Algebra I


Course Syllabus 2012-2013

Coronado High School

Coronado High School will prepare its graduates to be problem solvers who will be able to seek, analyze, synthesize, interpret and evaluate information.

excerpted from the original CHS statement of “Expected Schoolwide Learning Results”

Instructor: Ms. Katie O’Keefe

Voicemail: N/A – please use email or send urgent messages through the front office


Room: 517 (Upstairs in the 500 Building)

Text: Geometry by Larson, Boswell, and Stiff. McDougal Littell: 2004

Materials: Please see class website.

Website: chsokeefe.

Course Description

Geometry is a college preparatory course designed to provide a base for advanced study in mathematics. Topics to be covered include geometric art, inductive reasoning, geometric constructions, lines and polygons, congruence, circles, area, Pythagorean Theorem, volume, similarity, trigonometry, and geometric proof. In addition, considerable time is spent reviewing introductory algebra concepts.


A high level of maturity and responsibility is expected. Students who do not meet these expectations cannot master the subject matter and are a burden to the rest of the class. Unless an opportunity that does not slow the class or the instructor presents itself during class, students are expected to arrange time outside of class to resolve issues that are individual to them. This includes questions about grading, attendance, and make-up work.

Specifically the following are expected at all times:

• Total cooperation and professionalism in class;

• Thorough preparation outside of class;

• Academic integrity in and outside of class



Memo Not for Grade 90% and above A

Participation/Homework 30% 80-89.9% B

Quizzes 20% 70-79.9% C

Tests** 50% 60-69.9% D

Below 60% F

**Includes Midterm and Final Exam *Plus and Minus at my discretion

*I feel an obligation, and I reserve the option, to calculate final semester grades on an individual basis when, in my professional opinion, the resulting grade more accurately represents a student’s achievement. Changes to the grading structure are also possible in order to better support our educational objectives.

Extra Credit

It is critical that students keep pace with the material in this class. Therefore, in accordance with the departmental policy, no extra credit will be allowed.

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Assignments should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete and will be assessed for credit at the beginning of the period each day. Students must show ALL LOGICAL WORK to complete each problem and it must be done in PENCIL. Work will not be accepted that has frayed edges (i.e., torn from a spiral notebook). Students will be asked to redo assignments that have not been corrected or do not follow the appropriate format. Students will have a limited opportunity to ask questions and correct problems in class, therefore students who routinely need extra assistance should seek additional support outside of class on a regular basis.

Students that copy from peers, the book, or examples in class may appear to have a strong homework grade; however it is unlikely that those students will have mastered the appropriate skills to pass an exam. Consistent practice and corrections on homework is the responsibility of the student.

Quizzes and Tests

Quizzes focus on concepts practiced during the current homework assignment and may be announced or unannounced. In general, quiz make-ups will not be offered; however, students who are absent should always come prepared to take a make-up exam. Only students with excused absences are eligible to be exempt from a quiz. If the absence is unexcused the student will receive an automatic "zero." On average, expect at least one short quiz per week.

Major tests will be given as we finish content units, trimesters, or semesters. Testing will almost always be comprehensive and cumulative. There is no material in this class that is “OK” to forget. There will be comprehensive examinations authored by the University of California and the San Diego County Office of Education at the end of the second semester (May and June, 2008).


Students with an excused absence are responsible to manage and turn in all make-up work. Assignment sheets are always accessible; therefore it is the student’s responsibility to track missing work. Homework is never to be turned in to the front office. Students with make-up work must make prompt arrangements to come in outside of class time to self correct their work and turn it in directly to the teacher. (They are allowed one day for each excused absence.) No other late work will be accepted. Students and parents should be familiar with CHS’s attendance policy. Students missing class due to planned absences such as non-emergency doctor appointments or vacations, as well as school-sanctioned events such as athletics, field trips and pep rallies are required to discuss make-up work BEFORE the absence takes place. Students that do not make or follow through on these arrangements will receive a zero “0” for that assignment/exam.

Make-up tests are given for trimester, semester, and comprehensive tests. Make-up tests are typically NOT provided for unit exams. If the absence is excused, the student’s subsequent trimester exam percent grade will replace the missing test score. If the absence is unexcused the student will receive a "zero." As with quizzes, students who are absent should always return prepared to take the exam, especially since test dates are subject to change. Score exemptions will be applied on an individual basis, but it is imperative that students receive feedback; therefore students that are present on exam days are ALWAYS expected to take exams, including new students.

AGAIN: If a test or a quiz happens to fall on a day that you have an unexcused absence, you will receive a zero “0” for that test or quiz, NO EXCEPTIONS.

