Course ...

Course: Algebra 1 Unit of Study: Exponential functions Beginning Date: 11/07/12 Ending Date: 11/09/12

State competency goal and objective:

| | | |Teacher Input | | |

| | | |(2. Presentation) | | |

| | |Activating Strategy/ Emotional | | | |

|Date |Essential |Hook |Student Active Participation |Summarizing Activity |Closure |

| |Question (s): |(1. Start the lesson) |(3. Guided practice) |(5. Evaluation) | |

| | | |__________________________ | |________________________ |

| | | |Additional Student Activities | | |

| | | |(4. Independent practice) | |Homework |

| | |Warm- ups: |Instruction: | | |

| | | |Multiplying and Dividing Monomials | | |

|11/07/12 |What are the exponential | | |Simplify (7a4b) (8a7b6). | |

| |properties? |Warm-ups on separate sheet |Guided Practice: |    | |

| | | |Brain pop movie: Multiplying and Dividing Monomials |Simplify (4y4)3 |Dividing Monomials |

| | | |Brain Pop Movie handout | | |

| | | | |Simplify x3y0z | |

| | | |Independent Practice: | | |

| | | |Multiplying and Dividing Monomials aid |Simplify a4b3 | |

| | | |ATAK 5-4 |a7b | |

|11/08/12 |What is special about the rate of|Warm- ups: |Instruction: |Which is the graph of y =2.5x? a. [pic] b. | |

| |change in exponential functions? | |Exponential Functions |[pic] | |

| | |Warm-ups on separate sheet |Geometric Sequences |c. d. [pic] | |

| |How does a geometric sequence | | | | |

| |help you understand the rate of | |Guided Practice: | |Geometric Sequences |

| |change of an exponential | |Exponential Functions (cont.) notes | | |

| |function? | |Geometric Sequences notes | | |

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| | | |Independent Practice: | | |

| | | |Exponential Functions | | |

|11/09/12 |How do you determine the rate of |Warm- ups: |Instruction: | | |

| |change of an exponential function|Warm-ups on separate sheet |Unit 5 Investigations 2 |Determine whether each exponential equation | |

| |from a table?  Equation? | | |represents growth or decay. | |

| |How do you determine the initial | |Guided Practice: | | |

| |value of an exponential function | |Unit 5 Investigations 2 |1. y = 20(0.85)x |none |

| |from the graph?  Table?  | | |2. y= 20(1.025)x | |

| |Equation? | |Independent Practice: |3. y =20(0.682)x | |

| | | |Unit 5 Investigations 2 | | |

| | | |On Your Own Applications | | |

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|Literacy enhancements/Key Vocabulary: | |

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|Adaptations/Differentiation: | |

|Wednesday Warm- ups: Date:_____________ |

|Approximate 5(31.8) to the nearest hundredth. |

|A. 27.42 B. 29.16 C. 36.12 D. 32.90 |

|2. A guest on a talk show tends to receive many phone calls right after she is on the show, and then the calls become less frequent. This can be represented by the equation y = 30(0.92)d, where y is the number of phone calls |

|after d days. How many phone calls should she expect after a week? |

|A. 23 B. 17 C. 28 D. 2 |

|3. Given the coordinates (0, 3), (1, 11), (2, 19), (3, 27), would a graph of these points exhibit exponential behavior? |

|A. yes, exponential and linear behavior B. no, it would display linear behavior C. no, it would not display exponential or linear behavior D. yes, exponential behavior only |

|Thursday Warm- ups: Date:_____________ |

|If one person does good deeds for three new people, then the three new people each do good deeds for three more new people. Next, nine people each do good deeds for three more new people, and so on. Does this situation |

|represent a linear or exponential model? Why or why not? |

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|Describe the similarities and differences of a linear and an exponential NOW- NEXT equation. |

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|Town A adds 10 people per year to its population, and town B grows by 10% each year. In 2006, each town has 145 residents. For each town, determine whether the population growth is linear or exponential. Explain. Report the |

|constant rate per unit interval (linear) or the constant percent rate per unit interval (exponential). |

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|Friday Warm- ups: Date:_____________ |

|You just got a pair of baby rabbits for your birthday – one male and one female. You decide that you will breed the rabbits, but need to plan a budget for the upcoming year. To help prepare your budget, you need an estimate |

|of how many rabbits you will have by the end of the year. In order to build a mathematical model of this situation, you make the following assumptions: |

|A rabbit will reach sexual maturity after one month. |

|The gestation period of a rabbit is one month. |

|Once a female rabbit reaches sexual maturity, she will give birth every month. |

|A female rabbit will always give birth to one male rabbit and one female rabbit. |

|Rabbits never die. |

|So how many male/female rabbit pairs are there after one year (12 months)? |


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