I. Books and book chapters in international editions

1. M. Ştefu, D. Butyka, M.V. Diudea, L. Jantschi, B. PÂRV

Algorithms for Basic Operations on Maps

Chapter 12 in Mircea V. Diudea (ed), Nanostructures: Novel Architectures, pp 243-268

ISBN 1-59454-499-9, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005, 420p.

II. Books and university courses in Romanian

1. F. M. Boian, V. Cioban, M.Fren(iu, S. Groze. E. Iacob, S. Iurian. Z. Kasa, S. Motogna,

B.P(RV, H. Pop, V. Prejmerean, J. Robu, T. Toadere

Culegere de probleme pentru lucrările de laborator

Lito Univ.Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 1992, 180 p.

2. B.PÂRV, A.I.Vancea

Fundamentele limbajelor de programare

Lito Univ.Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 1992, Vol. I (i II, 426 p.

3. M.Frenţiu, B. P(RV

Elaborarea programelor. Metode şi tehnici moderne

ISBN 973-96114-9-4, Editura ProMedia, Cluj-Napoca, 1994, 220 p.

4. F. M. Boian, V. Cioban, M.Fren(iu, S. Groze. E. Iacob, S. Iurian. Z. Kasa, S. Motogna,

B.P(RV, H.F. Pop, V. Prejmerean, J. Robu, T. Toadere

Programare Pascal; programe ilustrative, probleme propuse pentru elevi şi studenţi,

ISBN 973-96862-1-4, Editura Promedia-Plus, Cluj-Napoca, 1995, 228 p.

5. B.PÂRV, A.I.Vancea

Fundamentele limbajelor de programare

ISBN 973-9215-25-4, Editura Microinformatica, Cluj-Napoca, 1996, 321 p.


Analiza şi proiectarea sistemelor

Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai", Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Cluj-Napoca, ediţia I-a 2001, 200 p; ediţia a

II-a 2002 şi ediţia a III-a 2003, 202 p.

7. B. PÂRV

Dezvoltarea rapidă a aplicaţiilor cu Visual Basic

ISBN 973-9417-02-7, Editura Gil, Zalău, 2003, 552 p.

III. Scientific papers in international journals

1. M.V.Diudea, B. PÂRV

Molecular Topology. 3.1. A New Centric Connectivity Index (CCI)

Match (Mathematical Chemistry), Max Planck Inst.f.Strahlen Chem., Müllheim a.d. Ruhr, 1988, No. 23, 65-87. (ISI)

2. M.V.Diudea, D.Horvath, I.E.Kacso, O.M.Minailiuc, B. PÂRV

Molecular Topology 8. Centricities in Molecular Graphs. The MOLCEN Algorithm

J.Math.Chem. 11 (1992), 259-270. (ISI)

3. M.V. Diudea, B. PÂRV

Molecular Topology 25. Hyper-Wiener Index of Dendrimers

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 35 (1995), 1015-1018. (ISI)

4. M.V. Diudea, G. Katona, O.M. Minailiuc, B. PÂRV

Molecular Topology 24. Wiener and Hyper-Wiener indices in spiro-graphs,

Russ. Chem. Bull., 44 (1995), No. 9, 1606-1611 ((n limba englez() (ISI)

Izvest. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Khim. 44 (1995), No. 9, 1674-1679 ((n limba rus().

5. M.V.Diudea, B. P(RV, I. Gutman

Detour-Cluj Matrix and Derived Invariants

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 37 (1997), 1101-1108. (ISI)

6. M.V. Diudea, B. PÂRV, M.I. Topan

Derived Szeged and Cluj Indices

J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 62 (1997) , 267-276.

7. M.V. Diudea, G. Katona, B. PÂRV

Delta Number, D( of Dendrimers

Croat. Chem. Acta 70 (1997), No. 2, 509-517. (ISI)

8. M.V.Diudea, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, B. PÂRV

Toranes versus Torenes

Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. (MATCH), 2001, No. 44, 117-133 (ISI)

9. M.V. Diudea, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, B. PÂRV

Toroidal Fullerenes from Square Tiled Tori

Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design, 1, 2002, 10-22.

