Alberta School Boards Association – Zone 5 MINUTES Friday ...

Alberta School Boards Association ? Zone 5 MINUTES

Friday, September 5, 2014

In Attendance

Sylvia Eggerer (Chair) Anne-Marie Boucher (Vice Chair) Helen Clease Scott McCormack Suzanne Lundrigan Phil Butterfield Ron Taylor Tim Stensland Bev LaPeare Colleen Munro Doug Gardner Laurie Copland Joanne Van Donzel Bev LaPeare Joyce Bazant Arlene Rheaume Amber Stewart Pamela King Trina Hurdman Cheryl Low


Pam Halverson Genevi?ve Poulin Larry Tucker Kim Bater

Rocky View Schools FrancoSud ASBA ASBA ASBA Alberta Education, Metro Services Branch Alberta Education, South Services Branch Alberta Education, South Services Branch Rocky View Schools Rocky View Schools Foothills School Division Foothills School Division Christ the Redeemer Rocky View Schools Golden Hills Canadian Rockies Calgary Board of Education Calgary Board of Education Calgary Board of Education Calgary Catholic

Alberta Education Conseil FrancoSud Golden Hill School Division ASBA

Call to Order Chair Sylvia Eggerer called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.

Introductions Chair Sylvia Eggerer conducted introductions for the group and introduced one of the new secretaries.

Approval of Agenda Moved by Bev LaPeare that the Agenda for the September 5, 2014 meeting be approved as submitted.



Approval of Minutes Moved by Joyce Bazant that the minutes of the May 23, 2014 meeting be approved as presented. Carried

Business Arising from the Minutes No new business arising from the minutes

Correspondence Chair Sylvia Eggerer received an email from Ron Taylor regarding the ASBA January 2015 meeting date. Alberta Education is holding a meeting on the same day (Jan. 9). Dates for the upcoming meetings will be decided at the October Executive meeting

Chair Report The ASBA AGM will be held in October - dates to be confirmed at the Zone 5 Executive meeting following the meeting. It was announced the chair position would be open for election. S. Eggerer asked if anyone is interested in becoming part of the new Board, to email her for an invite. Sylvia also has expense claim forms if anyone needs them.

Vice Chair Report The financial statement as of August 31, 2014 will be presented at the Zone 5 Executive meeting.

Call for Directives for Action No new Directives for Action. Helen Clease gave an update on the process for Directives for Action or Policies resulting from the May 23, 2014 meeting. It is in the process of being reviewed by the ASBA policy board.


ASBA Director's Report, Helen Clease ? The August 21, 2014 ASBA Highlights were reviewed ? Announcement - David Anderson, ASBA Executive Director, is transitioning to retirement. ASBA Board of Directors has approached various agencies to search for his replacement. Scott McCormack has assumed the role of Acting Director. More information will follow to recognize David for his years of service. Attachment

ASBA Executive/Staff Report, Helen Clease ? The ASBA FGM is quickly approaching. The theme this year is `Advocacy'. There will be sessions for trustees and superintendents to build on in their Divisions. Anyone with


suggestions for the FGM is asked to forward these to Suzanne Lundrigan, ASBA Director of Communications ? Feedback from the NDP/PC candidate teleconferences was positive. Candidates realized in one call they were able to reach and speak to over 400 trustees in the province. Responses will be posted on the ASBA website ? The next ASBA meeting is Sept. 11 & 12, 2014. The Minister and MLAs have been invited to the meeting ? There have been discussions with Sandra Janzens regarding GSA (Gay, Straight Alliance) on how we can better provide a safe and caring environments for students ? Scott McCormack provided updates on Excellence in Teaching, Bargaining Consultations, and Regulations Review Task Force on Governance. School boards are invited to discuss the alignment of policies and helping with transitioning on October 6, 2014. ASBA is seeking a grant from Alberta Education to support boards in making these transitions. The Minister and Deputy Minister of Education will also be invited to this meeting ? Helen and Scott attended CASS building on common messaging, working together with CASS, ASBOA, and the Council of School Boards. A suggestion was brought forward to have a number in email subject line. Also, for looking at consistencies in naming conventions. Begin subject line with ASBA ? They continue to look at more efficient ways of communicating ? Anyone interested in getting a Trustee pin are to talk to Suzanne Lundrigen ? `Accommodating student and employee needs: ASBA Legal Conference' Oct 7, 8, 2014 Executive Royal Hotel, Calgary

Alberta Education, Phil Butterfield, Tim Stensland and Ron Taylor ? Ron Taylor reviewed the September 2014 Director's Report from Field Services. Suggestions/feedback can be emailed to Ron Taylor or Pam Halverson ? Note there has been added a monthly Q&A at the back ? Zone 5 secretaries will email the Director's Report to all representatives when received Highlights included: ? Student Learning Assessment information and Grade 3 SLA Pilots ? K-9 Mathematics Program of Studies has been updated (effective Sept. 1, 2014) More information and resources can be found on the Alberta Education Mathematics Web Page ? Learning Commons Policy and Guidelines web page ? Mental Health Capacity Building ? Every Student Counts: Keeping Kids in School ? supporting jurisdictions to promote lower drop out rates ? High School Redesign ? Tell the From Me ? many boards are using this tool ? There are now accommodations for students with anxiety writing diploma exams Attachment


? The Minister and Cabinet are aware of challenges to review policies, especially in areas affected by the Education Act. It is important to talk with your boards about collaboration prior to implementation. Field services is pleased to see the discussion meeting set for Oct. 6, 2014

? Specific direction regarding SLA reporting will follow from Alberta Education once test pilots are completed

Second Language Caucus, Joanne Van Donzel ? The Second Language Taskforce is in process. They have also formed an ELL taskforce

Networking Group, Doug Gardner & Judy Hehr ? No report

Edwin Parr, Angie Warwick ? No report

Field Experiences Policy Advisory, Joanne Van Donzel ? No report

Labour Relations, Colleen Munro ? No report. Waiting for clarification from the Minister following the election

Regional Consortium ? Cathy McCauley is the new Executive Director

Meeting recessed at 11:01a.m. Meeting reconvened at 11:11 a.m.

Moved by Joanne Van Donzel to move the meeting in-camera.

Meeting moved to in-camera at 11:12 a.m. Meeting reconvened at 11:32 a.m.



Twitter ? Suzanne Lundrigan Handout

Adjournment Moved by Bev LaPeare that the ASBA Zone 5 Meeting of September 5, 2014, be adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Carried



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