
College Algebra 2018-2019Mr. RobertsEmail: RobertsM@ Website: 503872515875Course Description:This course is designed to provide you with math content and skills necessary for an entrance level math course in college. When you are choosing your course schedule for college, you most likely will have to take a placement exam. If you do not score high enough, you must take a college algebra course in which you do not receive credit. This course is designed to provide with the foundation necessary to place out of that introductory course in college. This course will cover arithmetic, algebra, basic geometry, series and sequences, and matrices. Your end result will be passing the college placement exam. Materials:? inch or 1 inch binder (provided)Folder (provided)Pens/PencilsBinder: Your binder should be organized in chronological order with all notes, check-ins, and exams in sequence. After each marking period, you can clear out your binders and keep these papers in a folder in the classroom. These will be used for review at a later date.Midterm Exam: This course does have a midterm exam that will be given in class. It will count as 10% of your overall average for the course. Final Exam: This course does have a final exam that will be given in class. It will be a college level placement exam. It will count as 20% of your overall average for the course. How will you be graded?Exams: Each unit will have 4 to 5 tests (worth between 30-50 points each). If you are absent the day of a test/quiz, it is your responsibility to schedule a time to take your test within the next week. There will be no retakes in this class. If you are unhappy with your test scores, please speak to me privately and we will discuss this together. Binder Quizzes: Each unit will have a binder quiz where you will be asked specific questions involving your notes. These quizzes are designed to assess whether you are taking complete notes each day. It is your responsibility to make sure you have the notes when you are absent. You may not use someone else’s notes for these quizzes!! These will be worth 10 points each.Check-Ins: At the end of each class you will have to complete a check-in that assesses your understanding of the content from the entire unit. You can use your notes on the check-ins. The check-ins will be given in the first 5 minutes of the class period. If you are tardy to class, you will not be allowed to make up the check-in and will receive 0 points for the assignment. You will be allowed to make up the check-in, ONLY if you enter class with a legal late pass from administration or the nurse. By the end of the unit you must demonstrate that you can answer a question pertaining to each goal. What else do you need to know about the course?Keeping in Shape Packets: Each marking period you will be given a “Keeping in Shape” packet. This packet has SAT questions, placement exam sample questions and math puzzles and riddles. If you are ever finished early with the class work, you should work on this packet. At the end of the marking period you will have the option of handing this in for extra grade. This is the equivalent to an extra credit assignment. Keep this in your binder at all times. Absences/Missed Work Crate: There is a crate in the room labeled “Missed Work”. When you are absent, the work from the previous day will be in the folder labeled with the day of the week. It is your responsibility to take the notes and put them in your binder, review them, and come to extra help with any questions. Class Website: If you are absent, have a question, not sure of a due date, etc.- check the course page to get each days notes, slides, and homework. You will be required to check homework assignments each night with the answer key on the class website as well as practice tests and reviews. Extra help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Extra help sessions will be held twice a week from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, Guidance Classroom. Extra help will be announced at the beginning of each week. You can always email me with questions.Mr. Roberts: RobertsM@-647706350000“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” – Thomas A. Edison ................

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