178723659380Hello Everyone, We have something a little different for you all to do over the next 2 weeks! We are going to focus on ‘Alternative Learning’. This is a fun and exciting way of learning and provides you with the opportunities of being more creative and innovative. Below is a list of suggestions for you and of course feel free to think up your own. Remember to take lots of photographs and think outside the box! The last 2 weeks of June could be spent finishing off/completing any unfinished tasks and/or worksheets from your remote learning pack. Please use this time to revise any areas from the work covered this year, maybe you might want to revise your spellings, times tables, catch up on some reading or brush up on your mental maths facts. (There are lots of fun activities that could help with revision on and other websites previously listed on the school fb page)Get Cooking Campaign SkillsShopping listsWrite postcards or letters to relatives/friendsDesign a posterDesign tickets to a household event- movie night etc.Write a game or film review JokesRiddlesMake a treasure hunt with a map and written cluesWhat am I? Choose a topic like animals, famous people or food. Write some clues for someone to guess what you are. You could write the answer on a post-it note and they can wear it on their head until they guess!Reading SkillsReading recipesReading instructions on games, seed packets etcReading to a younger sibling or another member of your familyReading clues on a treasure huntResearch a famous person/historical eventPlay Bingo- make your own bingo game by writing out some words on pieces of paper and making some bingo cards to match.Maths SkillsCreate your daily timetable using both 12 and 24 hour clockDesign a poster for a summer sale- include the discount price- 25% sale, ? price sale!Set up a shop (games, toy, clothes etc) and set prices for each item. Work out the change you need to give a person after they make a purchase. (?10, ?20, ?50)Weigh out ingredients for baking, measure the lengths of objects in the house, time yourself doing an activity. Use a tape measure to measure and family members height- work out the difference between the shortest and tallest, put them in ascending, descending order etcProblem Solving SkillsCan you design/make/build a bridge to cross a river?Can you design/make/build a new school playground?Can you design/make/build an exciting new theme park?Make up a game for your family to play-remember to include the aim of the game and the rules!!Design your own classroom/zoo/bedroom.Do a jigsaw puzzleBuild a den- use objects from your house e.g chairs, blankets, cushions, pegs!!Physical EducationGo on a bike ride (remember to wear your helmet!)Design an obstacle course to improve your skillsBalance something on your headRecord yourself doing some tricks with a ballContinue using and recording your Healthy Kidz virtual sports day activities!Arts & CraftsCreate a bird houseTransform a fictional book character into a hand puppet Create a photo album. Using either printed photos or your own drawings arrange into an album or book with a little sentence underneath. ICT Using MINECRAFT, build a replica of our school or your own house. Compile a short video about your experiences of the past few months. Tell me all about the good times, the not-so-good times, how such events made you feel, and what you are looking forward to in the future. Please upload and send your video to my email address….I am looking so forward to seeing and hearing you again! ?***Please note that the following numeracy activities involving using a protractor should be completed within the 2 weeks***.*** The TRANSFER AREA for P6 will be also be updated until the end of June*** ................

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