10. M.V.Diudea, B. PÂRV, E.C. Kirby

Azulenic Tori

Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. (MATCH), 2003, No. 47, 53-70. (ISI)

11. M.V.Diudea, B. PÂRV, P.E. John, O. Ursu, A. Graovac

Distance Counting in Tori

Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. (MATCH), 2003, No. 49, 23-36. (ISI)

12. M.V. Diudea, M. Ştefu, B. PÂRV, P.E. John

Wiener Index of Armchair Polyhex Nanotubes

Croat. Chem. Acta 77 (2004), No. 1-2, 111-115. (ISI)

IV. Scientific papers in Romanian journals

1. A.Simionescu, C.Burlec, I.Sulea, P.Hodor, B. PÂRV

Programarea producţiei la minele din Valea Jiului cu ajutorul calculatorului electronic

Mine, petrol, gaze, 29 (1978), No. 11-12, 595-598.

2. B. PÂRV, M.Trifu

Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Geo-Potential on the Nodal Period of Artificial Satellites

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 2 (1980), No. 2, 98-108.

3. B. PÂRV, E.Radu, M.Trifu

Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Direct Solar Radiation Pressure on the Nodal Period of Artificial Satellites

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 4 (1982), No. 3, 98-105.

4. A.Chisăliţă, B. PÂRV

THACS - a Computer Program for Time-History Analysis of Cable Structures

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 6 (1984), No. 5, 11-36.

5. B. PÂRV

The Use of Lie-series to Obtain Approximate Solution of n-Body Problem

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 9 (1987), No. 2, 47-58.

6. Gr.Moldovan, B. PÂRV

BIBLIOTECA - A dBase II Application for Bibliographical Documentation

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 9 (1987), No. 5, 36-45.

7. Á.Pál, B. PÂRV

On the Determination of the Intermediate Orbit Elements of an Artificial Earth Satellite by the Averaging Method (I)

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 9 (1987), No. 10, 3-18.

8. B. PÂRV

Software for Statistical Processing

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 10 (1988), No. 9, 42-46.

9. Á.Pál, B. PÂRV

On the Efficiency of Numerical Methods for Kepler's Equation Solution

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 10 (1988), No. 10, 115-133.

10. B. PÂRV

Poisson Symbolic Processor

Studia, Mathematica, XXXIV (1989), No. 3, 17-29.

11. Á.Pál, B. PÂRV

On the Determination of the Intermediate Orbit Elements of an Artificial Earth Satellite by the Averaging Method (II)

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 11 (1989), No. 5, 15-47.

12. B. PÂRV

On the Symbolic Manipulation of Poisson Expressions in Celestial Mechanics

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Celestial Mechanics, 11 (1989), No. 5, 125-142.

13. M.V.Diudea, T.Cipăianu, L.Bal, B. PÂRV

MTVI. New Y-type Indices of Molecular Branching

Studia, Chemia, XXXV (1990), No. 1, 29-36.

14. E.Merce, B. PÂRV, F.Laun

Calculul coeficienţilor determinaţiei parţiale. Metodă şi program

Revista Română de Statistică, 1992, No. 6, 29-36.

15. I.Parpucea, B. PÂRV

Algebraic Specification of PSP

Studia, Mathematica, XXXVII (1992), No. 3, 99-110.

16. M.Frenţiu, B. PÂRV, V.Prejmerean

Abstract Data Types for Increasing the Productivity in Programming

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 14 (1992), No. 5, 8-13.

17. B. PÂRV

Lie Series and Computer Algebra Treatment of the n-Body Problem

Roum. Astr. J. 3 (1993), No. 2. 157-164.

