
Algebra 1 Support SyllabusRiverwood International Charter School2016 – 2017TeacherEmailRoom #PhoneAmanda BoggsBoggsa1@108Ext. 51810Richard ClaytonClaytonr5@909Ext. 51841Nate BrownBrownn@101Ext. 51874Cynthia LitchfieldLitchfield@919Ext. 51849Course Webpage: Ms. Boggs & Ms. Litchfield will be using the following modes of communication:Algebra 1 website ricsalgebra.Remind 101 (Please text @algsupp1 to #81010 for class updates)EMAIL (see above)Course Description: This course is intended to address the needs of students who have traditionally struggled in mathematics. Algebra 1 Support will provide the students with additional time, attention, and resources to work on the skills that are necessary to successfully complete the regular Algebra 1 course. The course is intended to increase students’ understanding and comfort level with key algebraic concepts by reviewing regularly throughout the year. This course will be taught in partnership with an Algebra 1 course.The Algebra 1 Support class will focus on mastery of the basic skills and standards that are necessary to be successful in Algebra 1 Continual progress monitoring will be used to assess and diagnose each student’s strengths and weaknesses, based on skills necessary to master the mathematics standards, and to provide appropriate interventions. This will be done through classwork assignments and discussions, daily warm-ups, exit tickets, quizzes, etc.Students will get to preview the algebraic concepts to be addressed in the regular mathematics class, including prerequisite skills necessary for those concepts, vocabulary, and definitions. Proven strategies for success in mathematics should be utilized on a daily basis. Students should be engaged in doing mathematics, explaining their thinking, and justifying their work. Multiple representations of concepts (tables, charts, graphs, verbal descriptions) should be used as often as possible. Students will continually review previously learned Algebra concepts throughout the year to help prepare them for their final exams and the state End of Course examGrading PolicyThe goal of Algebra 1 Support is to help students successfully complete their regular Algebra 1 course. All assignments, quizzes, and exams should be aligned to the standards being taught. Individuals should be given multiple opportunities to show mastery of the content, including opportunities to re-test on the material covered in the regular mathematics class. Mathematics Support provides the time some students need for additional practice or re-testing. The value of formative assessment and feedback cannot be overstated. Continuous progress monitoring with both feedback and commentary is essential in this course. Fulton County Grading Scale:Classroom Assessments:A = 90 – 100Classwork/Assignments50%B = 80 – 89Warm Ups & Participation 15%C = 70 – 79Quizzes20%F = 69 and belowFinal Exam15%Class-work Policy - Daily class work is to be completed by the end of the class period in order to receive full credit. Incomplete class work will need to be completed for homework/classwork or when another arrangement has been determined by the teacher and the student. Make-Up Policy - If a student is absent 3 days or less due to illness or an authorized absence, it is the student's responsibility to get his/her daily assignments and homework from a classmate or to contact the teacher upon returning to school for daily assignments and homework. If a student is absent more than 3 days, the student or parent may contact the Counseling Center to request homework assignments. If a student is suspended out-of-school, it is the student or parent's responsibility to pick up the work from the front office. Students are encouraged to request make-up work for any excused or unexcused absence. It is the student's sole responsibility to make contact with the teacher to initiate all make-up work. A make-up work request must be made the first class meeting back after the absence. The student must complete make-up work within the time specified by the teacher. Make-up work not submitted or turned in by an agreed upon deadline will receive a zero. Students will receive the actual grade earned on make-up work if the absence is for one of the reasons listed as “excused,” a written excuse has been submitted in accordance with attendance policy, and the make-up work has been completed satisfactorily within the time specified by the teacher.In a case of an unexcused absence, a student will be allowed two (2) class meetings to make up an assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up work. After two (2) meetings of the missed class have occurred, whether that student is present or not, the grade will be entered as a zero.Required Materials:Algebra 1 McGraw Hill Textbook1-subject notebook for Algebra 1 SupportAlgebra 1 binder (bring to class every day)Pencil/PenCalculatorClassroom Expectations:Be on time!!!!Come prepared for class – bring all of the above materials every dayWork hard and never give upConduct yourself with honesty and integrityBe polite, courteous and communicate respectfully with other members of the classroomStay on task and use your time wiselyNO PHONES – They need