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |$98,893 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$120,000 |62 |

|Table 9: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Principal (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$96,010 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$118,000 |68 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$69,648 |$68,000 |$30,000 |$85,000 |13 |

| |Southeast U.S. |$147,133 |$120,000 |$68,500 |$150,000 |16 |

| |North Central U.S. |$82,913 |$85,000 |$53,150 |$102,500 |8 |

| |South Central U.S. |$88,500 |$95,000 |$76,000 |$100,000 |8 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$78,719 |$75,000 |$20,000 |$97,344 |13 |

| |Southwest U.S. |$87,450 |$62,500 |$55,500 |$92,000 |10 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$69,648 |$68,000 |$30,000 |$85,000 |13 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$49,750 |$47,500 |$24,500 |$75,000 |4 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$67,662 |$67,250 |$30,000 |$95,000 |18 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$96,426 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$120,000 |23 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$127,680 |$94,672 |$65,000 |$168,000 |22 |

| |NO ANSWER |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |1 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$44,625 |$54,250 |$25,500 |$63,750 |4 |

| |4-6 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |7-9 years |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |$85,000 |1 |

| |10-14 years |$58,713 |$55,500 |$23,000 |$85,000 |13 |

| |15-19 years |$78,200 |$70,000 |$52,000 |$94,000 |5 |

| |20-24 years |$93,831 |$100,000 |$58,000 |$120,000 |13 |

| |25-29 years |$97,193 |$85,000 |$60,000 |$168,000 |11 |

| |30 or more years |$134,381 |$92,000 |$75,000 |$140,000 |21 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$52,667 |$50,750 |$40,000 |$62,500 |6 |

| |2 years |$81,334 |$90,672 |$65,000 |$100,000 |10 |

| |3 years |$67,500 |$65,000 |$31,500 |$103,500 |4 |

| |4 years |$64,143 |$68,000 |$23,000 |$96,000 |7 |

| |5-6 years |$65,500 |$58,500 |$50,000 |$81,000 |4 |

| |7-9 years |$89,280 |$87,500 |$65,000 |$94,000 |10 |

| |10-14 years |$84,795 |$85,000 |$30,000 |$128,000 |12 |

| |15 or more years |$167,200 |$130,000 |$60,000 |$200,000 |15 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 9: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Principal (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$96,010 |$85,000 |$50,000 |$118,000 |68 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$78,333 |$85,000 |$65,000 |$85,000 |3 |

| |25-34 years old |$79,192 |$55,500 |$50,000 |$100,000 |13 |

| |35-44 years old |$97,841 |$85,000 |$67,000 |$130,000 |17 |

| |45-54 years old |$111,574 |$87,500 |$50,000 |$120,000 |24 |

| |55-64 years old |$83,920 |$60,000 |$14,000 |$100,000 |11 |

| |65 or more years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$78,333 |$85,000 |$65,000 |$85,000 |3 |

|Gender |Male |$159,728 |$116,000 |$84,000 |$185,000 |15 |

| |Female |$77,977 |$72,000 |$43,800 |$100,000 |53 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some college work |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Associates degree |$98,500 |$85,000 |$60,000 |$150,000 |19 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$98,263 |$72,000 |$42,000 |$100,000 |23 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$137,000 |$120,000 |$84,000 |$250,000 |7 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$37,500 |$29,000 |$6,000 |$69,000 |4 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$92,345 |$85,000 |$50,900 |$142,000 |12 |

| |Doctoral degree |$60,000 |$70,000 |$20,000 |$90,000 |3 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$68,161 |$20,000 |$12,125 |$85,000 |7 |

| |25-49% |$52,500 |$52,500 |$20,000 |$85,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$32,500 |$31,500 |$2,500 |$62,500 |4 |

| |75-99% |$58,917 |$47,750 |$35,000 |$65,000 |6 |

| |100% |$111,491 |$94,000 |$65,000 |$125,000 |49 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$87,831 |$85,000 |$43,800 |$100,000 |33 |

| |ACFRE |$61,667 |$47,500 |$30,000 |$75,000 |6 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$116,587 |$87,500 |$62,500 |$120,000 |26 |

| |No Certification |$80,667 |$62,500 |$58,000 |$125,000 |6 |

|Table 10: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Other (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$73,125 |$73,500 |$33,000 |$101,000 |8 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Higher Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Problem |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Services |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Social Service |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |$78,667 |$85,000 |$30,000 |$102,000 |6 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Community Development |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$82,333 |$77,000 |$25,000 |$145,000 |3 |

| |National |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |1 |

| |Local |$59,500 |$53,000 |$33,000 |$86,000 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 10: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Other (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$73,125 |$73,500 |$33,000 |$101,000 |8 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |1 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$78,667 |$85,000 |$30,000 |$102,000 |6 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |1 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$78,667 |$85,000 |$30,000 |$102,000 |6 |

|Table 10: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Other (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$73,125 |$73,500 |$33,000 |$101,000 |8 |

|Location of Organization |Northeast U.S. |$69,250 |$53,500 |$27,500 |$111,000 |4 |

| |Southeast U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |North Central U.S. |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |1 |

| |South Central U.S. |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |Northwest U.S. |$101,000 |$101,000 |$100,000 |$102,000 |2 |

| |Southwest U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Non-U.S. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$69,250 |$53,500 |$27,500 |$111,000 |4 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$51,000 |$51,000 |$25,000 |$77,000 |2 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$69,000 |$69,000 |$36,000 |$102,000 |2 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$66,667 |$70,000 |$30,000 |$100,000 |3 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |4-6 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |7-9 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |10-14 years |$75,000 |$65,000 |$27,500 |$122,500 |4 |

| |15-19 years |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |1 |

| |20-24 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-29 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |30 or more years |$89,500 |$89,500 |$77,000 |$102,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 10: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Other (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$73,125 |$73,500 |$33,000 |$101,000 |8 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |2 years |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |$36,000 |1 |

| |3 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |4 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |5-6 years |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |1 |

| |7-9 years |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |1 |

| |10-14 years |$57,333 |$70,000 |$25,000 |$77,000 |3 |

| |15 or more years |$123,500 |$123,500 |$102,000 |$145,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |  |  |  |  |  |

| |25-34 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |35-44 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |45-54 years old |$59,000 |$53,000 |$33,000 |$85,000 |4 |

| |55-64 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |65 or more years old |$123,500 |$123,500 |$102,000 |$145,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |$51,000 |$51,000 |$25,000 |$77,000 |2 |

|Gender |Male |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |1 |

| |Female |$62,857 |$70,000 |$30,000 |$100,000 |7 |

| |NO ANSWER | | | | |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some college work |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Associates degree |$71,667 |$77,000 |$36,000 |$102,000 |3 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$50,000 |$50,000 |$30,000 |$70,000 |2 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |$145,000 |1 |

| |Masters degree |$25,000 |$25,000 |$25,000 |$25,000 |1 |

| |Professional degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |1 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 10: Compensation: All U.S. Consultants/Other (U.S. Dollars) |

|  |U.S. |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$73,125 |$73,500 |$33,000 |$101,000 |8 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |$77,000 |1 |

| |25-49% |$102,000 |$102,000 |$102,000 |$102,000 |1 |

| |50-74% |$27,500 |$27,500 |$25,000 |$30,000 |2 |

| |75-99% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |100% |$87,750 |$85,000 |$53,000 |$122,500 |4 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$93,000 |$100,000 |$77,000 |$102,000 |3 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$59,000 |$33,000 |$27,500 |$90,500 |4 |

| |No Certification |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |1 |

|Table 11: Compensation: All Canadian CEOs (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$109,985 |$110,000 |$75,000 |$135,000 |42 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$97,750 |$105,500 |$57,500 |$138,000 |4 |

| |Higher Education |$112,667 |$128,000 |$77,000 |$133,000 |3 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$91,500 |$81,500 |$70,500 |$112,500 |4 |

| |Health Problem |$116,560 |$110,000 |$74,500 |$143,000 |16 |

| |Health Services |$110,125 |$105,000 |$68,000 |$151,000 |8 |

| |Social Service |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |1 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$150,000 |$150,000 |$150,000 |$150,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |1 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$163,000 |$163,000 |$163,000 |$163,000 |1 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |1 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$105,000 |$105,000 |$90,000 |$120,000 |2 |

| |Community Development |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |1 |

| |National |$133,375 |$147,500 |$90,000 |$161,000 |8 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$101,814 |$102,500 |$70,399 |$133,000 |14 |

| |Local |$107,889 |$107,750 |$73,000 |$130,000 |19 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 11: Compensation: All Canadian CEOs (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$109,985 |$110,000 |$75,000 |$135,000 |42 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$30,000 |$100,000 |2 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$65,000 |$67,500 |$55,000 |$75,000 |4 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$79,833 |$70,000 |$68,000 |$85,000 |6 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$90,966 |$74,500 |$70,399 |$128,000 |3 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$97,667 |$90,000 |$76,000 |$125,000 |7 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$113,000 |$115,000 |$85,000 |$135,000 |6 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$147,318 |$143,000 |$125,000 |$172,000 |11 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$161,000 |$163,000 |$135,000 |$185,000 |3 |

| |$100 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$77,989 |$74,500 |$70,000 |$90,000 |9 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$102,556 |$110,000 |$83,000 |$130,000 |9 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$118,250 |$129,000 |$79,000 |$135,000 |9 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$113,389 |$105,500 |$76,000 |$150,000 |9 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$155,000 |$155,000 |$120,000 |$190,000 |2 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$161,000 |$172,000 |$126,000 |$185,000 |3 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |1 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 11: Compensation: All Canadian CEOs (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$109,985 |$110,000 |$75,000 |$135,000 |42 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$77,500 |$80,000 |$65,000 |$90,000 |4 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |$114,396 |$120,000 |$76,000 |$143,000 |25 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$111,625 |$122,500 |$83,750 |$131,500 |13 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$81,938 |$74,750 |$70,000 |$93,000 |8 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$111,818 |$105,500 |$77,000 |$133,000 |18 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$116,000 |$125,000 |$110,000 |$132,500 |8 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$127,143 |$145,000 |$85,000 |$172,000 |7 |

| |NO ANSWER |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |1 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |1 |

| |4-6 years |$80,750 |$77,500 |$59,000 |$102,500 |4 |

| |7-9 years |$69,000 |$69,000 |$68,000 |$70,000 |2 |

| |10-14 years |$116,679 |$112,750 |$90,000 |$145,000 |14 |

| |15-19 years |$114,571 |$125,000 |$83,000 |$133,000 |8 |

| |20-24 years |$112,862 |$110,000 |$73,750 |$146,500 |8 |

| |25-29 years |$149,000 |$132,000 |$130,000 |$185,000 |3 |

| |30 or more years |$94,000 |$94,000 |$62,000 |$126,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$125,000 |$145,000 |$30,000 |$200,000 |3 |

| |2 years |$110,125 |$115,250 |$90,250 |$130,000 |5 |

| |3 years |$89,000 |$73,000 |$62,000 |$100,000 |5 |

| |4 years |$125,667 |$135,000 |$70,000 |$172,000 |3 |

| |5-6 years |$70,000 |$73,500 |$59,000 |$81,000 |4 |

| |7-9 years |$148,800 |$133,000 |$130,000 |$163,000 |5 |

| |10-14 years |$103,933 |$110,000 |$85,000 |$120,000 |9 |

| |15 or more years |$114,063 |$108,000 |$75,250 |$146,500 |8 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 11: Compensation: All Canadian CEOs (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All CEOs |$109,985 |$110,000 |$75,000 |$135,000 |42 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-34 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |35-44 years old |$81,000 |$85,000 |$70,000 |$90,000 |5 |

