

JANUARY 5, 2010



PIA 2528



Professor Louis A. Picard


Spring Semester, 2010

Room: 3610 Posvar Hall

Time: Tuesday,12:00-3:00

Office Hours:

Tuesday, 3:00-5:00


Office: 3615 Forbes Quadrangle

Office Phone: 1-412-648-7659

University Fax: 1-412-648-2605

Cell Phone 1-412-260-9709

Pittsburgh Phone: 1-814-352-8008

Washington: Phone 1-202 547-1135

E-Mail: Picard+@pitt.edu

Web Site: pitt.edu/~picard/

Graduate Student Assistant: Elizabeth Clark

E-mail: ehc11+@pitt.edu

Please note that this syllabus is provisional and will be updated and replaced on or about the third week of class.

Background to the Course

Development management theorists and practitioners need to be careful that their formulas for social and economic change do not do more harm than good. A balance exists between the extremes of the command economy and centralized planning on the one hand and the libertarian approach advocated by radical public choice theorists on the other. Throughout, it is not possible to divorce development issues from issues of governance and civil society. Nor can the debate and selection of policy choices be detached from the capacity of institutions to implement policy. Without good governance development is not possible.

This course will attempt to define this balance by looking at issues of local government, governance and civil society in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. It focuses on the dynamics of governance with primary attention being the grass roots base of democracy and their relationship to institutionalized state structures. Focus is on the nexus between theories of governance and the practical implications of that theory on political behavior.

The institutional state can be defined as the set of structures and processes- including the public service, the nature of social relationships within government units, and internal organizational dynamics- that though it evolves over time, is a permanent part of the dynamics of government. Formal institutions are defined as organizationally or socially based units that have effective authority over aspects of policy and implementation, are based on formal rules, common values, and standard modes of behavior as well as regulations that are widely accepted.

For the state to serve society, both politicians and the bureaucracy must see themselves as parts of the institutional system with concerns that are broader than group defined needs. Distorted institutional relationships occur when state affiliated groups and individuals identify only with their own immediate interests. This disjointed institutionalism, once installed, is difficult to change. A state, once institutionalized, has a formidable capacity for its own reproduction across time. Often systematic efforts by new regimes to uproot prior forms and build new blueprints over state and society will fail.

The state as an analytical concept refers to an idea or set of ideas as to how government relates to society. The state system, by the nineteenth century, had acquired its modern form as a steering mechanism over societal forces and an institutional apparatus with human and structural characteristics. The contemporary capitalist state makes and influences investment decisions. It is often the mission of the state to sustain conditions in its economic management conducive to investment, while simultaneously pursuing revenue-consuming distribution policies indispensable to its legitimization.

Critics of state analysis complain of the "black box" problem. Rather than reifying the state as a single actor, the argument here is that the state is characterized by both a structural complexity and an institutional fragmentation of the government of the day. Institutional approaches have suggested that it is important to analyze issues of personnel and the psychological influences that circulate within the state and its bureaucracy.

It is my position that the state is not a unitary actor but is made up of human and organizational components which cooperate and compete and which link up with and influence civil society. To repeat: the state is no unitary instrument. Rather, it is a complex social system shaped by the integration of political officials, civil servants, external actors, and social, ethnic and racial divisions.

Stable democracies require social strength to maintain a civil society and a bureaucracy that sees itself as part of an institution, as having interests wider than its own organizational or class interests. It is important that "institution building" rather than "nation building" take precedence, particularly in an ideologically divided or a multi-ethnic country.

Democratic stability requires both a strong state and societal strength based upon the values of civil society and democratic institutions imbedded in a wider network of state and social organizations. The "local state" is not synonymous with local government. The former reflects the local control mechanisms of the central authority. The latter reflects a bottom up process of political influence and control based on principles of democratic government.

