PhenoPortal Ontology TreeLast updated: 04/11/2012Legend to navigate the hierarchy:Grand parentParentChildDiseases of the blood and blood forming organsAnemiaAplastic anemiaHereditary anemiaHemolytic anemiaIron deficiency anemiaOther and unspecified anemiaCoagulation defectsAcquired coagulation factor deficiencyAcquired hemophiliaCongenital factor IX disorderCongenital factor VIII disorderCongenital factor XI deficiencyDefibrination syndromeOther coagulation defectsDiseases of white blood cellsBandemiaBasophiliaEosinophiliaLeukocytopeniaLymphocytopeniaMonocytosisNeutropeniaOther diseases of white blood cellsPlasmocytosisOther diseases of blood and blood forming organsPurpura and other hemorrhagic conditionsAllergic purpuraOther hemorrhagic conditionsPrimary thrombocytopeniaSecondary thrombocytopeniaQualitative platelet defectsDiseases of the circulatory systemAcute rheumatic feverRheumatic choreaRheumatic fever with heart involvementRheumatic fever without heart involvementCerebrovascular diseaseOcclusion of precerebral arteriesOcclusion of cerebral arteriesOther cerebrovascular diseaseSubarachnoid hemorrhageTransient cerebral ischemiaChronic rheumatic heart diseaseChronic rheumatic pericarditisDiseases of aortic valveDiseases of mitral valveDiseases of endocardial structuresOther rheumatic heart diseaseDiseases of arteries, arterioles, and capillariesAortic aneurysmArterial embolism and thrombosisAtheroembolismAtherosclerosisDisease of capillariesOther disorders of arteries and arteriolesPolyarteritis nodosaSeptic arterial embolismDiseases of pulmonary circulationAcute pulmonary heart diseaseChronic pulmonary heart diseaseOther diseases of pulmonary circulationDiseases of veins and lymphaticsEmbolism and thrombosisHemorrhoidsHypotensionPhlebitis and thrombophlebitisPortal vein thrombosisVaricose veins of lower extremitiesVaricose veins of other sitesHypertensive diseaseEssential hypertensionHypertensive chronic kidney diseaseHypertensive heart diseaseSecondary hypertensionIschemic heart diseaseAcute myocardial infarctionAngina pectorisOther forms of ischemic heart diseaseOther diseases of circulatory systemDiseases of the digestive systemAppendicitisAcute appendicitisOther appendicitisDiseases of esophagus, stomach and duodenumComplications of bariatric proceduresDiseases of esophagusDisorders of function of stomachDuodenal ulcerGastric ulcerGastritis and duodenitisGastrojejunal ulcerOther disorders of stomach and duodenumPeptic ulcerDiseases of oral cavity, salivary glands, and jawsDentofacial anomaliesDiseases and other conditions of the tongueDiseases of hard tissues of teethDiseases of pulp and periapical tissuesDiseases of the jawsDiseases of the oral soft tissuesDiseases of the salivary glandsGingival and periodontal diseasesOther diseases and conditions of the teethHernia of abdominal cavityInguinal herniaOther hernia of abdominal cavityNoninfectious enteritis and colitisOther diseases of digestive systemDiseases of the genitourinary systemDiseases of male genital organsDisorders of penisHydroceleHyperplasia of prostateInfertility, maleInflammatory diseases of prostateOrchitis and epididymitisOther disorders of male genital organsOther disorders of prostateRedundant prepuce and phimosisDisorders of breastBenign mammary dysplasiasDeformity and disproportion of reconstructed breastOther disorders of breastInflammatory disease of female pelvic organsInflammatory disease of cervix, vagina, and vulvaInflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue, and peritoneumInflammatory diseases of uterusNephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosisAcute glomerulonephritisAcute kidney failureChronic glomerulonephritisChronic kidney diseaseDisorders resulting from impaired renal functionNephrotic syndromeRenal failureRenal sclerosisOther diseases of urinary systemOther disorders of female genital tractDiseases of the musculoskeletal systemArthropathies and related disordersArthropathyCrystal arthropathiesDiffuse diseases of connective tissueInternal derangement of kneeOsteoarthrosis and allied disordersOther and unspecified arthropathiesRheumatoid arthritisDorsopathiesAnkylosing spondylitisIntervertebral disc disordersOther and unspecified