
42. Referring to countries you have studied, explain why it is difficult to gather accurate population data in developing world countries. (12) In India, the country has over 1 billion people which means results are inaccurate and outdated due to time spent collating all the info. Countries like South Sudan have low literacy rates meaning people cannot read the form and write in their responses. This will mean extra costs will need to be spent on hiring enumerators – in poverty ridden countries this money is better spent on healthcare, education etc. In the Himalayas, the mountainous terrain makes it difficult to deliver the census to everyone. Countries with civil war, such as Syria, have inaccurate results due to mass migration from the country and the ever increasing death rate – quickly outdating data. It will also be far to dangerous to get enumerators to enter that area to carry out the census. Nomadic people, like the Bedouin tribe, may be missed or counted twice due to moving about and having no fixed address. India has over 15 official languages which will make it costly to translate the census into lots of different languages. People may lie on the census in fear of prosecution – such as naming less children in China due to One child Policy. People may inflate numbers on the census to acquire more attention from policy makers – this happened in Nigeria where an area wanted more spending/political representation. EXPLAIN MARKS = 10 EXPLAIN MARKS + 2 EXAMPLE MARKS = 12/12 ? QUESTION IS AVAILABLE IN HIGHER SPECIMEN PAPER. ................

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