Course Requirements

The basic source of our understanding about governance will be the reading list assigned below. It is lengthy and various. The categories under which it is assigned are somewhat arbitrary and as we go along the re-examination of earlier readings will be essential when we get further into the course. Because of the length of each week's reading assignment, it is essential that students keep up with the reading from week to week. Failure to do so will result in academic "overload" as the course draws to an end.

Though this is an ambitious course, there are no required readings as such. Each individual will have to decide how much and which readings are most important for him or her in any given week. The rule of thumb that the instructor works from is a minimum of two hours reading for each one hour in class. That suggests a minimum of six hours a week. Keep in mind I grade up from a minimum performance (“B Grade”) and not down. Do the best you can and you will be able to “survive” the course.

The first assignment, after the bio document (see below) will be for each student to “self-design” his or her own study plan. Participants are expected to do as much of the reading as they can each week. Clearly, a mastery of the literature, and ability to discuss it, will be a major measure of how I assess your class performance. Students are encouraged to form both topical and geographical work groups in order to cover the reading.

In order to help you order your thinking, I have noted that the reading covers "governance," (G), “local government," (L) and "civil society" (C). Many readings of the course overlap. At a minimum, each student should read materials in one of the three areas (governance, local government, civil society), and a set of area (geographically) based case study materials. Students may read in different issue areas from week to week but should be prepared to discuss in one of the three areas defined in the class. Focus of our classroom discussion will be on each of the three focus areas and on the reading for the geographic focus.

The course will be a mixture of in-class discussions, lectures and paper presentations. Since this is a reading seminar, each of you will be working in a team preparing a paper one of the five regions chosen above that is to be presented to the class at the end of the semester. Final individual seminar papers, which constitute a final exam, should either focus on governance, local government or civil society or a combination of how the three issues intersect. Students are asked to use the reading materials assigned in class to prepare their papers but may supplement their reading with reading of their own.

Students in order to fulfill the regional seminar or area studies requirement must follow the reading for one of the five geographical areas covered in the course: Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East or Africa. For each student registered for the course, there will be six assessed activities. These are:

▪ Submit two copies of a one-two page, third person biography including: 1) your background/bio, 2) a discussion of your interests in the course and what you hope to get out of it, 3) a picture of yourself; 4) a list of the three novels you plan to read and discuss; to be submitted to the instructor at second session of the course. T (10% of the Grade). DUE: WEEK TWO

▪ Two copies of a self-prepared study plan based on this syllabus (Three page essay stating concerns, issues, questions and detailed weekly list of readings)-10% of the Grade; DUE: WEEK THREE

▪ In Class Discussion Assessment Based on the Reading- Includes three minute presentations on novels and discussions of weekly topical and regional reading you have been doing- 20% of grade. CONTINUOUS

▪ Two copies of six page group proposal for your regional paper on based on Reading (Including References)- 10% of Grade DUE: WEEK SEVEN

▪ Group paper and Oral Panel Presentations; based on in-class reading and individual research- 25% of the Grade; Presentations Week 14- Paper due last day of semester GROUP PAPER AND PRESENTATIONS COMPLETED BY WEEK FIFTEEN

▪ End of semester individual paper (final exam) Oral Interview with instructor- 25% of Grade. (Last Week of Class) FINAL EXAM PAPER DUE LAST DAY OF SEMESTER

Note: Group panel presentations will take the form of a professional association meeting. Each person presenting should be professionally attired and ther should be a chair to the session. There will be questions to the panel from the group. Additional Information will be provided on all assignments, as necessary, as we go along.

In assessing your performance, great weight will be placed on the extent to which you are able to discuss the assigned reading in both your oral and written presentations. Please be sure that all readings have been read by the beginning of the date for which they are assigned. Final examination questions will be given out the twelve week of class.

All materials in all papers should be referenced and should be cited in either the correct APA or University of Chicago style. Incorrect citations will cause your submissions to be down-graded and impact on your final grade.