disorders of backOther disorders of cervical regionSpondylosis and allied disordersOsteopathies, chondropathies, and acquired musculoskeletal deformitiesAcquired deformities of toeCurvature of spineFlat footNonallopathic lesionsOsteitis deformans and osteopathiesOsteochondropathiesOsteomyelitis, periostitis, and other infections involving boneOther acquired musculoskeletal deformityRheumatismDisorders of muscle, ligament, and fasciaOther disorders of soft tissuesOther disorders of synovium, tendon, and bursaPeripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromesPolymyaglia rheumaticaDiseases of the nervous systemDiseases of the ear and mastoid processDisorders of external earHearing lossMastoiditis and related conditionsNonsuppurative otitis media and Eustachian tube disordersOther disorders of earOtosclerosisSuppurative and unspecified otitis mediaVertiginous syndromes and other disorders of vestibular systemDisorders of the eye and adnexaBlindness and low visionCataractChorioretinal inflammations, scars, and other disorders of choroidCorneal opacity and other disorders of corneaDisorders of conjunctivaDisorders of iris and ciliary bodyDisorders of lacrimal systemDisorders of optic nerve and visual pathwaysDisorders of refraction and accommodationDisorders of the globeDisorders of the orbitGlaucomaInflammation of eyelidsKeratitisOther disorders of eyeStrabismusVisual disturbancesDisorders of the peripheral nervous systemDisorders of other cranial nervesFacial nerve disordersHereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathyMononeuritis of lower limbMononeuritis of upper limb and mononeuritis multiplexMuscular dystrophyMyoneural disordersNerve root and plexus disordersTrigeminal nerve disordersHereditary and degenerative diseases of the central nervous systemAnterior horn cell diseaseCerebral degenerations usually manifest in childhoodDisorders of the autonomic nervous systemOther cerebral degenerationsOther diseases of spinal cordOther extrapyramidal diseaseParkinson's diseaseSpinocerebellar diseaseOrganic sleep disordersOther disorders of the central nervous systemOther headache syndromesPainDiseases of the respiratory systemAcute respiratory infectionsAcute bronchitisAcute laryngitis and tracheitisAcute nasopharyngitisAcute pharyngitisAcute sinusitisAcute tonsillitisAcute upper respiratory infections of multiple or unspecified sitesChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAsthmaBronchiectasisBronchitisChronic airway obstructionChronic bronchitisEmphysemaExtrinsic allergic alveolitisOther diseases of respiratory systemOther diseases of the upper respiratory tractPneumoconioses and other lung diseasesAsbestosisPneumoconiosisPneumonitisPneumonia and influenzaBronchopneumoniaInfluenzaOther pneumonia and influenzaPneumococcal pneumoniaViral pneumoniaDisease of the skin and subcutaneous tissueInfections of skin and subcutaneous tissueAcute lymphadenitisCarbuncle and furuncleCellulitis and abscess of finger and toeImpetigoOther cellulitis and abscessOther diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissueOther inflammatory conditions of skin and subcutaneous tissueEndocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseasesDiseases of other endocrine glandsDiabetes mellitusDiseases of thymus glandDisorders of adrenal glandsDisorders of parathyroid glandDisorders of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic controlOther disorders of pancreatic internal secretionOther endocrine disordersOvarian dysfunctionPolyglandular dysfunctionSecondary diabetes mellitusTesticular dysfunctionDisorders of thyroid glandAcquired hypothyroidismCongenital hypothyroidismNontoxic nodular goiterOther disorders of thyroidSimple and unspecified goiterThyroiditisThyrotoxicosis with or without goiterNutritional deficienciesAscorbic acid deficiencyDeficiency of B-complex componentsKwashiorkorNutritional marasmusOther nutritional deficienciesThiamine and niacin deficiency statesVitamin A deficiencyVitamin D deficiencyOther metabolic and immunity disordersInfectious and parasitic diseasesArthropod-borne viral diseasesArthropod-borne hemorrhagic feverDengueMosquito-borne viral encephalitisOther arthropod-borne viral