Algebra 1

Algebra 1


“Some people believe in imaginary friends. I believe in imaginary numbers.”

― R.M. ArceJaeger


Lessons will be given in class. You will have multiple mini lessons throughout the week. If you are struggling with a concept, it is your responsibility to review the lessons and ask questions. I will answer any questions you have during the lesson but after that we will follow the “three before me” principle. You must ask three of your peers before you ask me for help.

Math Journal: I encourage use of your geometry journal during lessons and work time. I advise you to use your journal to take notes during lessons and to work on assignments. Make sure it is neat and organized. Any and all important information from the lessons should be kept in this journal. You will be able to use your journals for formative assessments (quizzes).

General Guidelines:

Problem Sets – 0% of your grade is based on completing each homework assignment. Homework Assignments Are Recommended Problems For Learning. The completion of homework assignments will not impact your grade positively or negatively. It is recommended that you do the assignments or similar math problems in order for you to understand and retain the concepts. Use the work period to ask for help from your peers and teacher.

Quizzes – Quizzes make up 20% of your grade and you must complete each quiz prior or on the date it is scheduled. Remember: you can always use your notebook on quizzes and exams. You must make at least 80% to “pass” the quiz. If you do not pass a quiz, you may retest using a similar exam.

Assessments– Exams make up 40% of your grade. If you do not pass an exam, you may retest using a similar exam. You must have passed the quizzes prior to taking the corresponding exam. If you do not take the exam on the scheduled date (which is subject to change of course), it will be marked as missing in Power School.

Final Assessment – The final will make up 40% of your grade. You will not be able to make up the final exam. That is why it is important that you record the notes from the lessons and you do the suggested homework assignments. Practice the concepts in order to master them. Your final project is also a part of your final assessment grade.


Big Ideas

1) Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

2) Linear inequalities

3) Systems of Equations


1) Parallel

2) Perpendicular

3) Inequalities

4) Absolute Value

5) Compound Inequality

Individual work


1) 5.4 Write Linear Equations in Standard Form:

_____ p.314 #’s 6 through 28 (evens)

2) 5.5 Write Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Line (Jan.28th)s:

_____ p.322 #’s 4 through 26 (evens)

_____ QUIZ FOR LESSONS 5.4 – 5.5 (1/28)

Guiding question 6:

How can you use inequalities to explain and illustrate day to day operations?

3) 6.1 Solve Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction (1/28):

_____ p.359 #’s 3 through 21 (all)

_____ p.361 Mixed Review #’s 40-51 (all)

4) 6.2 Solve Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division (2/2):

_____ p.366 #’s 3 through 26 (all)

_____ QUIZ FOR LESSONS 6.1 – 6.2 6.3 Solve Multi-Step Inequalities (2/4):

_____ p.372 #’s 3 through 32 (all)

5) 6.4 Solve Compound Inequalities (2/9)

_____ p.384 #’s 3 through 25 (all)

_____ QUIZ FOR LESSONS 6.3 - 6.4

6) 6.5 Solve Absolute Value Equations (2/11):

_____ p.393 #’s 3 through 25 (all)

_____ p.395 Mixed Review #’s 51 - 59 (all)

7) 6.6 Solve Absolute Value Inequalities (2/24):

_____ p.401 #’s 3 through 20 (all)

_____ p.403 Mixed Review #’s 42 through 53 (all)

8) 6.7 Graph Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (2/26):

_____ p.409 #’s 4 through 36 (evens)

assessment ON FEBRUARY 25TH 2015

Guiding question 7:

How can you use a linear equation to solve problems about kayaking with and against a current?

9) 7.1 Solve Linear Systems by Graphing (3/3):

_____ p.430 #’s 3 through 25 (odds)

_____p.433 #’s 37 through 45 (odds)

10) 7.2 Solve Linear Systems by Substitution (3/5):

_____ p.439 #’s 4 through 28 (evens)

_____ QUIZ FOR LESSONS 7.1 - 7.

11) 7.3 Solve Linear Systems by Adding and Subtracting (3/8):

_____ p.447 #’s 3 through 21 (all)

_____p.450 #’s 46 through 49 (all)

12) 7.4 Solve Linear Systems by Multiplying First (3/9):

_____ p.454 #’s 3 through 25 (all)

_____ QUIZ FOR LESSONS 7.3 - 7.4

13) 7.6 Solve Systems of Linear Inequalities (3/10):

_____ p.469 #’s 3 through 31 (odds)

FINAL ASSESSMENT Week of March 14th:

_____ Chapter 5-7 Final

_____ Final Project


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