Schrimsher-B101Early U.S. HistoryUS-FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE (Answers)Chapter 1:Olmec = first people to develop a civilization in Mesoamerica.Maya = highly-complex civilization in Mesoamerica that mysteriously decline in the A.D. 900s.Aztec = largest Mesoamerican empire of powerful conquests.Anasazi = “ancient ones” of the Four Corners region of the American southwest.Mississippians = early mound-building Native American culture of the Mississippi River ValleyAlgonquin = early Native American culture during the development of New England colonies.Iroquois = early Native American culture that developed an alliance of its most-powerful nations.Jamestown = England’s first permanent colony in America.Puritans = English Separatists who built the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonies in America.Mayflower = ship the Pilgrims used to reach America near Plymouth, Massachusetts.Squanto = Wampanoag Native American who lived with and helped the Pilgrims survive.indentured servant = a person who contracts to come to America to work for a colonist in exchange for their trip.triangular trade = three-way trade route between America, Europe, and Africa.town meetings = group of New England free men who met to elect local government leaders.mercantilism = economic theory that a government’s power depends upon its wealth.Chapter 2:Albany Conference = meeting of colonists with the Iroquois Nation to negotiate an alliance against France during the French and Indian War.Albany Plan of Union = proposal by a committee headed by Benjamin Franklin that the colonies create a federal government.Proclamation of 1763 = issued by King George III that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.King George III = Great Britain’s king whom the colonists believed to by a tyrant prior to the Revolution.George Greenville = British prime minister who believed Britain could pay its debts by taxing the colonies.Stamp Act Congress = delegation of 9 colonies who charged that Britain could not tax the colonists without giving the colonies representation. Taxation without representation.nonimportation agreements = agreement by merchants not to buy goods from a certain nation.Townshend Acts = laws passed by Parliament to tax every-day items in the colonies, put violators on trial in military courts, and allowed customs officers to search anyone without a warrant and seize their goods.Patrick Henry = “Give me liberty or give me death!”Boston Massacre = shooting of protesting colonists by the British army outside the Boston customs house.Crispus Attucks = half Native-American and half African-American who was the first colonist to die in the Boston Massacre.Gaspee Affair = British customs ship that was seized and burned by the colonists.Boston Tea Party = enraged colonists dumped British tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea Act.Intolerable Acts = reference by colonists to Britain’s Coercive Acts and Quebec Act.First Continental Congress = meeting of colonial representatives to discuss whether to compromise with Britain or rebel and declare independence.minutemen = colonists who were ready to serve as civilian-soldiers in a moment’s notice.Tories = Loyalists; colonists who were loyal to Britain.Whigs = Patriots; colonists who believed the British were tyrants and wanted independence.Second Continental Congress = meeting of colonial representatives who voted to adopt a Continental Army in defense against British use of military force.Olive Branch Petition = document sent by the colonists to King George III declaring their loyalty but asking the king to call off hostilities by the British army.George Washington = chosen commander of the new Continental Army.Continental Army = local militia-based army that would provide defense against British military aggression.Bunker Hill = early Revolutionary battle that gave colonists confidence they could stand up against Britain.Thomas Paine = Patriot who first charged that King George III was the true enemy in his pamphlet, Common Sense.Thomas Jefferson = drafted a document on colonial independence called, The Declaration of Independence.William Howe = commander of the British troops at the beginning of the American Revolution.Robert Morris = wealthy merchant and banker who pledged much of his own fortune to finance the colonies war efforts.Nathan Hale = American spy caught and hanged by the British. “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”Horatio Gates = American commander who won a turning-point victory at the Battle of Saratoga.John Paul Jones = American naval commander of the Revolution. “I have not yet begun to fight!”Charles Cornwallis = commander of the British troops in the southern colonies; surrendered at Yorktown.Yorktown = Cornwallis surrendered to American troops here on October 19, 1781 ending the Revolution.republic = government in which power resides with a body of citizens who vote and make laws.George Mason = drafted the Virginia Declaration of Rights; provided basic rights to citizens of Virginia.emancipation = freedom from enslavement.manumission = the voluntary freeing of