AGAIN: If you are absent on an exam day and the test gets postponed, you are still responsible for taking the exam on the newly scheduled date, NO EXCEPTIONS.


Office Hours

This class is a student and teacher team effort, and each student has unique needs that may or may not be met during class hours. I strive to make myself available as often as possible outside of class; however, due to time constraints, lunch hours may need to be designated for non-instruction business such as grading, department meetings, and collaboration. Please remember this is a voluntary program, and while I do my best to give advanced notice of my availability, sometimes this is not possible. Alternative help options such as NHS Tutoring are noted on the class website.

Contacting the Instructor*

Due to logistical constraints, I do not check Voicemail. The quickest and most efficient way to reach me is via email at I attempt to answer emails as promptly as possible, but time constraints and technology problems can arise. If several days have passed and you feel I have overlooked your email, please consider resending it.

*Please remember to consult all appropriate references (website: chsokeefe., syllabus, student) prior to contacting the instructor.  Being mindful of this request will help free up time for instruction, planning, and collaboration.  Thank you.


Students should bring their Geometry textbook (a class set may or may not be available), sharpened pencils, red pens, compass, protractor, ruler, calculator, and binder well stocked with lined, plain, and graph paper to class each day. Due to school and personal budget constraints, emergency supplies will be limited and not to be relied upon or considered a substitute for bringing supplies from home. A minimum of a scientific calculator with trig functions (sin, cos, tan) is required. Graphing calculators automatically contain these functions.

Easiest Way to Improve Student’s Learning & Grades (besides being engaged in class every day)

Parents who establish a routine of briefly inspecting their student’s homework every night will almost certainly discover that this simple activity, accomplished, if necessary, in only a minute or two, will in turn cause homework to happen on schedule, which will in turn cause learning to take place in sequence, which will in turn cause grades to improve. Checking for completeness and organization is sufficient; students are often supplied the correct answers (all odd answers are listed in the back of the book or via ) and assignment sheets are posted online. The time to find out that homework has not been completed is before it is due. Remember, late work is not accepted.

Attendance & Re-admit Procedures

The following Coronado High School Policies will be enforced:


1. Our attendance policy (in accordance with Ed. Code 48205) stipulates that absences can ONLY be excused for the following reasons: personal illness; health department quarantine; medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic appointments; attendance at funeral services for an immediate family member; jury duty or any other court order requiring a personal appearance such as a subpoena; exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunization; observance of a religious holiday or ceremony; attendance at a SART or SARB (Attendance Review) hearing.

2. Please report absences immediately by calling our attendance line (522-8907 x2094) the morning of the absence. All absences must be excused within 48 hours by direct phone call or note signed by a parent/guardian and delivered to the attendance clerk, Ms. Hopkins. EACH consecutive day of absence must be called in to be excused. After 48 hours, an unexcused absence is a truancy. Students may not turn in work or take tests due on the day of an unexcused absence. A student’s academic grade will be affected by unexcused absences. All Coronado High School teachers have an attendance clause in their grading policies— please see each individual teacher’s policy on makeup work and tests for excused absences as well.

3. Students who plan to leave campus for a medical or court appointment must follow proper procedures or risk being marked truant. Students are required to bring a note signed by a parent to the attendance office, where an off-campus pass will be issued. Students are then excused to meet parents for pick up outside the front office. Any student leaving campus any time other than lunch must report to the office FIRST.

4. When a student has had 14 single period excused absences in a school year, any further absences for illness must be verified by a physician with a doctor’s note or they will be unexcused.

5. Students attending CHS-sponsored activities, field trips, exams, or sporting events are excused with permission of each individual teacher whose class the student will miss. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with teachers in advance of such an absence and plan for tests, projects, and assignments scheduled for that day.


6. Students with unexcused absences will be assigned Saturday School. Only Saturday School attendance can clear students’ unexcused absences.

7. Students with five or more tardies will be assigned detention and/or Saturday School.

8. Saturday School will be assigned as a consequence for behavior (in accordance with the District’s Discipline Action

Guide) as well as to students with unexcused absences. Students can voluntarily sign up for Saturday School to clear a

planned absence under (see #10 below) not excusable under Ed. Code (see #1 above), but approved by the administration. Students assigned to Saturday School will be issued a contract (signed by student and parent/guardian and turned in at Sat. School) and must plan and bring four hours worth of schoolwork to be completed. Saturday School is held twice monthly on average, on the CHS campus from 8 AM to 12 PM, and is proctored by CHS teachers.

9. Students with unexcused absences not cleared by Saturday Schools will be considered ineligible for school activities such as dances, field trips, etc.


10. Students who request an absence for any reason other than listed in #1 above are requested to exchange Attendance Saturday School or a Weekend Makeup Day for the planned absence, with approval from the administration.