| |45-54 years old |$118,564 |$125,000 |$77,000 |$143,000 |23 |

| |55-64 years old |$101,300 |$84,000 |$75,000 |$128,000 |10 |

| |65 or more years old |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$151,000 |$135,000 |$133,000 |$185,000 |3 |

|Gender |Male |$90,550 |$90,000 |$62,000 |$125,000 |10 |

| |Female |$116,255 |$120,000 |$75,000 |$145,000 |32 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |$126,500 |$126,500 |$68,000 |$185,000 |2 |

| |Some college work |$123,500 |$120,000 |$105,500 |$145,000 |3 |

| |Associates degree |$116,692 |$132,000 |$76,000 |$150,000 |14 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$114,286 |$125,000 |$77,000 |$128,000 |7 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$94,083 |$87,500 |$85,000 |$100,000 |6 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$99,400 |$70,200 |$70,000 |$126,000 |6 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$102,000 |$121,500 |$70,000 |$134,000 |4 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$76,500 |$76,500 |$70,000 |$83,000 |2 |

| |25-49% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |50-74% |$92,667 |$120,000 |$30,000 |$128,000 |3 |

| |75-99% |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |100% |$115,970 |$120,000 |$77,000 |$143,000 |34 |

| |NO ANSWER |$101,700 |$101,700 |$70,399 |$133,000 |2 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$118,563 |$127,500 |$91,250 |$137,500 |8 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |$132,000 |$132,000 |$132,000 |$132,000 |1 |

| |Other Certification |$104,028 |$90,000 |$71,700 |$134,000 |33 |

| |No Certification |$152,500 |$152,500 |$120,000 |$185,000 |2 |

|Table 12: Compensation: All Chief Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$101,146 |$85,000 |$71,000 |$115,000 |111 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$80,255 |$71,000 |$62,000 |$95,000 |13 |

| |Higher Education |$120,449 |$111,500 |$96,000 |$150,000 |22 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$82,000 |$82,000 |$82,000 |$82,000 |1 |

| |Health Problem |$111,662 |$87,000 |$70,000 |$144,000 |25 |

| |Health Services |$82,045 |$79,000 |$65,000 |$95,018 |31 |

| |Social Service |$248,837 |$155,000 |$5,500 |$586,012 |3 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |1 |

| |Consulting Agency |$98,333 |$95,000 |$55,000 |$145,000 |3 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$75,556 |$80,000 |$73,000 |$83,000 |9 |

| |Community Development |$90,250 |$90,250 |$90,000 |$90,500 |2 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$129,530 |$112,000 |$102,884 |$150,000 |13 |

| |National |$89,344 |$85,000 |$75,000 |$99,469 |13 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$121,434 |$94,500 |$75,000 |$140,000 |30 |

| |Local |$86,160 |$79,000 |$62,000 |$100,000 |55 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 12: Compensation: All Chief Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$101,146 |$85,000 |$71,000 |$115,000 |111 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$42,000 |$70,000 |5 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$60,988 |$57,702 |$55,000 |$71,000 |8 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$82,000 |$79,000 |$62,000 |$85,000 |9 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$82,917 |$80,000 |$58,000 |$100,000 |6 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$84,667 |$75,000 |$62,000 |$80,000 |17 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$100,916 |$95,018 |$80,000 |$112,000 |19 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$113,938 |$90,000 |$75,500 |$108,000 |32 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$143,769 |$144,000 |$104,000 |$175,000 |13 |

| |$100 million or more |$237,000 |$237,000 |$237,000 |$237,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |$135,000 |1 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$68,200 |$60,000 |$58,000 |$70,000 |5 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$89,506 |$80,000 |$55,000 |$98,000 |9 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$75,424 |$67,000 |$60,000 |$99,469 |7 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$105,056 |$75,000 |$55,000 |$89,000 |18 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$76,484 |$76,000 |$71,000 |$85,000 |11 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$89,957 |$80,000 |$73,000 |$95,000 |23 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$117,020 |$104,000 |$95,000 |$141,000 |21 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$128,333 |$140,000 |$90,000 |$155,000 |3 |

| |$75 million or more |$141,824 |$125,000 |$111,500 |$170,000 |12 |

| |NO ANSWER |$103,500 |$103,500 |$72,000 |$135,000 |2 |

|Table 12: Compensation: All Chief Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$101,146 |$85,000 |$71,000 |$115,000 |111 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$75,900 |$78,000 |$67,000 |$80,000 |151 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |$115,693 |$98,000 |$75,000 |$135,000 |5 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$89,240 |$80,000 |$68,000 |$108,000 |77 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |. |. |. |. |69 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. | |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. | |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$78,222 |$60,000 |$44,557 |$125,000 |7 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$102,560 |$80,000 |$67,000 |$115,000 |47 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$97,226 |$87,000 |$73,000 |$100,000 |31 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$109,435 |$97,244 |$75,000 |$132,000 |26 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$96,915 |$73,000 |$67,000 |$96,000 |7 |

| |4-6 years |$66,187 |$62,000 |$55,000 |$90,000 |11 |

| |7-9 years |$84,071 |$74,000 |$62,000 |$89,000 |14 |

| |10-14 years |$91,091 |$82,000 |$67,320 |$101,000 |31 |

| |15-19 years |$108,641 |$100,000 |$76,000 |$120,000 |25 |

| |20-24 years |$170,237 |$125,500 |$99,469 |$185,000 |10 |

| |25-29 years |$107,643 |$104,000 |$79,000 |$135,000 |7 |

| |30 or more years |$113,600 |$108,000 |$95,000 |$125,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$90,145 |$82,000 |$72,000 |$112,000 |17 |

| |2 years |$100,575 |$90,000 |$67,000 |$135,000 |23 |

| |3 years |$91,309 |$95,000 |$75,000 |$95,018 |13 |

| |4 years |$85,463 |$78,000 |$61,500 |$90,250 |12 |

| |5-6 years |$107,223 |$72,500 |$60,000 |$96,000 |18 |

| |7-9 years |$111,692 |$87,000 |$75,000 |$155,000 |13 |

| |10-14 years |$110,288 |$97,500 |$83,000 |$141,000 |10 |

| |15 or more years |$136,800 |$140,000 |$135,000 |$144,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 12: Compensation: All Chief Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Chief Development Officers |$101,146 |$85,000 |$71,000 |$115,000 |111 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-34 years old |$73,484 |$75,000 |$60,000 |$89,000 |11 |

| |35-44 years old |$84,811 |$84,000 |$76,000 |$95,000 |29 |

| |45-54 years old |$116,449 |$96,500 |$67,000 |$150,000 |42 |

| |55-64 years old |$108,326 |$101,735 |$75,000 |$135,000 |26 |

| |65 or more years old |$84,000 |$85,000 |$73,000 |$94,000 |3 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Gender |Male |$111,438 |$95,000 |$80,000 |$125,000 |29 |

| |Female |$96,364 |$80,000 |$67,000 |$107,000 |81 |

| |NO ANSWER |$190,000 |$190,000 |$190,000 |$190,000 |1 |

|Highest Education |High school |$90,000 |$90,000 |$90,000 |$90,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$84,885 |$80,000 |$73,000 |$100,000 |13 |

| |Associates degree |$107,536 |$85,000 |$70,500 |$123,500 |48 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$109,032 |$96,000 |$82,000 |$140,000 |15 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$96,736 |$90,000 |$80,000 |$101,942 |8 |

| |Masters degree |$85,000 |$85,000 |$80,000 |$90,000 |2 |

| |Professional degree |$76,370 |$67,000 |$58,000 |$84,000 |15 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$121,286 |$100,000 |$90,000 |$141,000 |7 |

| |Doctoral degree |$149,000 |$149,000 |$70,000 |$228,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-49% |$82,000 |$82,000 |$24,000 |$140,000 |2 |

| |50-74% |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |1 |

| |75-99% |$71,333 |$69,000 |$54,500 |$98,000 |6 |

| |100% |$103,090 |$86,000 |$72,000 |$112,000 |102 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$105,040 |$97,244 |$79,000 |$123,000 |34 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |$185,000 |$185,000 |$185,000 |$185,000 |1 |

| |Other Certification |$99,097 |$81,000 |$67,320 |$115,000 |70 |

| |No Certification |$93,857 |$80,000 |$67,000 |$112,000 |7 |

|Table 13: Compensation: All Deputy Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$54,233 |$50,000 |$32,700 |$80,000 |3 |

| |Higher Education |$88,643 |$95,000 |$75,000 |$100,000 |7 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$50,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |1 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$87,500 |$87,500 |$65,000 |$110,000 |2 |

| |Health Problem |$95,595 |$90,000 |$80,000 |$103,000 |10 |

| |Health Services |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

| |Social Service |$86,500 |$86,500 |$86,500 |$86,500 |1 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Community Development |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |1 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$74,375 |$77,500 |$68,750 |$80,000 |4 |

| |National |$90,214 |$86,500 |$78,000 |$110,000 |7 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$90,838 |$87,500 |$51,500 |$126,000 |8 |

| |Local |$75,421 |$90,000 |$50,000 |$100,950 |7 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 13: Compensation: All Deputy Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$32,700 |$32,700 |$32,700 |$32,700 |1 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$68,333 |$65,000 |$50,000 |$90,000 |3 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$82,238 |$87,975 |$62,500 |$101,975 |4 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$73,000 |$80,000 |$71,000 |$82,000 |9 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$112,188 |$105,000 |$90,750 |$131,000 |8 |

| |$100 million or more |$62,500 |$62,500 |$62,500 |$62,500 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |1 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$87,000 |$87,000 |$71,000 |$103,000 |2 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$61,330 |$50,000 |$32,700 |$100,000 |5 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$50,000 |$90,000 |2 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$101,222 |$82,000 |$80,000 |$110,000 |9 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

| |$75 million or more |$90,800 |$95,000 |$86,500 |$100,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 13: Compensation: All Deputy Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$77,358 |$78,000 |$65,000 |$90,000 |13 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |$90,615 |$90,000 |$80,000 |$100,000 |13 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |1 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$68,300 |$71,000 |$50,000 |$100,000 |9 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$94,125 |$88,250 |$72,500 |$102,500 |8 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$91,994 |$86,000 |$79,000 |$100,475 |8 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$40,233 |$32,700 |$23,000 |$65,000 |3 |

| |4-6 years |$76,375 |$71,250 |$57,750 |$95,000 |4 |

| |7-9 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |10-14 years |$83,881 |$86,500 |$75,000 |$100,000 |13 |

| |15-19 years |$103,000 |$85,000 |$79,000 |$127,000 |4 |

| |20-24 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-29 years |$152,000 |$152,000 |$152,000 |$152,000 |1 |

| |30 or more years |$103,000 |$103,000 |$103,000 |$103,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$108,500 |$108,500 |$65,000 |$152,000 |2 |

| |2 years |$65,617 |$79,000 |$32,700 |$80,000 |6 |

| |3 years |$85,000 |$85,000 |$80,000 |$90,000 |2 |

| |4 years |$75,750 |$71,500 |$51,500 |$100,000 |4 |

| |5-6 years |$86,250 |$86,250 |$62,500 |$110,000 |2 |

| |7-9 years |$88,090 |$86,500 |$82,000 |$100,000 |5 |

| |10-14 years |$103,000 |$99,000 |$72,500 |$133,500 |4 |

| |15 or more years |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 13: Compensation: All Deputy Development Officers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Deputy Development Officers |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-34 years old |$55,233 |$53,000 |$32,700 |$80,000 |3 |

