Thrive SEMH Activities Week beginning 25th January 2021 Dreams and Goals What are YOUR dreams and goals? The activities this week are all about exploring those and thinking about how we might plan to achieve some of them. Choose an activity from the table below and complete it during your Thrive time. Pick a different one each time. You may not want to share all your ideas but, if you do, please email them to Mrs Tregoning ( I love seeing all your wonderful ideas.This may be the best task to do first this week. What are your dreams?Sit and really think about what you dream about in life? What would you love to do or be?Note all your ideas however you like, in pictures, words or symbols. Don’t worry about reigning in your thoughts. List every single dream you can think of. I dream of having a house with a view of the sea and having lots of Springer Spaniels!Miss Morrison dreams of running a half-marathon and she also dreams of living in a house filled with puppies and chocolate fountains! What are your dreams? Have a think about your personal strengths. What things are you good at? What is your personality like? Then think about how these would make it possible for achieve one of our dreams. Maybe make a poster with that dream, showing all your traits and strengths to meet that goal. As an idea… I want lots of puppies! I have experience with puppies, I am patient, I am caring, I like walking, I like cuddles….these are some of the things that would help me achieve my goal. What makes you just the person to reach one of yours?Have a think about one of your dreams. Are there things that you could start now that may help? If your dream is to be a footballer, are there ways you can start to build football skills? If your dream is to be an astronaut, is there research about Space you could start now to build your knowledge? What goals could you put in place to start working towards a dream? List these however you like, pictures, words, poem….! Goals and ObstaclesWhen aiming for a dream there are often obstacles along the way. How can you react to obstacles? Create an advice sheet for people to use. How can we all respond when an obstacle is in our way. Think about ways to stay positive and to keep trying. Is there a way we can break down the goal into smaller steps? What other advice do you have for meeting challenges? Once you’ve made a leaflet, poster or list, please email it to me so I can see your ideas.Teamwork makes the dream work!When working towards a goal, having people to help you along the way is great. One way to build a good team is to make sure the team has fun together!Can you invent a game or a fun activity that a small team could play? – It will need to be in your bubble for now but maybe you could keep it for others later too. Have fun with this, take pictures of your game/activity/challenge or of your family having a go at it. Enjoy! ................

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