18. M.Frenţiu, B. PÂRV

Programming Proverbs Revisited

Studia, Mathematica, XXXVIII (1993), No. 3, 49-58.

19. I.Parpucea, B. PÂRV

Functional and Relational Programming with PSP

Studia, Mathematica, XXXVIII (1993), No. 3, 75-90.

20. B. PÂRV

An Object-Oriented Approach of Array Abstract Data Type

Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.p.Sci.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 15 (1993), No. 5, 25-42.

21. B. PÂRV

Folosirea procesoarelor algebrice la cercetarea astronomică

Babeş-Bolyai Univ., Fac.Math. Comp.Sci. Res.Sem, 16 (1994), Seminarul Didactica Matematicii, 147-152.

22. A. Pál, B. PÂRV

Formal Construction of the Generalized Krylov-Bogolyubov Equations

Roum. Astr. J. 5 (1995), No. 1, 29-35.

23. B. PÂRV

User-defined Expression Simplifier in Maple

Babeş-Bolyai Univ.,Fac.p.Sci.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 18

(1996), No. 2, 35-53.

24. B. PÂRV

Using Maple in Processing Poisson Expressions

Studia, Informatica, I (1996), No. 1, 7-18.

25. B. PÂRV

On Everhart Method

Roum. Astr. J. 7 (1997), No. 2., 157-168.

26. Z.Gabos, B. PÂRV,

On the polarization density matrix for s=5/2 particles

Az E.M.E. Természettudományi és Matematikai Szakosztályának Közleményei, 6 (1997), 22-25.

27. B. PÂRV

The Impact of Computer Science on Mathematics,

Babeş-Bolyai Univ.,Fac.p.Sci.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 20 (1998), No. 2, 35-46.

28. B. PÂRV

On Representation of a Poisson Processor

Babeş-Bolyai Univ.,Fac.p.Sci.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science, 19 (1997), No. 2, 147-160.

29. B. PÂRV

A Component-Based Model for Algorithms

Babeş-Bolyai Univ.,Fac.p.Sci.Res.Sem, Seminar on Computer Science,20 (1998), No. 2, 53-60.

30. D. POP, S. Iurian, M. Iurian, B. PÂRV, C. Mihoc

Objectual Interfaces for Algorithm Databases,

Babe(-Bolyai Univ., Fac. Math. Comp. Sci. Res. Sem, Seminar on Computer Science,

21 (1999), No. 2, 35-42.

31. M. Frenţiu, D. Dumitrescu, B. PÂRV, H.F. Pop, L. Ţâmbulea

Algoritmi existenţi în reţeaua Universităţii,

Babe(-Bolyai Univ., Fac. Math. Comp. Sci. Res. Sem, Seminar on Computer Science,

21 (1999), No. 2, 111-122.

32. M. Iuga, B. PÂRV,

A Java-Based Object-Oriented Infrastructure for HPCC,

Studia, Informatica, XLV (2000), No. 1, 31-38.

33. M.V. Diudea, I. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, B. PÂRV

Toroidal Fullerenes,

Annals of West University Timişoara, Series Chemistry, 10 (2001), No. 1, 21-40.

34. S. Motogna, B. PÂRV

A Formal Model for Components,

Bul. Ştiinţ. Univ. Baia Mare, Ser. B, Matematică-Informatică, XVIII (2002), No. 2,


35. M.V. Diudea, B. PÂRV, O. Ursu

Hex Tori from Square Tori,

Studia, Chemia, XLVIII (2003), No. 1, 3-10.

36. M.V. Diudea, O. Ursu, B. PÂRV

Hex Tubes from Square Tubes,

Studia, Chemia, XLVIII (2003), No. 1, 11-20.

37. Zs. I. Lázár, B. PÂRV, A. Fanea, J. R. Heringa, S.W. de Leeuw

COMODI: Guidelines for a Component-Based Framework for Scientific Computing,

Studia, Informatica, XLIX (2004), No. 2, 91-101.