| |35-44 years old |$88,606 |$95,000 |$78,000 |$100,000 |9 |

| |45-54 years old |$81,083 |$75,750 |$50,000 |$110,000 |6 |

| |55-64 years old |$91,750 |$86,000 |$77,500 |$96,500 |8 |

| |65 or more years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Gender |Male |$96,750 |$85,000 |$64,000 |$131,000 |8 |

| |Female |$78,314 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |18 |

| |NO ANSWER | | | | | |

|Highest Education |High school |$63,333 |$50,000 |$50,000 |$90,000 |3 |

| |Some college work |$49,000 |$49,000 |$23,000 |$75,000 |2 |

| |Associates degree |$94,682 |$86,500 |$80,000 |$110,000 |11 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$85,867 |$80,500 |$62,500 |$95,000 |6 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$91,475 |$91,475 |$82,000 |$100,950 |2 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$78,000 |$78,000 |$53,000 |$103,000 |2 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |. |. |. |. |. |

| |25-49% |. |. |. |. |. |

| |50-74% |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |$65,000 |

| |75-99% |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |$80,000 |

| |100% |$84,944 |$84,250 |$66,750 |$100,475 |$84,944 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |. |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$97,682 |$95,000 |$82,000 |$110,000 |11 |

| |ACFRE |  |  |  |  |  |

| |FAHP |$83,987 |$81,000 |$65,000 |$100,000 |26 |

| |Other Certification |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |No Certification |$96,208 |$92,500 |$81,000 |$105,000 |12 |

|Table 14: Compensation: All Program Managers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$64,920 |$61,500 |$50,000 |$75,000 |51 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |$55,495 |$52,990 |$45,990 |$65,000 |4 |

| |Higher Education |$69,696 |$60,500 |$54,000 |$82,000 |12 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$46,500 |$46,500 |$43,000 |$50,000 |2 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$53,000 |$48,000 |$45,000 |$61,000 |4 |

| |Health Problem |$70,385 |$69,000 |$59,500 |$78,000 |13 |

| |Health Services |$76,420 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$99,100 |5 |

| |Social Service |$60,500 |$60,000 |$60,000 |$61,500 |3 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$75,500 |$75,500 |$73,000 |$78,000 |2 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |$64,075 |$64,075 |$62,000 |$66,150 |2 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$55,925 |$55,925 |$39,850 |$72,000 |2 |

| |Community Development |$39,000 |$39,000 |$30,000 |$48,000 |2 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$66,167 |$61,000 |$56,000 |$66,150 |9 |

| |National |$63,700 |$60,000 |$51,000 |$72,000 |10 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$56,214 |$52,000 |$41,000 |$63,000 |11 |

| |Local |$69,528 |$73,000 |$58,000 |$78,000 |21 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 14: Compensation: All Program Managers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$64,920 |$61,500 |$50,000 |$75,000 |51 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |$30,000 |1 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$78,000 |$78,000 |$78,000 |$78,000 |1 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$46,125 |$44,250 |$39,500 |$52,750 |4 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$50,333 |$55,000 |$40,000 |$56,000 |3 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$55,500 |$56,000 |$51,000 |$60,000 |4 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$67,108 |$68,075 |$65,000 |$75,000 |6 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$66,091 |$59,500 |$50,980 |$75,000 |13 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$73,422 |$71,500 |$61,000 |$83,000 |18 |

| |$100 million or more |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |$45,333 |$50,000 |$30,000 |$56,000 |3 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$54,892 |$48,750 |$40,000 |$75,000 |6 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$71,333 |$67,000 |$60,000 |$86,000 |6 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$58,250 |$57,750 |$51,000 |$70,000 |6 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$74,400 |$70,000 |$61,000 |$78,000 |9 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$63,974 |$64,575 |$47,500 |$75,000 |14 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |$75 million or more |$83,200 |$81,000 |$62,000 |$101,000 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |$41,850 |$41,850 |$41,850 |$41,850 |1 |

|Table 14: Compensation: All Program Managers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$64,920 |$61,500 |$50,000 |$75,000 |51 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$55,000 |$55,500 |$47,500 |$62,500 |4 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |$70,618 |$70,000 |$60,000 |$78,000 |21 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$61,844 |$59,750 |$47,500 |$72,000 |26 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$35,925 |$35,925 |$30,000 |$41,850 |2 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$57,410 |$56,000 |$47,750 |$67,000 |24 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$74,485 |$70,000 |$62,000 |$86,000 |17 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$79,140 |$78,000 |$58,000 |$105,000 |7 |

| |NO ANSWER |$41,000 |$41,000 |$41,000 |$41,000 |1 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$57,887 |$60,000 |$50,980 |$61,000 |9 |

| |4-6 years |$53,235 |$50,500 |$45,000 |$58,000 |10 |

| |7-9 years |$62,214 |$60,000 |$49,500 |$72,000 |7 |

| |10-14 years |$68,831 |$67,000 |$52,000 |$83,000 |18 |

| |15-19 years |$87,000 |$81,000 |$75,000 |$105,000 |3 |

| |20-24 years |$68,000 |$68,000 |$63,000 |$73,000 |2 |

| |25-29 years |$93,075 |$93,075 |$66,150 |$120,000 |2 |

| |30 or more years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$65,786 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$75,000 |7 |

| |2 years |$56,575 |$58,000 |$45,000 |$60,000 |13 |

| |3 years |$56,356 |$53,500 |$45,675 |$68,250 |8 |

| |4 years |$76,000 |$65,000 |$62,000 |$101,000 |3 |

| |5-6 years |$72,000 |$70,000 |$61,000 |$78,000 |13 |

| |7-9 years |$82,000 |$82,000 |$81,000 |$83,000 |2 |

| |10-14 years |$67,488 |$65,500 |$47,925 |$87,050 |4 |

| |15 or more years |$66,150 |$66,150 |$66,150 |$66,150 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 14: Compensation: All Program Managers (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Program Managers |$64,920 |$61,500 |$50,000 |$75,000 |51 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-34 years old |$55,223 |$55,000 |$45,000 |$61,000 |15 |

| |35-44 years old |$63,467 |$57,750 |$46,500 |$78,000 |12 |

| |45-54 years old |$73,333 |$74,000 |$70,000 |$78,000 |12 |

| |55-64 years old |$70,887 |$63,000 |$50,980 |$101,000 |9 |

| |65 or more years old |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |$62,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$70,500 |$70,500 |$69,000 |$72,000 |2 |

|Gender |Male |$77,442 |$76,075 |$61,500 |$101,000 |6 |

| |Female |$63,251 |$60,000 |$50,000 |$75,000 |45 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |$50,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |$50,000 |1 |

| |Some college work |$66,700 |$63,000 |$62,000 |$71,000 |5 |

| |Associates degree |$65,470 |$65,250 |$49,500 |$75,000 |22 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$73,000 |$56,000 |$43,000 |$120,000 |3 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$55,870 |$58,000 |$39,850 |$65,000 |9 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$72,250 |$66,150 |$60,000 |$90,000 |9 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |$75,000 |1 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER | | | | |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |$46,000 |$46,000 |$30,000 |$62,000 |2 |

| |25-49% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |50-74% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |75-99% |$55,213 |$54,000 |$43,925 |$66,500 |4 |

| |100% |$66,624 |$63,000 |$51,000 |$77,000 |45 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$80,450 |$75,000 |$65,000 |$90,000 |10 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$61,295 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$75,000 |37 |

| |No Certification |$63,900 |$70,000 |$56,000 |$71,000 |5 |

|Table 15: Compensation: All Other Staff Positions (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$51,905 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$60,200 |29 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Higher Education |$60,547 |$60,000 |$57,000 |$62,500 |5 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$37,650 |$37,650 |$37,650 |$37,650 |1 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |$57,250 |$57,250 |$47,500 |$67,000 |2 |

| |Health Problem |$51,495 |$44,756 |$39,725 |$60,500 |8 |

| |Health Services |$51,540 |$47,000 |$45,500 |$60,200 |5 |

| |Social Service |$68,000 |$68,000 |$68,000 |$68,000 |1 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |$42,000 |$42,000 |$42,000 |$42,000 |1 |

| |Scientific or Research |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |1 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |$35,700 |$35,700 |$35,700 |$35,700 |1 |

| |Federated Appeals |$54,000 |$54,000 |$54,000 |$54,000 |1 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |$42,667 |$43,000 |$33,000 |$52,000 |3 |

| |Community Development |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$67,309 |$62,119 |$56,500 |$78,119 |4 |

| |National |$44,930 |$42,000 |$40,000 |$52,000 |5 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$51,996 |$47,511 |$43,000 |$62,500 |9 |

| |Local |$49,400 |$47,500 |$42,000 |$60,000 |11 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 15: Compensation: All Other Staff Positions (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$51,905 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$60,200 |29 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |$47,000 |$47,000 |$47,000 |$47,000 |1 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |$53,000 |1 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$48,500 |$48,500 |$43,000 |$54,000 |2 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |$48,335 |$46,506 |$43,000 |$52,000 |6 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |$43,692 |$41,000 |$37,650 |$47,500 |6 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$52,830 |$59,000 |$39,450 |$62,000 |5 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$57,823 |$61,350 |$57,000 |$67,000 |6 |

| |$100 million or more |$72,500 |$72,500 |$56,000 |$89,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |$38,430 |$39,450 |$35,700 |$42,000 |5 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$49,017 |$47,500 |$43,000 |$53,000 |9 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$53,753 |$53,756 |$46,506 |$61,000 |4 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$54,200 |$57,100 |$43,000 |$67,000 |6 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |$66,347 |$62,500 |$57,000 |$67,237 |5 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 15: Compensation: All Other Staff Positions (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$51,905 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$60,200 |29 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$51,905 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$60,200 |29 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |$34,350 |$34,350 |$33,000 |$35,700 |2 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$54,574 |$49,250 |$42,000 |$67,000 |10 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |$52,401 |$54,000 |$47,000 |$60,200 |17 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$43,500 |$43,500 |$33,000 |$54,000 |2 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$49,754 |$47,256 |$39,725 |$60,500 |12 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$52,808 |$54,000 |$43,000 |$61,100 |12 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$62,500 |$53,000 |$45,500 |$89,000 |3 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |$46,496 |$47,000 |$42,000 |$52,000 |11 |

| |4-6 years |$54,570 |$59,500 |$45,500 |$62,500 |10 |

| |7-9 years |$61,713 |$60,100 |$48,825 |$74,600 |4 |

| |10-14 years |$47,412 |$42,000 |$33,000 |$67,237 |3 |

| |15-19 years |$59,000 |$59,000 |$59,000 |$59,000 |1 |

| |20-24 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-29 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |30 or more years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$52,600 |$56,000 |$43,000 |$60,000 |5 |

| |2 years |$49,128 |$47,000 |$40,000 |$52,000 |9 |

| |3 years |$57,340 |$57,000 |$54,000 |$60,200 |5 |

| |4 years |$35,325 |$35,325 |$33,000 |$37,650 |2 |

| |5-6 years |$53,937 |$53,256 |$44,756 |$63,119 |4 |

| |7-9 years |$89,000 |$89,000 |$89,000 |$89,000 |1 |

| |10-14 years |$46,000 |$43,000 |$33,000 |$62,000 |3 |

| |15 or more years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 15: Compensation: All Other Staff Positions (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Other Staff Positions |$51,905 |$52,000 |$42,000 |$60,200 |29 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$43,000 |$43,000 |$43,000 |$43,000 |1 |

