Algebra 3-4

Algebra 2 Class Expectations Syllabus

Ms. Davenport 2015-2016

Room M8

Welcome to Algebra 2. This class will expand your mathematical knowledge and prepare you to take Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus. The text that will be used is McDougal Littell, Algebra 2.

Topics to be addressed include:

Attendance and Tardy Policy:

All students are expected to attend class regularly. The district and school policies on attendance will be followed. Please refer to the student handbook for more information.

Students are expected to be in their seat when the tardy bell rings. Students entering class late will receive an unexcused missed instruction (tardy) will lower your citizenship grade.

If a student is absent for any reason it is the responsibility of the student to access Infinite Campus and my website d-portsmathpage. get notes, and assignments for the classes that they missed. Failure to follow this policy will result in the loss of the opportunity to make up the work. Students have the number of days he/she was absent plus one day, from the day of the absence, to return make-up assignments.


A Graphing Calculator is STRONGLY recommended for this class (Casio 9750GB Plus is the cheapest, but you can also use a TI 83/84). If you choose to use another calculator be advised that you will be expected to learn to use it on your own. TI-89 & higher calculators are not permitted. Be advised that per WCSD math final protocol all calculator applications and programs will be erased before and after finals.

Pencil or Pen (blue or black ink ONLY). Pencil is preferred and students will be required to use pencil on certain tests.

Spiral/composition notebook will be used for notes and will be graded each test period.

Textbook - Students are expected to cover their textbooks and keep them in the condition in which they were issued. Textbooks cost $75 and fines will be assessed based on the condition of the book upon return.

3-ring binder to store all notes, paper, quizzes and tests.

Grades: A 100-90% D 69-60%

B 89-80% F Below 60%

C 79-70%

Grades are based on the following percentages:

20% - Homework/Classwork. Homework will be assigned every night and will require at least 30 minutes of your time. Homework will be graded in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, accuracy, effort, completeness and/or a homework quiz and is due at the beginning of the period. Homework should be neatly written with answers circled and all work MUST be shown in order to receive credit. Classwork includes warm-ups, activities, journals and assignments that are due in class. Some activities cannot be duplicated and therefore cannot be made up if you are absent or tardy.

20% - Quizzes. Each chapter will also have quizzes that will be announced as well as the potential for unannounced quizzes.

45% - Tests. Each chapter will have a test associated with it that will have questions on the major concepts and ideas.

15% Final. Cumulative exam that will be worth 15% of the semester grade according to WCSD policy.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be prepared and ready to learn when the bell rings.

2. Complete all homework assignments prior to class and be ready to ask questions.

3. Study for tests and quizzes

4. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating includes copying homework and/or allowing others to copy yours as well as allowing others to copy your quizzes or tests. Cheating will result in a zero on the assignment and an F in citizenship for the quarter. Further occurrences will be handled by SRO.

5. Cell phones are not allowed and should not be seen at anytime. If I see your cell phone for any reason, including texting, you will be sent immediately to SRO.

6. IPODS are NOT allowed.

7. Students will ONLY be given 4 hall passes to be used per semester. Extra credit will be given for unused passes and lost hall passes will not be replaced.

8. Late homework will be accepted up until the test for that unit, but will be worth half credit.

9. All rules addressed in the student’s handbook should be followed.

Failure to follow theses rules will result in, but not limited to the following consequences: verbal warning, confiscation of item, parent contact, office referral, parent-teacher conference, and removal from class.

I am here to help you to succeed. Extra help is available before school, during lunch and after school by appointment. I can be found in my classroom M8. This class will move at a rapid pace so please do not let yourself get behind. Do not wait until the day before the test to get help! All assignments/notes will be posted on d-portsmathpage.

Parent Contact: If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and remember to check out infinite campus for grades and other information.

Voicemail: (775) 425-7733 Email: bdavenport@

Welcome to Algebra 2. Understanding the expectations and requirements of this class is the first step towards success in this course. Please take the time to read through the expectations and requirements with your student and then sign this page to be returned as their first homework assignment. Please fill in the contact information and list questions, concerns or information that you feel I need to be aware of below!


Ms. Davenport

We have read Ms. Davenport’s Class Expectations and Syllabus and we are aware of the required supplies and the overall expectation that this course requires.

Guardian________________________________ Date______________


Contact Information:


Contact Number_________________________ Alternative Number_______________

E-mail address_________________________________________________________

Preferred method of communication/Best time to contact:________________________

Questions or Concerns:__________________________________________________


Behavior Documentation Sheet

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Parent Contact Log

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Spring Semester

Unit 7: Graphing Rational Functions

Unit 8: Systems & Systems of Inequalities

Unit 9: Graphing Square Root and Cube Root Functions

Unit 10: Inverse Functions and Composition of Functions

Unit 11: Logarithmic Functions Change of Base of Exponential Functions

Unit 12: Systems and Systems of Inequalities

Fall Semester

Unit 1: Review

Unit 2: Translating all graphs

Unit 3: Radicals and Rational Exponents

Unit 4: Writing Quadratic Functions

Unit 5: Polynomial Functions

Unit 6: Graphing Polynomial Functions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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