38. Zs. I. Lázár, B. PÂRV

COMODI: Component Wiring in a Framework for Scientific Computing,

Studia, Informatica, XLIX (2004), No. 2, 103-110.

39. B. PÂRV, S. Motogna, D. Petraşcu

Automata-Based Compositional Analysis of Component Systems

Carpathian J. Math, 20 (2004), No. 2, 197-203.

40. O. Ursu, A. Costescu, M.V. Diudea, B. PÂRV

QSARs of some Novel Isosteric Heterocyclic with Antifungal Activity

Carpathian J. Math, 20 (2004), No. 2, 267-274.

V. Papers in proceedings of international conferences

1. A. Pál, B. PÂRV

Implementation of Some Constructive Methods of Perturbation Theory into the Symbolic Computation System MAPLE,

Abstracts of the International Conference "Symbolic Computation and its Applications in Fundamental Researches", Bucharest, September 1995, (edited by Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences), St. Petersburg, 1995, 36.

2. I.Parpucea, B. PÂRV

Symbolic Computation with Algebraic Specification

în volumul: Proceedings of the 9th ROSYCS (ROmanian Symposium on Computer Science), (editori: V. Felea şi G.Ciobanu), 12-13 Noiembrie 1993, Iaşi, 434-446. (ISI)

3. B. P(RV

The Use of the Internet and Distance Education in Babes-Bolyai’s Computer Science


în Perspectives in Higher Education (editor Russell J. Meyer), volume 7, October 1998,

106-109 (Based upon Eight Annual AUDEM Conference held in Warsaw, Poland,

November 2-5, 1997).

4. D. Avram, M. Iurian, B. PÂRV

A High Performance Computing Center Based On A Local Network

în volumul SYNASC 2000, The Second International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computation, Universitatea de Vest Timişoara, 4-6 Oct. 2000, 87-90.

5. B. PÂRV

An Object-Based Model for a Poisson Expression

în volumul SYNASC 2002, 4th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric

Algorithms for Scientific Computing (editori: Dana Petcu, Daniela Zaharie, Viorel

Negru, Tudor Jebelean), Universitatea de Vest Timişoara, 9-12 Oct. 2002, 240-252.

6. B. PÂRV, S. Motogna, D. Petraşcu

Compositional System Checking Using Compositional Analysis

în volumul ICCC 2004, Proc. of the International Conference on Computers and

Communications, Universitatea din Oradea, 27-29 Mai 2004, 341-346.

7. S. Motogna, B. PÂRV, D. Petraşcu

Finding Errors in a Component Model Using Automata Techniques

Abstracts of the Fifth Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science,

Debrecen, Hungary, 9-12 June 2004, 48.

8. Z. Lazar,A. Fanea, V. Ciobotariu-Boer, D. Petraşcu, B. PÂRV

COMODI: On the Graphical User Interface

în volumul SYNASC 2005, 7th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric

Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, Romania, 25-28 sept.

2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 7695-2453-2, 109-113.

VI. Papers in proceedings of Romanian conferences

1. Á.Pál, T.Oproiu, V.Mioc, E.Radu, B. PÂRV

On the Determination of Quasi-Osculating Elements of an Artificial Satellite by Using Optical Observations

Visual Obs. AES Suppl., Cluj-Napoca, 1977, 7-21.

2. Á.Pál, T.Oproiu, H.Alexandrescu, V.Mioc, E.Radu, B. PÂRV

On the Improvement of Orbital Elements of an Artificial Satellite

Visual Obs. AES Suppl., Cluj-Napoca, 1977, 22-33.

3. T.Oproiu, B. PÂRV, M.Trifu

Asupra unui model matematic al mişcării unui satelit artificial în cîmpul gravitaţional al unui corp central de formă şi structură oarecare

Volumul Simpozionului "Informatică şi conducere", Cluj-Napoca, 1979, 126-127.

