Irregular Verbsto learn – learnt – learntThis reader belongs to: ……………………………………In the next two weeks, you’ll be studying the list with irregular verbs below.This list has also been uploaded in WRTS.Good luck!Engels:present simple(tegenwoordige tijd)Engels: past simple(verleden tijd)Engels: present perfect(voltooide tijd)Nederlandse vertalingarise arosearisenopstaan; zich voordoenawakeawokeawokenwakker worden bewas/werebeenzijn; wordenbearborebornedragen; verdragenbeatbeatbeatenslaan; verslaanbecomebecamebecomewordenbeginbegunbegunbeginnenbendbentbentbuigenbetbetbetweddenbindboundboundbindenbitebitbittenbijtenbleedbledbledbloedenblowblewblownblazen; waaienbreakbrokebrokenbreken; verbrekenbringbroughtbroughtbrengenbroadcastbroadcastbroadcastuitzenden (voor radio of televisie)buildbuiltbuiltbouwenburnburntburntbranden; verbrandenbuyboughtboughtkopencatchcaughtcaughtvangen; halen (trein, bus)choosechosechosenkiezencomecamecomekomencostcostcostkostenEngels:present simple(tegenwoordige tijd)Engels: past simple(verleden tijd)Engels: present perfect(voltooide tijd)Nederlandse vertalingcreepcreptcreptkruipen, sluipencutcutcutsnijden, knippendealdeatdealthandelendigdugduggravendodiddonedoendrawdrewdrawntrekken; tekenendreamdreamtdreamtdromendrinkdrankdrunkdrinkendrivedrovedrivenrijden; besturen; drijveneatateeatenetenfallfellfallenvallenfeedfedfed(zich) voedenfeelfeltfeltvoelen; zich voelenfightfoughtfoughtvechten; bestrijdenfindfoundfoundvindenfleefledfledvluchten; ontsnappenflyflewflownvliegenforbidforbadeforbiddenverbiedenforecastforecastforecastvoorspellenforgetforgotforgottenvergetenforgiveforgaveforgivenvergevenfreezefrozefrozenvriezen; bevriezengetgotgotkrijgen; wordengivegavegivengevengowentgonegaangrowgrewgrowngroeien, wordenhanghunghunghangen, ophangenhavehadhadhebbenhearheardheardhorenhidehidhiddenverbergenEngels:present simple(tegenwoordige tijd)Engels: past simple(verleden tijd)Engels: present perfect(voltooide tijd)Nederlandse vertalinghithithittreffen; slaan; rakenholdheldheldhouden; vasthoudenhurthurthurtbezeren; pijn doenkeepkeptkepthouden; bewarenkneelkneltkneltknielenknowknewknownweten; kennenlaylaidlaidleggenleadledledleidenleanleantleantleunenleapleaptleaptspringenlearnlearntlearntleren; vernemenleaveleftleft(achter)laten; vertrekkenlendlentlentlenen, uitlenenletletletlaten; verhurenlielaylainliggenlightlitlitaansteken; verlichtenloselostlostverliezen; kwijtrakenmakemademademakenmeanmeantmeantbedoelenmeetmetmetontmoetenpaypaidpaidbetalenputputputzetten; leggenquitquitquitstoppen, opgevenreadreadreadlezenrideroderiddenrijden (paard, fiets); meerijdenringrangrung(op)bellenriseroserisenrijzen; stijgen; opstaanrunranrunrennenEngels:present simple(tegenwoordige tijd)Engels: past simple(verleden tijd)Engels: present perfect(voltooide tijd)Nederlandse vertalingsaysaidsaidzeggenseesawseenzienseeksoughtsoughtzoekensellsoldsoldverkopensendsentsentverzenden; sturensetsetsetzetten; instellenshakeshookshakenschuddenshineshoneshoneschijnen, glimmenshootshotshotschietenshowshowedshownlaten zien; tonenshrinkshrankshrunkkrimpen; terugdeinzenshutshutshutdichtdoen, sluitensingsangsungzingensinksanksunkzinken; doen zinkensitsatsatzittensleepsleptsleptslapensmellsmeltsmeltruiken; stinkenspeakspokespokensprekenspellspeltspeltspellenspendspentspentbesteden; uitgeven; doorbrengenspillspiltspiltverspillen; morsenspitspatspatspugenspoilspoiltspoiltbedervenspreadspreadspreadspreiden; verspreidenstandstoodstoodstaanstealstolestolenstelenstickstuckstuckplakken; (blijven) stekenstinkstankstunkstinkenEngels:present simple(tegenwoordige tijd)Engels: past simple(verleden tijd)Engels: present perfect(voltooide tijd)Nederlandse vertalingstrikestruckstruckslaan; raken; stakensweepsweptsweptvegenswimswamswumzwemmentaketooktakennementeachtaughttaughtleren; onderwijzenteartoretornscheuren; trekkentelltoldtoldvertellenthinkthoughtthoughtdenkenthrowthrewthrowngooienunderstandunderstoodunderstoodbegrijpenwakewokewokenwekken; wakker wordenwearworeworndragen; aanhebbenwinwonwonwinnenwritewrotewrittenschrijvenLesson 1: Stick, stuck, stuck (rap), multiple choice, crossword - sentencesTASK: underline the verbs (werkwoorden) that are in the song AND in your list.Homework study: arise – forbid (or make and stick to your own planning)Lesson 2: Iggy the Inchworm, Crossword Past Simple, A Sightseeing Holiday Homework study: forecast – say (or make and stick to your own planning)Lesson 3: Make the sentences, Crossword Present Perfect, The Funny NoiseHomework study: see – write (or make and stick to your own planning)Lesson 4: Irregular Verbs boardgame / quiz in classHomework review all words: prepare for test! (Test = Next Week!)Every time you’ve finished the required exercises, you can also use your time in class to work on studying the irregular verbs online so make sure you’ve downloaded the list on WRTS (of course you can also find other apps or exercises online to help you study)!Stick, Stuck, StuckClick on the link below to watch the video! in the second and third forms of the verbs!The microphone I take …………………………………You shake …………………………………Wake …………………………………to the style I’m creating.Think …………………………………Seek …………………………………Listen to the lessonThat I teach …………………………………Don’t sleep …………………………………I creep …………………………………I sneak (snuck, snuck up).