Several books have been ordered in the University Bookstore. They should also be available in the GSPIA library on reserve. Increasingly materials are also available on line. These plus all other readings are listed at the end of this syllabus and are on reserve in the GSPIA library or listed with their web site address. I would suggest sharing books whenever possible with other members of the class. A number of other books we are using in the course are of recent publication (last four years) and can also be purchased by special order from the bookstore or through the internet at , or other book ordering sites.


Required Books- (The following books have been ordered and should be available at the book store. They may also be available more cheaply through amazon,com, or other internet providers. You may also wish to share books with your colleagues).

John Clark, Democratizing Development: The Role of Voluntary Organizations (Hartford: Kumarian Press, 1991).

G. Shabbir Cheema and Dennis A. Rondinelli, eds. Decentralizing Governance: Emerging Concepts and Practices (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2007.

Robert A. Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956). Any Paperback Edition.

Craufurd D. Goodwin and Michael Nacht, eds. Beyond Government: Extending the Public Policy Debate in Emerging Democracies (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995 or latest addition).

Elinor Ostrom, Crafting Institutions for Self-Governing Irrigation Systems (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1992 or latest edition).

Louis A. Picard, State of the State: Institutional Transformation, Capacity and Political Change in South Africa (Johannesburg and New York: Wits University Press and TransAction Press, 2005).

Dina Rasor and Robert Bauman, Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).

Supplementary Novels (Schedule of discussions assigned in revised syllabus and in class in Week Two)- Each student to read and report on three books.

Chinua Achebe, Things for Apart New York: Anchor, 1994)- West Africa

Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits (New York: Random House, 2005) or any edition- Latin America

Andre Brink, A Dry White Season (New York: Penguin, 1979)Southern Africa

Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margareta (New York: Classic Books, 2009)-

Eastern Europe

Albert Camus, The Stranger (New York: Vintage, 1989)- North Africa

Graham Greene, The Comedians (New York: Penguin, 2005) or any edition- Central America

Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory (London: Penguin, 1982)- Latin America

Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (New York: Berkeley Books, 2003)- Middle East

Thomas Keneally, To Asmara (New York: Warner Books, 1989)- Eastern Africa

John LeCarre, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (New York: Pocket Books, 1963 or any edition)- Eastern Europe

W. Somerset Maughan, The Painted Vail (New York: Penguin, 1952 or any edition)- East Asia

V.S. Naipaul, A Bend in the River (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979 or any edition).

James Ngugi (Ngugi wa Thiongo), Weep Not Child (London: Heineman, 1967)- East Africa

George Orwell, Burmese Days (New York: Signet, 1963). Any paperback edition- Asia

Kurban Said, Ali and Nino (New York: Pocket Books, 1971)- Former Soviet Union

Khushwant Singh, Train to Pakistan (New York: Grove Press, 1981)- South Asia

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch (New York:

Bantam, 1963) or any edition- Former Soviet Union

Qiu Xiaolong, Death of a Red Heroine (New York: Soho Press, 2000)- East Asia

Core “Reserve” Reading: All reading except regional assignments will be designated either on line or on reserve in the library.

Note: Please contact the Graduate Student Assistant for assistance in finding materials. If you have any trouble locating assigned books and library reserve materials e-mail Elizabeth Clarke and copy the e-mail to me. Do not call or e-mail the instructor alone. Thank You.

Course Schedule

Please be aware that the readings listed below are not “required” readings but are provided to allow each student to design their own studyplan in consultation with the instructor.


