WORTHY - Sperry Marine


Worthwhile To Help High School Youth

Mentoring/Scholarship Program

Building a brighter future

To help develop tomorrow’s technical talent, Northrop Grumman’s Electronic Systems (ES) sector, headquartered near Baltimore Washington International Airport, introduced the WORTHY (Worthwhile To Help High School Youth) mentoring program in September of 1998.

This program was successfully introduced to the Charlottesville/Albemarle area in 2007. To date, 17 local students have benefited from being mentored by some of ES’s many talented employees. During 2011, up to five additional students will be added to the program. Participants should express a desire to pursue a college degree in science, technology, engineering, or math.

Mentoring and much more

As part of the program, each mentee is assigned to two mentors. Mentees will spend one full day each month with their mentors, who will provide an introduction to the business world, keys to achieving success, career guidance, and academic advice.

Mentees in the WORTHY Program may be eligible for part-time summer enrichment opportunities through Northrop Grumman as available in order to help them to compete in the job market after college graduation.

Upon successful completion of the program, Northrop Grumman will provide eligible mentees with multi-year partial scholarships to attend an accredited college or university.


To be considered for participation in the WORTHY Program, applicants must reside in Albemarle County; attend a public high school within Albemarle County/Charlottesville City limits; be a 10th or 11th grader for the 2011-2012 school year; plan to major in science, technology, engineering, or math; be enrolled in college preparatory curriculum; be able to maintain a 3.0 grade point average while enrolled in the program and have earned a 3.0 for at least two consecutive semesters prior to the application period; and be able to secure a Department of Defense Clearance (must be a U.S. citizen to qualify).

Additionally, the program seeks students who participate in school or community activities and demonstrate strong leadership and good communication skills.

To apply for the WORTHY Program, students must be recommended by their math/science teacher and school guidance counselor/representative or community leader.


The focus and primary objective of the WORTHY program is to select Albemarle County high school students who are challenged by their environment, available resources and support systems, yet demonstrate the academic excellence and leadership ability necessary to successfully complete college studies in science, technology, engineering, or math.

For more information, contact Nikki Forbes at (434) 974-2411. Completed applications must be submitted to:

WORTHY Program c/o Nikki Forbes

Northrop Grumman Corporation/Sperry Marine

1070 Seminole Trail

Charlottesville, VA 22901

by close of business on April 15th, 2011. Finalists may be interviewed, and all applicants will receive a written response by early June.

Mentees will be assigned to two mentors who will spend several hours each month with them, providing an introduction to the business world, keys to achieving success, career guidance and academic advice. They will also have the opportunity to assist their mentors with projects. Mentors and mentees will be encouraged to participate in activities outside of the corporate environment to foster cultural exchange.

Mentees in the WORTHY program will be offered part-time, summer employment with Northrop Grumman in order to help prepare them to compete in the job market after college graduation.

Supplementing these work assignments will be learning experiences focused on engineering and information technology.

Upon successful completion of the program, Northrop Grumman will provide the mentees with multi-year partial scholarships to attend an accredited college or university of their choice, as well as summer internships or part-time


WORTHY Mentoring/Scholarship Application

|Name: |      |      |      |      |

| |Last |First |Middle |Social Security Number |

|Address: |      |      |      |      |

| |Number & Street |City | |State |Zip |

|Telephone: (Include Area Code): |      |      |Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes | No |

| | | | | | |

|Cell Phone Number: |      |Email address: |      |

|      | | 9 10 |

|School Now Attending | | Current Grade Level |

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|Principal (Full Name and Title) | |Curriculum | |

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|Name of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) | |

|      |      |      |      |

Parent(s) Address (if different from above) City State Zip

|What is your planned college major? |      |

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List the organized activities you have participated in while attending junior high/high school.

| | |Years | |Intra- |Inter- |During |After |

|Activity |Office(s) Held |Active |Grade(s) |Mural |scholastic |School |School |

|      |      |      |      | | | | |

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List your organized outside-of-school activities (community groups, etc.).

|Activity |Office(s) Held |Years Active |Grade(s) |

|      |      |      |      |

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Have you been or are you currently employed? Yes No

| | | |Hours per | | |

| |From |To | |School |Summer |

|Type of Work |Month |Year |Month |Year |Week |Year |Job |

|      |      |      |      |      |      | | |

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Do you have other responsibilities in addition to school? Yes No

| | | |Hours Per | | |

| |From |To | |School | |

|Responsibility |Month |Year |Month |Year |Week |Year |Summer |

|      |      |      |      |      |      | | |

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|      |      |      |      |      |      | | |

What honors or awards have you received during your junior high/high school years?

|Academic Honors or Awards |Non-Academic Honors or Awards |

|(Science, Math, etc.) |(Musical, Athletic, etc.) |

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Are you a member of any honorary societies (e.g., National Honor Society)?

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Briefly describe three of your key strengths:

|1. |      |

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|2. |      |

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|3. |      |

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|What is your favorite: |Book |      | |School Subject |      |

| |Movie |      | |Hobby |      |

Write a short essay addressing each of the following topics (you may attach additional pages):

• What is your favorite subject? Explain why.

• What is your planned college major/career goal? Explain why.

• What challenge or difficulty have you faced? How did you respond?

• What are three things that really motivate you? Explain why.

Please type (double-spaced) or print your short essays and attach to this application.

|WORTHY Applicant Signature: | |

|Parent/Guardian Signature: | |

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|Based on your knowledge of this WORTHY Mentoring/Scholarship program candidate, please make a brief statement about your perception of his/her |

|qualifications. Please address the following: leadership skills, academic excellence, planned college major, maturity level, and environmental |

|challenges. |

| |


|In order to be considered for the WORTHY program, you must submit a current transcript of grades. Please have your guidance counselor forward an |

|official copy of your transcript in a sealed envelope to: |

| |

|WORTHY Program c/o Nikki Forbes |

|Northrop Grumman Corporation |

|1070 Seminole Trail |

|Charlottesville, VA 22901 |

Questions regarding this form or the application process may be directed to:

Nikki Forbes at (434) 974-2411 (nikki.forbes@) or

February 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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