| |25-34 years old |$53,238 |$52,500 |$42,000 |$58,600 |12 |

| |35-44 years old |$55,357 |$60,000 |$43,000 |$62,500 |7 |

| |45-54 years old |$52,184 |$50,750 |$43,750 |$60,619 |4 |

| |55-64 years old |$45,432 |$47,000 |$37,650 |$47,511 |5 |

| |65 or more years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Gender |Male |$53,375 |$54,000 |$47,500 |$59,250 |4 |

| |Female |$51,670 |$47,511 |$42,000 |$60,200 |25 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some college work |$50,878 |$50,756 |$44,756 |$57,000 |4 |

| |Associates degree |$49,436 |$48,750 |$42,000 |$57,000 |14 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$59,484 |$67,119 |$51,350 |$67,619 |4 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$89,000 |$89,000 |$89,000 |$89,000 |1 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$47,117 |$47,250 |$33,000 |$60,200 |6 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-49% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |50-74% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |75-99% |$47,000 |$47,000 |$47,000 |$47,000 |1 |

| |100% |$51,471 |$49,756 |$42,000 |$60,200 |26 |

| |NO ANSWER |$60,000 |$60,000 |$53,000 |$67,000 |2 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$67,237 |$67,237 |$67,237 |$67,237 |1 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$49,848 |$47,500 |$40,000 |$60,000 |23 |

| |No Certification |$58,300 |$57,000 |$54,000 |$67,000 |5 |

|Table 16: Compensation: All Consultants/Principal (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$95,406 |$86,000 |$60,500 |$131,250 |16 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Higher Education |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |1 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |1 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Problem |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Services |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |Social Service |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |1 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |$105,736 |$100,000 |$66,000 |$144,000 |11 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Community Development |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |1 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |$147,000 |$147,000 |$144,000 |$150,000 |2 |

| |National |$115,357 |$120,000 |$70,000 |$137,500 |7 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |$58,833 |$57,000 |$45,000 |$68,400 |6 |

| |Local |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 16: Compensation: All Consultants/Principal (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$95,406 |$86,000 |$60,500 |$131,250 |16 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |1 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$87,500 |$87,500 |$55,000 |$120,000 |2 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |1 |

| |$100 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$105,736 |$100,000 |$66,000 |$144,000 |11 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |$68,400 |1 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |1 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |1 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |1 |

| |$75 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |$105,736 |$100,000 |$66,000 |$144,000 |11 |

|Table 16: Compensation: All Consultants/Principal (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$95,406 |$86,000 |$60,500 |$131,250 |16 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) |$95,406 |$86,000 |$60,500 |$131,250 |16 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |$102,938 |$110,000 |$71,000 |$131,250 |8 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |$87,875 |$67,200 |$46,500 |$125,000 |8 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |$25,600 |$25,600 |$25,600 |$25,600 |1 |

| |50,000-999,999 |$122,000 |$100,000 |$66,000 |$200,000 |3 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$81,900 |$61,700 |$48,000 |$125,000 |6 |

| |3,000,000 or more |$107,250 |$110,000 |$72,000 |$137,500 |6 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |4-6 years |$60,000 |$60,000 |$48,000 |$72,000 |2 |

| |7-9 years |$79,467 |$70,000 |$68,400 |$100,000 |3 |

| |10-14 years |$66,867 |$55,000 |$25,600 |$120,000 |3 |

| |15-19 years |$114,375 |$131,250 |$85,000 |$143,750 |4 |

| |20-24 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-29 years |$103,333 |$100,000 |$66,000 |$144,000 |3 |

| |30 or more years |$200,000 |$200,000 |$200,000 |$200,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |$51,500 |$51,500 |$48,000 |$55,000 |2 |

| |2 years |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |$120,000 |1 |

| |3 years |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |1 |

| |4 years |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |$72,000 |1 |

| |5-6 years |$114,275 |$140,750 |$81,550 |$147,000 |4 |

| |7-9 years |$71,133 |$68,400 |$45,000 |$100,000 |3 |

| |10-14 years |$162,500 |$162,500 |$125,000 |$200,000 |2 |

| |15 or more years |$83,000 |$83,000 |$66,000 |$100,000 |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table 16: Compensation: All Consultants/Principal (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Principal |$95,406 |$86,000 |$60,500 |$131,250 |16 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |$48,000 |1 |

| |25-34 years old |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |$70,000 |1 |

| |35-44 years old |$95,900 |$100,000 |$72,000 |$125,000 |5 |

| |45-54 years old |$73,000 |$66,000 |$55,000 |$68,400 |5 |

| |55-64 years old |$141,000 |$132,000 |$110,000 |$172,000 |4 |

| |65 or more years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Gender |Male |$105,000 |$112,500 |$66,000 |$144,000 |6 |

| |Female |$89,650 |$71,000 |$55,000 |$120,000 |10 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some college work |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |$100,000 |1 |

| |Associates degree |$82,120 |$70,000 |$45,000 |$120,000 |5 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |$148,000 |$144,000 |$100,000 |$200,000 |3 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |$125,000 |1 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |$61,700 |$61,700 |$55,000 |$68,400 |2 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |$80,875 |$69,000 |$57,000 |$104,750 |4 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-49% |$66,000 |$66,000 |$66,000 |$66,000 |1 |

| |50-74% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |75-99% |$25,600 |$25,600 |$25,600 |$25,600 |1 |

| |100% |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |$55,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |$106,146 |$100,000 |$70,000 |$137,500 |13 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |$83,827 |$70,000 |$48,000 |$125,000 |11 |

| |ACFRE |$200,000 |$200,000 |$200,000 |$200,000 |1 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$111,150 |$122,500 |$72,000 |$137,500 |6 |

| |No Certification |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table17: Compensation: All Consultants/Other (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

|Organizational Focus |Arts/Cultural |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Higher Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Prim./Sec. Education |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Religion-Related |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Civic/Public Affairs |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Problem |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Health Services |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |Social Service |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Environmental |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Public Broadcasting |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Scientific or Research |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Trade/Professional Assoc. |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Federated Appeals |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Government |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Consulting Agency |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Intl./Emergency Relief |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Community Development |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |None |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Organizational Scope |International |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |National |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |State/Provincial/Regional |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Local |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table17: Compensation: All Consultants/Other (Canadian Dollars) |  |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

|Funds Raised by Organization FY 2012 |Less than $100,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100,000 - $249,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $749,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$750,000 - $1,499,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,500,000 - $2,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$3,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $99,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$100 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Size of Organizational Budget FY 2012 |Less than $250,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$250,000 - $499,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$500,000 - $999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$1,000,000- $2,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$3,000,000 - $4,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$5,000,000 - $9,999,999 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |$10,000,000 - $49,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$50,000,000 - $74,999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |$75 million or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table17: Compensation: All Consultants/Other (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

|Location of Organization |Eastern (NF/NS/NB/PE) | | | | |0 |

| |Central (ON/QC) |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |Western (AB/MB/SK/BC) |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NW Terr./Yukon/Nunavut |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |N/A |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Metropolitan Area Population |Fewer than 50,000 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |50,000-999,999 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |1,000,000-2,999,999 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |3,000,000 or more |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years of Professional Experience |Less than 4 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |4-6 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |7-9 years |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |10-14 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |15-19 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |20-24 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-29 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |30 or more years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Years with Current Employer |One year or less |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |2 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |3 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |4 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |5-6 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |7-9 years |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |10-14 years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |15 or more years |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Table17: Compensation: All Consultants/Other (Canadian Dollars) |

|  |

|  |Canada |

| |Annual Professional Income |

| |Mean |Median |Percentile 25 |Percentile 75 |Count |

|All Consultants/Other |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

|Current Age |Under Age 25 |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-34 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |35-44 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |45-54 years old |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |55-64 years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |65 or more years old |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Gender |Male |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |Female |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Highest Education |High school |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some college work |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Associates degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Baccalaureate degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Some post-graduate work |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |Masters degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Professional degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MBA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |MNA |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Doctoral degree |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Proportion of Full-Time Equivalent Employment |1-24% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |25-49% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |50-74% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |75-99% |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |100% |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |NO ANSWER |. |. |. |. |0 |

|Professional Certification Pattern |CFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |ACFRE |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |FAHP |. |. |. |. |0 |

| |Other Certification |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |$45,000 |1 |

| |No Certification |. |. |. |. |0 |



The Benefits chapter is divided into three parts and presents the data on options offered in the areas of health/medical benefits, retirement plans, and other miscellaneous perquisites or “perks.”The first subsection of each part provides the summary data for United States and Canadian respondents, and the second subsection examines benefits data based on specific positions.

Part 1: Medical/Health Benefits

1A. Medical/Health Benefits Summary

United States Respondents

Table 18 provides the medical/health benefits data for the 1,465 United States respondents and indicates the following:

• Ninety-three percent of respondents answered yes to the question: “Does your organization provide medical insurance or other medical payment plans?” For 72 percent of respondents, Managed Care Plans (Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations or Point of Service) were the primary benefit delivery system. Fifty-one percent of respondents cited basic hospitalization/major medical as an available option.

• In addition to basic medical coverage, dental insurance, prescription drug coverage and vision insurance were among the most common optional benefits offered to respondents.

➢ Eighty percent were offered dental insurance.

➢ Sixty-nine percent were offered prescription drug coverage.

➢ Sixty-five percent were offered vision insurance coverage.

• Sixty-eight percent of respondents indicated that 50 percent or more of medical insurance costs were paid by their employer, while 7 percent indicated their employer pays no health insurance premiums.

Canadian Respondents

Table 19 provides the medical/health benefits data for the 265 Canadian respondents and indicates the following:

• Ninety-two percent of Canadian respondents answered yes to the question: “Does your organization provide medical insurance or other medical payment plans?” Eighty-three percent reported their organizations provide basic hospitalization plans, and 67 percent reported their organizations provide major medical benefits. Seventy-six percent indicated that 50 percent or more of medical insurance costs were paid by their employer, while 7 percent said their employer pays no health insurance premiums.

• In addition to basic medical coverage, dental insurance, prescription drug coverage and vision insurance were among the most common optional benefits offered.

➢ Eighty-seven percent reported receiving basic dental insurance.

➢ Eighty-seven percent receive prescription drug coverage.

➢ Sixty-eight percent receive vision insurance.

• Among other health benefits provided to Canadian respondents are the following:

➢ Sixty-five percent receive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits. Of these, 55 percent indicated that 50 percent or more of EAP premiums were paid by their employer.

➢ Sixty percent receive direct medical expense reimbursement (other than premiums).

➢ Forty-nine percent receive restorative dental benefits.

➢ Forty-four percent receive supplementary long-term care insurance.

