Instructions - Department of Software Engineering

E-Store Product Backlog TOC \o "1-3" Instructions PAGEREF _Toc91251184 \h 1Buyer PAGEREF _Toc91251185 \h 1Browse Products PAGEREF _Toc91251186 \h 1Owner PAGEREF _Toc91251187 \h 110% Feature PAGEREF _Toc91251188 \h 2Templates PAGEREF _Toc91251189 \h 3EPIC PAGEREF _Toc91251190 \h 3STORY PAGEREF _Toc91251191 \h 3InstructionsCreate a set of User Stories (and maybe Epics, if you choose) for the Minimal Viable Product as defined by the Project Description Document.At the end of this file are template sections for Epic (heading 2) and User Story (heading 3) that you may copy-n-paste to add your own epics and stories to the feature sections. After you have fleshed out the MVP stories, define your 10% feature and create epics/stories for this as well. Remove all instructional text and the templates page when you are done.BuyerA Buyer must be able to browse and purchase products.Browse ProductsAs a buyer I want to see a list of products so that I choose what to purchase.OwnerAn Owner must be able to maintain inventory, including possible fulfillment.Add epic and/or story sections here. Use the template sections on the last page.10% FeatureRewrite the heading with a short name for the feature, such as “Customizable Product”.An Owner or Buyer must be able to (fill-in a brief description of the feature).Add epic and/or story sections here.TemplatesUses these two sections to cut-n-paste new epics and stories for this exercise.EPICCreate a sub-section (Heading2) for each epic. The title of the sub-section should be a short, descriptive phrase and the next paragraph should provide the epic’s story statement.As a ROLE I want to do EPIC-GOAL so that EPIC-BENEFIT.STORYCreate a sub-sub-section (Heading3) for each story. The title of the section should be a short, descriptive phrase and the next paragraph should provide the story statement.As a ROLE I want to do GOAL so that BENEFIT. ................

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