
Alchemy Island - Scratch debugging activity

Getting Started

1. Open Alchemy Island.

2. Click the green flag to get started.

3. Click the alchemist to make him move.

4. Click on ‘see inside’ to see the code.

5. Talk through the code with a partner so you know how the code works.

Debugging (1)

6. Now open Alchemy Island: one error.

7. Click the green flag as before and then the alchemist to make him move.

8. There is one error in the code - how do you know?

9. Now click on ‘see inside’ to remix. Can you see how to fix it? Get debugging!

10. Explain to a partner how you debugged the code. Write your thoughts on our discussion board.

Debugging (2)

11. Now open Alchemy Island: two errors.

12. Click the green flag as before and then the alchemist to make him move.

13. This time there are two errors in the code - how do you know?

14. Click on ‘see inside’ to remix. Get debugging again!

15. Share your solution with a partner.


16. Now open Alchemy Island: Innovate.

17. There are errors in the code to make the Alchemist move - can you fix it?

18. There is code missing for what the alchemist does at the bridge and when he reaches home. Can you add your own sounds and speech to complete the game?

19. Save your game and paste onto the finished work board.

20. Finally, email a different partner with a link to your Scratch game (make sure your game is shared!)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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