11. California Ed. Code (37223; 37330) allows for Weekend Makeup Days to extend to any CHS curricular activities spanning four consecutive hours or more on a Saturday or Sunday, under the supervision of a CHS employee. These opportunities may include: CHS Athletic, CHS Club Sport, and CHS Band weekend field trips and competitions (no more than ten days); major CHS theatre productions or rehearsals; NJROTC field trips and competitions; preparation and planning for ASB activities (excluding time and attendance at a dance, for example);

visual art studio time; departmental remedial study groups/sessions; test review sessions; study Hall/Saturday School;

CHS community service events; CHS curricular field trips.

12. Students making up a voluntary absence with Saturday School or an approved CHS weekend activity will be required to fill out a

contract with verification from the sponsoring CHS staff member and parent and submit this to the administration. Weekend Makeup Days MAY NOT be exchanged for Saturday School assigned as a consequence for unexcused absences.


13. A student with a total of 10 unexcused period absences and/or period tardies will receive an attendance notice from the County. The student will be assigned a Saturday School and/or detention, and parents are notified. A student with a total of 24 unexcused period absences and/or period tardies will receive a 2nd attendance notice, and an additional assignment to Saturday School. Students become part of the CHS Attendance Support Program, which includes a referral to our CRG (Coronado Response Group) counselors. When a student has a total of 36 unexcused absences and/or tardies, a County Truancy Letter is generated and results in a referral to CRG and the SART (Student Attendance Review Team) Program. A mandatory SART meeting is held with the student and parent, and a SART Contract is created to improve attendance. When a student has a total of 48 unexcused absences and/or tardies, a 2nd County Truancy letter is generated. A mandatory SARB (School Attendance Review Board) meeting (a legal hearing) is held with the student and parent. A SARB Contract is created. Failure to adhere to contract stipulations may result in a referral to County Court.

14. Students who leave campus without a pass from the nurse or the attendance office, other than during lunch (or who do not return from lunch), are truant and may be ticketed by the police for truancy, and will be marked unexcused for the classes missed. They will also receive a Saturday School.


My policies are identical to the school-wide policies. Please review these carefully, as they need to be followed to avoid substantial consequences.

Honor Code

(An abbreviated version of one used by Brown University)

Academic achievement is ordinarily evaluated on the basis of work that a student produces independently. A student who obtains credit for work, words, or ideas which are not the products of his or her own efforts, is dishonest. Such dishonesty undermines the integrity of the academic standards of our class. My students are expected to tell the truth. Misrepresentation of facts, significant omissions or falsifications in any connection with the academic process are violations of the class honor code. A student’s name on any exercise (e.g., a report, notebook, computer program, course paper, quiz, or examination) is regarded as assurance that exercise is the result of the student’s own thoughts and study, stated in his or her own words, and produced without assistance, except as quotation marks, references, and footnotes acknowledge the use of printed sources or the other outside help. Work that is the result of collaboration with another student must be clearly identified as such and is encouraged when not prohibited under the guidelines of an assignment. Misunderstanding these guidelines will not be accepted as an excuse for dishonest work.

A Final Word

Engagement in each day’s lesson is the single most important factor in determining a student's success in class. It is critical that students be in class every day, therefore students should avoid missing class for any reason that is not absolutely necessary. Elective medical and orthodontic appointments should not be scheduled during this class period.

As educators, we work to enrich our students’ lives and optimize their opportunities. We aim to model the highest level of integrity and professionalism possible. Thank you in advance for your shared support and professionalism,

Ms. Katie O’Keefe

Please print the SYLLABUS RECEIPT from the website and obtain the appropriate signatures.

The syllabus receipt is due the day following your first day of attendance.


CHS Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism is the use of any idea, or phrasing of an idea, traceable to a single source, without proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism is also turning in someone else’s work as your own, or supplying your work to another student for them to use. Cheating is copying homework, web sites, class work, quiz or test answers from other students with, or without, permission. Students who work “together” should not have identical work, unless the assignment specifies one product from a pair or group of students. Academic dishonesty includes presenting, as your own work, material produced by or in collaboration with others, or permitting or assisting others to present your work as their own work without proper acknowledgement. Students should never copy work obtained from other written or oral sources with proper acknowledgement of the source.

Cheating or plagiarism results or academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment and a referral to the school administration where additional consequences may result. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may be contacted. Such an incident may exclude a student from recognition at our annual Islander Awards and Senior Awards. Additionally, such incidents may be noted on a student’s permanent record and reported to colleges and universities to which a student applies.

My advice is not to make these mistakes in judgment – it can be quite a fall.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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