Consolidated financial report for the fiscal year ended ...

This English translation of the financial report was prepared for reference purposes only and is qualified in its entirety by the original Japanese version. The financial information contained in this report is derived from our unaudited consolidated financial statements appearing in item 4 of this report.

SoftBank Group Corp. Consolidated Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2021 (IFRS)

Tokyo, May 12, 2021

1. Financial Highlights (1) Results of Operations

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020

Net sales Amount % ?5,628,167 7.4



Income before income tax

Amount %

?5,670,456 -



(Millions of yen; amounts are rounded to the nearest million yen)

Net income Amount %

(Percentages are shown as year-on-year changes)

Net income


attributable to


owners of the parent


Amount % Amount %

?5,078,236 - ?4,987,962 - ?5,578,244 -

?(800,760) - ?(961,576) - ?(1,290,339) -

Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per


share (Yen)

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021


Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020



1. Income on equity method investments

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021:

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020:

?2,437.29 ?(485.33)

?616,432 million ?624,015 million

Ratio of net income to equity,

attributable to owners of the

parent (%)

Ratio of income before income tax to total assets






2. Net sales and income before income tax are presented based on the amounts from continuing operations only. Year-on-year percentage changes in net sales and income before income tax for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 are not presented because corresponding amounts for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 are revised and presented respectively. Please refer to page 87 "Note 3. Discontinued operations" in "(6) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" under "4. Consolidated Financial Statements and Primary Notes" for details.

3. The Company conducted a share split at a ratio of two-for-one effective June 28, 2019. "Basic earnings per share" and "Diluted earnings per share" are calculated assuming that the share split was conducted at the beginning of the previous fiscal year.

(2) Financial Position

Total assets

As of March 31, 2021


Total equity ?11,955,593

Equity attributable to owners of the



Ratio of equity attributable to owners of the parent to total assets (%)

Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent (Yen)



As of March 31, 2020






Note: * "Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent" is based on "Equity attributable to owners of the parent" excluding the

amount not attributable to ordinary shareholders.

(3) Cash Flows

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020

Operating activities ?557,250 ?1,117,879

Investing activities ?(1,468,599) ?(4,286,921)

Financing activities ?2,194,077 ?2,920,863

Cash and cash equivalents

at the end of the year ?4,662,725


2. Dividends

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 Fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 (Forecasted)

First quarter (Yen) -



Dividends per share

Second quarter

Third quarter



Fourth quarter (Yen)










Total (Yen) 44.00



Total amount of dividends (Annual)

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 Fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 (Forecasted)

(Millions of yen) 91,063 79,592

Payout ratio (Consolidated)


Ratio of dividend to equity

attributable to owners of the

parent (Consolidated)







* Notes (1) Significant changes in scope of consolidation (changes in scope of consolidation of specified subsidiaries): Yes Newly consolidated: Two entities: LINE Corporation, LINE Financial Asia Corporation Limited Excluded from consolidation: Three entities: Sprint Corporation, Sprint Communications, Inc., Starburst I, Inc.

Notes: 1. Please refer to page 60 "(1) Significant Changes in Scope of Consolidation for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2021" under

"3. Notes to Summary Information" for details.

2. Foreign subsidiaries prepare stand-alone financial statements only under circumstances where it is necessary under their local laws and practices. Applicability of Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs, etc. Article 19, Paragraph (10), Item (i) to (iii), is determined by using the financial statements.

On the other hand, for foreign subsidiaries that do not prepare stand-alone financial statements, information on the capital and net assets for those companies is not available. Therefore, Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs, etc. Article 19, Paragraph (10), Item (i) is used to determine whether the companies are the specified subsidiaries.

The applicability of Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs, etc. Article 19, Paragraph (10), Item (i) is determined based on the percentage of total amount of purchase from SoftBank Group Corp. and dividend paid to SoftBank Group Corp. to total amount of operating revenue of SoftBank Group Corp.

For fund-type subsidiaries, the amount of net assets based on financial statements prepared in accordance with the corresponding laws and practices is used to determine the applicability of Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs, etc. Article 19, Paragraph (10), Item (ii).

(2) Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates [1] Changes in accounting policies required by IFRSs: No [2] Changes in accounting policies other than those in [1]: No [3] Changes in accounting estimates: Yes

Please refer to page 60 "(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates" under "3. Notes to Summary Information" for details.

(3) Number of shares issued (common stock)

[1] Number of shares issued (including treasury stock):

As of March 31, 2021:


As of March 31, 2020:


[2] Number of shares of treasury stock:

As of March 31, 2021:


As of March 31, 2020:


[3] Number of average shares outstanding during twelve-month period (April-March):

As of March 31, 2021:


As of March 31, 2020:


Note: * The Company conducted a share split at a ratio of two-for-one effective June 28, 2019. "Number of average shares

outstanding during twelve-month period" is calculated assuming that the share split was conducted at the beginning of the previous fiscal year.

[For Reference] Financial Highlights (Non-Consolidated)

(1) Non-Consolidated Results of Operations

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020

Operating revenue





?101,542 (95.1)

Operating income





?50,039 (97.5)

(Percentages are shown as year-on-year changes)

Ordinary income

Net income






- ?1,403,478






Net income per share-basic (Yen)

Net income per share-diluted (Yen)

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2021



Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020




1. The Company conducted a share split at a ratio of two-for-one effective June 28, 2019. "Net income per share-basic" and "Net

income per share-diluted" are calculated assuming that the share split was conducted at the beginning of the previous fiscal year.

2. Net income per share-diluted for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 is not presented as net income per share-basic is negative.

(2) Non-Consolidated Financial Position

Total assets

Net Assets

As of March 31, 2021



As of March 31, 2020


Note: * Shareholders' equity (Non-consolidated)

As of March 31, 2021: As of March 31, 2020:


?3,524,428 million ?4,137,052 million

Equity ratio (%) 18.3 27.2

Shareholders' equity per share (Yen) ?2,027.26 ?2,000.51

(3) Differences in Non-Consolidated Operating Results from the Previous Fiscal Year

The increases in operating revenue, operating income, ordinary income, and net income in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 from the previous fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 were mainly attributable to a ?1,521,117 million year-on-year increase in dividends from subsidiaries and associates.

Financial Highlights (Non-Consolidated) are prepared in accordance with Accounting Principles Generally Accepted in Japan.

* This consolidated financial report is not subject to audit procedures by certified public accountants or an auditing firm.

* Note to forecasts on the consolidated results of operations and other items

Descriptions regarding the future are estimated based on the information that the Company is able to obtain at the present point in time and assumptions which are deemed to be reasonable. However, actual results may be different due to various factors.

On May 12, 2021 (JST), the Company will hold an earnings results briefing for the media, institutional investors, and financial institutions. This earnings results briefing will be broadcast live on the Company's website in both Japanese and English at . The Data Sheet will also be posted on the website in a few days at the same site.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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