➢ Forty-one percent receive dental insurance for orthodontics.

|Table 18: Health/Medical Benefits-All U.S. Respondents |

| |  |Percentage |Count |

|Are any medical plans/benefits provided by your organization? |Yes |93% |1357 |

|> Any Traditional Indemnity (basic hospitalization/major medical) |Yes |51% |751 |

|> Any Managed Care (HMO, PPO, POS) |Yes |72% |1060 |

|> Any Medical Savings Account (MSA) |Yes |43% |623 |

|> Any Dental Insurance |Yes |80% |1178 |

|> Any Direct Medical Expense Reimbursement |Yes |16% |230 |

|> Any Elder Care |Yes |2% |31 |

|> Any Hospital Indemnity Insurance |Yes |7% |105 |

|> Any Mental Health Coverage |Yes |40% |578 |

|> Any Physical Fitness/Wellness Program |Yes |27% |389 |

|> Any Prescription Drug Coverage |Yes |69% |1016 |

|> Any Supplementary Long-Term Care |Yes |25% |366 |

|> Any Vision Insurance |Yes |65% |948 |

|% of Medical Insurance Paid by Organization |100% |18% |268 |

| |50-99% |50% |735 |

| |Less than 50% |9% |127 |

| |No Premiums Paid |7% |98 |

| |Don't Know |15% |212 |

| |NO ANSWER |2% |25 |

|Table 19: Health/Medical Benefits- All Canadian Respondents |

| |  |Percentage |Count |

|Are any medical plans/benefits provided by your organization? |Yes |92% |263 |

|> Any Basic Hospitalization Plan |Yes |83% |236 |

|> Any Major Medical Plan |Yes |67% |191 |

|> Any Employee Assistance Program (EAP) |Yes |65% |185 |

|> Any Dental Insurance (Basic) |Yes |87% |247 |

|> Any Dental Insurance (Restorative) |Yes |49% |139 |

|> Any Dental Insurance (Orthodontic) |Yes |41% |117 |

|> Any Direct Expense Reimbursement (Not Premiums) |Yes |60% |170 |

|> Any Elder Care Plan |Yes |6% |18 |

|> Any Mental Health Coverage |Yes |48% |138 |

|> Any Physical Fitness/Wellness Program |Yes |26% |74 |

|> Any Prescription Drug Coverage |Yes |87% |249 |

|> Any Supplementary Long-Term Care |Yes |44% |125 |

|> Any Vision Insurance |Yes |68% |194 |

|% of Health Insurance Premiums Paid by Organization |100% |38% |109 |

| |50-99% |38% |108 |

| |Less than 50% |3% |9 |

| |No Premiums Paid |7% |21 |

| |Don’t Know |10% |27 |

| |NO ANSWER |4% |11 |

|% of Dental Insurance Premiums Paid by Organization |100% |29% |83 |

| |50-99% |44% |126 |

| |Less than 50% |4% |11 |

| |No Premiums Paid |9% |25 |

| |Don’t Know |9% |25 |

| |NO ANSWER |5% |15 |

|% of EAP Premiums Paid by Organization |100% |40% |113 |

| |50-99% |15% |43 |

| |Less than 50% |3% |7 |

| |No Premiums Paid |15% |43 |

| |Don’t Know |17% |48 |

| |NO ANSWER |11% |31 |

1B: Medical/Health Benefits by Position

This section examines medical/health benefits according to position for nearly every professional level in fundraising. The positions examined include CEOs with fundraising responsibilities; Chief Development Officers (including Vice President or Director of Development, Fundraising, or Institutional Relations, the top paid position with responsibility for managing fundraising); Deputy Development Officer (including Deputy Director/Associate Director or equivalent, the number two person with responsibility for managing fundraising); Program Manager (Program Director or Manager with responsibility for managing a particular program or programs, e.g., annual fund or planned giving); Other Staff (including Coordinator, Assistant, Researcher, Writer); Consultant/Principal (including Principal, Senior Staff member, Campaign Director in a full-service firm that handles surveys, planning, organization, campaign direction, etc.); Consultant/Others (including other positions in a full-service firm, including specialists).

Table 20 contains the data for the United States respondents, and Table 21 contains the Canadian data.

All the position-based tables contain the same dependent variables organized by that particular variable. For example, you may want to examine what percentage of United States CEOs receive dental insurance benefits. To do that you would go to the United States table and find the columns labeled CEOs. Next, you would go to the far left column of the table to the section headed “Does the organization offer any medical plans or benefits?” The fourth option listed is “Dental Insurance.” Reading across that line to the columns related to CEOs, you will see that 103 of the CEO respondents (65 percent) receive dental insurance.

The same analysis can be used for each of the position-based tables that follow. However, when you do your analyses, pay particular attention to the total number of respondents represented in a category. The smaller the number of respondents, the more careful you must be in extrapolating from the data.

|Table 20: Health/Medical Benefits, U.S., by Position |

|  |

|  |

| |  |Percentage |Count |

|Does the organization offer a retirement plan? |Yes |86% |1260 |

|> Any IRS-Qualified Retirement Plans? |Yes |84% |1235 |

|>> Any Defined Benefit Pension Plans? |Yes |13% |194 |

|>> Any Defined Contribution Plans? |Yes |9% |131 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: Profit-sharing |Yes |48% |706 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: Thrift/savings |Yes |42% |608 |

|>>>Contribution Plan: Money purchase pension |Yes |1% |15 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: 401(k) salary deferral |Yes |1% |10 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: 403(b) salary deferral |Yes |1% |10 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: SEP |Yes |3% |42 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: SIMPLE IRA |Yes |3% |37 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: SIMPLE IRA 401(k) |Yes |2% |24 |

|> Any Non-IRS-Qualified Retirement Plans? |Yes |0% |5 |

|> Any IRA Retirement Plans? |Yes |6% |89 |

|> Any Other Retirement Plans? (Unspecified) |Yes |3% |41 |

|What is the % maximum salary matching for 401(k) Employee Contributions? |50% match |10% |147 |

| |100% match |7% |109 |

| |Other |43% |632 |

| |Don't know |21% |307 |

| |NO ANSWER |18% |270 |

|What is the % maximum salary matching for 403(b) Employee Contributions? |50% match |6% |91 |

| |100% match |4% |52 |

| |Other |30% |443 |

| |Don't know |20% |293 |

| |NO ANSWER |40% |586 |

|Table 23: Retirement Benefits, All Canadian Respondents |

| |  |Percentage |Count |

|> Any Defined Benefit Pension Plans? |Yes |51% |144 |

|> Any Defined Contribution Plans? |Yes |43% |121 |

|> Any Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan? |Yes |35% |99 |

|>>> Contribution Plan: Profit-sharing |Yes |1% |4 |

|> Any Other Retirement Plans? (Unspecified) |Yes |8% |23 |

|Terms of Organization Matching of Employee DBP Contributions |10% match |10% |27 |

| |7-9% match |8% |23 |

| |5-6% match |9% |26 |

| |2-4% match |8% |24 |

| |1% match |1% |4 |

| |Other |6% |18 |

| |No Match |6% |16 |

|Terms of Organization Matching of Employee DCP Contributions |10% match |7% |21 |

| |7-9% match |4% |10 |

| |5-6% match |9% |25 |

| |2-4% match |12% |33 |

| |1% match |3% |9 |

| |Other |5% |13 |

| |No Match |4% |11 |

2B. Retirement Benefits by Position

This section examines retirement benefits according to position for nearly every professional level in fundraising. The positions examined include CEOs with fundraising responsibilities; Chief Development Officers (including Vice President or Director of Development, Fundraising, or Institutional Relations, the top paid position with responsibility for managing fundraising); Deputy Development Officer (including Deputy Director/Associate Director or equivalent, the number two person with responsibility for managing fundraising); Program Manager (Program Director or Manager with responsibility for managing a particular program or programs, e.g., annual fund or planned giving); Other Staff (including Coordinator, Assistant, Researcher, Writer); Consultant/Principal (including Principal, Senior Staff member, Campaign Director in a full-service firm that handles surveys, planning, organization, campaign direction, etc.); Consultant/Others (including other positions in a full-service firm, including specialists).

Table 24 contains the data for the United States respondents, and Table 25 contains the Canadian data.

All the position-based tables contain the same dependent variables organized by that particular variable. For example, you may want to examine what percentage of United States CEOs receive IRS-qualified retirement plans. To do that you would have to go to the United States table and find the columns labeled “CEOs.” Next, you would go to the far left column of the table to the section headed “Does the organization offer a retirement plan?” Then go to the first entry under that heading “Any IRS-Qualified Retirement Plans?” Reading across that line to the columns related to CEOs, you will see that 102 of the CEO respondents (64 percent) receive IRS-qualified plans.

The same analysis can be used for each of the position-based tables that follow. However, when you do your analyses, pay particular attention to the total number of respondents represented in a category. The smaller the number of respondents, the more careful you must be in extrapolating from the data.

|Table 24: Retirement Benefits, U.S., by Position |

|  |

|  |

| |All |Percentage |Count |

|Does the organization offer any pre-tax benefits (Emp.)? |Yes |94% |1376 |

|Group Life Insurance |Yes |67% |981 |

|Accident Insurance |Yes |26% |375 |

|Short-Term Disability Insurance |Yes |54% |786 |

|Long-Term Disability Insurance |Yes |50% |739 |

|Tuition Reimbursement |Yes |32% |467 |

|Car or Car Allowance |Yes |13% |189 |

|Local Transportation Subsidy |Yes |12% |177 |

|Parking |Yes |31% |455 |

|Cellular Phone |Yes |44% |642 |

|Home Computer |Yes |10% |144 |

|Professional Dues |Yes |77% |1131 |

|Club Memberships |Yes |16% |240 |

|Low/No Interest Loan Program |Yes |2% |35 |

|Child Care |Yes |3% |37 |

|Financial Planning Services |Yes |11% |155 |

|Personal Legal Expenses |Yes |2% |30 |

|Personal Liability Insurance |Yes |1% |13 |

|Personal Tax Services |Yes |1% |11 |

|Professional Liability Insurance |Yes |8% |113 |

|Relocation Expenses |Yes |6% |94 |

|External Volunteer Boards/Committees Service |Yes |37% |545 |

|Other Pre-Tax Benefits |Yes |4% |65 |

| Annual Leave Granted |Yes |94% |1378 |

|Medical Leave Granted |Yes |85% |1246 |

|Paid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |22% |325 |

|Unpaid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |28% |407 |

|Bereavement Leave |Yes |70% |1030 |

|Professional Development Leave Granted |Yes |27% |388 |

|Sabbatical Leave Granted |Yes |7% |106 |

|Other Types of Leave Granted |Yes |7% |102 |

|Percentage of Time Teleworking |Every day |5% |69 |

| |Frequently |6% |85 |

| |Occasionally |55% |811 |

| |Never |33% |480 |

|Do you consider teleworking a desirable benefit? |Yes |82% |1203 |

|% Annual Income from Bonus Awards |None |76% |1118 |

| |1-3% |13% |185 |

| |4-6% |4% |61 |

| |7-9% |2% |31 |

| |10-12% |1% |21 |

| |13-15% |1% |13 |

| |16-20% |1% |9 |

| |More than 20% |1% |11 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |16 |

