Tots 2 Toddlers

4709160269875Dates for your diary:26th – 30th October – Half term. Term time children to return on 2nd November. 30th October – Halloween party. Unfortunately due to measures in place for Coronavirus only children who would normally be in on a Friday can attend. Children to dress up. TBC – There are many events we are hoping to plan for Christmas along with parent’s evenings. As it stands we are unable to do this, but we are monitoring the situation closely so that we can put these in place as soon as it is safe to do so. 00Dates for your diary:26th – 30th October – Half term. Term time children to return on 2nd November. 30th October – Halloween party. Unfortunately due to measures in place for Coronavirus only children who would normally be in on a Friday can attend. Children to dress up. TBC – There are many events we are hoping to plan for Christmas along with parent’s evenings. As it stands we are unable to do this, but we are monitoring the situation closely so that we can put these in place as soon as it is safe to do so. -562610-108140500Dear Parents / Carers, This month Butterfly room have been exploring their theme of people who help us and superheroes. They have discussed our real-life superheroes – the emergency services and how to get help in situations where it is needed. We had a dress up day and the children loved dressing up as their favourite superheroes – we even had the complete set of the characters from PJ Masks! Caterpillar room have enjoyed lots of baking activities, making, and decorating goods. We then sold these as part of our Macmillan bake sale. The children loved to help pour in the ingredients and stir them together! We have also been focusing on games which increase children’s concentration, including both group games and one to one games. Children have enjoyed this alongside their daily language group, where we sing and sign. Home Link Activity of the MonthThis month’s home link activity is to make a decoration for our Halloween party! Last year we had some wonderful creations and look forward to seeing what you all make for this year’s party. Coronavirus UpdateYou should have all received a letter, detailing the new precautions put in place. These are based on the latest guidance we have received from the government. If you have not had a copy, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff for this. Again, we would like to thank all our parents for complying with the measures we have in place for Coronavirus. These measures will remain in place for the foreseeable future, with Butterfly parents conducting handovers at the side gate and Caterpillar parents at the front door. We do ask that if your child is in Butterfly room and we are arriving earlier or later, you call ahead so we can be aware to look out for you. All about me bookletsOn returning you should have received a new all about me booklet to fill out about your child. If you have not yet returned it please do so, as we require the updated information. Reminders Just a few reminders to be aware of – We understand that the rules for drop offs may be upsetting if your child becomes upset. Please be assured that you can call us at any time and check how your child is settling. We appreciate your continued support in following government guidelines to keep Tots 2 Toddlers safe for us all, this includes self-isolation times should anyone within your household display symptoms, recommended face masks when travelling by public transport, and frequent handwashing / sanitising. Please ensure you drop off and pick up at the correct time. This will help support us with our Coronavirus risk assessment and ensure that we have the correct ratio of staff to children. It will also mean that parents are not having to wait at the gate. Toys from homeDue to the current situation we are asking that you do not bring in any toys from home. We are allowing children to have comforters, as we appreciate these can be essential in helping a child to settle, however they must be freshly washed. Family BooksIf you have not already, please provide some pictures of people close to your child so we can make them a family book, for example parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, family pets. We ask that with each picture you provide a small description so we can discuss them with your child. You can either bring in printed pictures or email them in to ReviewsWe would really appreciate it if you would take the time to review us on google. This provides prospective parents with the opportunity to hear from our existing parents. Late Invoices Please be aware that the payment deadline for your monthly invoices is the 10th. As we have been experiencing an increase in late payments the nursery will be beginning to enforce our late payment policy. We understand with the crossover from Baby’s Days to QuickBooks there has been some confusion, but please be assured that the office is happy to assist with any queries you may have. Should you have any trouble or concerns regarding paying your invoices please see or contact Hayley at the earliest convenience to discuss alternative arrangements. From all the team at Tots 2 Toddlers ................

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