Semester 1 and 2

Teacher: Holly Foxworthy Phone: 542-8504 Ext. 3031

Room A 102 Email:

Webpage: hfoxworthyfchs.

Textbook: Algebra 2, Indiana edition, Pearson (textbook accessible online)

Materials needed daily:

Notebook/folder, pencil, erasers, planner, and calculator. All students must own a calculator and bring it to class daily. Calculator: can use TI-83, TI-84, Desmos on IPad, and a CHARGED IPad


Course Outline: Algebra II focuses on Algebra as a means of representation and on algebraic methods as a problem-solving tool.

1st Quarter: Ch 1 – Expr, Equations, & Inequalities Chr 2 – Functions, Equations, & Graphs, Ch 3 –Linear Systems

2nd Quarter: Ch 4 – Quadratic Functions and Equations, Ch 5- Polynomial and polynomial functions

3rd Quarter: Ch 6- Radical Functions and Rational Expressions, Ch 7- Exponential and Logarithmic Function

4th Quarter: Ch 8- Rational Functions, Ch 9 – Sequence and Series, Ch 11- Probability and Statistics

Notebooks: Students should keep a class binder to keep notes, homework, tests/quizzes, and DMRs. To promote note taking, notes may be used on some quizzes. .

Practice: There will be two types of practice assignments, either on paper or MathXl, which is online. A listing of assignments may be found on my website. Practice done on worksheets etc. will be graded based on completion (meaning all problems are fully completed showing ALL steps). Practice will be primarily on MathXl. To get full credit (5 points) you must make at least an 80% by MathXl grading. All online assignments will be due the following day at midnight. You are allowed multiple attempts at problems so it should be fairly easy to accomplish the 80%. You can improve on your assignment score up until the day of the test with a 20% penalty. There will be no late work accepted after the test. Each assignment will be worth 5 points (unless stated otherwise)


Students must use a pencil. I expect all assignments, tests, and quizzes to be completed in pencil and showing all work. All work must be legible; if I cannot read the process and/or the answer, I will mark it incorrect. If an assignment is not completed in pencil, only half credit will be given. If a test or quiz is not completed in pencil, the student’s grade on the evaluation will be reduced by one letter grade.

Quizzes & Tests: Quizzes are open notes and are given online usually after 2 sections. You will have 2 attempts and can do an immediate re-take after viewing your results. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. To receive full credit, you must always show work. If only an answer is given, little to no credit will be given. It is also expected that work and answers be done legibly with pencil. If I can’t read your work I will count it wrong.  Each quiz and test is graded and the percent is recorded.  Students will NOT be allowed to stay after or come back later to finish an assessment unless an IEP or 504 plan is in place. Retakes for quizzes will not be given. A cumulative final exam is given at the end of each semester. Test corrections or test retakes are available for each test, but to do this the student must earn at least 70% in their graded homework category. Test corrections allow up to ½ points back if you follow the procedure correctly.

Writing Assignment:  Writing assignment is subject to change.

There will be two writing assignments, one per semester. It will be typed and computer lab time will be scheduled for that purpose. The writing assignments will count as a quiz grade.

1st Semester- Quadratic functions, 2nd Semester- Famous Mathematicians

Indiana Academic Writing Standard: Informative/Explanatory writing pieces    Level of Writing:  Level 2

Attendance: Attendance will be taken on a daily basis from a seating chart that will be determined at the beginning of each semester. When you are absent, you are responsible for any missed work. You should check MathXL or my website for missed assignments. Please reference your school planner for the new attendance policy. (Tardies of more than 5 minutes or leaving class early for more than 5 minutes are considered a full absence)

*Note: All students are expected to stay in their assigned seats until the bell has rung.

Tardies: Students will be assigned a tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings. I will be enforcing school policy for tardies. This includes detentions after the 3rd tardy and SAL after the 4th.

Passes: Students will be issued hall passes for such issues as forgotten materials and restroom breaks. Passes should be taken at appropriate times such as the beginning or end of the period. You must have your planner and sign out before you leave the room. To see another teacher, counselor, or administrator, you must have a pass from that person.

Electronic devices: Phones, IPods, headphones etc. are not allowed at all in the classroom. Since everyone will have an IPad, there will be no need to use phones for research, video projects, etc. Phones may be used during lunch in the lunch room and spine. Phones will be collected and taken to the office.

Food Policy: Food is not allowed in the class room. This includes beverages such as coffee or coffee drinks. Water is allowed.

Discipline: I feel that by the time you reach the high school level that you are aware of the behavior that is expected of you. However, if you keep the following things in mind it will help all of us have a better and more successful year:

➢ Respect Yourself – be on time, do your own work, stay awake, bring materials

➢ Respect Others and Their Possessions – keep hands, feet, and disrespectful comments to yourself and do not interrupt people when they have the floor. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

➢ Respect Your Environment – Use the trashcans, do not write on desk or walls, and do not put gum under desks.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be determined by the individual circumstances and the personal situation of the student. Consequences for students caught cheating could be a failing grade for the class and possible removal from the course.