enslaved people, especially those who had fought in the Revolution.Chapter 3:Articles of Confederation = loose union of the states under the authority of the Congress; first U.S. government.duties = taxes on foreign goods.recession = an economic slowdown.Daniel Shays = bankrupt farmer and former captain in the Continental Army who led a rebellion against tax increases in Massachusetts.James Madison = wrote the U.S. Constitution to favor a federal system of government.Virginia Plan = proposed plan for the new Constitution which favored the states with large populations.New Jersey Plan = proposed plan to amend the Articles of Confederation to keep representation equal among states.Roger Sherman = proposed the Connecticut Compromise, or Great Compromise for the new government.Three-Fifths Compromise = compromise that allowed slave-holding states to count slaves as 3/5 of a person in calculating the state’s population for representation.popular sovereignty = government subject to the will of the people.federalism = political system in which power is divided between the national and state governments.separation of powers = principle in government where power is divided among all the branches.checks and balances = a system in government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.veto = power of the president to reject laws passed by the legislature.amendments = changes made to the Constitution.Federalists = supporters of the new Constitution.Anti-Federalists = opponents to the new Constitution.Bill of Rights = guarantees of fundamental individual rights; first 10 amendments to the Constitution.enumerated powers = powers listed in the Constitution that belong to the federal government.reserved powers = powers not listed in the Constitution that are retained to the states.concurrent powers = powers shared by the state and federal governments.impeach = to bring formal charges against a federal official.bills = proposed laws.cabinet = a group of advisers to the president.judicial review = the Supreme Court had the final authority to interpret the Constitution.due process = the following of procedures established by law.Chapter 4:Alexander Hamilton = first secretary of the treasury who asked Congress to create a national bank.Whiskey Rebellion = Pennsylvania farmers rebelled against a new tax on distilled grain.Jay’s Treaty = treaty between the U.S. and Britain which allowed the U.S. to gain most-favored nation status.John Adams = edged out Thomas Jefferson to become the U.S.’ second president.XYZ Affair = 3 French government agents tried to bribe American diplomats before beginning talks with France.aliens = people living in a country who are not citizens.sedition = incitement to rebellion.interposition = idea that if the federal government did something unconstitutional, the states could stop the illegal action.nullification = states had the right to declare a law passed by the federal government as invalid if unconstitutional.Louisiana Purchase = Jefferson purchased French territory in the Mississippi River Valley and doubled the size of the U.S.Sacagawea = Shoshone woman who became the guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark expedition.Marbury v. Madison = first case in which the U.S. Supreme Court asserted its power of judicial review.John Marshall = chief justice of the Supreme Court who increase the court’s power.impressment = legalized form of kidnapping that forced people into military service; reason for the War of 1812.embargo = government ban on trade with other countries.Tecumseh = Shawnee leader who tried to unite Native Americans against U.S. expansion.William Henry Harrison = led American troops to victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe to end a threat of Indian revolt.Tenskwatawa = Shawnee spiritual leader (brother to Tecumseh) who called for a spiritual rebirth of Native modore Oliver Perry = naval commander who forced British surrender at the Battle of Lake Erie in War of 1812.nationalism = loyalty and devotion to one’s country or nation.Chapter 5:Era of Good Feelings = a period of strong national pride during James Monroe’s presidency.Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee = established the Supreme Court as the U.S. final court of appeal.McCulloch v. Maryland = Supreme Court decision that demonstrated the “necessary and proper” clause.Gibbons v. Ogden = Supreme Court decision that established the federal government’s authority takes precedence over the states’ in interstate commerce.Seminoles = name of a unified group of Native Americans who fled to Florida; means “runaway.”Monroe Doctrine = long-term American policy of trying to prevent European powers from interfering in Latin American political affairs.Clermont = first American steamboat designed by Robert Fulton and Robert R. Livingston.Tom Thumb = nation’s first locomotive to pull a load of train passengers.Francis C. Lowell = opened the first textile mills in the U.S. and introduced the country to mass produced cotton cloth.Eli Whitney = inventor of the cotton gin which also popularized interchangeable parts.Samuel Morse = invented the telegraph