Hello, I ‘am

Lesson 5

I Like It !

Nadia and Tom are in their school cafeteria for the breakfast. They are talking about their hobbies.

Nadia : Hi, Tom. How is the life doing now?

Tom : Fine, thanks. How about you?

Nadia : Very well. Anyway, do you like listening to the music, Tom?

Tom : Yes, I like listening to music in my leisure time.

Nadia : What kind of music do you like best, jazz?

Tom : No, I don’t like jazz at all. It is too serious.

Nadia : So, what is your music?

Tom : Well, Rock is my best music.

Nadia : What’s your favorite group?

Tom : Guns and Roses. How about you? Do like them?

Nadia : No, I don’t. I can’t stand listening to them.

They are many ways to show your preferences.

Study and learn the following expressions of like and dislikes which are commonly used in daily life.

|Likes |Dislikes |

|I like reading history books |I don’t like reading history books |

|I like to read history books |I hate history books |

| |I can’t stand history books |

|I love football |I don’t love football |

|I love to swim |I don’t love to swim |

|I am fond of fixing motorbike |I am not fond of fixing motorbike |

|I am crazy about singing and dancing |I am not crazy about singing |

The next following sentences are the expressions used in asking someone’s preference.

|Grammar Focus: Yes/No Questions with do |Object of Pronouns |

| | |

|Do you like Guns and Roses? |Me |

|Yes. I do. I like them a lot |You (singular) |

|No, I don’t like them very much. |Him |

|No, I don’t. |Her |

| |It |

|What kind of music do you like best? |Us |

|I like jazz music. |You (plural) |

|I like R&B. |them |

Activity 1 : Complete these conversations. Then practice them

A : Do you ……….. disco music?

B : Yes, I really like …………. . How about you?

A : I …….. like it very much.

A : Who is your favorite actresses?

B : Jane Fonda. I really like …………. .

A : Jane Fonda. I can’t stand ……. !

A : …….. you ……….. Anne Murray?

B : No, I …….. like ……. very much. But I like Whitney Houston. Do you?

A : Yes, I ……... She is terrific.

A : What kind of TV program ……. you like?

B : Game shows. I like ……….a lot. Do you like ………?

A : No, I ……….. like ………very much. I ……… music videos.

A : Do you like Sly Stalone?

B : He is OK. My favorite actor is Tom Cruise. Do you ………………..?

A : …………………

A : What do you think of the Dewa 19?

B : Well, I ……… like them very much.

A : Oh really, I ……………….. a lot.

Activity 2

Do you like watching TV?

How many hours do you spend for it in a day?

What TV programs do like?

Now read the following passage to find out if TV is good or bad for the people’s life.

Is TV Good or Bad?

Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch TV every day, and some people watch it from morning till night. Americans watch TV about 35 hours per week. But, is TV good or bad for you? People have different opinions. Read what some Americans college students say:

a. People don’t get exercises. They just sit and watch TV.

b. It brings news from around the world into people’s home.

c. People just want the entertainment today. They do not want to think.

d. There is a lot of crimes and violence on TV today. The programs are terrible!

e. Children learn many useful things from the programs like Sesame Street. It teaches them to read.

f. It helps me relax after a long and exhausting day.

g. Programs on the radio are better. They make you think.

h. It is all commercials. I hate it.

i. People learn about life in other countries.

j. People do not read anymore. It is easier to watch TV.

Now answer the question below.

1. Do the students think TV is good or bad? Write G for good and B for Bad. Then, compare with the partner.

2. Do you agree with the opinions above? Write Yes or No for each item.

Activity 3 Entertainment Survey

1. Group work. Talk about entertainment and entertainers like this

Do you like……..? (pop music, TV, movies)

What kinds of …….do you like? (music, movies, TV programs)

What do you think of…….? (Sherina, comedy films, R&B music)

Who is your favorite…..? (singer, actress, actor)

What is your favorite…………? (TV programs, movie, music?

2. Complete the information below about your group

|Our Group Favorite |

|Music |

|. |

|Movie |

|. |

|TV program .|

|Actor |

|Actress |

|Singer |

3. Class Activity. Read your list to class like this:

Our favorite music is…………..

What are the class favorite? Useful Expressions

Most people like……

We don’t agree on ………music.

We can’t agree on a ………movie.


Agus Dwi Priyanto, S.S., English for All. Pratama Mulia Computer Course. Surakarta.

Fletcher, Mark. 1994. Making Polite English. English Experience. London

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English, A Practical Reference Guide. New York: New York University.

Interchange 1

Tillit, Bruce, et. all. 1985. Speaking Naturally. Cambride: Cambride University Press

Yayasan LIA. 1996a. All about People. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.

Yayasan LIA. 1999. All That I Want to Know. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.

Yayasan LIA. 1999. Finding Our Identity. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.


Do you like jazz?

Yes. I do. I like jazz a lot

No, I don’t like jazz very much.

No, I don’t.


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