4. A.Diaconu, A.Boieru, B. PÂRV, L.Săceleanu, L.Petrişor

Subsistem informatic pentru elaborarea orariilor într-o instituţie de învăţămînt superior

Bul.Inf."Informatica în învăţămînt", Bucureşti, 1981, 15-19.

5. V.Ureche, N.Lungu, T.Oproiu, B. PÂRV

Diagrame de imersiune la unele modele stelare relativiste

Vol. Simpozionului "Direcţii moderne în astronomie şi astrofizică", Bucureşti, 1983, 48.

6. B. PÂRV, D.Chiorean, I.Chiorean

Cross-assembler pentru sistemul (-ARGUS

Volumul colocviului "Info-Iaşi '83", Iaşi, 1983, 256-267.

7. A.Chisăliţă, B. PÂRV

Programul THACS (Time-History Analysis of Cable Structures)

Volumul Simpozionului "Informatică în Construcţii", Sibiu, 1984, 334-340.

8. M.Vincze, B. PÂRV

Modelarea şi simularea pe calculator a procesului decizional la nivelul unităţii agricole

Volumul Simpozionului "Informatica şi aplicaţiile sale", Cluj-Napoca, 6 decembrie 1985, 113-128.

9. B. PÂRV, I.Chiorean

SALIRA - Calculul şi listarea retribuţiilor sub DATATRIEVE-11

Volumul Sesiunii ştiinţifice a Centrului de Calcul al Universităţii Bucureşti, 1987, 476-480.

10. B. PÂRV

Integrare numerică cu serii Lie

Volumul Simpozionului "Progrese în Astronomie şi Cercetările Spaţiale", Bucureşti, 1987, 162-163.

11. B. PÂRV, M.Pârv

ANVAR - A Software Package for Analysis of Variance

Volumul Conf.Mat.Apl.şi Mec. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, Vol. 1, 514-522.

12. Á.Pál, B. PÂRV

On the Numerical Solution of Kepler's Equation for Elliptic Orbits

Volumul Conf.Mat.Apl.şi Mec. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, Vol. 2, 99-105.

13. B. PÂRV, D.Stegăroiu, G.Morar, M.Pârv

Ghid de utilizare AVEPRC (Analiza Varianţei pentru Experienţe Polifactoriale Randomizate Complet)

Volumul "Sistem-model-calculator", Inst.Agr. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, No. 1, 44-58.

14. D.Stegăroiu, Al.Salontai, B. PÂRV, M.Lazăr, Gh.Olteanu

Modelarea şi procesul cunoaşterii

Volumul "Sistem-model-calculator", Inst.Agr. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, No. 2, 5-55.

15. M.Lazăr, Al.Salontai, B. PÂRV, D.Stegăroiu, Gh.Olteanu

Calculatorul - evoluţie, dotare, utilizare

Volumul "Sistem-model-calculator", Inst.Agr. Cluj-Napoca, 1988, No. 1, 7-34.

16. B. PÂRV

Procesor simbolic de expresii Poisson

Volumul Colocviului "Info-Iaşi '89", Iaşi, 1989, 428-443.

17. B. PÂRV, M.Pârv,

ADMITERE-PC - Sistem de programe pentru prelucrarea informaţiilor privind admiterea în învăţământul superior,

Manual de utilizare, Lito. Univ. "Babeş-Bolyai", 1994, 78 p.

VII. Educational work

1. B. PÂRV

Program pentru calculul efemeridei sateliţilor artificiali ai Pămîntului cu ajutorul calculatorului electronic

Universitatea "Babe(-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 1976 (Diploma Thesis)

2. B. PÂRV

Ameliorarea diferenţială a elementelor orbitale ale unui satelit artificial al Pămîntului, folosind observaţii optice vizuale

Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 1977 (Master Thesis).

3. B. PÂRV

Metoda medierii cu aplicaţii în mecanica cerească

Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 1990, 200 p. (PhD Thesis).