and a code for sending messages.slave codes = states’ laws involving slaves.task system = system in which slaves were given a specific set of jobs every day.gang system = system in which enslaved peoples worked in groups that labored from sunup to sundown.Denmark Vessey = free African American who planned an armed revolt to free slaves in South Carolina.Nat Turner = enslaved minister in Virginia who believed God had called him to free slaves and killed 50 whites.Missouri Compromise = agreement that if Missouri was admitted as a slave state then Maine would be admitted as a free state to maintain the balance in government representation.Andrew Jackson = War of 1812 hero from the Battle of New Orleans who eventually won the presidential election of 1828.John Quincy Adams = elected president in 1824 over Andrew Jackson after the “corrupt bargain”.corrupt bargain = accusations made by Jackson-supporters that John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay made a secret agreement to win the election for Adams and deny Jackson the victory; Clay would be appointed as Secretary of State.Chapter 6:suffrage = the right to vote.secede = withdraw from the Union.John C. Calhoun = Vice President and Senator from South Carolina who put forth the idea of nullification and secession over slavery.Cherokee Nation v. Georgia = Supreme Court ruled the Cherokee did not have to abide by the Indian Removal Act because they were a sovereign nation—President Jackson would famously not enforce the ruling and the tribe was relocated.Trail of Tears = the forced march of the remaining Cherokee to relocate in Oklahoma—thousands died during the marchMartin Van Buren = elected president in 1836 and served during the Panic of 1837.John Tyler = elected as Vice President in the election of 1840, but became president after William Henry Harrison died after only a few months in office.nativism = hostility towards immigrants.utopia = an ideal society.romanticism = movement that advocated the supremacy of feeling, spirituality, the individual, and nature.transcendentalism = movement that urged people to overcome the limits of their minds and let their souls reach out to embrace the beauty of the universe.temperance = movement that promoted moderation in the consumption of alcohol.penitentiaries = prisons that tried to gain prisoners remorse for the crimes rather than just punishment.Susan B. Anthony = leading advocate for women’s rights, equality, and suffrage.Elizabeth Cady Stanton = co-founder of the women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls.gradualism = belief that slavery had to be ended slowly over a period of time.abolition = the immediate ending to slavery.Sojourner Truth = African American former slave who was a leading speaker for the abolitionist movement.Frederick Douglass = African American former slave who was self-educated and a prominent leader in the abolitionist movement.William Lloyd Garrison = leading abolitionist who founded and edited an abolitionist newspaper called, The Liberator.Chapter 7:Manifest Destiny = idea that God had bestowed the entire continent to the Americans to settle.John Deere = engineered the first American plow with a steel blade.Cyrus McCormick = patented the mechanical reaper in 1834.Joseph Smith = Mormon leader who was murdered by an angry mob.Brigham Young = new Mormon leader who led the Mormons to settle in modern-day Utah for their religious freedom.Stephen F. Austin = led 300 American families to resettle in Texas (Mexico territory); most successful empresario.empresario = American agents who made a deal with Mexico to bring in American families to settle Texas.Benjamin Edwards = led a rebellion in Texas to declare the territory a free and independent nation.Santa Anna = Mexican president and general who led the assault on Texans at the Alamo and Goliad.Alamo = abandoned Catholic mission in San Antonio where Texas rebels held up until Santa Anna’s forces overran them.Sam Houston = former Tennessee governor who became the commander of Texas rebel forces in their rebellion against Mexico.William B. Travis = lieutenant colonel in command of the Texas rebels at the Alamo.Goliad = small town where Mexico’s army captured and executed over 300 Texan rebels.San Jacinto = Texan troops under Sam Houston surprised and routed the Mexican army and captured Santa Anna.Zachary Taylor = American general who led attacks across Mexico’s border that started the Mexican War.John C. Fremont = American general who led an uprising of settlers in northern California against Mexico.Chapter 8:Wilmot Proviso = proposal made by David Wilmot to exclude slavery from any lands gained from Mexico.popular sovereignty = idea of allowing the people who live in a territory vote to decide the issue of slavery.secession = withdrawal from the Union.Fugitive Slave Act = laws conceived by Henry Clay that would allow any African American to be captured and accused of being a runaway slave.Underground Railroad = informal system that enabled thousands of African Americans to escape slavery.Harriet Tubman = runaway slave who became the most successful “conductor” on the Underground