to be kept away and put on silent/turned off. There will be separate consequences for failure to adhere to this policy.Mathematics Department Academic Integrity PolicyAdhering to high standards of integrity, the mathematics department considers academic misconduct to be any act that can give unfair academic advantage to a student, his grades, or his records. Such acts include lying, stealing, and cheating. Cheating is any dishonesty, written or verbal, tacit or implied. This includes any collusion, sabotage, falsification, or involvement in giving or receiving unauthorized help. In an effort to make students and parents aware of the expectations of the mathematics department with regard to academic integrity, the following specific acts are considered infractions of academic dishonesty:Submitting work from a previous class in a current class (old projects, old notebooks, past tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, etc.)Using any graded material – notebooks, tests, homework, quizzes, classwork, projects, or other graded assignments from another student, previous or current.Manufacturing or creating data.Discussion of the content of tests or evaluations to other students outside of class or between classes until every student has been evaluated.Dividing the tasks in a group activity (without permission) instead of working collaboratively to complete the activity.Allowing one or two students in a group activity to do the work, but then taking credit for it.Acquiring copies of assessments (quizzes, tests, etc.) before the actual testing period so as to have an advantage during the evaluation.Using notes or information from any unauthorized source, including but not limited to information written on desks, person, pieces of paper, water bottles, backpacks, or entered into graphing calculators or other devices.Looking at another student’s work during an evaluation.Any form of communication during an evaluation (passing materials, whispering, talking, signaling, or mouthing words to other students).Copying, sharing, or comparing work or homework from other students without teacher permission or instruction.Submitting another students’ work as your own – homework, projects, classwork, notebook, etc.Using any device such as computers, calculators, iPods, PDA’s, graphing calculator, etc. without teacher permission.Using any unauthorized calculator applications.Sharing devices, such as computers, calculators, graphing calculators, etc. without teacher permission.Any use of cell phones, including text messaging.Mathematics Assessment Environment: To ensure the fairness and integrity of the assessment process, all students will adhere to the following procedure during tests and quizzes. Students will place all of their belongings, including all phones and other technology, into their bag, and place their bag at the front of the classroom. Students will only be permitted to have a pen or pencil, and, if appropriate, a calculator and scratch paper.Consequences for Violating the Academic Integrity Policy:The following actions will be taken if a student is found to have committed academic dishonesty as mentioned above:Parent contact will be made via telephone or email explaining the infraction and the consequences.A violation of academic dishonesty will be placed in the students’ school file.The student will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment or assessment with which s/he was dishonest without the opportunity for retaking/making up the grade at another time.-215265012255500Tutoring times:Ms. Boggs will be available for tutoring Tuesday mornings 7:30-8:15 and Wednesday afternoons 3:45-4:45.Ms. Litchfield will be available for tutoring Monday-Wednesday 7:45-8:15 and afternoon by appointment.Additional times can be arranged by appointment through email or by talking with your teacher.This syllabus is your copy and should be kept in the front of your notebookPlease complete the following page and have your parents sign it. It must be returned to your math teacher tomorrow!!!Please return the following portion to your teacher signed.Algebra 1 Support Student/Parent Contract*** Please sign and bring back to Ms. Boggs the next class periodStudent Agreement:I have read and reviewed the course syllabus for Algebra Support as presented to me for the school year 2016 – 2017. I understand that I am responsible for following these procedures. I want to succeed, and I understand that I must take individual responsibility for my own success. Student name (PRINTED): Student signature:Parent/Guardian Agreement:I have read and reviewed the course syllabus for my child’s Algebra Support course for the school year 2016 - 2017. I understand that my child is responsible for following these procedures. I agree to support the efforts of my student through the procedures listed in this syllabus.Please fill out the Parent/Guardian Contact form online at: OR….Parent/Guardian name (PRINTED):Parent/Guardian signature:Parent Email Address:______________________________________________Best phone number to reach parent: ______________________________________ ................

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