
Name: _________________ Mr. Sabo


Viewing Guide 1

Christmas Carol

1. In your opinion, what characteristics does a good citizen have? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. At the beginning of the movie, whose tomb stone do we see?

a. Scrooge’s b. Jacob Marley’s c. Charles Dickens’

3. What was Mr. Marley’s profession?

a. Writer b. Basketball player c. Businessman

4. On what day did Mr. Marley die?

a. Christmas Eve b. July 4th c. he didn’t die

5. TRUE/FALSE: All of Jacob Marley’s relatives attended his funeral.

6. According to Scrooge, the Firm of Scrooge and Marley thrived ___________________.

a. on good deeds

b. on word of mouth

c. on the idleness of others

7. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge wants his employees to be warm and happy.

8. Fill in the Blank: “What right have you to be __________, then? You’re ______________!”

9. Mr. Cratchit is Scrooge’s __________________.

a. Son b. friend c. clerk

10. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge doesn’t give any money to charity.

11. TRUE FALSE: Scrooge suggests that Mr. Cratchit take Christmas off to be with his family.

12. Whose face does Scrooge see in the door?

a. Jacob Marley’s b. Cratchit’s c. his son’s

13. Why is Jacob suffering?

a. Because he was in a car accident

b. Because he was too kind

c. Because he caused others to suffer

14. Fill in the Blank: “____________________ was my business.”

15. TRUE/FALSE: Jacob Marley says that Scrooge has a chance of escaping his terrible fate.

16. How does Scrooge feel about Mr. Cratchit? How does Mr. Cratchit feel about Scrooge? In which character do you see a better model for being a good citizen? Why?


Name: _________________ Mr. Sabo


Viewing Guide 2

Christmas Carol

1. The first spirit that visits Scrooge is ________________________________.

2. What brings the Ghost of Christmas Past to Scrooge’s home?

a. He was just passing by b. He forgot his keys c. Scrooge’s welfare

3. List 3 reasons that Scrooge gives to avoid going with the spirit:


2). ____________________________________________________.

3). ______________________________________________________.

4. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge is able to talk to the boys that he went to school with.

5. Where are the boys going for the Christmas holiday?

a. Home b. to school c. to Florida

6. TRUE/FALSE: When he was a child, Scrooge didn’t go home for Christmas because he wasn’t wanted.

7. Fran is Scrooge’s ____________________.

a. Aunt b. Cousin c. Sister

8. Fran wants to bring Scrooge ______________ for Christmas.

a. Chocolate b. presents c. home

9. How many pounds did Fezziwig spend to make everyone happy?

a. A million b. 3-4 c. 100

10. According to Scrooge’s girlfriend, what does Scrooge care about most?

a. Respect b. Responsibility c. money

11. Why does Scrooge’s girlfriend break up with him? Do you think she wants to leave him? Why or why not?


12. TRUE/FALSE: After breaking up with his girlfriend, Scrooge returns home and explains to Christmas Past that he made a mistake.

13. In what ways does Fezziwig show compassion? How could Scrooge become a better citizen by showing compassion?


Name: _________________ Mr. Sabo


Viewing Guide 3

Christmas Carol

1. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge wakes up and the Ghost of Christmas Past is still there.

2. Scrooge walks into a room and meets ___________________

a. The Ghost of Christmas Present b. The Ghost of Christmas Past

c. Jacob Marley d. his doctor

3. The Ghost of Christmas Present has had more than _____________ brothers.

4. Scrooge goes with Christmas Present because…

a. He thinks the ghost is cool b. he wants to get it over with

c. He thinks he can make money d. he has nothing better to do

5. What is inside the water that the ghost sprinkles?

a. O2 b. plant fertilizer c. the ghost’s blessing

6. The ghost sprinkles the water on ________________.

a. Scrooge’s face b. the food c. the sidewalk

7. How much does Scrooge pay Mr. Cratchit?

a. 15 bob b. 12 george c. 15 pence

8. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge knew that Mr. Cratchit had a son.

9. TRUE/FALSE: Mr. Cratchit and Martha believe that Tim is getting stronger.

10. TRUE/FALSE: The children are ungrateful for the food that their Mother has cooked for them.

11. Mr. Cratchit says that the food is _________________.

a. Not enough b. spicy c. a feast

12. Unless the future changes, Tim will __________________.

a. Remain crippled b. become ungrateful c. die

13. When Mother places the dessert on the table, everyone _________________.

a. Applauds b. Says it smells bad c. Leaves the table

14. According to Christmas Present, what would happen if someone complained?

a. they’d get angry b. they’d cry c. they’d blush

15. TRUE/FALSE: Mr. Cratchit hopes that bad things will happen to Scrooge. .

16. If you were Mother, how would you feel after this Christmas dinner? Why would you feel this way?


17. Circle the belief that best reflects Fred’s point of view:

a. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”

b. “What goes around, comes around.”

c. “Snitchers are traitors.”

18. According to Fred, who is hurt the most by Scrooge’s meanness?

a. Scrooge b. the townspeople c. his employees

19. TRUE/FALSE: When Scrooge hears that games are being played, he wants to go back home.

20. What does Christmas Present say that Scrooge should have done? What do you think is going to happen to Fran?


21. Choose one of the characters bellow. Using examples from the movie, explain how that character upholds the Pillars of Citizenship (Honesty, Responsibility, Respect, Courage, Compassion).

Write about either Tiny Tim, Fred, Mother, or Mr. Cratchit.


Name: _________________ Mr. Sabo


Viewing Guide 4

Christmas Carol

1. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge sees prisoners who say “humbug” to Christmas.

2. When will the Spirit of Christmas Present’s life end?

a. at midnight b. never c. next year

3. The name of the next spirit that Scrooge meets is ____________________________________.

4. When Scrooge goes to the Stock Exchange, he feels like he is __________________.

a. In a corrupt place b. at home c. a stranger

5. According to Scrooge, the people at the Stock Exchange worship


6. TRUE/FALSE: Everyone is devastated when they hear that “he’s gone.”

7. TRUE/FALSE: In the next scene, we find that people are reluctant to trade in

the deceased’s belongings for money.

8. Caroline didn’t know that “a death could bring so much __________________.”

a. Sorrow b. Pain c. Happiness

9. Prediction: Who do you think just died? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

10. When Mr. Cratchit saw Fred (Scrooge’s Nephew) in the street, Fred says…

a. “Why don’t you find a shelter!”

b. “Here’s my card. Come and stay with us.”

c. “The poor always get what they deserve.”

11. Whose name is on the grave that the spirit points to?

a. Ebenezer Scrooge b. Jacob Marley c. Tim

12. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge gets on his knees and asks the spirit to pity him.

13. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge is given another chance.

14. What day is it when Scrooge “wakes up”? ___________________________________________________________.

15. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge says he will give a boy 2 shillings if he buys the prize turkey in Scrooge’s name.

16. Scrooge plans to send the prize turkey to ______________________.

a. Mr. Cratchit b. his nephew c. Fran

17. TRUE/FALSE: Scrooge does not go to Church on Christmas.

18. TRUE/FALSE: Fred holds a grudge and does not let Scrooge stay for Christmas


19. Scrooge tells Mr. Cratchit that he is going to ____________________.

a. Fire him b. raise his salary c. send him to a shelter

20. TRUE/FALSE: In spite of Scrooge’s efforts, Tiny Tim dies two days later.

21. Our actions have consequences. Scrooge is able to make better decisions when he sees the past, present, and future consequences of his actions. How can thinking about the consequences of your actions help you to make better choices? Give an example of how making a better choice can make you a better citizen.



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