Governance (G)

Dahl, Chapter 1

Goodwin and Nacht, Introduction and Chapter 1

Bastian and Luckham, Introduction and Chapter 1

Michels, Part Six (1-4)

Course Syllabus, pp. 2-7

Local Government (L)

Piekalkiewicz, Chapter 1

Mawhood, Chapter 1

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 10

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 1

Schattschneider, Chapters 6 and 7

Civil Society (C)

Truman, Chapters 1, 2 and 21

Schattschneider, Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Reilly, Chapter 1

Clark, Chapters 1-2

Harrison and Huntington, Chapters 7-8




Governance (G)

Picard, State of the State, Chapter 1

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 20

Emerson, Chapters 2-3

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 3

USAID Report, Government of Southern Sudan

Local Government (L)

Esman and Uphoff, Preface and Chapter 1-2

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development Chapter 1

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 2

USAID Report, Government of Southern Sudan

Civil Society (C)

Dawisha and Parrot, Chapters 1-2

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 10

Clayton, Chapter 1

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 3

USAID Report, Government of Southern Sudan

Case Studies

Picard, Botswana, Chapter 1-2 (Africa)

Mawhood, Chapter 4 (Africa)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 2 (Africa)

Yansane, Chapters 1-2 (Africa)

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 16 (Africa)

Reilly, Chapters 2-3 (Latin America)

Klaren and Bossert, Chapter 1 (Latin America)

Nickson, Chapters 10-12 (Latin America)

Isabel Allende, “Clarisa,” Solomon, Other Voices, Other Vistas (Latin America)

Greene, The Lawless Roads, Prologue, 1-4 (Latin America)

Coulson, Chapter 2 (Eastern Europe)

Dawisha and Parrott, Chapter 3-4 (Eastern Europe)

Kaplan, Balkan Ghosts, Part 1 (Eastern Europe)

Holmes, Chapters 1 (Eastern Europe)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapters 14 and 16 (Eastern Europe

Lu Wenfu, "The Man from a Peddler’s Family," in Solomon,

Karnow, In Our Image, Chapters 3, 4 and 5 (Asia)

Allen, Plain Tales from the Raj, pp. 54-64, pp. 109-121 (Asia)

Reeves, Passage to Peshawar, pp. 108-120 (Asia)

Lerner, Chapter 1 (Asia)

Fisk, Chapters 1-2 (Middle East)

Nutting, Chapters 18-20 (Middle East)

Weatherby, Chapter 1, 2, and 3 (Middle East)

Gerner and Schwedler, Chapter 1, 2, and 3 (Middle East)

Segev, Chapter 8-11 (Middle East)

Lerner, Chapter 1 (Middle East)



Picard, State of the State Chapters 1-2 (G)

Dahl, Chapter 2 (G)

Grindle, Chapter 1 (G)

Lord Hailey, "Administrative Services" (G)

Emerson, Chapters 5-6 (G)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 10 (G)

Nickson, Chapter 1 (L)

Piekalkiewicz, Chapter 2 (L)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapters 2-3 (L)

Coulson, Chapter 1 (L)

Mawhood, Chapter 2 (L)

Harbeson, et. al., Chapters 1-2 (C)

Allen, Dark Continent, Chapters 5-6 (C)

Gordimer, "City Lovers" and "Oral History" (C)

Holmes, Chapter 10 (C)

Emerson, Chapters 5-6 (C)

Case Studies

Picard, Botswana, Chapters 3-4 (Africa)

Harbeson, et. al. Chapter 4 (Africa)

Manning, Chapters 1-4 (Africa)

Garrity and Picard, "Dependency Avoidance, Dependency Reversal and Economic Development..." in Africanus (Africa)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 14 (Latin America)

Klaren and Bossert, Chapter 10 (Latin America)

Nickson, Chapters 13-15 (Latin America)

Reilly, Chapter 4-5 (Latin America)

Garrity and Picard, "Dependency Avoidance, Dependency Reversal and Economic Development..." in Africanus (Latin America)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 8 &12 (Eastern Europe)

Dawisha and Parrott, Chapters 5-6 (Eastern Europe)

Kaplan, Balkan Ghosts, Parts 2 and 3 (Eastern Europe)

Lerner, Chapters 2-3 (Eastern Europe)

Glenny, Rebirth, Chapter 1) (Eastern Europe)

