St - Ms Raquel Fenech Smith

Study list for all subjects: Junior 6Parents are to note the following lists for study for the upcoming assessment exams (26th January to the 4th February 2016). Parents are encouraged to start the revision with their children following the lists hereunder. Students will be assessed in Maths (on 2nd February; 1 written paper of 1 ? hours and 5 minute oral, mental test), English (on 26th January; 2 written papers of 1 ? hours each, with a Listening Comprehension included in Paper 1), Maltese (on 4th February; 2 written papers of 1 ? hours each, and a Listening Comprehension) and Science (on 28th January; 1 paper of 1 ? hours).We trust that this assessment time will be a time for us all to check our students’ progress, their difficulties and their next steps in their educational journey.Ms Marguerite AgiusJunior School DirectorMaltiIl-Grammatika1. Il-Konsonanti Qamrin u l-Konsonanti XemxinAra l-pitazz tal-grammatika2. Il-Konsonanti u l-VokaliStilel 6 – p? 38- 39Malti Grammatika u Ortografija – p? 2- 3Merlin Malti Unit 2 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)3. L-ArtikluStilel p? 6Merlin Malti Unit 1 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)4. Il-Parti?elliStilel p? 7, 14, 15.Merlin Malti Unit 1 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)5. In-Nomi KollettiviMalti Grammatika u Ortografija p? 22, 23Merlin Malti p? 1116. Il-Plural S?i? u MiksurStilel p? 22, 23.Merlin Malti Unit 5 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)7. L-G?add ImtenniStilel p? 30Malti Grammatika u Ortografija p? 18, 19Merlin Malti Unit 8 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)8. L-A??ettiviStilel p? 50, 51, 52, 53Malti Grammatika u Ortografija p? 10, 11Merlin Malti Unit 3 (ara l-e?er?izzji li ?dimna fuq il-pitazz tal-grammatika)9. Il-QwielAra n-nota u l-karta tat-ta?ri?10. Is-SinonomiAra n-nota u l-karta tat-ta?ri?Il-KitbaIl-Kitba deskrittivaIl-Kitba narrattiva Kif tikteb emailKif tikteb djaloguG?al dawn it-tipi ta’ kitba ara l-pitazz tal-kitba u l-karti tat-ta?ri? li tajtkom qabel kull kitba.Nota: Ara wkoll l-karti ta’ revi?joni li tajtkom matul is-sena.L-E?ami tal-Malti:L-Ewwel Karta: Fehem mis-Smig? (Listening Comprehension)Kitba Kreattiva u l-Kitba QasiraIt-Tieni Karta:Ta?ri? il-FehemGrammatikaTopicDescriptionNotes/PagesParts of SpeechNouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and prepositionsCollins Grammar, Unit 1Junior English, p. 1, p. 2 p. 3, p. 4, p. 34, pp. 64-65First Aid, pp. 90-91 Concrete & Abstract NounsConcrete nouns: names of things that you can touch, taste, see, hear or smell (e.x. bread, car, restaurant)Abstract nouns: thoughts, ideas and feelings. You cannot touch, taste, see, hear or smell them.Collins Grammar, Unit 10Singular & Plural Nounscar-cars, thief-thieves, mouse-mice, factory-factories, potato-potatoesCollins Grammar, Unit 6Junior English, p. 5First Aid, pp. 2-4Adjectives (Prefixes & Suffixes)Add prefix at the beginning of an adjective to change the meaning (e.x.: legal-illegal)Add a suffix at the end of a noun to turn a noun into an adjective (e.x. danger-dangerous)Collins Grammar, Unit 11Junior English, p. 14 & p. parative and Superlative Adjectivesfast-faster-fastest, happy-happier-happiest, big-bigger-biggest, bad-worse- the worstJunior English, pp. 28-29First Aid, pp. 65-67Capital LettersCapital letters are used for people’s names, months, days of the week, special days, countries, towns, streets, nationalities, rivers, mountains, seas, buildings, companies and products, books, films and television programmes and abbreviationsCollins Grammar, Unit 8First Aid, p. 105Junior English, p. 34 & p. 59Verbs (Regular and Irregular)Regular and Irregular Verbs: Present Simple, Past Simple and Past ParticipleCollins Grammar, Unit 2Junior English 4, pp. 8-9Figures of Speech: Similes and MetaphorsSimiles: as sweet as sugarMetaphors: The clouds sailed across the skyJunior English, p. 47 & p. 74First Aid, pp. 19-21 EnglishFor the writing component revise the writing work done throughout the first term on the writing copybook and handouts.MathsAddition and Subtraction (Book 6A Pages 12, 14)Doubling and Halving (Workbook 1 Page 1)Simple Multiplication (Book 6A Pages 28, 32 + Workbook 1 Pages 3, 4).Simple Division (Book 6A Page 78 + Workbook 1 Pages 5, 6)Long Multiplication (Book 6A Page 33 + Workbook 1 Page 17 Ex. 3)Factors and Factor Trees (Workbook 1 Page 8 + Examples on copybook)Multiples & Divisibility (Book 6A Page 76 + Workbook 1Pages 9, 10, 11)Square numbers (Workbook 1 Pages 12, 13)Long Division (Book 6C Pages 76, 78, 80 + Workbook 1 Page 17)FractionsFractions of Quantity (Workbook 1 Pages 23, 26, 27, 28)Equivalent Fractions (Find the missing number) (Workbook 1 Pages 24, 25, 29)Simplifying to their lowest terms (Book 6A Page 36 + Workbook 1 Pages 29, 30)Improper Fractions and Mixed Fractions (Workbook 1 Pages 31, 32)Ordering Fractions (Book 6A Pages 38, 39)Addition and Subtractions of Fractions (Book 6A Page 43, Book 6C Pages 38, 52 + Workbook 1 Pages 35-41)ScienceTopic 1.1: The Human body (Student book & Workbook – It is important to know what the body is made up of and the function of different body parts) Topic 1.2: Major Organs (Student book & Workbook – It is important to know the Skeletal and Muscular system. Check notes uploaded on blog)Topic 1.3: Body Systems (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.4: Locating major organs (Student book & Workbook – It is important to know how to label both the front and back of the diagram)Topic 1.5: The nervous system and the brain (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.6: The circulatory system and the heart (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.7: The respiratory system and the lungs (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.8: The digestive system (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.9: The excretory systems and the kidneys (Student book & Workbook)Topic 1.10: Essential functions of the major organs (Student book & Workbook)Looking back Topic 1 (Student book page 22)Please go through all the topics listed above. It is very important to use your journal as a guide and the short notes posted on the blog. A list of videos will be uploaded on the blog to help students refresh their memory.The journal will not carry any marks for the half yearly exam. ................

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