Metoda medierii cu aplicaţii în mecanica cerească

(Abstract of PhD Thesis), Lito Univ."Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 1990, 26 p.

VIII. Alte lucr(ri publicate

1. Bazil P(rv, Programare orientat( pe obiecte (n Maple, PC Report, Mai 1995.

2. Bazil Pârv, Interfe(e Windows, PC-Report, Decembrie 1996.

3. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Introducere, PC-Report, Ianuarie 1997.

4. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Prima aplica(ie, PC-Report, Februarie 1997.

5. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Forme (i controale, PC-Report, Martie 1997.

6. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (I), PC-Report, Aprilie 1997.

7. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (II), PC-Report, Mai 1997.

8. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (III), PC-Report, Iunie 1997.

9. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (IV), PC-Report, Iulie 1997.

10. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (V), PC-Report, August 1997.

11. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (VI), PC-Report, Septembrie 1997.

12. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Folosirea controalelor (VII), PC-Report, Octombrie 1997.

13. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (I), PC-Report, Noiembrie 1997.

14. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (II), PC-Report, Decembrie 1997.

15. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (III), PC-Report, Ianuarie1998.

16. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (IV), PC-Report, Februarie1998.

17. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (V), PC-Report, Martie1998.

18. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (VI), PC-Report, Aprilie1998.

19. Bazil Pârv, Limbajul de programare Visual Basic (VII), PC-Report, Mai 1998.

20. Bazil Pârv, Software-ul, o industrie, PC-Report, Iunie 1998.

21. Bazil Pârv, Componente soft, PC-Report, Iunie 1998.

22. Bazil Pârv, Modele obiect pentru programarea orientată pe componente, PC-Report,

Iunie 1998.

23. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Interfaţa utilizator evoluată (I), PC-Report, Iulie 1998.

24. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Interfaţa utilizator evoluată (II), PC-Report, August 1998.

25. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Interfaţa utilizator evoluată (III), PC-Report, Septembrie 1998.

26. Bazil Pârv, Visual Basic - Interfaţa utilizator evoluată (IV), PC-Report, Noiembrie 1998.

27. Bazil Pârv, Structură şi stil în programare (I), GInfo, 11(2001), No. 1, Ian 2001, 37-41.

28. Bazil Pârv, Structură şi stil în programare (II), GInfo, 11(2001), No. 2, Feb 2001, 37-40.

29. Bazil Pârv, Structură şi stil în programare (III), GInfo, 11(2001), No. 3, Mar 2001,


IX. Reviews

Mathematical Reviews

[1] 95d:92021d Diudea, M. V. ; Horvath, D. ; Kacso, I. E. ; Minailiuc, O. M. ; Parv, B. Molecular topology. VIII. Centricities in molecular graphs. The MOLCEN algorithm. Concepts in mathematical chemistry (Bled, 1991). J. Math. Chem. 11 (1992), no. 1-3, 259--270.92E10

[2] 95d:92021b Diudea, Mircea V. ; Cipaianu, Teodora ; Bal, Lucinia; Parv, Bazil Molecular topology. VI. New Y-type indices of molecular branching. Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Chem. 35 (1990), no. 1, 29--36.92E10

[3] 91k:00029 Seminar on Celestial Mechanics and Space Research. Seminar on Stellar Structure and Stellar Evolution. Edited by V. Ureche, V. Mioc, T. Oproiu, B. Parv and E. Radu. Preprint, 89-5. Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Facultatea de Matematica, Cluj-Napoca, 1989. 278 pp.00B15

[4] 89f:70017 Parv, Bazil The use of Lie series to obtain the approximate solution of the n-body problem. Seminar of celestial mechanics and space research, 47--58, Preprint, 87-2, Univ. "Babes-Bolyai", Cluj-Napoca, 1987. 70F10 (70-08)

[5] 1 434 719 Parpucea, Ilie; Parv, Bazil Functional and relational programming with PSP. Studia Univ. "Babes-Bolyai" Math. 38 (1993), No. 3, 75-89. 68Q40 (68Q65).