Evaluation: Points accumulated from tests, quizzes, homework, writing assignment, and projects will determine a student’s grade. Tests will be worth 65%, quizzes will be worth 20%, and homework will be worth 15%. Projects will be placed in one of the 3 categories depending on its point value. The semester grade will be a running total. The semester grade will be worth 90% and the final exam will be worth 10%.

|A+ |100-97% |C+ |79.99-77% |

|A |96.99-93% |C |76.99-73% |

|A- |92.99-90% |C- |72.99-70% |

|B+ |89.99-87% |D+ |69.99- 67% |

|B |86.99-83% |D |66.99-63% |

|B- |82.99-80% |D- |62.99-60% |

| | |F |59.99- below |

The following grading scale will be used:

Floyd Central Academic Integrity Policy

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

■  copying, or allowing the copying of, graded or ungraded work

■ collaborating with others beyond what the classroom teacher (authorized) allows

■ gaining unauthorized prior knowledge of assessments or providing such knowledge to others

■ transmitting or receiving information related to the content of graded or ungraded work

■ misrepresenting situations for academic gain, including as means to receive additional time to complete graded or ungraded work

■ falsifying data or sources in graded or ungraded work

■ altering a grade, whether on an individual assignment or in student records (gradebook)

■ violating the rules of school-sponsored academic competitions or assignments

■ plagiarism—the stealing or using of others’ words, original ideas, or work without crediting the original

Extra Help Time: I will be more than happy to meet any student before or after school, during my 5th period math lab, or during my 6th period planning time to help with any problems you may be having. Please try and let me know before hand so that I will make sure that I am available.

Other Options:

● National Honor Society Tutoring

● Extended Learning Lab – Monday thru Thursday in Room B111 from 2:30 – 4:30

Remind: Remind is a program that allows the teacher to send text messages to students. It will be used to allow the teacher to remind students of homework assignments, tests and quizzes. Students do not have access to the teacher’s number and the teacher does not have access to the students’ numbers. The program also does not allow students to reply to the teacher’s messages.

Directions on how to sign up will be passed out first day of school and available at open house and on my website.

Information provided here is subject to change.




Students: I would appreciate your acknowledgement of the syllabus and your attention to the following:

1) I will pay attention in class. I will participate in class activities. I will not talk unless it is at an appropriate time. I will take notes and keep them until the end of the semester. I will stay in my seat until the bell rings. I will bring my iPad charged and will use it appropriately.

2) I will complete my assignments on time. I will label them appropriately. I will keep them until the end of the semester. I will show my work and not just answers. I will not cheat by copying my assignments from another student.

3) I will check my answers/solutions in the back of the book or online before coming to class so I know which problems I have questions about. If you don’t check then you may think you’re on the right track but unfortunately could be terribly wrong.

4) I will seek extra help if needed either from Ms. Foxworthy, another student, the Homework Hotline, Khan Academy, the textbook’s website, online videos, a tutor. But I must put forth good effort in class!

5) I will learn how to use my graphing calculator or Desmos on IPad. I will bring it to class every day. I will not play games on my calculator when I should be doing something else.

6) I will make use of Ms. Foxworthy’s website to keep track of upcoming assignments & assessments and for additional resources.

7) I will take care of my textbook (if issued) and will not write in it. I will also take care of my desk and my classroom.

8) I understand that I will be limited in my hall pass use. I will always sign out and use my planner.

9) I will remember that math needs extra practice just like sports, dance, or music.

10) I will adhere to the school rules involving food and drink in class as well as cell phone and iPad use.

11) I will do all assessments honestly, not looking at my neighbor, no writing on my desk, only using my calculator as intended, etc.

12) I understand that I need to sign up for Remind to receive text or reminders, etc from Ms. Foxworthy.

Parents: I would appreciate your acknowledgement of the syllabus and your attention to the following:

1) I will periodically check for completed, neat assignments. The textbook should be used every evening, because there is an assignment every day. Exceptions would be on quiz/test days or if using the online text. Learning isn’t easy and is a team effort.

2) I will encourage development of good study skills, especially organization of time and materials. I will encourage use of their planner and a calendar. I will also encourage them to utilize the textbook online resources and Ms. Foxworthy’s website.

3) I will help create a positive study environment at home for my child.

4) I will review my child's schedule to be sure they are getting adequate sleep and regular meals. Even good students fail to understand the long-term benefit of such when faced with short-term deadlines.

5) I will ask my child if [s]he needs extra help. Addressed concerns rarely become problems especially when done early. I will keep in mind that class sizes and teacher loads are large. Tutoring is available for free from the National Honor Society.

6) I will help my child remember that Math & Science activities need extra practice time just like sports, dance, or music.

7) I will make sure my child has a graphing calculator or Desmos on IPad to use at home on a daily basis. It will be necessary within the first chapter. It can be bought new or used or could be borrowed. If this is a problem, I will contact Mr. Foxworthy.

8) I will make use of Ms. Foxworthy’s website to keep track of upcoming assignments and for additional resources.

9) I understand that Ms. Foxworthy will be using Remind to send reminders, etc. This can be done via text, email, or the app.

10) I have read this course syllabus and will support the teacher in educating my child. If I have concerns I will contact Ms. Foxworthy, and she will respond as soon as she can. I also understand that email is the most efficient way to do that.

We have read and understand the preceding page of requirements and expectations. PLEASE WRITE NEATLY!

Algebra II Period: ____________

Student Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________________________________ date_________________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________________________________ date ________________

Daytime phone: _____________________________________

(Note: If needed, I’ll be making calls either during school around 9:29 – 10:18 or 10:40 – 11:10 or after school 2:30-2:45.

Email address (preferred method of contact): ____________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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