*You leap …………………………………I keep …………………………………Having fun.I’m never beat …………………………………I win …………………………………Do …………………………………Begin …………………………………Shoot …………………………………No, I don’t own a gun.I lead …………………………………so I can feed …………………………………the knowledge you need,Straight to your head.When I bring …………………………………it,you catch …………………………………it.Sit back. Relax.Don’t fight ………………………………… it.Please don’t freeze …………………………………when I speak …………………………………It’s real. You can feel.I don’t steal …………………………………I choose …………………………………the very best rhymesand write …………………………………them into my linesand into your mind.When we meet …………………………………I’ll bet …………………………………I will let you forget …………………………………I get, got, gotten*Every head noddingDon’t think about stopping.Just come …………………………………This is hip hop.I don’t sing …………………………………I sting …………………………………I cling …………………………………On each and every wordYou hang …………………………………It’s not enough to dream ……………………………You’ve got to spend …………………………………Time on your goalsPlease lend …………………………………Me your earCome nearAnd I’llLay …………………………………down this new sound that IMake …………………………………I hope you don’t say that you think it’s junk.I hope you don’t think that I stink …………………………………If you’re thirsty for English,Come drink …………………………………‘Cuz I sink …………………………………All competition when they hear …………………………………That I give …………………………………encouragement.When I spit …………………………………Never quit (…………………………………Don’t sit …………………………………Yeah, I like it like that.I’ll even kneel …………………………………And beg you to expressWhat you feel …………………………………I rise …………………………………When I drive, …………………………………To the beat,Tap your feet.As you ride …………………………………‘Cuz they hide …………………………………I find …………………………………If you flee …………………………………Then I’ll track you down.Now you see …………………………………That I mean …………………………………Every word of the message that ISend …………………………………I show …………………………………I can fly …………………………………Now you know …………………………………I shine …………………………………I throw …………………………………you the ball.It’s your turnGrow …………………………………with the verbsThat you learnGrammar through lyricsI draw …………………………………Peace to ELLsNow I go …………………………………Note that “sneak, snuck, snuck” is non-standard English. The most correct way is SNEAK, SNEAKED, SNEAKED.It is actually: get, got, got*Multiple ChoiceMultiple Choicea / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c a / b / c Crossword - sentencesFill in the past simple. Across The lake (freeze) …………………………… overnight.He (write) …………………………… a letter to his cousin in Arizona.Christina (buy) …………………………… a new bicycle.Adam (give) …………………………… me a slice of pizza.We (drink) …………………………… root beer floats.The dog (sleep) …………………………… on the sofa.DownI (find) …………………………… a quarter on the ground.Will (teach) …………………………… his cat to use the litter box.Tiffany (blow) …………………………… out the candle. Iggy the InchwormA lot of the verbs in the story are incorrect, please write down the correct form!Iggy, the inchworm, haved a horrible time remembering irregular verbs. He knowed there were right ways to say things, but he always sayed them wrong. One day, his mom gived him a book all about irregular verbs. He thinked this would really help him! His friend, Verby, was very smart and he comed over one day to help Iggy. Iggy sawed his very smart friend, Verby, remembering all the irregular verbs and he just wished he could do as well as Verby! So, Iggy sitted all day and learned all the verbs that the book teached him. Verby was impressed by Iggy’s hard work and sayed, “Wow Iggy! You taked a lot of time to remember all those crazy verbs!” Iggy was proud of his hard work. Iggy rided his bike around the neighborhood with his trusty verb book in his basket. Iggy flyed past the park where his friends played every day. Iggy walked up to them and sayed, “Hey guys! This book really helped. It teached me all the irregular verbs!” No one maked fun of Iggy anymore because he was the smartest inchworm around. 107950060769500He knowed what he had to do. He goed home and thanked his mom for his wonderful verb book. From then on, Iggy always remembered all the irregular verbs and he never leaved the house without that trusty book!1. ……………………………………11. ……………………………………2. ……………………………………12. ……………………………………3. ……………………………………13. ……………………………………4. ……………………………………14. ……………………………………5. ……………………………………15. ……………………………………6. ……………………………………16. ……………………………………7. ……………………………………17. ……………………………………8. ……………………………………18. ……………………………………9. …………………………………… 19. ……………………………………10. ……………………………………2851150304800Crossword Past SimpleUse the past tense of these irregular verbs!0Crossword Past SimpleUse the past tense of these irregular verbs!