|Do You Have an Employment Contract? |Yes |23% |342 |

|Was There a 'Signing Bonus' with Your Hiring? |Yes |2% |30 |

|Table: 26B Other Benefits, Canadian Respondents |

| | |Percentage |Count |

|Does the organization offer any pre-tax benefits? |Yes |97% |277 |

|Group Life Insurance |Yes |81% |230 |

|Accident Insurance |Yes |58% |166 |

|Short-Term Disability Insurance |Yes |67% |191 |

|Long-Term Disability Insurance |Yes |76% |217 |

|Tuition Reimbursement |Yes |30% |85 |

|Car or Car Allowance |Yes |17% |48 |

|Local Transportation Subsidy |Yes |11% |30 |

|Parking |Yes |40% |113 |

|Cellular Phone |Yes |66% |188 |

|Home Computer |Yes |10% |29 |

|Professional Dues |Yes |79% |225 |

|Club Memberships |Yes |10% |27 |

|Low/No Interest Loan Program |Yes |4% |11 |

|Child Care |Yes |0% |1 |

|Financial Planning Services |Yes |6% |18 |

|Personal Legal Expenses |Yes |1% |2 |

|Personal Liability Insurance |Yes |4% |10 |

|Personal Tax Services |Yes |1% |3 |

|Professional Liability Insurance |Yes |7% |20 |

|Relocation Expenses |Yes |8% |24 |

|External Volunteer Boards/Committees Service |Yes |30% |85 |

|Other Pre-Tax Benefits |Yes |5% |13 |

|Annual Leave Granted |Yes |95% |271 |

|Medical Leave Granted |Yes |88% |252 |

|Paid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |38% |109 |

|Unpaid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |33% |93 |

|Bereavement Leave |Yes |78% |221 |

|Professional Development Leave Granted |Yes |50% |143 |

|Sabbatical Leave Granted |Yes |12% |33 |

|Other Types of Leave Granted |Yes |5% |13 |

|Percentage of Time Teleworking |Every day |4% |12 |

| |Frequently |5% |15 |

| |Occasionally |58% |164 |

| |Never |32% |91 |

|% Annual Income from Bonus Awards |None |80% |228 |

| |1-3% |8% |24 |

| |4-6% |3% |8 |

| |7-9% |1% |4 |

| |10-12% |3% |9 |

| |13-15% |2% |5 |

| |16-20% |1% |2 |

| |More than 20% |1% |2 |

| |NO ANSWER |1% |3 |

|Do You Have an Employment Contract? |Yes |67% |191 |

|Was There a 'Signing Bonus' with Your Hiring? |Yes |3% |8 |

3B. Other Benefits by Position

This section examines other benefits according to position for nearly every professional level in fundraising. The positions examined include CEOs with fundraising responsibilities; Chief Development Officers (including Vice President or Director of Development, Fundraising, or Institutional Relations, the top paid position with responsibility for managing fundraising); Deputy Development Officer (including Deputy Director/Associate Director or equivalent, the number two person with responsibility for managing fundraising); Program Manager (Program Director or Manager with responsibility for managing a particular program or programs, e.g., annual fund or planned giving); Other Staff (including Coordinator, Assistant, Researcher, Writer); Consultant/Principal (including Principal, Senior Staff member, Campaign Director in a full-service firm that handles surveys, planning, organization, campaign direction, etc.); Consultant/Others (including other positions in a full-service firm, including specialists).

Table 27 contains the data for the United States respondents, and Table 28 contains the Canadian data.

All the position-based tables contain the same dependent variables organized by that particular variable. For example, you may want to examine what percentage of United States CEOs receive group life insurance. To do that you would go to the United States table and find the columns labeled CEOs. Next, you would go to the far left column of the table to the section headed “Benefit: Group Life Insurance.” Reading across that line to the columns related to CEOs, you will see that 84 of the CEO respondents (53 percent) receive group life insurance.

The same analysis can be used for each of the position-based tables that follow. However, when you do your analyses, pay particular attention to the total number of respondents represented in a category. The smaller the number of respondents, the more careful you must be in extrapolating from the data.

|Table 27: Other Benefits, U.S., by Position |

|  |

|  |

|  |

  |Chief Executive Officer |Chief Development Officer |Deputy Development Officer |Program Manager |Other Staff Position |Consultant/Principal |Consultant/Other | | |  |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count |Percentage |Count | |Does the organization offer any paid leave? |Yes |100% |42 |97% |108 |100% |26 |98% |50 |100% |29 |75% |12 |100% |1 | |Annual Leave Granted |Yes |95% |40 |97% |108 |100% |26 |98% |50 |97% |28 |63% |10 |100% |1 | |Medical Leave Granted |Yes |86% |36 |93% |103 |81% |21 |94% |48 |93% |27 |56% |9 |100% |1 | |Paid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |21% |9 |39% |43 |54% |14 |45% |23 |41% |12 |25% |4 |0% |0 | |Unpaid Parental Leave Granted |Yes |19% |8 |40% |44 |27% |7 |43% |22 |31% |9 |19% |3 |0% |0 | |Bereavement Leave |Yes |76% |32 |79% |88 |89% |23 |80% |41 |83% |24 |44% |7 |100% |1 | |Professional Development Leave Granted |Yes |55% |23 |55% |61 |46% |12 |51% |26 |35% |10 |50% |8 |0% |0 | |Sabbatical Leave Granted |Yes |5% |2 |10% |11 |8% |2 |28% |14 |14% |4 |0% |0 |0% |0 | |Other Types of Leave Granted |Yes |10% |4 |5% |5 |0% |0 |2% |1 |3% |1 |6% |1 |0% |0 | |% Annual Income from Bonus Awards |None |71% |113 |77% |549 |81% |146 |73% |166 |76% |54 |81% |55 |63% |5 | | |1-3% |11% |17 |11% |79 |11% |20 |19% |43 |23% |16 |9% |6 |0% |0 | | |4-6% |7% |11 |4% |28 |3% |6 |4% |10 |1% |1 |3% |2 |13% |1 | | |7-9% |4% |6 |3% |19 |2% |3 |1% |2 |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 | | |10-12% |2% |3 |2% |12 |1% |1 |1% |3 |0% |0 |3% |2 |0% |0 | | |13-15% |1% |1 |1% |9 |1% |2 |0% |1 |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 | | |16-20% |3% |5 |0% |3 |0% |0 |0% |1 |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 | | |More than 20% |1% |2 |1% |4 |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 |4% |3 |25% |2 | | |NO ANSWER |1% |1 |1% |7 |1% |2 |0% |1 |0% |0 |0% |0 |0% |0 | |Do You Have an Employment Contract? |Yes |27% |43 |23% |162 |22% |40 |21% |48 |23% |16 |34% |23 |63% |5 | |Was There a 'Signing Bonus' with Your Hiring? |Yes |2% |3 |3% |18 |3% |5 |1% |3 |0% |0 |0% |0 |13% |1 | |


Definition of United States Retirement Benefits Terminology

Three major categories of retirement plans and their subcategories are described below:

I. United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Qualified Plans: an employer’s stock bonus, pension or profit-sharing plan that is for the exclusive benefit of employees or their beneficiaries and that meets Internal Revenue Code requirements. It qualifies for special tax benefits, such as tax deferral for employer contributions and rollover distributions, and capital gain treatment or the 10-year tax option for lump-sum distributions (if participants qualify).

I. A. Defined benefit pension plan: plan in which the employer assumes the investment risk. It specifies a benefit at the age of retirement based on a formula using salary and/or years of service.


B. Defined contribution plan: plan in which the employee assumes the investment risk. It specifies an annual contribution based on one of three factors: 1) a percentage of salary (2) a percentage of the target benefit based on age or (3) a match based on employee contribution.

1. Profit-sharing plan: provides that the amount held in the account of each participant will be paid when that participant retires. The amount of any distribution from the profit-sharing plan depends on the contributions (including allocated forfeitures) made for the participant and the earnings from those contributions.

2. Thrift/savings plan: a tax-deferred savings program established for Federal employees only. The TSP is based upon Code Sec 401(k) and is similar to the 401(k) plans widely used in private industry

3. 401(k) salary deferral: a retirement plan in which an employee can elect to have the employer contribute part of the employee’s wages to the plan on a pretax basis. These deferred wages are not subject to income tax withholding at the time of deferral. The deferred wages are not reflected on Form 1040 since they were not included in taxable wages of box 1, Form W-2. However, they are included as wages subject to social security, Medicare and federal unemployment taxes. The amount an employee can elect to defer is limited

4. 403(b) salary deferral: a tax-sheltered annuity plan for employees of public schools and certain tax-exempt organizations. Generally, no more than $10,500 of elective deferrals may be made under a 403(b) program in any tax year.

5. Money purchase pension plan: plan in which contributions by the employer are fixed and are not based on business profits.

6. SEP (Simplified Employee Pension): plan that allows you to make contributions toward your own (if you are self-employed) and your employees’ retirement without getting involved in a more complex qualified plan. Contributions are made to a traditional individual retirement arrangement (called a SEP-IRA) set up by or for each eligible employee. SEP-IRAs are owned and controlled by the employee, and the employer makes contributions to the financial institution where the SEP-IRA is maintained.

7. SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) IRA: plan in which employees can choose to make salary reduction contributions to the plan rather than receiving these amounts as part of their regular pay. In addition, the employer contributes matching or nonelective contributions.

II. Non-Qualified Plan: an employer’s plan that does not meet Internal Revenue Code requirements for qualified employee plans. It does not qualify for most of the tax benefits of a qualified plan.

III. Individual Retirement Account: a personal savings plan that offers you tax advantages to set aside money for your retirement. Generally, amounts in your IRA, including earnings and gains, are not taxed until distributed, or, in some cases, are not taxed at all if distributed according to the IRS rules.


Survey Instruments

2013 AFP Compensation and Benefits Survey, United States version

Thank you for completing this survey. When you click the CONTINUE button your survey will be submitted for analysis.


1) With what type of organization are you currently affiliated as a fundraising professional?

Arts/Cultural Organization (dance, drama, music, museum, historic preservation, etc.)

Higher Education (colleges, universities, community colleges and affiliated foundations)

Primary or Secondary Education (private, public, affiliated foundations)

Religious or Religion-Related (except educational)

Civic and Public Affairs (legal, public advocacy, urban affairs, etc.)

National or Regional Health Agency (specific disease or health-related problem)

Health Services (hospital, clinic, nursing home, specialized services)

Social Service (child, youth, adult, family, retirement, etc.)

Environmental (conservation/wildlife)

Public Broadcasting

Scientific, Research or Other Educational

Association Foundation (trade, professional)

Federated Appeals (United Way, UNCF, UJA, etc.)


Consulting Firm, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship

International/Emergency Relief

Community Development/Economic Development


None (unemployed)

2) Approximately how much money did your organization raise in contributed gifts from all sources during the last fiscal year? (U.S. Dollars)?

Less than $100,000








More than $100 million

3) What was your organization’s annual operating budget during the last fiscal year?

Less than $250,000








More than $75 million

4) Please indicate the following regarding paid personnel who support fundraising:

a. Number of professionals with direct fundraising responsibility

b. Number of communication/marketing professionals who directly support fundraising

c. Number of alumni or constituent relations professionals

d. Number of professionals who support fundraising operations, e.g., prospect research, gift processing

e. Number of event planners

f. Number of support staff who work in the fundraising department

How many volunteers assist with fundraising?

5) What is the geographic scope of your organization?





6) In what region is the office where you work located?

Northeast United States: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

Southeast United States: Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia

North Central United States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

South Central United States: Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas

Northwest U.S.: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Southwest United States: Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico

Other United States

Non-United States

7) In what size metropolitan area is the office where you work located?

Population less than 50,000

Population of 50,000- 99,999

Population of 1,000,000-2,999,999

Population of 3 million or more

8) Does your organization have a succession planning policy? (yes/no)

10) What is the Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) of your current position?






11) What is your current position? Please select the ONE choice that best describes the full scope or range of your responsibilities, even if it is not your exact title.

Agency CEO with Fundraising and Other Responsibilities

Chief Development Officer, Vice President or Director of Development, Fundraising or Institutional Relations (top paid position with responsibility for managing fundraising)

Deputy Director/Associate Director or equivalent (number two person with responsibility for managing fundraising)

Program Director/Manager (with responsibility for managing a particular program(s) e.g., annual giving, planned giving)

Other Staff Position (e.g., coordinator, assistant, researcher, writer)

Consultant - Principal, Senior Staff member, Campaign Director in Full Service Firm (surveys, planning, organization, campaign direction, etc.)