diseasesHelminthiasesAncylostomiasis and necatoriasisEchinococcosisFilarial infection and dracontiasisOther and unspecified helminthiasesTrichinosisHuman immunodeficiency virus [hiv] infectionHuman immunodeficiency virus [HIV] diseaseIntestinal infectious diseasesAmebiasisCholeraIll-defined intestinal infectionsShigellosisTyphoid and paratyphoid feversMycosesBlastomycotic infectionCandidiasisCoccidioidomycosisDermatomycosisHistoplasmosisOther mycosesOther bacterial diseasesSyphilis and other venereal diseasesCardiovascular syphilisCongenital syphilisEarly syphilisGonococcal infectionsNeurosyphilisOther and unspecified syphilisTuberculosisPrimary tuberculous infectionPulmonary tuberculosisViral diseasesChickenpoxCowpox and paravacciniaHerpes simplexHerpes zosterMeaslesOther viral diseasesRubellaSmallpoxZoonotic bacterial diseasesAnthraxBrucellosisGlandersMelioidosisOther zoonotic bacterial diseasesPlagueRat-bite feverTularemiaMental and behavioral disordersIntellectual disabilitiesNeurotic disordersAcute reaction to stressAdjustment reactionAlcohol dependence syndromeAnxietyDrug dependencePsychosesAlcohol-induced mental disordersDementiasDrug-induced mental disordersEpisodic mood disordersOther nonorganic psychosesParanoid states (Delusional disorders)Schizophrenic disordersNeoplamsBenign neoplasmsBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilageBenign neoplasm of brain and nervous systemBenign neoplasm of breastBenign neoplasm of digestive systemBenign neoplasm of endocrine glandsBenign neoplasm of eyeBenign neoplasm of female genital organsBenign neoplasm of kidneyBenign neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynxBenign neoplasm of male genital organsBenign neoplasm of ovaryBenign neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organsBenign neoplasm of skinBenign neoplasm of thyroid glandsLipomaOther benign neoplasmCarcinoma in situCarcinoma in situ of breast and genitourinary systemCarcinoma in situ of digestive organsCarcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sitesCarcinoma in situ of respiratory systemCarcinoma in situ of skin Malignant neoplasm of bone, connective tissue, skin, and breastKaposi’s sarcomaMalignant melanoma of skinMalignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilageMalignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissueMalignant neoplasm of female breastMalignant neoplasm of male breastOther malignant neoplasm of skinMalignant neoplasm of digestive organs and peritoneumMalignant neoplasm of colonMalignant neoplasm of esophagusMalignant neoplasm of gallbladderMalignant neoplasm of liverMalignant neoplasm of other digestive organsMalignant neoplasm of pancreasMalignant neoplasm of rectumMalignant neoplasm of retroperitoneumMalignant neoplasm of small intestineMalignant neoplasm of stomachMalignant neoplasm of genitourinary organsMalignant neoplasm of bladderMalignant neoplasm of cervix uteriMalignant neoplasm of kidneyMalignant neoplasm of other genital organsMalignant neoplasm of penisMalignant neoplasm of placentaMalignant neoplasm of prostateMalignant neoplasm of testisMalignant neoplasm of uterusMalignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity, and pharynxMalignant neoplasm of floor of mouthMalignant neoplasm of gumMalignant neoplasm of hypopharynxMalignant neoplasm of lipMalignant neoplasm of major salivary glandsMalignant neoplasm of nasopharynxMalignant neoplasm of oropharynxMalignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouthMalignant neoplasm of tongueMalignant neoplasm of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissueHodgkin's diseaseLymphoid leukemiaLymphosarcomaMonocytic leukemiaMultiple myelomaMyeloid leukemiaOther leukemiaMalignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sitesMalignant neoplasm of respiratory and intrathoracic organsMalignant neoplasm of larynxMalignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear, and accessory sinusesMalignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sitesMalignant neoplasm of pleuraMalignant neoplasm of thymus, heart, and mediastinumMalignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lungOther neoplasms ................

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