Bastian and Luckham, Chapter 9 (Eastern Europe)

Karnow, Vietnam, Chapters 3 and 4 (Asia)

Storry, Introduction and Chapters 1-3 (Asia)

Huntington, Chapters 4-5 (Asia)

Garrity and Picard, "Dependency Avoidance, Dependency Reversal and Economic Development..." in Africanus (Asia)

Kaplan, Ends of the Earth, Chapters 23-29 (Asia)

Nutting, Chapters 21-24 (Middle East)

Segev, Chapters 9-15 (Middle East)

Fisk, Chapters 10-12 (Middle East)

Gerner and Schwedler, Chapter 4 (Middle East)

Weatherby, Chapter 4 (Middle East)

Part of this session will be devoted to individual planning sessions. Each student will meet individually with the instructor in order to discuss their preliminary study plan. Sign up sheets will be provided for this.


Picard, State of the State, Chapter 3 (G)

Dahl Chapter 3 (G)

Emerson, Chapter 5 (G)

Hancock, Parts 3 and 4 (G)

Nava, Forward and Chapter 1 (G)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapters 1, 9 and 13 (G)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 3 (L)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development Chapter 7 (L)

Picard, Botswana, Chapter 5 (L)

Resler and Kanet, "Democratization" in Depth (L)

Nava, Forward and Chapter 1 (L)

Clark, Chapter 3-4 (C)

Oliver, Chapters 1,2 and 5 (C)

Gies, Ott and Shafritz, Chapter One, Introduction and Articles 1 and 2 and 27 and 28 (C)

Nava, Forward and Chapter 1 (C)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 12 (C)


Picard, Regional Variations on Local Governance

Grindle, Chapter 2 (G)

Diamond, et al, chapter 1 (G)

Picard, Botswana, Chapter 8 (G)

Mawhood, Chapter 6-10 (G)

Mawhood, Chapter 6-10 (L)

Nickson, Chapter 2 and 9 (L)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapters 1 and 4 (L)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapters 10 and 11 (L)

Picard, State of the State, Chapter 4 (L)

Berger, Chapters1, 2 and 3[1] (C)

Diamond, et al, chapter 1 (C)

Picard, State of the State, Chapter 4 (C)

Holmes, Chapter 3 (C)

Lerner, Chapter 1-3 (C)

Grindle, Chapters 3-4 (C)

Case Studies

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 6-7 (Africa)

Yasane, Chapters 3-6 (Africa)

Clayton, Chapters 6-7 (Africa)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 11 (Africa)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 6 and 7 (Eastern Europe)

Coulson, Chapters 3 and 4 (Eastern Europe)

Kaplan, Balkan Ghosts, Part Two (Eastern Europe)

Holmes, Chapters 2 (Eastern Europe)

Nickson, Chapters 17-20 (Latin America)

Reilly, Chapters 6-8 (Latin America)

Clayton, Chapters 9-10 (Latin America)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 14 (Latin America)

Greene, The Lawless Roads, 5-8 (Latin America)

Bruhns, et. al., Chapters on Japan and India (Asia)

Myrdal, Part 8 (Asia)

Bhatt, et. al., vol. 1, Chapters by Siedentopf, Bhatt, and Sosmena (Asia)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapters 17, 18 and 19 (Asia)

Timur Kuran, “Islamic Influences on the Ottoman Guilds” (Middle East)

Nutting, Chapters 25-28 (Middle East)

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 6 (Middle East)

Segev, Chapters 16-19 Middle East)

Gerner and Schwedler, Chapter 5-6 (Middle East)

Fisk, Chapter 15-16 (Middle East)


Picard, State of the State, Chapters 5 (G)

Palmer, Chapters 2 and 3 (G)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 1 (G)

Picard, "Bureaucrats, Cattle and Public Policy” (G)

Nickson, Chapters 4 and 5 (L)