[6] 100 311 Parv, Bazil On the symbolic manipulation of Poisson expressions in celestial mechanics. Seminar on Celestial Mechanics and Space Research. Seminar on Stellar Structure and Stellar Evolution, 125--142, Preprint, 89-5, Univ. "Babes-Bolyai'', Cluj-Napoca, 1989. 70-04 (70F15)

[7] 100 308 Pal, Arpad; Parv, Bazil On the determination of the intermediate orbit elements of an artificial earth satellite by the averaging method. II. Seminar on Celestial Mechanics and Space Research. Seminar on Stellar Structure and Stellar Evolution, 15--48, Preprint, 89-5, Univ. "Babes-Bolyai"', Cluj-Napoca, 1989. 70M20 (70-04 70F05)

Referativn(i Jurnal

[1] 7.51.73 (1984):

III.15: Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Direct Solar Radiation Pressure on the Nodal Period of Artificial Satellites

[2] 9.51.87, 10.51.73 (1988):

III.16: On the Determination of the Intermediate Orbit Elements of an Artificial Earth Satellite by the Averaging Method (I)

[3] 12.51.199 (1989):

III.18: On the Efficiency of Numerical Methods for Kepler's Equation Solution

X. Citations

ISI Web of Knowledge

M.V.Diudea, D. Horvath, I.E. Kacso, O.M. Minailiuc, B. PÂRV - MT 8. Centricities in Molecular Graphs. The MOLCEN Algorithm, J. Math. Chem. 11(1992), 259-270, factor de impact revistă: 1.495

Cited in

1. Tomovic Z, Gutman I - Modeling boiling points of cycloalkanes by means of iterated line graph sequences, J. OF CHEM. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 41(2001), no. 4, 1041-1045, FI: 2.810

2. Gutman I, Tomvie Z, Mishra BK, et al. On the use of iterated line graphs in quantitative structure-property studies, INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A., 40(2001) no. 1, 4-11, FI: 0.509

3. Gutman I, Popovic L, Estrada E, et al. The line graph model. Predicting physico-chemical properties of alkanes, ACH-MODELS IN CHEMISTRY. 40(1998), no. 1-2, 147-155

M.V. Diudea, B. PÂRV - MT 25. Hyper-Wiener Index of Dendrimers, J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 35(1995), 1015-1018, factor de impact revistă: 2.810

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1. Kim YH, Webster O - Hyperbranched polymers, J. OF MACRO-MOLECULAR SCIENCE-POLYMER REVIEWS, 42(2002), no. 1, 55-89, FI: 0.609

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3. Aringhieri R, Hansen P, Malucelli F. - A linear algorithm for the hyper-wiener index of chemical trees J. OF CHEM. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES 41(2001), no. 4, 958-963, FI: 2.810

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M.V. Diudea, G. Katona, O.M. Minailiuc, B. PÂRV - MT 24. Wiener and Hyper-Wiener indices in spiro-graphs, Russ. Chem. Bull., 44(1995), 1606-1611, factor de impact revistă: 0.529

Cited in

1. Aringhieri R, Hansen P, Malucelli F. - A linear algorithm for the hyper-wiener index of chemical trees J. OF CHEM. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES 41(2001), no. 4, 958-963, FI: 2.810

2. Ivanciuc O, Ivanciuc T, Klein DJ, et al. - Quantitative structure-retention relationships for gas chromatographic retention indices of alkylbenzenes with molecular graph descriptors, SAR AND QSAR IN ENV. RES. 11(2001), no. 5-6, 419-452, FI: 1.546

3. Ivanciuc O, Laidboeur T, CabrolBass D. - Degeneracy of topologic distance descriptors for cubic molecular graphs: Examples of small fullerenes, J. OF CHEM. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES 37(1997), no. 3, 485-488, FI: 2.810

