GIRL #1, a customer HECTOR, store employee

GIRL #2, a customer MIKE, the manager

SERGIO, store employee RALPH, a Christian

PROPS: broom, counter stand, ice cream sundae ingredients, (2) ice cream shake cups, rag, cell phone


(Opening Scene: Storekeeper is supervising (2) employees. SERGIO sweeps, while Hector tends the cash register. TWO GIRLS ENTER. They are cheerleaders.)

SCREEN SCENE: Inside of an ice cream parlor, with “Sweet Mike’s” sign

GIRL #1: Did you see the big game last night?

GIRL #2: Yeah! It was awesome!

GIRL #1: (pointing to Sergio) There he is!

GIRL #2: The star soccer player!

GIRL #1: Hey, Sweet Mike, did you know Sergio scored the winning goal last night?

MIKE: Yes, I did. I saw the whole game. That’s my store worker! I’m so proud of him!

SEGIO: There I was, just dribbling the ball toward the goal. Somehow I got by their last defender and kicked it right into the goal.


GIRL #2: Let us buy you an ice cream sundae to celebrate. Unless Sweet Mike just let’s you have it for free out of the goodness of his heart . . .

MIKE: Why of course, of course. Uh, I was just about to suggest it as a celebration. We just love to have fun around here, don’t we, everybody?

GIRL #1: (to Hector) We’ll take a couple of vanilla shakes to go.

HECTOR: Okay, ladies (turns around). And here you are (hands the shakes to them)! You should come to my games sometimes, too.

GIRL #2: Oh really? What sport do you play?

HECTOR: Tennis (he does some tennis motions).

GIRL #1: Okay, Hector, we’ll see you on the tennis court some time.

GIRL #2: Thanks for the shakes, Hector. Bye, everybody! Go, Sergio!

GIRL #1: Yeah! Go, Sergio!

(GIRLS EXIT. RALPH ENTERS, unbeknownst to Sweet Mike. RALPH just stands off to one side, observing.)

MIKE: (eying Sergio) And just what do you think you’re doing?

SERGIO: I’m just enjoying that sundae, Mike.

MIKE: Not on my time, you’re not! Your lunch time isn’t scheduled for another two hours. Stick it in the freezer and you can have it then.

SERGIO: But you were so nice just a minute ago!

MIKE: That was my public image. The real me is just now starting to come out. Now take this broom and clean up around here! And you, Hector!


MIKE: (mockingly) “You should come to my games sometimes, too” . . . but you probably lose every game you play!

HECTOR: Why do you say that, Mike?

MIKE: Because you’re a bum around here! I’m not paying you to chit-chat around with our customers on company time. Your break isn’t scheduled for another hour yet. Now take this rag (he tosses it to Hector, who catches it) and start wiping down the tables! Make yourself useful for once!

HECTOR: I do plenty around here! I was just trying to keep the atmosphere light and happy, that’s all, Mike. That’s all.

SOUND EFFECT: cell phone rings

MIKE: (still growling) Hello? (totally changed personality) Oh, hi there, Mom. I was just thinking about you. Yes, everything is going very well. I was just telling my helpers that I just love this ice cream business because you get to meet all kinds of nice people all the time.

HECTOR: (loudly) No, he wasn’t; he was chewing us out for having a little bit of fun! (to Sergio) I say we quit this place. I’ve had enough of Mr. Phony Baloney.

SERGIO: Yeah! He’s Sweet Mike as long as there are customers around, but as soon as the customers leave, all that phony sweetness leaves, too. But if we quit, where will we go?

HECTOR: Gino’s is hiring. We can help Gino with his pizza business.

SERGIO: Sound good to me. Let’s go break the news to Mike.

HECTOR: Okay . . . wait a minute (they wait and watch)

MIKE: Okay, Mom. Bye, Mom. I love you! Ralph! Uh, how long have you been standing there?

RALPH: Oh, I wouldn’t say for too long. I came in just after those two cheerleaders left.

MIKE: That’s definitely long enough. Can I get you something?

RALPH: I didn’t come for ice cream today. I just came to let you know that I’m praying for you. It’s not easy managing your own store these days.

MIKE: No, it isn’t.

RALPH: I’m praying for your success. But mostly I’m praying for your soul, Mike.

MIKE: My soul?

RALPH: Yeah. I’m praying that you become the man that God wants you to be.

MIKE: I suppose you can tell I’m always losing my temper around my employees and trying to pretend I have my act together around everybody else. I’m just a big phony.

RALPH: There are already enough phonies in this world. God wants you to be for real.

MIKE: All right, Ralph. I’ve seen the change in you . . . whatever you’ve got, I need it.

RALPH: Let’s pray.


MIKE: Wow! I feel really different; I feel real and not phony for a change. (to workers) Hey, guys, I apologize for losing my temper earlier today. It was totally out of line and totally uncalled for. I want you to know I appreciate the work you guys do around here. Keep up the good job.

(RALPH EXITS. HECTOR & SERGIO look at each other in total amazement. THEY EXIT quickly, like they want to catch up with Ralph.)

SERGIO: Hey, Ralph!

HECTOR: We want to know what kind of magic dust you sprinkled over Sweet Mike!



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