Montgomery, Chapters 1-2 (L)

Rondinelli and Ruddle, Chapters 2 and 3 (L)

Clayton, Chapters, 2-4 (L)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 1 (C)

Picard, State of the State, Chapter 6 (C)

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 14 (C)

Picard, Politics of Development in Botswana, Chapter 10 (C)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 12 (C)

Case Studies

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapter 5 (Africa)

Picard, State of the State, Chapter 6 and 7 (Africa)

Manning, Chapters 5-8 (Africa)

Picard, Botswana, Chapter 9 (Africa)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 5 (Africa)

Clayton, Chapters 10-11 (Latin America)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 5 (Latin America)

Nickson, Chapters 21-25 (Latin America)

Greene, The Lawless Roads, 9-11, Epilogue (Latin America)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapter 5 (Latin America)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 9 and 11 (Latin America)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 18 (Eastern Europe)

Holmes, Chapter 7 (Eastern Europe)

Clayton, Chapter 12 (Eastern Europe)

Glenny, Fall, Chapters 1-2 (Eastern Europe)

Basian and Luckham, Chapter 10 (Eastern Europe)

Pye, Chapters 10, 12 and 17 (Asia)

Harris, Chapters 2, 6 and 7 (Asia)

Asmerom and Jain, Chapter 8 (Asia)

Bhatt, vol. 3 (Chapters by Zainun, Leong, Agrawal and Vorathepputipong) (Asia)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapters 6, 7 (Asia)

Fisk, Chapters 17-18 (Middle East)

Weatherby, Chapter 4-5 (Middle East)

Gerner and Schwedler, Chapters 10-12 (Middle East)

Segev, Chapters 20-23 (Middle East)

Carter, Chapters 14, 15 and 16 (Middle East)

Rasor and Bauman, Entire Book

March 23 Grants, Contracts and the Privatization Debate


Paul and Israel, Chapter 1-2 (G)

Grindle, Chapters 5-6 (G)

Mawhood, Chapter 6-10 (G)

Rasor and Bauman, Part One and Two (G)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 4 (L)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development Chapter 9 (L)

Mahasweta Devi, “Dhowli” in Solomon, Other Voices, Other Rooms (L)

Rasor and Bauman, Part One and Three (L)

Bastian and Luckham, Chapter 11 (C)

Berger, Chapters 4-6 (C)

Clark, Chapter 5-7 (C)

Clayton, Chapters 14-16 (C)

Rasor and Bauman, Part Four and Five (C)


Keneally, pp. 1-66 (G)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 5 (G)

Berger, Chapters 7-8 and through end (G)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 20 (G)

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 4 (G)

Paul and Israel, Chapters 1 and 4 (L)

Clark, Chapters 10-11 (L)

Clayton, Chapter 14 (L)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 22 (L)

Cernea, "Non-Governmental Organizations and Local Development: (entire) (C)

McCarthy, et al., Chapter 1 (C)

Carrol, Chapter 9 (C)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 19 (C)



Grindle, Chapters 7-7 (G)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapters 11-12 (G)

Paul and Israel, Chapter 3 (G)

Connerley, et. al., Support for Local Government

Nickson, Chapter 6 (L)

Wunsch and Olowu, Chapters 11-12 (L)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 4 (L)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 6 (L)

Montgomery, Chapters 4-5 (L)

Connerley, et. al., Support for Local Government

Clark, Chapters 8-9 (C)

Naipal, Part One (C)

McCarthy, Chapter 28 (C)

Goodwin and Nacht, Chapters 13 and 14 (C)

Connerley, et. al., Support for Local Government


Keneally, pp. 143-209 (G)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 2(G)

Nickson, Chapter 7 (G)

De Soto, Chapters 5-7 (G)

Montgomery, Chapter 3 (L)

Clark, Chapter 14 (L)

Picard, et. al. The Political Economy of Decentralization In Guinea Conakry (L)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 8 and 10 (L)