Consultant- Other Position in Full Service Firm


None (unemployed)

12) What is your primary area of responsibility? (check one)

Overall management of multiple fundraising functions

Annual Giving

Capital Campaign


Alumni and/or Constituent Relations

Corporate/Foundation Relations

Direct Response (direct mail, telephone or web solicitation)

Individual and/or Major Gifts

Fundraising Operations/Development Services

Government Relations

Planned Giving

Prospect Research

Proposal Writing

Special Events


13) For how many years have you been employed as a fundraising professional?

14) How long have you been with your current employer?

15) How many different fundraising positions have you held in your career?

16) What is the longest period of time you have been employed in the same fundraising position within the same organization?


17) What was your annual professional income during the last fiscal year? (excluding fringes and perquisites or any bonus) Please do NOT use a comma when entering income.

18) By what percentage did your professional income (excluding fringes and perquisites or any bonus) change from fiscal year 2011 to fiscal year 2012?

Down 10% or more

Down 7-9%

Down 4-6%

Down 1-3%

No Change

Up 1-3%

Up 4-6%

Up 7-9%

Up 10% or more

19) Approximately what percentage of your professional income, if any, did you receive as a bonus in fiscal year 2012?








More than 20%

20) My organization explicitly states that achieving determined performance goals will be a factor in determining a pay raise.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

21 My organization explicitly states that achieving determined performance goals will be a factor in determining changes for a promotion

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

22) Do you feel that you negotiated effectively for the salary you wanted when you accepted your current position?



23) Have any of the following had a negative impact on your earnings potential? (Select all that apply)

I took time off from my career to stay home and raise children

I took time off from my career to take care of family members

I took time off from my career to further my education.

I have resigned from previous positions because I moved to other cities to follow my spouse’s partner’s career.

I have resigned from a previous position before being offered a new position.

Other (please specify)

24) Have you ever worked in a position that was terminated? (yes/no)

a. If yes, what were the reasons for the termination? (check all that apply)

a. Economy

b. Failure to meet budget

c. Staffing issues

d. Other (please comment)

b. If yes, how long had you been in the position when the termination occurred?

Less than 1 year

1-3 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

25) Does your organization have a 401(k) salary deferral? (A retirement plan in which an employee can elect to have the employer contribute part of the employee’s wages to the plan on a pretax basis. The amount an employee can elect to defer is limited.)



Don’t Know

26) What are the terms for matching the 401(k) plan?

100% match

50% match


Don’t know

27) Please enter the maximum percent (%) of salary matched for your 401(k) plan. Please do NOT use a percent sign in response.

28) Does your organization have a 403(b) salary deferral? (A tax-sheltered annuity plan for employees of public schools and certain tax-exempt organizations, e.g., TIAA-CREF.)



Don't Know

29) What are the terms for matching the 403(b) plan?

100% match

50% match


Don’t know

30) Please enter the maximum percent (%) of salary matched for your 403(b) plan. Please do NOT use a percent sign in response.

31) What other types of retirement plans are offered by your organization? (Check ALL that apply)

Defined benefit pension plan (plan in which the employer assumes the investment risk. It specifies a benefit at the age of retirement based on a formula using salary and/or years of service.)

One of the following types of defined contribution plans (plans in which the employee assumes the investment risk. It specifies an annual contribution based on one of three factors: 1) a percentage of salary (2) a percentage of the target benefit based on age or (3) a match based on employee contribution.)

1. Profit-sharing plan (provides that the amount held in the account of each participant will be paid when that participant retires. The amount of any distribution from the profit-sharing plan depends on the contributions (including allocated forfeitures) made for the participant and the earnings from those contributions.)

2. Thrift/savings plan (a tax-deferred savings program established for Federal employees only. The TSP is based upon Code Sec 401(k) and is similar to the 401(k) plans widely used in private industry.)

3. Money purchase pension plan (plan in which contributions by the employer are fixed and are not based on business profits)

4. SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) (plan that allows you to make

contributions toward your own (if you are self-employed) and your employees’ retirement without getting involved in a more complex qualified plan. Contributions are made to a traditional individual retirement arrangement (called a SEP-IRA) set up by or for each eligible employee. SEP-IRAs are owned and controlled by the employee, and the employer makes contributions to the financial institution where the SEP-IRA is maintained.)

5. SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) IRA (plan in which employees can choose to make salary reduction contributions to the plan rather than receiving these amounts as part of their regular pay. In addition, the employer contributes matching or nonelective contributions.)

6. Non-IRS-Qualified Plan (an employer's plan that does not meet Internal Revenue Code requirements for qualified employee plans. It does not qualify for most of the tax benefits of a qualified plan)

7. Individual Retirement Account (a personal savings plan that offers you tax advantages to set aside money for your retirement. Generally, amounts in your IRA, including earnings and gains, are not taxed until distributed)


Don’t know

32) Please check ALL medical plans/benefits offered by your organization.

Traditional Indemnity (Basic Hospitalization/Major Medical)

Managed Care (HMO, PPO, POS)

Medical Savings Account

Dental Insurance

Direct medical expense reimbursement (other than premiums)

Elder care

Hospital indemnity insurance

Mental health coverage

Physical fitness/wellness program

Prescription drug coverage

Supplementary long-term care

Vision Insurance

33) About what percentage of the premiums are paid by your organization?



Less than 50%

No premiums paid

Don't know

34) Does your organization provide pre-tax benefits under Section 125 or 129 (flexible benefit accounts for dependent care or health care)?



Don't Know

35) Please mark ALL of the following benefits you have elected:

Group life insurance

Accident insurance

Short-term disability insurance

Long-term disability insurance

Tuition reimbursement

Car or car allowance

Local transportation subsidy


Cellular phone

Home Computer

Professional dues

Club memberships

Low/no interest loan program

Child care

Financial planning services

Personal legal expenses

Personal liability insurance

Personal tax services

Professional liability insurance

Relocation expenses

Service on external volunteer boards/committees


36) Please mark which types of leave time your organization grants you annually. (Choose all that apply)

Annual Leave/Vacation

Medical/Sick Leave

Parental Leave (paid)

Parental Leave (unpaid)

Bereavement Leave

Professional Development Leave

Sabbatical Leave

Other (please specify)

37) Please indicate the extent to which you telework

a. Every day

b. Frequently

c. Occasionally

d. Never

38) Do you consider teleworking a desirable benefit? (yes/no/comments)

39) Do you have an employment contract?



Don't know

40) Was there a “signing bonus” associated with your hiring?



Don't Know

41) Have you ever worked with an executive recruiter to secure a position in fundraising?



42) Overall, how do you feel about your salary and benefits package?

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied


Somewhat Dissatisfied

Very Dissatisfied

No Opinion


43) Please indicate your degree of satisfaction with the following aspects of your work:

(very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied no dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied)

Relations with co-workers

Relations with supervisors

Relations with board members

Relations with other volunteers

Realistic expectations for my work performance

Clear directives from supervisors

Adequate support services to do my job

The schedule of my working hours

My current workload

Respect from community members

Amount of recognition received for work

Opportunity for advancement

Autonomy in doing my work

Variety of work

Fairness of employer’s rules and regulations

Alignment of my interests with the mission of the organization

Opportunities to apply my skills and expertise

Alignment of the job with my work skills and expertise

My ability to balance work with my personal and family life

Training opportunities available to me

My ability to meet career goals and aspirations

Job security


44) Please select the ONE response that best describes your field of endeavor immediately prior to entering fundraising.

Business (non-sales)



Health Care


Public Relations/Marketing

Financial Planning/Banking

Clerical Work in Nonprofit Organization



Social Work


Volunteer Worker




45) What was your age at the time you entered fundraising?

46) For how many employers have you worked as a fundraising professional? (Consultants should count each fundraising consulting firm as one.)

47) Please select the statement which best describes why you chose your current position:

More challenge/responsibility

Greater pay

Change of top management of institution

Needed to change for personal reasons

Chance to start fresh

Chance to work with administration more development focused

Opportunity to do more meaningful work

Greater chance for success

Greater opportunity to balance work and home life


48) How did you hear about your current job? (Please fill in only ONE response that describes your primary source of information.)

I responded to an ad on the AFP International website

I responded to ads on other websites

I responded ads in print media

An associate in the field told me of the opening

I was promoted from within my organization

I was asked by the Chief Executive or Chief Development officer to join the organization

I was asked by another employee to apply for the position

I was asked by a board member to apply for the position

I was identified through a search process using an executive search firm


49) Overall, how do you feel about your fundraising career? Would you say that you feel?

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Just OK

Somewhat Dissatisfied

Very Dissatisfied

50) Which of the following best describes your current career plans?

(select only ONE)

I plan to serve in my present capacity indefinitely.

I would like to move into higher levels of management responsibility within my organization.

I would like to stay with my organization at the same level but with different fundraising responsibilities.

I plan to move to a different fundraising organization as soon as I find a suitable position.

I plan to leave fundraising for a different field as soon as I find a suitable position.

I would like to make a job or career change, but I’m not sure what kind yet.

51) What is the most important factor in your organization that prevents you from doing your job more professionally? (Choose only ONE)


Insufficient staff personnel

Insufficient staff training

Insufficient budget for fundraising

Insufficient understanding or appreciation of fundraising by the organization leadership.

Competition from other assigned duties

Insufficient authority to exercise professional judgment


52) In the past 12 months have you:

Looked for a promotion within the organization?

Looked for a job with another employer? (yes, no)

Made plans to become self-employed? (yes, no)

53) If you have thought about leaving your organization in the past year, please indicate all of the reasons why.

To earn a higher salary

To advance in my career, to seek a position with more responsibility and/or authority

To engage in more interesting or challenging work

Because I lack a sense of recognition for what I do

Because work expectations are unrealistic

Because my work environment is not supportive of me as an individual

Because there are greater opportunities for career advancement elsewhere

Because I am frustrated by the work environment

To get more time to spend on personal/family activities

Because of personality conflicts with my coworkers(s) or manager

Because my values and the organization’s values are not the same

To move closer to family members

Because of gender bias in terms of salary

54) Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)

1. I feel very committed to the sector in which I am currently employed (e.g., health services, arts and culture, consulting).

2. In order to keep working in this sector (e.g., health services, arts and culture, consulting), I am willing to work for less pay than I could receive in other sectors.

3. My chances for career advancement in this sector are good.


55) What is your age?

56) What is your gender?



57) What is your main ethnic background? (choose only ONE)

African American

Caucasian, not of Hispanic Origin

Asian or Pacific Islander

Alaskan Native


Native American



58) What is your highest level of educational attainment?

High school diploma or equivalent

Some college work (no degree)

Associate degree

Baccalaureate degree

Post-graduate work (no degree)

Master’s degree

Professional degree (law, medicine, etc.)


MNA (Master of Nonprofit Administration)

Doctoral degree

59) Have you taken continuing education programs or graduate courses (certificate, master’s, Ph.D.) related specifically to fundraising, nonprofit management or philanthropy at a college or university?



I plan to in the near future

60) If you answered yes or I plan to in the near future, please indicate the name of the institution.

61) Which of the following professional certifications do you hold? (Choose ALL that apply)






62) What is your ZIP code?

2013 AFP Compensation and Benefits Survey, Canadian version

Thank you for completing this survey. When you click the CONTINUE button your survey will be submitted for analysis.


1) With what type of organization are you currently affiliated as a fundraising professional?

Arts/Cultural Organization (dance, drama, music, museum, historic preservation, etc.)

Higher Education (colleges, universities, community colleges and affiliated foundations)

Primary or Secondary Education (private, public, affiliated foundations)

Religious or Religion-Related (except educational)

Civic and Public Affairs (legal, public advocacy, urban affairs, etc.)

