
Calling all knitters: We have a chair with your name on it Sunday evenings from 5pm-7pm. Check us out in the Back*2Basics classroom.

We will be knitting wash/dishcloths for the September Neighborhood Block Party. Come help us! Our ongoing project for Pearson Cancer Center has been well received. Charity knitting is a blessing –

Give it a try!




Sandusky Baptist Church

915 Catalina Place, Lynchburg, VA 24501 • (434) 239-8410 •


I want to change our world! I know that sounds like a monumental goal for any person, but I believe God has called me to do just that. And I am not alone. It should be every Christian’s goal. I know we can’t do it in one big “fell swoop”, but we can do it one person at a time, or even as a church. But we can’t begin until we look beyond ourselves. We have to look outward.

We are called to look outward, beyond ourselves, allowing God to work though us to reach others with the love and hope of Jesus Christ. We do it locally by building relationships in our community. As you have heard me say over and over again, “we are the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus.”

The only way to make a true and lasting impact in our world is for every person in our church to get involved. Every person in our church is a minister and a missionary. We are all “in ministry”. We are all servants, we are all servant leaders. How else can we lead the world to change, unless we all become servant leaders? How can we do that?

Well, first, we must accept the responsibility that Jesus’ mission is our mission, too. Have you realized yet that one day we will all stand before God, and according to the Bible, He is going to ask, “What did you do for Me with that talent, ability, gift, and all the things that I gave you, like your brain, your health, etc.? We will be held responsible by God!

Secondly, we have been given authority to change the world. Jesus told his disciples, and we are His disciples now, that “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me: therefore go and make disciples of all nations….” We have been commissioned and commanded. It is not an option. He is our Lord. He is our Master. We are His servants. We have been “authorized”!

Thirdly, God’s mission WILL be accomplished and He has included us in His mission.

God told the prophet Isaiah to tell the people, “I have a plan for the whole world for My mighty power reaches throughout the world. The Lord almighty has spoken; who can change His plan?” I surely can’t change God’s plan! You can’t change God’s plan. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:14 that the good news will be preached to all the world, to every nation, to every tribe, and every person, and then the end of the world will come. That preaching is simply our proclamation of the gospel.

God included us in His plan to change the whole world. He didn’t have to do it, but He did. So, what can I do?

You can begin by being a servant of the Master. You have been given authority, you have been given the responsibility, and you have been included.

- Ed –

It is good to be back with you after spending time in Florida, Georgia, and the beach. We are not quite done traveling as we have high school graduations in Georgia and Florida during the last part of May. After that, our absences will be few and shorter.

We have been keeping up with all of you and have learned of the many sicknesses and setbacks in our church family. We pray that healing will come to those who are sick very soon.

We missed being with you during the Easter season but we did attend Easter service while we were away. Good but not as good as being at home. I did select some Easter music for the Sunday following Easter however and enjoyed a new selection from the choir.

As we approach the summer season, many will be taking vacations and that is good. We all need that, but we must remember that God’s work must go on and He doesn’t take a vacation. Please plan on being in His house on every possible occasion. You are needed and when you are not here, you are missed.

By the time you get this, we will have had our 5th Sunday night singing. While I can’t predict the future, I am sure that our people came through as always and we hope that some of our invited guests were able to come.

The choir is in the “in between” season with no work on cantatas or special music, but we hope to be singing some new music as well as some of our older ones that haven’t been sung in several years.

Thanks for your support.

In His Service,




Summer is fast approaching and the youth are looking forward to the youth yard sale coming up on Saturday, May 27th from 7am until 12 pm and are appreciative of all items being donated for the cause.

The youth have decided not to go to camp this summer but instead are going on the Wise mission trip. I am so proud of these guys choosing to go serve rather than be served. I am asking for prayers for both the yard sale and for the mission trip.

The youth only have a few weeks left of school before they let out for summer vacation. We are planning an end-of-the-year late night game night for our youth. More information to come.

Again, I ask for prayers for the youth for the upcoming events and summer mission trip. I pray it will be a fruitful and blessed time.

Under and Out,

Steve Cole

Under and Out

Pastor Steve





L.A.C.E. recently completed a fantastic Bible Study on Deuteronomy by Beth Moore:

The Law of Love. It was a fantastic study!


L.A.C.E. will pick strawberries at Yoder’s Farm on Saturday, May 13th. We will be leaving the church at 9 a.m. Come join us!


On Saturday, June 17th, L.A.C.E. will be handing out water bottles at Blackwater Creek Trail. All ladies are welcome!




Come with us!

We are gearing up for our mission trip to Wise, Va. The Mission Team Committee is currently making plans and outlining ministry areas. We plan to have teams assigned before arrival. So, if you haven’t already signed up, please do so by May 15th with a deposit of $50.00. This trip is an open mission trip; all levels of skill and non-skill are welcome!

Please contact me with your

reservations by May 15th

Aleta Robertson-Administrator, LBA

434-316-8382 or lbalynchburg@




Tuesday, May 9th

10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, June 13th

10:00 a.m.

Klothes 4 Kids

Item summary & donation info

coming up in the

July/August newsletter!





Sunday, May 14th

Mother’s Day

Wednesday, May 17th

Business Conference

May 21st – May 28th

Baptist Association Week

Saturday, May 27th

Youth Yard Sale

Monday, May 29th

Memorial Day

Friday, June 2nd

Relay for Life

of Lynchburg

Wednesday, June 14th

Fellowship Meal

6:15 p.m.

Sunday, June 18th

Baptist Men’s Day

Father’s Day

Wednesday, June 21st

First day of summer




May 7 Ed Vogt

Micah Stephen

Peyton Myers

May 10 Ann White

May 12 David Smith

May 15 Marilyn Elliott

May 18 Mel Anderson

May 19 David Pruett

May 31 Sara Cofflin


June 3 Teresa Eubank

June 8 David Marsh

June 9 Paige Myers

June 14 Andrew Elliott

June 17 Steve Trask

June 18 Pete Powell

June 19 Betty Powell

June 22 Jose Rivera

June 30 Ben Smith








We will be collecting food for the

Red Truck Ministry:

•Beanie weenies & tuna

•Baby food and fruit cups

These items are greatly needed!


Sandusky Baptist Church • 915 Catalina Place • Lynchburg, VA 24502 • 434-239-8410 •


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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