M.V.Diudea, B. P(RV, I. Gutman - Detour-Cluj Matrix and Derived Invariants, J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 37(1997), 1101-1108, factor de impact revistă: 2.810

Cited in

1. Ivanciuc O., Design of topological indices. Part 29 – QSAR and QSPR structural descriptors from the resistance distance matrix, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 47(2002), no. 7, 675-686, FI: 0.199

2. Ivanciuc O. Design of topological indices. Part 28 – Distance complement matrix and related structural descriptors for QSAR and QSPR models, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 47(2002), no. 6, 577-594, FI: 0.199

3. Ivanciuc O. Design of topological indices. Part 27. Szeged matrix for vertex- and edge-weighted molecular graphs as a source of structural descriptors for QSAR models, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 47(2002), no. 5, 479-492, FI: 0.199

4. Ivanciuc O. Design of topological indices. Part 26. Structural descriptors computed from the Laplacian matrix of weighted molecular graphs: Modeling the aqueous solubility of aliphatic alcohols, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 46(2001), no. 12, 1331-1347, FI: 0.199

5. Ivanciuc O. Design of topological indices. Part 25. Burden molecular matrixes and derived structural descriptors for glycine antagonists QSAR models, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 46(2001), no. 9, 1047-1066, FI: 0.199

6. Ivanciuc O. Design of topological indices. Part 19 - Computation of vertex and molecular graph structural descriptors with operators, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE 46(2001), no. 3, 243-253, FI: 0.199

7. Randic M., The connectivity index 25 years after, J. OF MOLEC. GRAPHICS & MODELLING 20 (2001), no. 1, 19-35, FI: 3.036

8. Ivanciuc O, Ivanciuc T, Cabrol-Bass D, et al. Comparison of weighting schemes for molecular graph descriptors: Application in quantitative structure - Retention relationship models for alkylphenols in gas-liquid chromatography, J. OF CHEM. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES 40(2000), no. 3, 732-743, FI: 2.810

M.V. Diudea, G. Katona, B. PÂRV - Delta Number, D( of Dendrimers, Croat. Chem. Acta 70(1997), 509-517, factor impact revistă: 0.924

Cited in

1. Shapiro S, Guggenheim B. - Inhibition of oral bacteria by phenolic compounds - Part 1. QSAR analysis using molecular connectivity, QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS 17(1998), no. 4, 327-337, FI: 2.771

Other citations

[1] IV.5: The Use of Lie-series to Obtain Approximate Solution of n-Body Problem citat( (n

O.Montenbruck, Ephemeridenrechnung und Bahnbestimmung geostation(rer Satelliten mit Hilfe der Taylorreihenintegration, Deutsche Geod(tische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C (Dissertationen), Heft Nr. 384, M(nchen, 1991, p. 5. (Tez( de doctorat sus(inut( (n 1990 la Universitatea Tehnic( din M(nchen).

[2] IV.9: On the Efficiency of Numerical Methods for Kepler's Equation Solution citat( (n

T.Petrila, Some Mathematical Aspects About the Complex Calculus in Closed Contour Determining, Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem. 11 (1989), No. 5, 67-76.

[3] VI.12: On the Numerical Solution of Kepler's Equation for Elliptic Orbits citat( (n

T.Petrila, Some Mathematical Aspects About the Complex Calculus in Closed Contour Determining, Babeş-Bolyai Univ. Fac.Math.Res.Sem. 11 (1989), No. 5, 67-76.

[4] III.9: Toroidal Fullerenes from Square Tiled Tori, citată în

H. Hosoya, Y. Tsukano, K. Nakada, S. Iwata, U. Nagashima, Supersymmetry of

Hexabenzocoronene Torus, Croatica Chemica Acta 77 (2004), No. 1-2, 89-95.


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