National or Regional Health Agency (specific disease or health-related problem)

Health Services (hospital, clinic, nursing home, specialized services)

Social Service (child, youth, adult, family, retirement, etc.)

Environmental (conservation/wildlife)

Public Broadcasting

Scientific, Research or Other Educational

Association Foundation (trade, professional)

Federated Appeals (United Way, UNCF, UJA, etc.)


Consulting Firm, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship

International/Emergency Relief

Community Development/Economic Development


None (unemployed)

2) Approximately how much money did your organization raise in contributed gifts from all sources during the last fiscal year? (Canadian Dollars)?

Less than $100,000








More than $100 million

3) What was your organization’s annual operating budget during the last fiscal year?

Less than $250,000








More than $75 million

4) Please indicate the following regarding paid personnel who support fundraising:

a. Number of professionals with direct fundraising responsibility

b. Number of communication/marketing professionals who directly support fundraising

c. Number of alumni or constituent relations professionals

d. Number of professionals who support fundraising operations, e.g., prospect research, gift processing

e. Number of event planners

f. Number of support staff who work in the fundraising department

How many volunteers assist with fundraising?

5) What is the geographic scope of your organization?





6) In what region is the office where you work located?

Eastern Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI)

Central Canada (Ontario, Quebec)

Western Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia)

Northwest Territories/Yukon/Nunavut


7) In what size metropolitan area is the office where you work located?

Population less than 50,000

Population of 50,000- 99,999

Population of 1,000,000-2,999,999

Population of 3 million or more

8) Does your organization have a succession planning policy? (yes/no)

10) What is the Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) of your current position?






11) What is your current position? Please select the ONE choice that best describes the full scope or range of your responsibilities, even if it is not your exact title.

Agency CEO with Fundraising and Other Responsibilities

Chief Development Officer, Vice President or Director of Development, Fundraising or Institutional Relations (top paid position with responsibility for managing fundraising)

Deputy Director/Associate Director or equivalent (number two person with responsibility for managing fundraising)

Program Director/Manager (with responsibility for managing a particular program(s) e.g., annual giving, planned giving)

Other Staff Position (e.g., coordinator, assistant, researcher, writer)

Consultant - Principal, Senior Staff member, Campaign Director in Full Service Firm (surveys, planning, organization, campaign direction, etc.)

Consultant- Other Position in Full Service Firm


None (unemployed)

12) What is your primary area of responsibility? (check one)

Overall management of multiple fundraising functions

Annual Giving

Capital Campaign


Alumni and/or Constituent Relations

Corporate/Foundation Relations

Direct Response (direct mail, telephone or web solicitation)

Individual and/or Major Gifts

Fundraising Operations/Development Services

Government Relations

Planned Giving

Prospect Research

Proposal Writing

Special Events


13) For how many years have you been employed as a fundraising professional?

14) How long have you been with your current employer?

15) How many different fundraising positions have you held in your career?

16) What is the longest period of time you have been employed in the same fundraising position within the same organization?


17) What was your annual professional income during the last fiscal year? (excluding fringes and perquisites or any bonus) Please do NOT use a comma when entering income.

18) By what percentage did your professional income (excluding fringes and perquisites or any bonus) change from fiscal year 2011 to fiscal year 2012?

Down 10% or more

Down 7-9%

Down 4-6%

Down 1-3%

No Change

Up 1-3%

Up 4-6%

Up 7-9%

Up 10% or more

19) Approximately what percentage of your professional income, if any, did you receive as a bonus in fiscal year 2012?








More than 20%

20) My organization explicitly states that achieving determined performance goals will be a factor in determining a pay raise.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

21) My organization explicitly states that achieving determined performance goals will be a factor in determining changes for a promotion.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

22) Do you feel that you negotiated effectively for the salary you wanted when you accepted your current position?



23) Have any of the following had a negative impact on your earnings potential? (Select all that apply)

I took time off from my career to stay home and raise children

I took time off from my career to take care of family members

I took time off from my career to further my education.

I have resigned from previous positions because I moved to other cities to follow my spouse’s partner’s career.

I have resigned from a previous position before being offered a new position.

Other (please specify)

24) Have you ever worked in a position that was terminated? (yes/no)

c. If yes, what were the reasons for the termination? (check all that apply)

a. Economy

b. Failure to meet budget

c. Staffing issues

d. Other (please comment)

d. If yes, how long had you been in the position when the termination occurred?

Less than 1 year

1-3 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

25) Does your organization have a Defined Pension Benefit Plan for retirement?



Don’t Know

26) What are the terms for matching the Defined Pension Benefit Plan for retirement?

10% match

7-9% match

5-6% match

2-4% match

1% match


No match

27) Please enter the maximum percent (%) of salary matched for your Defined Pension Benefit Plan. Please do NOT use a percent sign in response.

28) Does your organization have a Defined Contribution Plan for retirement?



Don't Know

29) What are the terms for matching the Defined Contribution Plan for retirement?

10% match

7-9% match

5-6% match

2-4% match

1% match


No match

30) Please enter the maximum percent (%) of salary matched for your Defined Contribution Plan. Please do NOT use a percent sign in response.

31) What other types of retirement plans are offered by your organization? (Check ALL that apply)

Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Profit-sharing plan


Don’t know

My organization doesn't offer any retirement plan

32) Please check ALL medical plans/benefits offered by your organization.

Basic Hospitalization

Major Medical

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Dental Insurance (Basic)

Dental Insurance (Restorative)

Dental Insurance (Orthodontics)

Direct medical expense reimbursement (other than premiums)

Elder care

Mental health coverage

Physical fitness/wellness program

Prescription drug coverage

Supplementary long-term care

Vision Insurance

33) About what percentage of the premiums are paid by your organization for:

Health Insurance

Dental Insurance

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)



Less than 50%

None paid

Don't know

34) Does your organization provide Flexible Benefit Programs and/or a Health Care Spending Account?



Don't Know

35) Please mark ALL of the following benefits you have elected:

Group life insurance

Accident insurance

Short-term disability insurance

Long-term disability insurance

Tuition reimbursement

Car or car allowance

Local transportation subsidy


Cellular phone

Home Computer

Professional dues

Club memberships

Low/no interest loan program

Child care

Financial planning services

Personal legal expenses

Personal liability insurance

Personal tax services

Professional liability insurance

Relocation expenses

Service on external volunteer boards/committees


36) Please mark which types of leave time your organization grants you annually (choose all that apply)

Annual Leave/Vacation

Medical/Sick Leave

Parental Leave (paid)

Parental Leave (unpaid)

Bereavement Leave

Professional Development Leave

Sabbatical Leave

Other (please specify)

37) Please indicate the extent to which you telework

a. Every day

b. Frequently

c. Occasionally

d. Never

38) Do you consider teleworking a desirable benefit? (yes/no/comments)

39) Do you have an employment contract?



Don't know

40) Was there a “signing bonus” associated with your hiring?



Don't Know

41) Have you ever worked with an executive recruiter to secure a position in fundraising?



42) Overall, how do you feel about your salary and benefits package?

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied


Somewhat Dissatisfied

Very Dissatisfied

No Opinion


43) Please indicate your degree of satisfaction with the following aspects of your work:

(very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, neither satisfied no dissatisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied)

Relations with co-workers

Relations with supervisors

Relations with board members

Relations with other volunteers

Realistic expectations for my work performance

Clear directives from supervisors

Adequate support services to do my job

The schedule of my working hours

My current workload

Respect from community members

Amount of recognition received for work

Opportunity for advancement

Autonomy in doing my work

Variety of work

Fairness of employer’s rules and regulations

Alignment of my interests with the mission of the organization

Opportunities to apply my skills and expertise

Alignment of the job with my work skills and expertise

My ability to balance work with my personal and family life

Training opportunities available to me

My ability to meet career goals and aspirations

Job security


44) Please select the ONE response that best describes your field of endeavor immediately prior to entering fundraising.

Business (non-sales)



Health Care


Public Relations/Marketing

Financial Planning/Banking

Clerical Work in Nonprofit Organization



Social Work


Volunteer Worker




45) What was your age at the time you entered fundraising?

46) For how many employers have you worked as a fundraising professional? (Consultants should count each fundraising consulting firm as one.)

47) Please select the statement which best describes why you chose your current position:

More challenge/responsibility

Greater pay

Change of top management of institution

Needed to change for personal reasons

Chance to start fresh

Chance to work with administration more development focused

Opportunity to do more meaningful work

Greater chance for success

Greater opportunity to balance work and home life


48) How did you hear about your current job? (Please fill in only ONE response that describes your primary source of information.)

I responded to an ad on the AFP International website

I responded to ads on other websites

I responded ads in print media

An associate in the field told me of the opening

I was promoted from within my organization

I was asked by the Chief Executive or Chief Development officer to join the organization

I was asked by another employee to apply for the position

I was asked by a board member to apply for the position

I was identified through a search process using an executive search firm


49) Overall, how do you feel about your fundraising career? Would you say that you feel?

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Just OK

Somewhat Dissatisfied

Very Dissatisfied

50) Which of the following best describes your current career plans?

(select only ONE)

I plan to serve in my present capacity indefinitely.

I would like to move into higher levels of management responsibility within my organization.

I would like to stay with my organization at the same level but with different fundraising responsibilities.

I plan to move to a different fundraising organization as soon as I find a suitable position.

I plan to leave fundraising for a different field as soon as I find a suitable position.

I would like to make a job or career change, but I’m not sure what kind yet.

51) What is the most important factor in your organization that prevents you from doing your job more professionally? (Choose only ONE)


Insufficient staff personnel

Insufficient staff training

Insufficient budget for fundraising

Insufficient understanding or appreciation of fundraising by the organization leadership.

Competition from other assigned duties

Insufficient authority to exercise professional judgment


52) In the past 12 months have you:

Looked for a promotion within the organization?

Looked for a job with another employer? (yes, no)

Made plans to become self-employed? (yes, no)

53) If you have thought about leaving your organization in the past year, please indicate all of the reasons why.

To earn a higher salary

To advance in my career, to seek a position with more responsibility and/or authority

To engage in more interesting or challenging work

Because I lack a sense of recognition for what I do

Because work expectations are unrealistic

Because my work environment is not supportive of me as an individual

Because there are greater opportunities for career advancement elsewhere

Because I am frustrated by the work environment

To get more time to spend on personal/family activities

Because of personality conflicts with my coworkers(s) or manager

Because my values and the organization’s values are not the same

To move closer to family members

Because of gender bias in terms of salary

54) Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)

4. I feel very committed to the sector in which I am currently employed (e.g., health services, arts and culture, consulting).

5. In order to keep working in this sector (e.g., health services, arts and culture, consulting), I am willing to work for less pay than I could receive in other sectors.

6. My chances for career advancement in this sector are good.


55) What is your age?

56) What is your gender?



57) What is your main ethnic background? (choose only ONE)

Black/African American

Caucasian, not of Hispanic Origin

Asian or Pacific Islander


French Canadian




58) What is your highest level of educational attainment?

High school diploma or equivalent

Some college work (no degree)

Associate degree

Baccalaureate degree

Post-graduate work (no degree)

Master’s degree

Professional degree (law, medicine, etc.)


MNA (Master of Nonprofit Administration)

Doctoral degree

59) Have you taken continuing education programs or graduate courses (certificate, master’s, Ph.D.) related specifically to fundraising, nonprofit management or philanthropy at a college or university?



I plan to in the near future

60) If you answered yes or I plan to in the near future, please indicate the name of the institution.

61) Which of the following professional certifications do you hold? (Choose ALL that apply)






62) What is your postal code? (Please enter as in this example, including the middle space: A1B 2C3.)


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