-107950330200002730500-1270018034004495800005213472762000a Sightseeing holidayEach of the sentences below has a missing word. Choose the correct word (present simple or past simple) from the box to complete the sentences. When did you ______ on holiday last year?Every year I ______ on holiday in June or July,but last year I ______ on holiday in May.gowentSo, did you ______ a nice time in London?Oh, I ______ a lovely time in London, but that was two years ago. Last year I _______ a great time in Paris.havehadDid you ______ any sightseeing?Yes, I ______ a lot of sightseeing that time.I always ______ some sightseeing when in Paris.dodidDid you ______ Louvre Museum in Paris?Unfortunately, I didn’t ______ Louvre Museum,but I ______ Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. seesawDid you ______ any pictures there?I’ve got a professional camera and always ______ pictures.I ______ hundreds of pictures in Paris.taketookParis is a huge city. Didn’t you ______ lost there?I’m very good at directions so I never ______ lost,but somehow I ______ lost on my way to the hotel in Paris.getgotDid you ______ any nice shops in Paris?You can always ______ a number of great shops there.Last time I also ______ a really good market.findfoundSo, did you ______ any souvenirs?Of course I did! I ______ many lovely souvenirs in Paris.I always ______ some souvenirs when on holiday.buyboughtI bet you ______ a lot of money, didn’t you?Well, I probably ______ too much that time.I can’t help it – I always ______ a fortune on souvenirs.spendspentDid you _____ upset with the high budget of your holiday?Not at all! Nothing could make me ______ upset.I ______ very happy about my holiday in Paris.feelfeltMake the sentencesUse the past simple: She _________________ (bring) some chocolates to the party. I _________________ (hear) a new song on the radio.I _________________ (read) three books last week.They _________________ (speak) French to the waitress. He _________________ (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't understand.I _________________ (forget) to buy some milk.She _________________ (have) a baby in June.You _________________ (lose) your keys last week. They _________________ (swim) 500m. I _________________ (give) my mother a CD for Christmas. Billy _________________ (run) after the bus. She _________________ (say) that she would come later. I _________________ (buy) some books this morning. We _________________ (make) a cake, it was delicious. He _________________ (sit) on the old chair, and it broke. Use the past participle of the verb: Julie wasn’t at home, she had _____________________ (go) to the shops. We’ve already _____________________ (have) lunch.This was the first time she had _____________________ (do) her homework They have _____________________ (begin) painting the living room. We have _____________________ (keep) this secret for three years.He has never _____________________ (drive) a motorbike before.I have _____________________ (be) sick all week.By the time we arrived, the children had _____________________ (eat) all the chocolate. The books had _____________________ (fall) off the table, and were all over the floor. “Are you okay?” “ I’ve _____________________ (feel) better.” David jumped into the air. He had _____________________ (sit) on a drawing pin. The weatherman had _____________________ (tell) us it would be sunny, but it rained all day. I'm sorry I'm so tired. I haven't _____________________ (sleep). Have you _____________________ (think) about changing jobs? He’d thought he had _____________________ (understand) the problem, but now he realised he had made a mistake. Crossword Present PerfectThe Funny NoiseComplete the gaps with an irregular verb in the past simple tense. Choose from:be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, know, let, lose, make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, writeNote: you will need to use some verbs more than once!Dear EthelI’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I __________ up at the usual time – about 10 am – __________ a shower and __________ breakfast. I __________ a big bowl of cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I __________ into the kitchen where I __________ a funny noise. I __________ it __________ from behind the cooker. I __________ my tool box and moved the cooker out of the way. The noise __________ louder but I couldn’t see anything. I __________ my uncle to ask his advice. He __________ that he __________ it could be a gas leak. When I __________ this I just panicked! I __________ the phone down, __________ outside, __________ in my car and __________ to the local police station. I __________ them about my gas leak but the constable __________ his patience with me. He __________ that I should have phoned the gas company. He __________ his report, then __________ the gas company for me. Then I remembered that my house doesn’t have gas – only electricity! I __________ really stupid and __________ that the constable would be angry with me for wasting his time, so I __________ out of the police station while he __________ still on the phone. I __________ home to try to find out what the noise __________. On the way I __________ a newspaper and I __________ about an escaped llama that __________ out of the city safari park last Wednesday. When I __________ home I __________ my key in the door, turned it, __________ inside and straight away __________ that funny noise again. I __________ my breath and opened the door slowly. Guess what? I __________ the llama hiding in my cupboard! I __________ him stay and he __________ in my garden last night. The snoring __________ so loud! This morning I __________ him back to the safari park. They __________ really pleased to see him again and __________ me a reward of ?50!Hope you are well. Write soon and let me know how you are. Your friend, Alan ................

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