Railroad.Uncle Tom’s Cabin = book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that changed Northern perceptions of African Americans and slavery.transcontinental railroad = railroad system built to connect the West Coast with the rest of the country.Kansas-Nebraska Act = proposal by Stephen Douglas to undo the Missouri Compromise and create two territories with one allowing slavery and one that would remain free.Dred Scott v. Sandford = Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott’s lawsuit claiming freedom from slavery by stating that African Americans were not citizens and therefore, could not sue in American courts.John Brown = fervent abolitionist who seized a federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia in a plan to arm local slaves into a rebellion.Abraham Lincoln = Republican nominee for the presidential election of 1860 whose platform was that of preservation of the Union.Stephen Douglas = Democratic nominee for the presidential election of 1860 (against Lincoln).Jefferson Davis = president of the seceding states of the Confederate States of America.Fort Sumter = site of Confederate takeover of a Union fort that led to the Civil War.Chapter 9:conscription = forcing people into military service.habeas corpus = a person’s right not to be imprisoned unless charged and facing trial.attrition = war strategy of wearing down the enemy by constant harassment and/or attack.Winfield Scott = general in chief of the U.S. who devised the Union’s war strategy in the Civil War.Anaconda Plan = Union Civil War strategy of slowly cutting off the South’s supplies and resources until surrender.Bull Run = 1st major battle of the Civil War.David Farragut = commander of the Union navy during the Civil War.Robert E. Lee = commander of Confederate forces during the Civil War.Emancipation Proclamation = Lincoln’s public announcement of freeing all enslaved persons in states still in rebellion against the Union.Andersonville = most infamous Confederate prisoner of war camp during the Civil War.Vicksburg = last major Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River.Antietam = bloodiest one-day battle in American history.Gettysburg = 3-day battle that proved to be the turning point in the Civil War.George Meade = Union commander at the Battle of Gettysburg.Chattanooga = vital railroad junction connecting to the Deep South to Atlanta.William Tecumseh Sherman = Union general who took control of Atlanta before beginning his famous March to the Sea.March to the Sea = Sherman’s army’s march from Atlanta to the Atlantic Coast destroying everything in its path.Five Forks = last major battle of the Civil War before Lee’s surrender.Appomattox = Courthouse site of General Lee’s surrender to General Grant ending the Civil War.John Wilkes Booth = Confederate sympathizer who assassinated President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865.Chapter 10:Reconstruction = the rebuilding of the South (and the Union) after the Civil War.amnesty = granting a pardon to a large group of people.Radical Republicans = Northern politicians who did not want to reconcile with the South but change the South’s culture.Wade-Davis Bill = moderate compromise bill requiring all white southerners taking an oath of allegiance to the country.pocket veto = a president’s indirect veto of a bill by allowing the bill to expire without signing it into law.Freedmen’s Bureau = government agency that attempted to feed and clothe refugees in the South using surplus army supplies.Andrew Johnson = became the U.S. president after Lincoln’s assassination.black codes = series of Southern laws that severely limited African American’s rights.14th Amendment = Constitutional amendment to override black codes and granting citizenship to all persons born in the United States.impeach = formal charges of misconduct against a government official.15th Amendment = Constitutional amendment that allowed freedmen to take part in governing the South.carpetbaggers = name given to Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War and supported Republican politics.scalawags = name given to Southerners who supported Republicans and Reconstruction in the South.Ku Klux Klan = group founded by former Confederates that tried to drive out Northerners from the South and prevent African Americans from voting or exercising their civil rights.Panic of 1873 = severe economic crisis during President Grant’s second term.Rutherford B. Hayes = Republican president who was untainted by corruption and wanted to end Radical Reconstruction.Samuel Tilden = Democratic candidate who lost the presidency to Hayes due to the Compromise of promise of 1877 = proposed deal made between the Republicans and Southern Democrats to get Hayes elected.tenant farmers = a farmer who works land owned by another and pays rent in either cash or crops.sharecroppers = farmer who works the land for an owner who provides equipment and seed in exchange for a share in the crop.crop liens = an obligation of a farmer to repay a debt with crops if they cannot make a payment in cash. ................

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