Naipal, Part Two (C)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 7 (C)

Moser and Peake, Chapter 1 and 6 (C)

De Soto, Chapters 5-7 (C)

Picard, Groelsema and Buss, Chapter 8 (C)


Goodwin and Nacht, Chapter 21 (G)

Bastian and Luckham, Chapters 5-6 (G)

Harrison and Huntington, Chapters 5-6 (G)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 3 (G)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 12 (G)

Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 8 (L)

Paul and Israel, Chapter 5 (L)

Nickson, Chapter 8 (L)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development Chapter 8 (L)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 3 (L)

Clark, Chapters 12-13 (C)

Naipal, Part 3 (C)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, Chapter 13 (C)

Bryson, Chapter 1 (C)

Salole, "Not Seeing the Wood..." (C)



Esman and Uphoff, Chapter 9 and Afterward (G)

Dahl, Chapter 4-5 (G)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapter 4 (G)

Uphoff, Chapters 1 and 8 (G)

Ostrom, Commons, Chapter 5 (G)

Montgomery, Chapter 6 (G)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralizing Governance, 14, 15 and 16 (G)

Cheema and Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development Chapter 10 (L)

Ostrom, Crafting Institutions, Chapters 5 (L)

Montgomery, Chapter 6 (L)

De Soto, Chapter 8, Preface and Introduction (L)

Harbeson, et. al. Chapters 4 (L)

Naipaul, Reprise (C)

Clark, Chapters 10, 14 (C)

Naipaul, Part Four (C)

Ostrom, Commons, Chapters 1-2 (C)

Clark, Chapter 9 (C)

De Soto, Chapter 8, Preface and Introduction (l)





Materials Available on Reserve

Charles Allen, Plain Tales from the Raj (London: Futura/Rupa, 1975).

Charles Allen, Tales from the Dark Continent (London: Futura, 1979).

H.K. Asmerom and R.B. Jain, Politics, Administration and Public Policy in Developing Countries (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1993).

Sunil Bastian and Robin Luckham, eds. Can Democracy Be Designed? The Politics of Institutional Choice in Conflict-torn Societies (London: Zed Books, 2003).

Peter L. Berger, Pyramids of Sacrifice (New York: Anchor Books, 1976).

Anil Bhatt, et. al., Building From Below: Local Initiatives for Decentralized Development in Asia and Pacific (Kuala Lumpur: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Asian and Pacific Development Centre, 1988), vols. 1-3.

F.C. Bruhns, F. Cazzola and J. Wiatr, Local Politics, Development and Participation (Pittsburgh: University Center for International Studies, 1974).

John M. Bryson, Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988).

Thomas F. Carroll, Intermediary NGOs: The Supporting Link in Grassroots Development (Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian, 1992).

Michael Crozier, The Bureaucratic Phenomenon (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964).

Carter, Jimmy, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006).

Michael M. Cernea, Non-Governmental Organizations and Local Development (Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1988).

G. Shabbir Cheema and Dennis A. Rondinelli, Decentralization and Development (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1983).

John Clark, Democratizing Development: The Role of Voluntary Organizations (Hartford: Kumarian Press, 1991).

Andrew Clayton, NGOs, Civil Society and the State: Building Democracy in Transitional Societies (London: INTRATEC, 1996).

Ed Connerley, Carol Lynn Martin and Louis A. Picard, Support for Local Government in Southern Africa: Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa (Johannesburg: Report Submitted to the Ford Foundation, August 2, 1998).

Andrew Coulson, ed. Local Government in Eastern Europe (Aldershot, Brookfield: E. Elgan, 1995).

Michel Crozier, The Bureaucratic Phenomenon (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964).

Robert A. Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956). Any Paperback Edition.

Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott, The Consolidation of Democracy in East-Central Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

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[1] Note: Read Prelude, Interludes and Postlude along with the chapter that precedes it.


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